Archive | 七月 2012

七月花園 July Garden

七月花園 July Garden

There are quite many flowers blooming in July garden.

Roses, lilies, bellflowers, black-eyed Susan, summer phlox, bee balm, hostas, petunias, gladiolus, cucumbers, tomatos, blackberries, clematis, coreopsis, lavender, blanket flowers, zinnias, spiderwort, viola, purple coneflowers, sedum, dahlias, daylilies, lamium, gayfeather, honey suckle, cosmos…

七月的花園也是很熱鬧的: 玫瑰,百合,藍鈴花,金光菊,福祿考,美國香蜂草,玉簪,矮牽牛,劍蘭,雀眼花,大黃瓜,小蕃茄,黑莓,鐵線蓮,薰衣草,天人菊,百日草,大花鴨跖草,香堇菜,紫錐花,景天科的多肉植物,大理花,萱草,塊莖小芝麻,麒麟菊,金銀花,大波斯菊…

Backyard Hummingbird photos 拍到後院吸蜜水的蜂鳥了!

Backyard Hummingbird photos 拍到後院吸蜜水的蜂鳥了!

I knew they come to my garden from time to time, I even saw them for few times.  It was difficult to take pictures because they are so fast! 

This year we decided to take pictures of them for sure so we have purchased the bird cam with motion sensor!  Now we got the pictures! 

後院有時看到蜂鳥光臨花園,總想拍下牠的照片留念和分享可是牠速度真是太快了!  每次都來不及拍…今年終於下定決心要拍到,所以買了有動作感應的戶外用專門用來拍攝鳥類或野生動物的照相機/攝影機.  幾天等待過去,終於又來我家了!

DIY Home-Made Lemonade 好喝的檸檬飲料DIY

DIY Home-Made Lemonade 好喝的檸檬飲料DIY

4 Lemons –washed, halved, squeezed out as much juice as possible, remove seeds, leave pulp

( 4顆檸檬洗淨,切開,榨汁,去籽,留果肉渣)

1 ½ Cups White Sugar

(1 ½ 杯細的白砂糖 )

Clean Drinking Water


Get a pitcher (2L); fill it with clean drinking water to about 70% volume. Add measured sugar into the water and stir well until dissolved.  Pour in the lemon juice to mix with the sugar water.  Refrigerate to chill. Drink it cool.


(取1 壺易倒的大容器(2L): 用來裝飲料或牛奶的裝冷開水到7分滿後倒入量好的砂糖.  取一長杓攪拌使糖溶化在水中.  將榨好的檸檬汁倒入混合後將冷開水注入到容器的最大容量. 冷藏後飲用.)


雀眼花/彩眼花 Peacock Orchids (Gladiolus-Acidanthera Murielae)

雀眼花/彩眼花 Peacock Orchids (Gladiolus-Acidanthera Murielae)


同花母菊Pineapple Weed (Matricaria discoidea)

同花母菊Pineapple Weed

學名: Matricaria discoidea菊科母菊屬植物。分布於北美、歐亞洲等地,生長於海拔400米至700米的地區,一般生長在曠野、路邊或宅旁,目前尚未由人工引種栽培。

開花後會呈黃綠色, 膨大結像類似迷你鳳梨型的花托,可摘下洗淨直接當零食食用,或摘下泡茶.  有鳳梨般香味,我吃過它的口味還不錯.  有時口感會偏苦.  是一可食性野花.  植株非常低矮,喜歡全日照,土壤不拘,耐旱,根系淺. 


Stream Orchid / Broad-leaved Helleborine (Epipactis helleborine)北美原生蘭花之一—小河蘭

Stream Orchid /Broad-leaved Helleborine (Epipactis helleborine) 小河蘭

Native wild ground orchid.  It roots quite deep under the ground often under the big trees.  Shade and drought tolerant.  In spring it grows rapidly and flower in early summer than seed in fall.  Flowers are small and slightly fragrant.

小河蘭為原生土植的蘭花之一根系在土表下深度約6″到1呎多.  植株在4月底5月初破土後快速成長.  花小於6月底開到7月有時8月花開後若蠅類授粉於秋天中期或末期會結籽.  花有微香. 籽囊裡的種子很輕很細常隨風飄送.  種子顏色灰白或灰褐色.

This is one of the common native orchids in Ontario, Canada. I see them free flowering in July/August under big trees. No fragrance, flower size is small about 1cm (3/8″) across on a flower stem, seed pods usually mature around October, self seeded. Mature plant height is almost 60 cm (24″), they prefer shade. 北美原生的小河蘭,成熟植株約達2呎高,夏天7月/8月開花,十月種子達成熟會爆開,種子粉狀細小,容易生長繁殖,喜生長在陰暗的大樹下. 花無香味,有逐漸城市化的趨勢.

波斯繡球蔥–特大花球! Allium schubertii

花球紫色,特大,奇特,花球直徑可達1呎多到1呎8吋!  Huge purple flower head can reach 1’8″!

 開花圖如此網站圖片所示:  Flower as shown as this link:

 (如圖) 春天開花 植株不高約1呎多一些.  球根比拳頭小2號. 容易種植.

紫錐花Echinacea ( Purple Coneflower)

Echinacea: Purple Coneflower got so many color now!  There are all fragrant except that pink flower  ‘Magnus Superior’!  And ‘Green Jewl’ are the most fragrant among these and it is long lasting as well.  

紫錐花現今有多種顏色了,以上除了’Magnus’其它都是有香味的且以綠色的’Green jewl’為最濃且跟其它品種一樣花期很長.