Archive | 五月 2019

Yellow Monkey Flower (Mimulus luteus/ Erythranthe lutea) 猴面花

Yellow Monkey Flower (Mimulus luteus/ Erythranthe lutea)猴面花

2019-05-29 Yellow Monkey Flower (Mimulus luteus Erythranthe lutea) 猴面花 (3) - Copy

Yellow Monkey Flower (Mimulus luteus/ Erythranthe lutea) have pretty good sized flowers in summer. 美麗的猴面花於夏天綻放.

2019-05-29 Yellow Monkey Flower (Mimulus luteus Erythranthe lutea) 猴面花 - Copy

Yellow Monkey Flower (Mimulus luteus/ Erythranthe lutea) flower is about 5cm in diameter. 猴面花的花徑約5公分.

2019-06-19 Yellow Monkey Flower seed pods and seeds (Mimulus luteus Erythranthe lutea) 猴面花種夾與種子 (3) - Copy

Yellow Monkey Flower seed pods and seeds (Mimulus luteus/ Erythranthe lutea) 猴面花種夾與種子.

2019-09-02 Yellow Monkey Flower (Mimulus luteus Erythranthe lutea) 猴面花 (2) - Copy

Yellow Monkey Flower (Mimulus luteus Erythranthe lutea) seeds germinated with tiny seed leaves. 猴面花種子孵出長出小小的子葉了.

Cold hardy aquatic perennial. Easy to grow. Best in full sun to partial shade location in pond or wet soil. Native in south of Canada. Yellow flowers with red/purple markings bloom in summer. Flowers attract bees and butterflies. USDA Zones:6-9. Mature size:6″-3′(H)X 9″-1′(W). Propagate by seeds, cuttings, layering or division. Self-seed. Edible leaves can be eaten raw or cooked.

耐寒多年生的水生植物. 容易栽種. 最好栽種在全日照到半日照處的池塘或濕土中. 原生於南加拿大. 夏季開黃色有著紅紫色般的花朵. 花頗吸引蜂蝶. 耐寒喜溫暖. 成熟株高6吋-3呎,寬幅9吋到1呎. 繁殖以種子,扦插,壓條或分株的方式來進行. 會自行落籽繁殖. 葉片可以生食或煮食,兼具食用與觀賞價值!

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結: