Archive | 十月 2016

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum kalmianum’Sunny Boulevard™’)貫葉連翹/金絲桃

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum kalmianum’Sunny Boulevard™’) 貫葉連翹/金絲桃

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum kalmianum’Sunny Boulevard™’) seed pods and seeds. 貫葉連翹/金絲桃種夾與種子.

Hardy small flowering shrub with nice golden yellow flowers in summer to fall.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Drought tolerent once plant is established. Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  Long blooming time. USDA Zones:4-7.  Mature size:2′-3′(H/W).  Propagate by seeds, cuttings, layering or division.
強健小型開花性灌木,夏秋開金黃色花朵.  容易栽種. 最好栽種在全日照到半日照處.  植株生長穩定後很耐旱.  花頗吸引蜂蝶.  花期很長.  極其耐寒但耐熱性不佳.  成熟株高/寬幅2-3呎.  繁殖以種子,扦插,壓條/高壓或分株方式來進行.
Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

Blue sweet calabash or woodland passionflower(Passiflora morifolia)林地西番蓮

Blue sweet calabash or woodland passionflower (Passiflora morifolia) 林地西番蓮


Blue sweet calabash or woodland passionflower (Passiflora morifolia) seeds. 林地西番蓮的種子.


Blue sweet calabash or woodland passionflower (Passiflora morifolia)seed germination. 林地西番蓮的種子孵出.

Tropical tender perennial/climber.  This flowering vine with edible fruit.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location in moist soil. Small white flowers with purple/pink in late spring to late fall, flowers not big and showy as other passion flowers but they are fragrant.  Very long blooming time! Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  Edible fruit ripe from green to either deep blue or deep purple.  Flowers attract birds and other wild animals. USDA Zones:9-11.  Mature size:40′(H/L) X 1.5′-2′(W).   Propagate by seeds, cuttings, layering or division.  Fast growing.  Suitable in containers.

熱帶多年生爬藤. 這種開花爬藤的果實可以食用. 容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處的濕潤土壤中. 春末到秋末開白色帶紫/粉紅色的小花,雖然花沒有同屬的一些大花的那麼起眼但是它的小花是有香味的.  花期很長! 花是吸引蜂蝶的蜜源.  果實由綠轉為深藍或深紫色便是成熟可以食用了.  喜熱不耐寒. 成熟株高40呎高/長,寬幅1.5-2呎. 盆植的成熟植株要小的很多.  繁殖方式可以種子,枝條扦插,壓條或分株的方式來進行. 生長快速.  適合盆植.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:



Creeping Fig(Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang) 愛玉

Creeping Fig(Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang) 愛玉


Creeping Fig (Ficus pumila) fruit. 薜荔的枝葉與果.


Creeping Fig(Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang) seeds germination. 愛玉種子孵出.


Creeping Fig(Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang) seeds. 愛玉的種子.

Tropical woody evergreen vine.  Very hardy.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location in moist soil.  This type of creeping fig is growing for its seeds, its seeds can be bagged in a clean cotton bag and hand in mineral water to set the jelly.  This jelly has unique fragrance, it is common in Asia for dessert in syrup serve cold with a bit of lemon juice to add some flavour.  Plant is either male or female.  USDA Zones:9-11. Mature size:30′-40′(H/L) X 12′-15′(W).   Propagate by seeds, cuttings, layering or division.  Fast growing, could be invasive.

熱帶木本常綠藤.  非常強健. 容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處的濕潤土壤中. 這類薜荔/愛玉除了綠化外更可以結果,果實中的種子可以裝入棉袋在礦泉水中洗出愛玉凍. 洗出的愛玉凍可以加入糖水與少許檸檬汁添加風味冰鎮後為好吃的甜點.  植株為雄性或雌性.  植株喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高30-40呎,寬幅12-15呎.  繁殖方式以種子,扦插,壓條/高壓或分株方式來進行.  生長快速,可能為強勢植物.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:


Massonia wittebergensis 魔镜

Massonia wittebergensis 魔镜


Massonia wittebergensis seed germination. 魔镜的種子孵出.

2016-08-24 (27) (Medium)

Massonia wittebergensis seeds.  魔鏡的種子.

It is a small tender perennial.  Very low groundcover.  Native in  in southern Africa.  This bulbous perennial is best growing in full sun to partial shade location in well drained soil.  Best in gravel.  Small stemless white flowers in winter.  Flowers attract insects.  USDA Zones:9-11. Mature size:1/2″(H) X 1′-2′(W).  Propagate by seeds or division.

它是小型的不耐寒多年生草花.  貼地型的地被植物.  原生於非洲南部. 這類球根行多年生草花最好栽種於全日照到半日照處的排水良好的土壤,以礫土為佳. 冬天開小小白色無花梗的花. 花吸引昆蟲為之授粉.  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高僅1公分左右,寬幅1-2呎.  繁殖以種子或分株方式來進行.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:       

Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)沙棘

Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)沙棘

2016-03-21 039 (Large)

Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) dried fruit. 沙棘的乾果.

2016-04-05 022 (Medium)

Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) seeds germinate quickly. 沙棘的種子蠻快孵出的.

Very hardy fruit tree/shrub.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Yellow/orange flowers in spring.  Edible orange acidic fruit ripe in late summer to fall.  USDA Zones:3-9.  Mature size:6′-8′(H) X 2′-3′(W).   To fruit will require male and female plant. Propagate by seeds, cuttings or layering.   Medicinal.

非常強健的果樹/灌木. 容易栽種. 最好栽種在全日照到半日照處. 春開黃橘色的花朵.  可食用但口味偏酸的果實於夏末到秋天成熟. 極其耐寒也耐熱. 成熟株高6-8呎,寬幅2-3呎.  種植欲結果需要雄株與雌株同時開花授粉才能結果.  繁殖以種子,扦插或壓條/高壓的方式來進行.  極具藥用價值.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                                                                                         


Bunchberry/Darf Dogwood (Cornus canadensis) 草茱萸

Bunchberry/Darf Dogwood (Cornus canadensis) 草茱萸

2016-04-16 022 (Medium)

Bunchberry/Darf Dogwood (Cornus canadensis) 草茱萸


Bunchberry/Darf Dogwood (Cornus canadensis) in fall. 草茱萸的秋色.

Usually this is classified as perennial.  Low ground cover.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in partial shade to full shade location in moist soil.  White single flowers in spring and ripe red edible fruit in summer. Fruit has fine hair on the surface will need to be removed before eating.  Fall foliage is red or purple.  USDA Zones:2-7.  Mature size:4″-8″(H) X 1′-1.5′(W).  Propagate by seeds, cuttings or division.  Medicinal.

通常它被歸類為多年稱草花.  它算是低矮的地被植物.  容易栽種.  最好栽種於半日照到全蔭處的濕潤土壤.  春開白色單瓣小花,夏天果熟轉為紅色.  果實表面有細毛需處理後才能食用.  秋天葉片由綠轉紫紅色後落葉後休眠.  極耐寒,耐熱性不佳.  成熟株高4-8吋,蔓生寬幅1-1.5呎.   繁殖以種子,扦插或分株方式來進行.  有藥用價值.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

Martagon Lily (Lilium martagon)歐洲百合/頭巾百合

Martagon Lily (Lilium martagon)歐洲百合/頭巾百合


Martagon Lily (Lilium martagon) in fall. Martagon lily has unique foliage surround the stem.秋天的歐洲百合/頭巾百合. 歐洲百合有著獨特的圍著莖幹的輪狀葉.

Hardy bulbous perennial.  Easy to grow. Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  White or deep pink/red flowers in late spring to mid summer, flowers face downwards.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  USDA Zones:3-10. Mature size:3′-4′(H) X 9″-1.5′(W).  Propagate by seeds, offsets, bulbs, corms or division.

強健的多年生球根花卉.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處.  花色白或粉紅/紅色從春末開到仲夏時節,花面相下開. 花頗吸引蜂蝶.  極其耐寒耐熱.  成熟株高3-4呎,寬幅9吋到1.5呎.  繁殖以種子,側芽,球根,子球或分株等方式來進行.

Common martagon lily are: 常見的歐洲百合有:                                                                                  Lilium martagon var. Album 白花歐洲百合/頭巾百合                                                                 Lilium martagon pink-flowered粉紅色花歐洲百合/頭巾百合

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                            

Common Nettle/Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) 蕁麻/異株蕁麻

Common Nettle/Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) 蕁麻/異株蕁麻


Common Nettle/Stinging Nettle(Urtica dioica) 蕁麻/異株蕁麻

2017-07-17Common NettleStinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) 蕁麻異株蕁麻 - Copy

Common Nettle/Stinging Nettle(Urtica dioica) is flowering. 蕁麻/異株蕁麻植株開花中.

Perennial common herb.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  USDA Zones:3-10. Mature size:4′-6′(H) X 1′-1.5′(W). Propagate by seeds, rhizomes, division. Handling plant with care!  Wear gloves!!  It may causes skin irritation or allergic reaction when contact with skin. Fast growing and can be invasive.  Spring time people will harvest the tender leaves with shoot, wilt them in boiling water briefly, drain the water, add garlic then grind all meshed, delicious!  Contain high iron and calcium.   It has well know medicinal value. Often can find this is sold as herbal tea.

多年生常見藥草/蔬菜.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處.  極其耐寒耐熱. 成熟株高4-6呎,寬幅1-1.5呎.  繁殖以種子,地下根莖,分株等方式來進行.  避免直接與植株直接接觸! 要戴手套!! 植株被有細次容易引起皮膚過敏癢痛的反應. 生長速度快可能變成強勢植物.

歐美人春天時人們會去採嫩芽嫩葉燙過後與蒜頭用杵臼磨成泥來食補. 它有很好的藥效,春天的它還能拿來當蔬菜吃. 不過全株有惱人的細刺,採收要小心並戴上手套,並且要燙煮過水,細刺才會掉落無害時才能入口. 含很高的鐵質與鈣質. 歐美也有將其葉片/全株乾燥後打碎裝包成保健用的香草茶包使用的.  有農人會將農作物種植區外圍種一片除食用外也可用來防野生動物破壞農作物.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                                                        

Periwinkle Blue Double (Vinca minor ‘Double Bowles’) 重瓣蔓長春

Periwinkle Blue Double  (Vinca minor ‘Double Bowles’) 重瓣蔓長春

2017-05-08 Periwinkle Blue Double (Vinca minor ‘Double Bowles_) 重瓣蔓長春 (1) - Copy

Periwinkle Blue Double (Vinca minor ‘Double Bowles’) 重瓣蔓長春

2017-05-08 Periwinkle Blue Double (Vinca minor ‘Double Bowles_) 重瓣蔓長春 (4) - Copy

Periwinkle Blue Double (Vinca minor ‘Double Bowles’) 重瓣蔓長春

2017-05-03 Periwinkle Blue Double  (Vinca minor ‘Double Bowles_) 重瓣蔓長春 (1)(Medium)

Periwinkle Blue Double (Vinca minor ‘Double Bowles’) 重瓣蔓長春

IMG_3249 - Copy

Periwinkle Blue Double (Vinca minor ‘Double Bowles’) 重瓣蔓長春


Periwinkle Blue Double (Vinca minor ‘Double Bowles’) grow fast from lower image to this image. This is big enough, this image was taken before planting. 重瓣蔓長春長速蠻快的由下圖到這圖僅數月. 夠大了已經地植.


2016-04-05 007 (Medium)

Periwinkle Blue Double (Vinca minor ‘Double Bowles’) 重瓣蔓長春

Very hardy evergreen ground cover.  This perennial variety is less seen.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun, partial shade location but also tolerant in full shade although less flowers.  Blue double flowers major bloom in mid to late spring but small amount throughout from summer to late fall.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  USDA Zones: 4-9.  Mature size:4″-6″(H) X 1.5′-2′(W).  Propagate by cuttings, layering or division.  Plant is toxic if ingested.  Medicinal.

非常強健常綠的地被植物.  這種多年生草花的品種較為罕見. 容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照,半日照處但也能耐較蔭處只不過花會開得少些.  藍色重瓣花主花期為仲春到春末但一直會有少量花續開到秋末.  花頗吸引蜂蝶.  成熟株高4-6吋,寬幅1.5-2呎.  繁殖以扦插,壓條或分株方式來進行.   植株有毒勿食.  藥用.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:




Super Size Elephant Ear ‘Thailand Giant Strain’ (Colocasia gigantea) 大野芋

Super Size Elephant Ear ‘Thailand Giant Strain’ (Colocasia gigantea) 大野芋


Super Size Elephant Ear ‘Thailand Giant Strain’ (Colocasia gigantean) offset. 大野芋的小側芽.

Tropical herb/root vegetable.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location in moist soil.  This plant has very large foliage and giant bulb/rhizomes. Bloom fragrant white flowers.  USDA Zones:7-10. Mature size:5′(H) X15′(W).   Propagate by seeds, offsets or division.

這種是芋界中的巨無霸.  熱帶植物/根莖類蔬菜.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處的濕潤土壤.  它有著超巨大型葉片比大傘的傘面還要大,球根也非常可觀可以達到大水桶的大小. 開白色香花.  喜熱不甚耐寒.  成熟株高5呎,寬幅可達15呎.  繁殖方式以種子,側芽或分株的方式來進行.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結: