Archive | 六月 2015

Double Mock Orange (Philadelphus) 重瓣山梅花/太平花

Double Mock Orange (Philadelphus) 重瓣山梅花/太平花

2016-06-18Mock Orange Double (2) (Medium)

Double Mock Orange has sweet strong fragrance similar like Jasmine. (Philadelphus )重瓣山梅花/太平花的花香濃郁好聞像是茉莉花.


2016-06-18Mock Orange Double (1) (Medium)

Double Mock Orange (Philadelphus)重瓣山梅花/太平花


2016-06-13Monk Orange (1) (Medium)

The regular single tall Mock Orange (Philadelphus) 一般的單瓣山梅花/太平花

2015-07-01 004 (Medium)

Mock Orange seedlings.(Philadelphus) 山梅花/太平花的小苗

It is a dwarf variety.  This rounded shrub mature size is 4′-6′(H) X 4′-6′(W).  Fragrant double white flowers in summer, you can smell the fragrance from far away from the source.    Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun location.  Easy to grow from stem cuttings.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  USDA Zones:4-9.

這重瓣品種是矮性的灌木.  成熟株高僅4-6呎,寬幅亦同.  芬芳的白色重瓣花於夏初開放,香聞數條街. 容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照處.  容易以扦插來繁殖. 花頗吸引蜂蝶. 很耐寒,耐熱性尚可.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                                                                                            

My June Garden. 我家的六月花園

My June Garden. 我家的六月花園

Here are the images of our June garden!  Although it is not just full of colors also it is very aromatic! Enjoy!


Spiderwort (Tradescantia) 大花鴨跖草

Spiderwort (Tradescantia) 大花鴨跖草

2015-06-18 022 (Medium)

Lucky Clover (Oxalis deppei (a.k.a. tetraphylla) ‘Iron Cross’ )幸運草

Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus 'Painted Lady') 香豌豆

Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus ‘Painted Lady’) 香豌豆

Summer Gentian (Gentiana septemfida 'Lagodechiana') 龍膽

Summer Gentian (Gentiana septemfida ‘Lagodechiana’) 龍膽

Sprekelia(Sprekelia formosissima)燕子水仙/龍頭花

Sprekelia(Sprekelia formosissima)燕子水仙/龍頭花

Sprekelia(Sprekelia formosissima)燕子水仙/龍頭花

Sprekelia(Sprekelia formosissima)燕子水仙/龍頭花

Double Canterbury bells (Campanula medium 'Canterbury')重瓣日本風鈴花

Double Canterbury bells (Campanula medium ‘Canterbury’)重瓣日本風鈴花

Ruby-Eyed Arrowhead (Sagittaria montevidensis) 紅眼蒙特登慈姑

Ruby-Eyed Arrowhead (Sagittaria montevidensis) 紅眼蒙特登慈姑



Garden Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) 芍藥

Garden Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) 芍藥

Garden Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) 芍藥

Garden Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) 芍藥

Garden Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) 芍藥

Garden Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) 芍藥

Tickseed (Coreopsis grandiflora) 大花金雞菊

Tickseed (Coreopsis grandiflora) 大花金雞菊

Tickseed (Coreopsis grandiflora) 大花金雞菊

Tickseed (Coreopsis grandiflora) 大花金雞菊

False Sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides)姬向日葵

False Sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides)姬向日葵

Hall's Honeysuckle(Lonicera japonica)忍冬或叫金銀花

Hall’s Honeysuckle(Lonicera japonica)忍冬或叫金銀花

Rose (Rosa) 玫瑰

Rose (Rosa) 玫瑰


Columbine (Aquilegia) 耬斗菜

Columbine (Aquilegia)耬斗菜

Columbine (Aquilegia)耬斗菜

Columbine (Aquilegia)耬斗菜

Columbine (Aquilegia)耬斗菜

Meadow Rue(Thalictrum) 歐洲唐松草

Meadow Rue(Thalictrum) 歐洲唐松草

Blue-eyed grasses (Sisyrinchium bermudianum)庭菖蒲

Blue-eyed grasses (Sisyrinchium bermudianum)庭菖蒲

Bachelor's Button (Centaurea montana)多年生矢車菊

Bachelor’s Button (Centaurea montana)多年生矢車菊

Bachelor's Button (Centaurea montana)多年生矢車菊

Bachelor’s Button (Centaurea montana)多年生矢車菊

2015-06-25 015 (Medium)

Dwarf semi-double Nasturtium (Nasturtium) 矮性半重瓣金蓮花

2015-06-25 008 (Medium)

Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)紫錐花

Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)紫錐花

Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)紫錐花

2015-06-01 002 (Medium)

Fragrant Daylily (Hemerocallis) 很香的觀賞萱草

Asiatic Lily (Lilium Asiatic)亞洲百合

Asiatic Lily (Lilium Asiatic)亞洲百合

2015-06-25 022 (Medium)

Speedwell (Veronica) 婆婆納

2015-06-19 006 (Medium)

Golden Globes/Dense-Flowered Loosestrife (Lysimachia congestiflora) 臨時救/黃花珠

Dwarf Cranesbill (Geranium × cantabrigiense ‘Westray’)

Dwarf Cranesbill (Geranium × cantabrigiense ‘Westray’)

Nemophila 'Five Spots' 粉蝶花

Nemophila ‘Five Spots’ 粉蝶花

Clematis (Clematis) 鐵線蓮

Clematis (Clematis) 鐵線蓮

Clematis (Clematis) 鐵線蓮

Clematis (Clematis) 鐵線蓮

Clematis (Clematis) 鐵線蓮

Clematis (Clematis) 鐵線蓮

Clematis (Clematis) 鐵線蓮

Clematis (Clematis) 鐵線蓮

Clematis (Clematis) 鐵線蓮

Clematis (Clematis) 鐵線蓮

Clematis (Clematis) 鐵線蓮

Clematis (Clematis) 鐵線蓮

2015-06-29 056 (Medium)

Bellflower (Campanula) 風鈴草

Hydrangea (Hydrangea) 繡球花

Hydrangea (Hydrangea) 繡球花

Hydrangea (Hydrangea) 繡球花

Hydrangea (Hydrangea) and Lamium (Lamium) 繡球花與塊莖小芝麻.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea) 繡球花

Hydrangea (Hydrangea) 繡球花

Japanese morning glory (Ipomoea nil 'Kikyo Snowflakes') 日本朝顏'桔梗雪花'

Japanese morning glory (Ipomoea nil ‘Kikyo Snowflakes’) 日本朝顏’桔梗雪花’

Silene (Silene armeria ‘Electra’)甜威廉捕蟲草

Silene (Silene armeria ‘Electra’)甜威廉捕蟲草

Ox-eye daisy(Leucanthemum vulgare)牛眼菊/法蘭西菊

Ox-eye daisy(Leucanthemum vulgare)牛眼菊/法蘭西菊

Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum) 三葉天南星

 Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum) 三葉天南星

Flower image see:

 Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum) 三葉天南星

Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum) 三葉天南星

Cold and shade tolerant perennial.  Very hardy and easy to grow.  Best in partial shade but also tolerant full shade location.  Unusual flowers in spring.  USDA Zones:5-9.   Mature size:1.5′-2′(H) X 1′-1.5′(W).  Propagate by seeds/rhizomes/corms/ bulbs/offsets.   Whole plant is toxic if ingested.

天南星屬的多年生球根類耐蔭植物.  極其強健易栽培.  最好是種在半日照處,全蔭處亦可生長.  春天開花,花形相當奇特.  耐寒也耐熱.  成熟株高1.5-2呎高,寬幅為1-1.5呎.   繁殖方式以種子/地下根莖/球根.   全株有毒勿食.

Reference links:

Corkscrew Vine/Snail vine (Vigna caracalla) 蝸牛藤

Corkscrew Vine/Snail vine (Vigna caracalla) 蝸牛藤


Corkscrew Vine/Snail vine (Vigna caracalla) has unique flower shape and mixed of colors with heavenly fragrance! 蝸牛藤花形獨特花色豐富,更有著迷人的濃郁花香!

IMG_0250 - Copy

Corkscrew Vine/Snail vine (Vigna caracalla) 蝸牛藤

Snail vine seed image.(Cochliasanthus caracalla) 蝸牛藤種子圖.

Snail vine seed image.(Cochliasanthus caracalla) 蝸牛藤種子圖.

Snail vine seed germination.(Cochliasanthus caracalla) 蝸牛藤種子孵出.

Snail vine seed germination.(Cochliasanthus caracalla) 蝸牛藤種子孵出.

2015-07-09 001 (Medium)

Corkscrew Vine/Snail vine (Vigna caracalla) seedling. 蝸牛藤小苗.

2015-08-28 031 (Medium)

Corkscrew Vine/Snail vine (Vigna caracalla) seedling is growing well.蝸牛藤小苗長得不錯.

This unique, perennial tropical flowering vine is growing for its snail shape flowers and its fragrance!  Easy to grow in full sun to partial shade location.  Very hardy.  Spiral shape flowers in summer to fall.  Self sow.  USDA Zones:9-11.   Mature size:15′-20′(H/L) X 3′-4′(W). Easy to propagate from seeds or cuttings.  Seeds are toxic if ingested.

這個獨特的熱帶多年生草本開花藤蔓有著如蝸牛殼形多彩的花,而且花有怡人的香味!  容易栽種在全日照到半日照處. 非常強健好種.  捲曲的花從夏開到秋.  會自行結子繁殖.  很耐熱.  成熟植株15-20呎高/長. 寬幅3-4呎.  以種子或扦插枝條的方式來繁殖. 種子有毒勿食.

Reference links: 參考網站連結:                   

Landscaping before and after– Zero Maintenance Rock Garden造景前後–零維護的岩砌花園造景

Landscaping before and after– Zero Maintenance Rock Garden造景前後–零維護的岩砌花園造景

It was said that it is not possible.  Here is the example I made it happened.


Well selected plants so no watering is needed.  Tidy up the old growth in spring and fall still needed if you can.  I do not control wind…

精心挑選合適的植物是有必要的. 可以的話稍微打理一下枯枝落葉還是比較好. 風還是帶來不少落葉的.

10 years ago front view: 10年前的正面原貌:

It was so dark and weedy, neighbour kids were afraid of coming for trick or treating in Halloween.


Landscaping before and after-- Zero Maintenance Rock Garden befor landscaping. 造景前後--零維護的岩砌花園造景前.

Landscaping before and after– Zero Maintenance Rock Garden befor landscaping. 造景前後–零維護的岩砌花園造景前.

10 years ago (2005) north side view: 10年前北面原貌:

Landscaping before and after-- Zero Maintenance Rock Garden befor landscaping. 造景前後--零維護的岩砌花園造景前.

Landscaping before and after– Zero Maintenance Rock Garden befor landscaping. 造景前後–零維護的岩砌花園造景前.

10 years ago. Before landscaping (2005) south side view: 10年前南面原貌:

Landscaping before and after-- Zero Maintenance Rock Garden befor landscaping. 造景前後--零維護的岩砌花園造景前.

Landscaping before and after– Zero Maintenance Rock Garden befor landscaping. 造景前後–零維護的岩砌花園造景前.

1 years after landscaping. (2006) :造景後的隔年.

Landscaping before and after-- Zero Maintenance Rock Garden next year after landscaping. 造景前後--零維護的岩砌花園造景後的隔年.

Landscaping before and after– Zero Maintenance Rock Garden next year after landscaping. 造景前後–零維護的岩砌花園造景後的隔年.

6 years after landscaping (2011):造景後6年

6 years after landscaping (2011 May).

6 years after landscaping (2011 May).

10 years after landscaping (2015 June): 造景後10年.

2015 June. 10 years after landscaping.

2015 June. 10 years after landscaping.

Gaillardia ‘Picta Double Mix’ (Gaillardia) 重瓣球型天人菊

Gaillardia ‘Picta Double Mix’ (Gaillardia) 重瓣球型天人菊

Gaillardia 'Picta Double Mix' seed packet.  Short lived perennials are treated as annuals. (Gaillardia) 重瓣球型天人菊種子包. 壽命短的多年生多是當一年生草花.

Gaillardia ‘Picta Double Mix’ seed packet. Short lived perennials are treated as annuals. (Gaillardia) 重瓣球型天人菊種子包. 壽命短的多年生多是當一年生草花.

It is certainly easy to grow from seeds!  This short lived perennial often are grown as annuals.  Pom-pom like flowers from summer to fall.  Easy to set seeds but not invasive.  Mature size:15″(H).  Good for borders.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.   Best growing in full sun location in well drained soil.  Drought tolerant. USDA Zones:5-10.

真的很容易從種子種起! 這種生命周期短的多年生草花常被當成一年生草花來栽培.  重瓣的花球花期很長從夏天開到秋末.  容易自行結籽繁殖但不強勢. 成熟株高15吋高.  很適合當花壇的外圍花邊.  花頗吸引蜂蝶.  以全日照排水佳的環境為佳.  耐旱,耐寒且耐熱.

Reference link:  參考網站連結:–flower-seed/-gaillardia–gaillardia-pulchella-/-Picta-Doubles-Mixed-Gaillardia.htm

Panda Face Ginger/Shell Shocked Panda Wild Ginger (Asarum maximum ‘Shell Shocked’) 大葉馬蹄香

Panda Face Ginger/Shell Shocked Panda Wild Ginger (Asarum maximum ‘Shell Shocked’) 大葉馬蹄香

Flower image see:

Panda Face Ginger/Shell Shocked Panda Wild Ginger has dark green glossy foliage. (Asarum maximum 'Shell Shocked') 大花細辛深綠油亮的葉片.

Panda Face Ginger/Shell Shocked Panda Wild Ginger has dark green glossy foliage. (Asarum maximum ‘Shell Shocked’) 大花細辛深綠油亮的葉片.

2016-01-21 057 (Large)

Panda Face Ginger/Shell Shocked Panda Wild Ginger (Asarum maximum ‘Shell Shocked’) 大葉馬蹄香 Looks flower buds are forming.看起來像是花苞形成中.

This perennial has glossy smooth, dark green foliage.  This low ground cover is evergreen in south warmer region.  Unique black and white patterned flowers appear in mid to late spring.  Flowers smell like mushrooms. Easy to grow.   Best growing in partial shade to full shade location in moist but well drained soil.  Do not over water.  Good for woodland garden.  Propagate by seeds, dividing the plant clumps.  Slow growth.  USDA Zones:6-9.  Mature size:4″-6″(H) X 8″-1′(W).

這個多年生常綠草花有著深綠油亮的葉片.  它是低矮的地被在稍微溫暖的地帶為常綠的植物.  黑白紋路的花色很獨特,花徑也不算小.  花聞起來像是容易栽種. 最好種在半日照到全蔭處. 不可積水過溼.  以種子或分株來繁殖.  生長速度緩慢.  不甚耐寒但耐熱性尚可.  成熟株高4-6吋,寬幅8吋到1呎. Reference links: 參考網站連結:

Madeira Vine (Anredera cordifolia) 川七(藤三七)/落葵薯

Madeira Vine (Anredera cordifolia) 川七(藤三七)/落葵薯


Madeira Vine (Anredera cordifolia) flowers. 川七(藤三七)/落葵薯的花.

2015-12-01 004 (Medium)

Madeira Vine (Anredera cordifolia) tips are forming flower stems. 川七(藤三七)/落葵薯花莖形成中.

Madeira Vine (Anredera cordifolia) 川七(藤三七)/落葵薯

Madeira Vine (Anredera cordifolia) 川七(藤三七)/落葵薯


Madeira Vine produce these rhizome fragments which are good for propagation use. (Anredera cordifolia) 川七(藤三七)/落葵薯的零餘子很容易用來繁殖.

Madeira Vine shoots are growing. (Anredera cordifolia) 川七(藤三七)/落葵薯出芽了.

Madeira Vine shoots are growing. (Anredera cordifolia) 川七(藤三七)/落葵薯出芽了.

Madeira Vine shoots are growing leaves. (Anredera cordifolia) 川七(藤三七)/落葵薯出葉了.

Madeira Vine shoots are growing leaves. (Anredera cordifolia) 川七(藤三七)/落葵薯出葉了.

This fast growing perennial flowering vine is very hardy and easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun location.  In Asia mainly has been growing for its leaves (can be harvested and cooked as leafy vegetable) or tubers/rhizomes can be medicinal for many medical uses.  USDA Zones:10-11.  Mature size:12′-15′(H) x 1′-2′(W).  White and green fragrant flowers in summer to fall.   Flowers attract bees.  Easy to propagate by tubers, rhizomes, offsets or soft wood cuttings.

落葵薯(Anredera cordifolia),又稱川七、藤三七,藤子三七,小年藥,土三七,藤七,馬德拉藤,洋落葵。為落葵科植物 “川七是多年生、常青、黏液質的爬藤植物,生長迅速,可長至約20公尺長。葉互生,平滑、肥厚、亮綠的心形葉子,約4至10多公分長。莖綠色,珠芽 (零餘子)疣狀、外形不規則,容易掉落,長成新株,其珠芽也是辨識這種植物的特徵之一。會開小而芳香、乳白色、密集、呈總狀花序的長花串,可達30公分長。這乳白的總狀花序,有些形似綿羊的小尾巴,因此別名為 Lamb’s tail。雖然它有雄花及雌花,但很少經傳粉而結子。 它的葉子、嫩莖、及地下塊莖煮熟後可食用。因此這種生長迅速的入侵性植物,成為「愛恨交加」的對象–政府、地主恨它侵佔土地、排擠原生植物;而喜歡食用葉子、嫩莖的一些人們,特別是東南亞國家,則愛它容易生長、豐盛、美味的菜蔬來源–例如它的葉子加點麻油、薑絲,或加些肉絲快炒,風味甚佳。又依據香港浸會大學中醫藥學院,川七可治腰膝痹痛,病後體弱,跌打損傷,及骨折。8 它喜全陽、潮濕但排水良好、富含有機質之砂質壤土,及能攀爬的籬笆或棚架。為了提高分枝數,初期的摘心工作不可省略,以利於側芽萌生,提高單株產量。一般生長高度約20公分時,即開始第一次摘心,之後每生長20公分摘心一次。9 寒冷地帶,植株需於秋梢移入室內;如留於室外園裡,需覆蓋足夠護根土過冬。冬天時,地上植株枯萎,春天由地下塊莖萌芽,或由去年掉落珠芽再生,長成新株。" — 摘自

川七 (Madeira Vine) 喜強光,生長快速的多年生爬藤. 夏秋開白花有香味.  非常容易栽種. 常被用來當葉菜實用.  有藥用價值.  由於不易結果所以繁殖多以零餘子或扦插來進行.  因為它生長快速,對有些國家而言可能認定它為雜草.

Reference links: 參考網站連結:

Garden guardian angels/warriors — praying mantis (Mantodea) 螳螂

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors — praying mantis (Mantodea) 螳螂

They hatched today!!  Now I can relax about garden pests because now they will help to control them!  🙂  To get a sense of scale, the green stake and re-bar are 10 mm (3/8″) in diameter. 今天孵出了,我園中的除蟲小幫手.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors -- praying mantises just hatched! (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化了.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors — praying mantises just hatched! Drill a hole and wiggle out. (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化了.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors -- praying mantises just hatched! (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化了.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors — praying mantises just hatched! (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化了.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors -- praying mantises just hatched! (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化了.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors — praying mantises just hatched! (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化了.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors -- praying mantises just hatched! (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化了.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors — praying mantises just hatched! (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化了.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors -- praying mantises just hatched! (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化了.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors — praying mantises just hatched! (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化了.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors -- praying mantises just hatched! (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化了.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors — praying mantises just hatched! (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化了.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors -- praying mantises just hatched! (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化了.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors — praying mantises just hatched! (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化了.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors -- praying mantises just hatched! (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化了.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors — praying mantises just hatched! (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化了.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors -- praying mantises just hatched! (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化了.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors — praying mantises just hatched! (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化了.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors -- praying mantises also have preditors. (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化後也會被獵食.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors — praying mantises also have preditors. A regal jumping spider, Phidippus regius got one mantis. (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化後也會被獵食. 圖中的跳蛛獵食了一隻小螳螂.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors -- praying mantises also have preditors. A regal jumping spider, Phidippus regius got one mantis. (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化後也會被獵食. 圖中的跳蛛獵食了一隻小螳螂.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors — praying mantises also have preditors. A regal jumping spider, Phidippus regius got one mantis. (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化後也會被獵食. 圖中的跳蛛獵食了一隻小螳螂.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors -- praying mantises just hatched!  The preditor is waiting for them. (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化後蜘蛛等著飽餐.

Garden gaurdian angels/warriors — praying mantises just hatched! The preditor is waiting with web for them. (Mantodea) 螳螂孵化後蜘蛛結著網等著飽餐.

Reblooming Iris ‘Pagan Dance’ (Iris germanica ‘Pagan Dance’) 續開型德鳶

Reblooming Iris ‘Pagan Dance’ (Iris germanica ‘Pagan Dance’ ) 續開型德鳶

Reblooming Iris 'Pagan Dance' (Iris germanica 'Pagan Dance' ) 續開型德鳶

Reblooming Iris ‘Pagan Dance’ (Iris germanica ‘Pagan Dance’ ) 續開型德鳶

Reblooming Iris 'Pagan Dance' (Iris germanica 'Pagan Dance' ) 續開型德鳶

Reblooming Iris ‘Pagan Dance’ (Iris germanica ‘Pagan Dance’ ) 續開型德鳶

Reblooming Iris 'Pagan Dance' (Iris germanica 'Pagan Dance' ) 續開型德鳶

Reblooming Iris ‘Pagan Dance’ (Iris germanica ‘Pagan Dance’ ) 續開型德鳶

Iris ‘Pagan Dance’ (Rebloomer) Rich deep violet with large velvety black spot covering most of the falls with 3/8″ violet rim on ruffled edge. Rebloomer.

This tall Bearded Iris is a perennial.   It is very hardy and easy to grow from bulb/rhizomes.  Best growing in full sun location.  Large fragrant flowers in late spring, summer and fall.  Very pretty!  USDA Zones: 3-10 Mature size:2′-3′(H) X 1.5′-2′(W).  Deer Resistant.   Whole plant is toxic if ingested.

這些是今年買的新的鳶尾品種: 續開型德鳶(一年開2-4次)  Reblooming iris ‘Pagan Dance’ 是去年秋末買的塊根. 不便宜,大概是續開型尚未普遍的關係.  花有好聞的怡人幽香,強健好種.  這品好紫!  全株有毒勿食.