Archive | 十二月 2015

Persian Shield (Strobilanthes dyerianus)波斯紅草

Persian Shield (Strobilanthes dyerianus)波斯紅草

2015-12-29 135 (Medium)

Persian Shield (Strobilanthes dyerianus)波斯紅草

2015-12-29 150 (Medium)

Persian Shield (Strobilanthes dyerianus) has beautiful foliage to go with other plants! 波斯紅草的美麗葉片搭配起其他植物很美!

This tropical tender perennial has beautiful foliage which goes very well with other plants in planters!  Suitable for indoor containers.  Very easy to grow.  Best growing in partial shade to full shade location in moist soil.  Late spring to early summer small mauve flowers on flower stems.  Flowers attract bees.  USDA Zones:9-11.  Mature size:2′-3′(H) X 3′-4′(W).  Propagate usually by cuttings.

它是熱帶多年生草花以觀葉為主,跟其它植物搭配相得益彰!  適合室內盆植.  很容易栽種.  最好栽種在半日照到全蔭處溫暖處的濕潤土壤.  春末夏初時抽出細細的花梗上開淡紫色小花. 花頗吸引蜂類.  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高通常2-3呎,寬幅3-4呎.  繁殖主要以扦插為主.

Reference links:參考網站資料連結:


Giant White Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai) 白鳥蕉

Giant White Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai) 白鳥蕉

2015-12-30 033 (Medium)

Giant White Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai) flowers. 白鳥蕉的花


Giant White Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai) ripe opened seed pods and seeds inside. 白鳥蕉乾熟開裂的種莢與莢內的種子.

2015-12-29 139 (Medium)

Giant White Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai) plant is really large and tall. 白鳥蕉植株真的又高又大.

2015-12-30 041 (Medium)

Giant White Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai) Large mature plant with banana like foliage. 白鳥蕉成熟植株很高大且葉片如蕉.


2015-12-29 140 (Medium)

Giant White Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai) Large mature plant with banana like foliage. 白鳥蕉成熟植株很高大且葉片如蕉.

Tropical large perennial.  Also as known as giant banana, although it is not a banana.  This large tropical perennial has good height.  So make sure you have enough space for them to grow.   Easy to grow in full sun to partial location in warm climate. Late spring to mid summer with large white and blue/violet flowers.   Flowers attract insects and birds.  Excellent for cut flower!  USDA Zones:10-11.  Mature size:15′-20′(H) X 4′-6′(W).  Its banana like foliage is excellent to grow indoor in pots.  It is excellent for green house with good height or indoor with sky light.  Propagate by seeds or division.

熱帶大型多年生草花.  又稱為白花天堂鳥和琉璃鳥蕉,雖然和吃的香蕉是不同的但葉片很像蕉類的葉子. 成熟植株的高度不矮,所以種時要注意預留成長的空間. 最好種在溫暖氣候區的全日照到半日照處或非溫暖氣候區的溫室裡..  春末到仲夏開白色的大花,花間帶著點藍紫色. 花吸引蜂蝶及鳥類.  很適合切花!  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高15-20呎,寬幅4-6呎.  由於葉如蕉類很大片有著熱帶的感覺所以常被用於室內觀葉的盆栽.  所以若有溫室或天窗/天井也是能種的.  繁殖方式以種子或分株為主.

Reference links:  參考網站資料連結:

Butterfly Bush/Cambridge Bush ‘Ugandense'(Rotheca myricoides ‘Ugandense’) 藍蝴蝶

Butterfly Bush/Cambridge Bush ‘Ugandense'(Rotheca myricoides ‘Ugandense’) 藍蝴蝶

2015-12-29 027 - Copy

Butterfly Bush/Cambridge Bush ‘Ugandense'(Rotheca myricoides ‘Ugandense’) flowers like flying blue butterflies! 藍蝴蝶的花形如飛翔中的藍色蝴蝶!

Butterfly Bush/Cambridge Bush 'Ugandense'(Rotheca myricoides 'Ugandense') is easy to propagate by cuttings.藍蝴蝶容易以枝條來扦插繁殖.

Butterfly Bush/Cambridge Bush ‘Ugandense'(Rotheca myricoides ‘Ugandense’) is easy to propagate by cuttings.藍蝴蝶容易以枝條來扦插繁殖.

2016-07-04 028 (Medium)

Butterfly Bush/Cambridge Bush ‘Ugandense'(Rotheca myricoides ‘Ugandense’) flower buds are forming! 藍蝴蝶有花苞形成了!

2016-07-15 099 (Medium)

Butterfly Bush/Cambridge Bush ‘Ugandense'(Rotheca myricoides ‘Ugandense’) cutting survived and now is flowering! 成活的藍蝴蝶枝條開花了!

Tropical shrub.  Prefers growing in full sun to partial shade location. Blue/violet and white flowers in shape as butterflies, blooming from spring to winter, very long blooming time!  Flowers attract bees, butterflies and birds. Mature size:8′-10′(H)/(W). USDA Zones:9-11.  If you live in colder region you will need to move the plants indoors over winter.  Oterwise it is fairly easy to grow and propagate.  Propagate by seeds or cuttings.  Plant is toxic if ingested. In warm region this plant is evergreen.

熱帶開花灌木.  最好種在全日照到半日照處. 藍/紫色與白色的花朵形如蝴蝶,從春開到冬,開花不斷! 花為頗吸收蜂蝶及鳥類的蜜源.  成熟株高8-10呎,寬幅亦同.  喜熱不耐寒.  若居住在較冷天候區,天氣轉涼前就須將它搬進屋. 除此外它很容易栽種及繁殖.  繁殖可以種子或枝條扦插來進行.  植株有毒勿食.  在溫暖氣候區它是常綠的灌木.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

Tiger Eye Flowering Maple (Abutilon ‘Tiger Eye’) 紋瓣懸鈴花/金鈴花

Tiger Eye Flowering Maple (Abutilon ‘Tiger Eye’) 紋瓣懸鈴花/金鈴花


Tiger Eye Flowering Maple (Abutilon ‘Tiger Eye’) is flowering!紋瓣懸鈴花/金鈴花開花了!


Tiger Eye Flowering Maple (Abutilon ‘Tiger Eye’) in full bloom. 紋瓣懸鈴花/金鈴花盛開的樣子.


Tiger Eye Flowering Maple (Abutilon ‘Tiger Eye’) flower bud is showing colour! 紋瓣懸鈴花/金鈴花垂墜型的花苞顯色了!

2016-08-24Abuilton 'Tiger Eye' (1) (Medium)

Tiger Eye Flowering Maple (Abutilon ‘Tiger Eye’) flower buds are forming!! 紋瓣懸鈴花/金鈴花有花苞形成了!!

2016-04-22 037 (Medium)

Tiger Eye Flowering Maple (Abutilon ‘Tiger Eye’) cuttings are growing very well! Before planting them individually. 紋瓣懸鈴花/金鈴花4枝扦插枝條都長的蠻好的,這是分盆前.

2016-01-14 018 (Medium)

Tiger Eye Flowering Maple (Abutilon ‘Tiger Eye’) small leaves are growing from the cuttings. 紋瓣懸鈴花/金鈴花的葉片從扦插枝條上長出.

2016-01-14 roots

Tiger Eye Flowering Maple (Abutilon ‘Tiger Eye’) roots can be seen near the pot bottom. This means these cuttings are rooting well! Good thing that put cuttings near the bottom. 紋瓣懸鈴花/金鈴花扦插枝條發根成活了,這是插深些的好處,容易看到是否成功.

2016-01-14 013 (Medium)

Tiger Eye Flowering Maple (Abutilon ‘Tiger Eye’) 4 stem cuttings all have green shoots! 紋瓣懸鈴花/金鈴花4枝扦插枝條都有了綠意.

2015-12-27 057 (Medium)

Tiger Eye Flowering Maple (Abutilon ‘Tiger Eye’) cuttings started to grow. 紋瓣懸鈴花/金鈴花扦插枝條開始生長.

2015-12-10 007 (Medium)

Tiger Eye Flowering Maple (Abutilon ‘Tiger Eye’) stem cutting.紋瓣懸鈴花/金鈴花扦插枝條.

Beautiful fast growing tropical tender perennial!   It belongs mallow family.  Native in Brazil.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Yellow-orange bell shaped flowers with red vein on the petals hanging down blooming all year around.   Flowers attract bees and butterflies.   Good for growing indoors in containers!  USDA Zones:9-11.   Mature size: 6′-8′(H) X 3′-4′(W).  Propagate by seeds or cuttings.  Medicinal.

錦葵科苘麻屬生長快速的熱帶多年生草花!  原生於巴西.  容易栽種.  最好栽種於全日照到半日照處. 橘黃色的花瓣上有紅色紋路,形如懸空的鈴或小燈籠,生長情況好的話能全年開花.   花頗吸引蜂蝶.  適合室內盆植!  喜熱怕冷.  成熟株高6-8呎,寬幅3-4呎.   以種子或扦插枝條來繁殖.  可藥用.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:             


Sugar Apple/Sweetsop (Annona squamosa)番荔枝/釋迦

Sugar Apple/Sweetsop (Annona squamosa)番荔枝/釋迦

2015-12-26 003 (Medium)

Sugar Apple/Sweetsop (Annona squamosa) Left: Bottom view of a ripe sugar apple. Right:top view of a ripe sugar apple 番荔枝/釋迦熟果的上下面. 左:下面;右:上面.


2015-12-26 004 (Medium)

Sugar Apple/Sweetsop (Annona squamosa) inside flesh and seeds of a ripe sugar apple. 番荔枝/釋迦熟果的果肉與種子.

2015-12-26 010 (Medium)

Sugar Apple/Sweetsop (Annona squamosa) seeds from 2 fruit. 從2顆熟果採收出的番荔枝/釋迦種子.

2016-03-06 054 (Large)

Sugar Apple/Sweetsop (Annona squamosa) seed germination. 番荔枝/釋迦種子孵出.

This tropical fruit tree bears very sweet fruit!  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Suitable for growing in containers.  Late spring to early summer with small light green flowers and fruit slowly ripe later in fall.  Fruit is sweet and delicious!  USDA Zones:10+. Mature size:10′-12′(H) X 4′-20′(W) in tropical growing in the ground.  Lot of smaller when in pots.  Require quite a bit of fertilization.  If growing in cold climate will require over winter indoors in pot.   Propagate by seeds.   Seeds are toxic if ingested.  Fruit has to be harvest when they are very close to ripe otherwise will not be good enough for eating.  When fruit is ripe, the tortoise like shell gap will be open and become creamy yellow.

番荔枝它是熱帶水果,果實很甜!  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處.  適合盆植.  春末夏初時開綠色小花,果實成熟的很慢.  果實香甜好吃!  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高地植可達10-12呎,寬幅4-20呎.  當然盆植的話植株大小要小很多.  重肥.  溫帶地區盆植要於秋天轉涼前搬進室內過冬.  繁殖以種子來進行.  種子有毒勿食.  果實不可過早採收,太早採收無法續熟會無法食用.  果實成熟時似龜甲的外皮溝會變寬轉淡黃色.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                                                                                                                          

Peacock Ginger (Kaempferia laotica) 孔雀薑

Peacock Ginger (Kaempferia laotica) 孔雀薑

Peacock Ginger (3) (Medium)

IMG_5940 (Medium)

Peacock Ginger (Kaempferia laotica) is blooming! 孔雀薑開花了!

2016-07-04Peacock Ginger (Medium)

2016-05-25Peacock Ginger (Medium)

Peacock Ginger (Kaempferia laotica) 孔雀薑

Peacock Ginger (Kaempferia laotica) is only active when the weather is warm. 孔雀薑天氣溫暖才會有動靜.

2015-12-22 006 (Medium)

Peacock Ginger (Kaempferia laotica) bulb/root/rhizome. 孔雀薑薑塊.

Tropical perennial with beautiful foliage and cute lavender/violet flowers!   Flowers bloom from late spring to mid fall, very long blooming time!  Excellent for shade/woodland garden!  Suitable for growing in the container indoors as well.   Easy to grow and propagate.  Best growing in warm, partial shade to full shade moist location.  USDA Zones:8-10.   Mature size: 6″-1′(H) X 9″-1′(W).   Propagate by seeds or division.

熱帶多年生.  觀葉用的地被草花,美麗葉片有著獨特的紋路伴隨著常開的小小淡紫色花朵!  花期很長.  喜蔭所以也很適合室內盆植. 最好栽種在半日照到全蔭的溫暖溼潤的土壤中. 喜熱不耐寒. 成熟株高6吋到1呎,寬幅9吋到1呎.  繁殖以種子或分株來進行.

Reference links:參考網站資料連結:        


Pink double Oxalis (Oxalis nidulans ‘Pompom’ ) 粉色花重瓣酢醬草

Pink double Oxalis (Oxalis nidulans ‘Pompom’ ) 粉色花重瓣酢醬草

2015-12-23 008 (Medium)

Pink double Oxalis (Oxalis nidulans ‘Pompom’ ) is flowering! 粉色花重瓣酢醬草開花了!

2015-12-13 163 (Medium)

Pink double Oxalis (Oxalis nidulans ‘Pompom’ ) flower bud is forming and showing the color. 粉色花重瓣酢醬草花苞顯色了.

 Pink double Oxalis (Oxalis nidulans 'Pompom' ) now are forming flower buds! 粉色花重瓣酢醬草花苞形成中!

Pink double Oxalis (Oxalis nidulans ‘Pompom’ ) now are forming flower buds! 粉色花重瓣酢醬草花苞形成中!

Pink double Oxalis (Oxalis nidulans 'Pompom' ) is growing fuller. 粉色花重瓣酢醬草生長旺盛中.

Pink double Oxalis (Oxalis nidulans ‘Pompom’ ) is growing fuller. 粉色花重瓣酢醬草生長旺盛中.

Pink double Oxalis (Oxalis nidulans 'Pompom' ) bulbs are awake! 粉色花重瓣酢醬草球根甦醒了!

Pink double Oxalis (Oxalis nidulans ‘Pompom’ ) bulbs are awake! 粉色花重瓣酢醬草球根甦醒了!

Pink double Oxalis (Oxalis nidulans 'Pompom' ) bulbs.粉色花重瓣酢醬草球根

Pink double Oxalis (Oxalis nidulans ‘Pompom’ ) bulbs.粉色花重瓣酢醬草球根

Perennial small flowering bulbs.  Very cute and so pretty, small double pink flowers like little mini roses!  This tender perennial is easy to grow in full sun to partial shade location.  Easy to propagate by bulbs or division.  Excellent in containers. USDA Zones:8-11.

粉色花重瓣酢醬草是多年生小型開花球根植物. 花很小巧可愛,粉色重瓣的花朵很像是玫瑰花的縮小版!  這不耐寒的多年生植物很容易栽種在全日照到半日照處.  容易以分球或分株來繁殖.  很適合盆植.  喜溫暖不耐寒.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

Mexican Coriander (Eryngium foetidum) 刺芫荽

Mexican Coriander (Eryngium foetidum) 刺芫荽

2016-07-04 026 (Medium)

Mexican Coriander (Eryngium foetidum) flowers are forming!刺芫荽的花形成中!

2016-07-15Mexican Coriander (Medium)

Mexican Coriander (Eryngium foetidum) are ready to flower soon! 刺芫荽快開花了!

2016-06-08刺芫荽 (1) (Medium)

Mexican Coriander (Eryngium foetidum) are planted after plant rooted.刺芫荽發根後入盆種植.

2015-12-22 010 (Medium)

Mexican Coriander/Culantro (Eryngium foetidum) easy to root from cuttings. 刺芫荽很容易扦插發根.


Mexican Coriander (Eryngium foetidum) seeds. 刺芫荽種子.

Mexican Coriander (Eryngium foetidum) seeds. 刺芫荽種子.

2016-05-13 044 (Medium)

Mexican Coriander/Culantro (Eryngium foetidum) easy to root from cuttings in water. 刺芫荽很容易水中扦插發根.

Fragrant edible herb for culinary use.  Tender perennial. (In cold region this herb is grown as annual herb.)  Easy to grow in warm region.  Best growing in partial shade to light shade location in moist soil.  Light blue flowers in summer to fall.  Mature size:2′-3′(H) X 1′-1.5′(W).  USDA Zones:8-11.  Self seeds easily.  Propagate by seeds.  The foliage with spiny edge, remove spiny edge before cooking.  Suitable for container indoors.  Medicinal.  If you don’t like regular annual coriander because the fragrance is over powering, this perennial herb is great choice!

香氣濃郁的可食性料理用香草.   不耐寒的多年生草本植物. (在溫帶地區當作一年生.) 容易栽種在全日照到半日照處,散光處也能生長,喜溫暖濕潤. 淡藍色花於夏開到秋季.  成熟株高2-3呎,寬幅1-1.5呎.  喜熱不耐寒.  容易自行落籽繁殖.  主以種子繁殖.  葉緣的刺要在料理前剪除. 也適合在室內盆植.  也是藥用植物:芳香健胃,行氣止痛,驅風解表.  如果一般一年生的芫荽對你而言味道過重的話,這個多年生的是味道比較柔和的選擇!

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

Fingerroot/Temu Kunci (Boesenbergia rotunda) 凹唇薑

Fingerroot/Temu Kunci (Boesenbergia rotunda) 凹唇薑


2015-12-16 160 (Medium)

Fingerroot/Temu Kunci (Boesenbergia rotunda) from Asian food supermarket. 超市買來的凹唇薑.

Tropical tender perennial/flowering bulb.  Common seen in Asian supermarket produce aisle.   If you are looking for this to grow, it is cheaper and easier to buy this common item in Asian supermarket produce aisle!  Medicinal, edible and ornamental!  Easy to grow.  Best growing in partial shade to full shade location.  Suitable for growing in containers indoors!    Small fragrant red flower shape like ground orchid bloom all year around but not showy.  Flowers attract bees, butterflies and birds.   Large foliage looks like Hosta. USDA Zones:9-11.  Mature size:6″-1′(H) X 1′-1.5′(W).   Propagate by bulbs/roots/division.

它是熱帶多年生草本/球根.  常見於亞洲超市的果菜區.  倘若你要種植它們,去超市找會比較便宜且容易找得到!   兼具食用與藥用,花也美具觀賞價值. 容易栽種.  最好栽種在半日照到全蔭的環境.  很適合室內盆植!   芳香的紅色小花有點像是地生蘭的花形全年開花但不顯眼.    花吸引蜂蝶及鳥類.  大型的葉片很像玉簪的葉.    喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高6吋到1呎,寬幅1-1.5呎.  主以球根或分株來進行繁殖.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:


Indian Walnut/Candlenut Tree (Aleurites moluccana) 石栗

Indian Walnut/Candlenut Tree (Aleurites moluccana) 石栗

2015-12-18 009 (Medium)

Indian Walnut/Candlenut Tree (Aleurites moluccana) seeds. 石栗的種子.

Indian Walnut or Candle Nuts (5) - Copy

Indian Walnut/Candlenut Tree (Aleurites moluccana) nuts without shell are sold in supermarket. 石栗去殼的堅果超市有賣整包的.

Plant image see links below. 植株圖片見以下資料連結:

It is a medium to large evergreen tree in warm climate, very versatile.  Not just for shade.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Small fragrant creamy white flowers in clusters from late spring to summer.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.   The waxy fruit and nuts have high oil content which can get oil for candles, paint, preserve wood, bio-diesel, etc.    Medicinal.  Nuts are edible after cooked, raw nuts are toxic if ingested.   Mature size:30′-40′(H)/(W).  USDA Zones:9-11.  Propagate by seeds or cuttings.

大戟科石栗屬的中大型熱帶常綠樹種,用途很廣.  可不只是遮蔭而已.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處.  米白色小小的芳香花朵成串從春末開到夏季.  花頗吸引蜂蝶.  蠟質果肉及裡面的堅果富含蠟質及油質能榨取做為蠟燭,木材的保存及生物柴油等用途.  也能藥用. 堅果煮後可以食用但生果有毒.  成熟植株30-40呎高及寬幅.  喜熱不耐寒.  繁殖以種子或扦插來進行.

Reference links:  參考網站資料連結: