Archive | 六月 2020

Purple Gromwell (Glandora prostrata or Lithodora diffusa ‘White Star’) 石禮草

Purple Gromwell (Glandora prostrata or Lithodora diffusa ‘White Star’) 石禮草

2020-06-21 Purple Gromwell (Glandora prostrata or Lithodora diffusa ‘White Star’) 石禮草 (2) - Copy

Purple Gromwell (Glandora prostrata or Lithodora diffusa ‘White Star’)石禮草

Cold hardy low height perennial with woody stems. Easy to grow. Best in full sun to partial shade location in well drained slightly acidic soil. Small bi-color white flowers with blue outline (or blue flowers with white outline) blooms repeatedly from late spring to mid summer. Very cute! Flowers attract bees and butterflies. Drought tolerant and low to no maintenance. USDA Zones:6-9. Mature size:6″-1′(H) X 1′-1.5′(W). Propagate by cuttings. Suitable for ground cover in alpine or rock garden or edge of raised bed planters. Plants could irratate the skin, handle with care.

紫草科石禮草屬. 耐寒強健低矮的多年生草花. 老枝條易木質化. 容易栽種. 最好栽種在全日照到半日照處的排水良好略偏酸性的土壤. 雙色的小花(白花藍邊或者藍花白邊)從春末開花不斷一直到仲夏. 花朵小巧可愛! 花頗吸引蜂蝶. 耐旱且低/零維護. 成熟株高6吋到1呎半,寬幅1到1.5呎. 繁殖以枝條扦插的方式來進行. 適合作為高山型/岩砌花園的地被或者作為花壇邊緣栽種的植物. 植株可能引起皮膚敏感,要記得戴手套保護.

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