Indian Pink (Spigelia marilandica ‘Little Redhead’) 林地赤根草

Indian Pink (Spigelia marilandica ‘Little Redhead’) 林地赤根草

Also known as woodland pinkroot or Indian pink, clum forming perennial in shady, moist woodland area. Native in southern US. Best in partial shade or at least light shade area. Red and yellow showy flowers in late spring to early summer. Attracts humming birds, bees and butterflies. Also gives shady spot some color! USDA zones:5-9. Mature size:1′-2′(H) X1′-2′(W). Propagate by seeds, division. Toxic to animals.

Reference links:

How to propagate Elephant Ear (Colocasia esculenta)如何繁殖芋頭

Taro propagation from peel (1) - Copy - Copy

The young plants forming from taro peel when kept moist and warm. 厚切的芋頭外皮經保濕保溫後會有幼株形成.

2021-02-22 Taro propagation (2)

Small taro plant is forming from peel! 大芋頭皮上的小植株形成中!

When no plant is available for growing, you can purchase the taro from supermarket, remove the peel about 0.5 cm thick, keep the peel moist and warm, these preemies appear. Later they will be small plants.

沒有現成植株時可以由超市買來大芋頭取0.5公分厚的外皮保濕保溫,過一段時間表皮會生長出這樣的東西. 這樣的東西經過一段時間便會形成小植株.

Purple Gromwell (Glandora prostrata or Lithodora diffusa ‘White Star’) 石禮草

Purple Gromwell (Glandora prostrata or Lithodora diffusa ‘White Star’) 石禮草

2020-06-21 Purple Gromwell (Glandora prostrata or Lithodora diffusa ‘White Star’) 石禮草 (2) - Copy

Purple Gromwell (Glandora prostrata or Lithodora diffusa ‘White Star’)石禮草

Cold hardy low height perennial with woody stems. Easy to grow. Best in full sun to partial shade location in well drained slightly acidic soil. Small bi-color white flowers with blue outline (or blue flowers with white outline) blooms repeatedly from late spring to mid summer. Very cute! Flowers attract bees and butterflies. Drought tolerant and low to no maintenance. USDA Zones:6-9. Mature size:6″-1′(H) X 1′-1.5′(W). Propagate by cuttings. Suitable for ground cover in alpine or rock garden or edge of raised bed planters. Plants could irratate the skin, handle with care.

紫草科石禮草屬. 耐寒強健低矮的多年生草花. 老枝條易木質化. 容易栽種. 最好栽種在全日照到半日照處的排水良好略偏酸性的土壤. 雙色的小花(白花藍邊或者藍花白邊)從春末開花不斷一直到仲夏. 花朵小巧可愛! 花頗吸引蜂蝶. 耐旱且低/零維護. 成熟株高6吋到1呎半,寬幅1到1.5呎. 繁殖以枝條扦插的方式來進行. 適合作為高山型/岩砌花園的地被或者作為花壇邊緣栽種的植物. 植株可能引起皮膚敏感,要記得戴手套保護.

Reference links:參考網站資料連結:

Parrot’s Beak or Lotus Vine (Lotus ‘Amazon Sunset’) 鸚鵡嘴’亞馬遜日落’

Parrot’s Beak or Lotus Vine (Lotus ‘Amazon Sunset’)鸚鵡嘴’亞馬遜日落’

2020-05-25 Parrot's Beak or Lotus Vine (Lotus 'Amazon Sunset')鸚鵡嘴'亞馬遜日落' (1) - Copy

Parrot’s Beak or Lotus Vine (Lotus ‘Amazon Sunset’)鸚鵡嘴’亞馬遜日落’ in hanging basket.

2020-05-25 Parrot's Beak or Lotus Vine (Lotus 'Amazon Sunset')鸚鵡嘴'亞馬遜日落' (3) - Copy

Parrot’s Beak or Lotus Vine (Lotus ‘Amazon Sunset’)鸚鵡嘴’亞馬遜日落’

2020-05-28 Parrot’s Beak or Lotus Vine (Lotus ‘Amazon Sunset’) 鸚鵡嘴’亞馬遜日落’ - Copy

Parrot’s Beak or Lotus Vine (Lotus ‘Amazon Sunset’) 鸚鵡嘴’亞馬遜日落’ is developing seedpod.

Tropical perennial with trailing habit. Excellent for planters or hanging basket. Long trailing branches can reach to 2′-3′ with silvery green foliage. Very showy. Best in full sun to partial shade warm location. USDA Zones:9-11. Mature size:6″-8″(H)X10″-1′-3′(W). Propagate by seeds, cuttings or division. In cold zones, often are used as annual.

百脈根屬(學名:Lotus)多年生草本,貼地蔓生的生長. 很適合種在花盆或吊盆. 貼地蔓生的枝條可達2-3呎長,枝葉呈現. 銀灰綠色. 花色為鮮紅與橙色. 以生長在全日照到半日照的溫暖環境最佳. 喜熱不耐冷. 成熟株高6-8吋,寬幅1-3呎. 繁殖以種子,扦插或分株的方式來進行. 寒冷區域多作為一年生的草花.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:百脉根属

Khasya Trichodesma (Trichodesma khasianum or Trichodesma calycosum) 假(甲)酸漿or碧果草

Khasya Trichodesma (Trichodesma khasianum or Trichodesma calycosum) 假(甲)酸漿or碧果草

2020-05-20 Khasya trichodesma (Trichodesma khasianum)甲酸漿 - Copy

Khasya Trichodesma (Trichodesma khasianum or Trichodesma calycosum) seedling with true leaves.

Khasya Trichodesma (Trichodesma khasianum or Trichodesma calycosum) 假(甲)酸漿or碧果草 (1)

Khasya Trichodesma (Trichodesma khasianum or Trichodesma calycosum) seeds. 假(甲)酸漿or碧果草的種子.

Tropical sub-shrub with large edible leaves.  Native in southeast of Asia, south China and Taiwan.  The tender leaves are edible straight or cooked (as food wrap, wrap with rice, taro and meat inside).  As leafy vegetable is good for digestion.  Stems are covered with short fine hair.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in partial shade location.  Small white/pink bell shaped flowers in clusters in late spring to early summer.  Medicinal.   USDA Zonese:9-10.  Mature size:7′-10′(H/W).  Propagate by seeds.

假酸漿產於臺灣中低海拔平野及山區,惟山區生長者葉片較大而濃綠。此植物葉片為原住民常用食材,節慶時利用其葉片包裹於蒸粿糕食品(A Bai),其含大量植物纖維有助於消化,是較特別的用法。食用時連葉片一起食用,具有淡淡清香味,此等作法與利用月桃或香蕉葉當襯底者不同,另有一番風味。"

Reference links:                                 假酸漿-紫/假酸漿.htm—l/b/boraginaceae/trichodesma/trichodesma-khasianum

Purple Passion Plant (Gynura aurantiaca ‘Purple Passion’)紫絨三七or紫鵝絨三七

Purple Passion Plant (Gynura aurantiaca ‘Purple Passion’)紫絨三七or紫鵝絨三七

2019-12-14 Purple Passion Plant (Gynura aurantiaca ‘Purple Passion’)紫絨三七or紫鵝絨三七 (3) - Copy

Purple Passion Plant (Gynura aurantiaca ‘Purple Passion’)紫絨三七or紫鵝絨三七

2019-12-14 Purple Passion Plant (Gynura aurantiaca ‘Purple Passion’)紫絨三七or紫鵝絨三七 (8)

Purple Passion Plant (Gynura aurantiaca ‘Purple Passion’)紫絨三七or紫鵝絨三七
The leaves closeup view. You can see the purple underside of the leaves and the leaves are covered with purple tiny fur like hair. 葉片拉近的樣子,可見葉子背面為紫色且全葉被有紫色細毛.

Evergreen tropical perennial. Easy to grow. Best in partial shade location. Leaves cover with purple layer of fine hair. The underside of leaves is purple. Small orange-yellow pompom like flowers in late spring to early summer. Some said the flowers are fragrant. USDA Zones:9-10. Mature size:2′-3′(H) X 1.5′-2′(W). Propagate by cuttings or division. Suitable for indoor containers. Excellent for planters.

熱帶常綠多年生觀葉植物. 容易栽種. 最好栽種在半日照處. 葉片正反兩面表面被有紫色絨毛,葉被為紫色. 春末夏初開橘紅色小花球,有的人說是花有香味. 喜熱不耐寒. 成熟株高2-3呎,寬幅1.5-2呎. 繁殖方式以扦插或分株的方式來進行.

Reference links:參考網站資料連結:

Purple Passion Plant Care: Tips For Growing Purple Passion Houseplants

Salmon migration upstream! 鮭魚洄游!

Salmon migration upstream! 鮭魚洄游!

2019-09-14 (27) - Copy

Salmon migration upstream! 鮭魚洄流!

2019-09-14 (20) - Copy

Salmon migration upstream! 鮭魚洄游!
Before the fish ladders, many people are fishing in shallow water low currant area. 許多人在水流較緩的淺水區垂釣.

2019-09-14 (16) - Copy

Salmon migration upstream! 鮭魚洄游!
Each fish length is close to 3 feet. 每條魚的長度約有3呎.

2019-09-14 (55) - Copy

Salmon migration upstream! 鮭魚洄游!
Each fish length is close to 3 feet. 每條魚的長度約有3呎.

src="" alt="2019-09-14 (46) – Copy" width="2074″ height="1555″ class="alignnone size-full wp-image-29890″/> Salmon migration upstream! 鮭魚洄游!
Signs by fish ladders. 魚梯旁的說明告示牌.[/caption]
2019-09-14 (47) - Copy

Salmon migration upstream! 鮭魚洄游!
Signs by fish ladders. 魚梯旁的說明告示牌.

2019-09-14 (24) - Copy

Salmon migration upstream! 鮭魚洄游!
Many are waiting for their challenge jump by the fish ladders. 許多的魚蓄勢待發在魚梯旁等待牠們的奮力一躍.

2019-09-14 (74) - Copy

Salmon migration upstream! 鮭魚洄游!
Some would like to challenge this low currant side of fish ladder. 有些魚選擇這邊水流較緩的魚梯.

2019-09-14 (39) - Copy

Salmon migration upstream! 鮭魚洄游!
After salmon jumped over the fish ladder. It is trying to gain some strength while against strong currant. 魚梯挑戰成功後. 在強烈水流中邊休息再繼續挑戰.

What a sight of nature running its course! Seen it many times in the films but it is different when you see it right there. Long way home from ocean back to fresh water stream where they were born to spawn when the temperature reach 14C in fall. Many people were fishing and caught many big salmon!
好一幅大自然奮鬥的景象! 雖看過許多類似的影片了,但是身歷其境的感受到底還是比較震撼的. 自從鮭魚卵孵化後逐漸長大些後便從下游到海洋去生活長成了,經由奇妙的基因密碼,秋天當氣溫約14度C時,成熟的鮭魚便開始了回鄉產卵之路.
Salmons in fall around September and trout in spring around April. 鮭魚洄流於秋天九月左右產卵,鱒魚則在春季四月份時洄游產卵.

2 uploaded You Tube videos links: 2支已上傳的影片連結在此:

Reference links:參考網站資料連結:

Fishing licence fees: Ontario residents

Fishing licence fees: non-Canadian residents
Large salmon tried so hard to go upstream!

Black Raspberry(Rubus occidentalis)黑覆盆莓

Black Raspberry (Rubus occidentalis)黑覆盆莓

2019-07-09black raspberry(1)Copy

Black Raspberry (Rubus occidentalis)黑覆盆莓

2019-07-15 (1) - Copy

Black Raspberry(Rubus occidentalis)黑覆盆莓

Very cold hardy native perennial/shrub with edible berries. Easy to grow. It is native in North America. Best growing in full sun to partial shade location. But tolerant thick shade. Small white flowers in late spring and edible fruit from red turn very dark. Plant canes are full with pricks. Handle with care. From far, the ripe berries making the plant looks like blackberry. USDA Zones:3-8. Mature size:3′-4′(H) X 3′-4′(W). Propagate by seeds, cuttings, layering or division.

非常耐寒強健的原生多年生/灌木結可食性莓果. 容易栽種. 北美原生. 最好栽種在全日照到半日照處. 但也耐蔭. 春末開白色小花結的可食性莓果會有紅轉為暗黑色. 植株的莖條多刺. 要特別小心處理. 遠看有熟果的植株會讓人有植株像是黑莓的錯覺. 耐寒也耐熱. 成熟株高/寬幅3-4呎. 繁殖方式以種子,扦插,壓條或分株的方式來進行.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Double Click Rose Bonbon’粉紅色重瓣大波斯菊

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Double Click Rose Bonbon’粉紅色重瓣大波斯菊
2019-09-13 Cosmos bipinnatus 'Double Click Rose Bonbon'粉紅色重瓣大波斯菊 (2) - Copy

2019-09-10 Cosmos bipinnatus 'Double Click Rose Bonbon' (1) - Copy

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Double Click Rose Bonbon’粉紅色重瓣大波斯菊

2019-09-10 Cosmos bipinnatus 'Double Click Rose Bonbon' (2) - Copy

Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Double Click Rose Bonbon’粉紅色重瓣大波斯菊

Annual. Easy to grow. Best growing in full sun to partial shade location. This variety is double flowered, flower color are mixed, either white, pink, pale pink or maroon. Flowers attract bees and butterflies. Seeds attract gold finches to feed on in fall when seed heads are mature. Flowers are excellent for cut flower. Mature size:2.5′(H) X 9″-1′(W). Propagate by seeds. Plant is toxic if ingested.

一年生草花. 容易栽種. 最好栽種在全日照處. 這一品種是重瓣花,花色為粉紅色. 花頗吸引蜂蝶. 種子於秋熟時節吸引北美金翅雀前來覓食. 花很適合切花. 成熟株高2.5呎,寬幅9吋到1呎. 繁殖以種子的方式來進行.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結: