Archive | 十一月 2017

Jujube or Chinese Red Date (Ziziphus jujuba) 紅棗

Jujube or Chinese Red Date (Ziziphus jujuba) 紅棗

2017-11-16 Jujube or Chinese Red Date (Ziziphus jujuba) 紅棗 - Copy

Jujube or Chinese Red Date (Ziziphus jujuba) fruit and seed. 紅棗的果與果核.

Cold hardy deciduous fruit tree. Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Pale yellow flowers in late spring to early summer.  Fruit ripe in late fall, from green to reddish brown.  Fresh fruit is sweet with a small pit in the center.  Fruit can be dried for snack.  USDA Zones:6-11.  Mature size:20′-30′(H/W).  Propagate by seeds or cutting.  Medicinal.

耐寒強健的落葉果樹.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處.  淡黃色花於春末到初夏盛開.  果實秋末成熟,果皮由綠轉紅褐色.   果甜,一果一核,核小.  果可乾燥成零食.  喜熱也頗耐寒.   成熟株高/寬幅20-30呎.  繁殖方式以種子或扦插的方式來進行.  藥用.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                                                  

Shaggy Sundew or Scorpion Sundew (Drosera scorpioides) 蠍子毛氈苔

Shaggy Sundew or Scorpion Sundew (Drosera scorpioides) 蠍子毛氈苔

2017-11-23 Shaggy Sundew or Scorpion Sundew (Drosera scorpioides) 蠍子毛氈苔 (2) - Copy

Shaggy Sundew or Scorpion Sundew (Drosera scorpioides) gemmae is just a ball point pen tip size. 蠍子毛氈苔的孢芽僅有原子筆尖的大小.

2018-01-10 Shaggy Sundew or Scorpion Sundew (Drosera scorpioides) 蠍子毛氈苔 - Copy

Shaggy Sundew or Scorpion Sundew (Drosera scorpioides) is growing slowly.蠍子毛氈苔生長龜速.

Small tropical carnivorous/insectivorous perennial.  Easy to grow.  Best in full sun location in moist soil/medium.  Small white/pink/violet flowers in mid spring to early fall.   USDA Zones:10-11.  Mature size:6″(H) X 3″-6″(W).  Propagate by seeds or cuttings (leaf or gemmae).  Each gemmae is just a ball point pen tip size.

蠍子毛氈苔是熱帶食蟲性多年生植物.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照處的濕潤土壤/介質.  仲春到初秋開小花(白/粉/紫色).  喜熱不耐寒. 成熟株高6吋,寬幅3-6吋.  繁殖以種子或扦插(葉差或孢芽)的方式來進行.  它的孢芽僅有原子筆尖的大小.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                          

Columbia Guinep or Spanish Lime (Melicoccus bijugatus) 哥倫比亞青龍眼

Columbia Guinep or Spanish Lime (Melicoccus bijugatus) 哥倫比亞青龍眼

2017-11-16 Columbia Guinep or Spanish Lime (Melicoccus bijugatus) 哥倫比亞青龍眼 (2) - Copy

Columbia Guinep or Spanish Lime (Melicoccus bijugatus) 哥倫比亞青龍眼

2017-11-16 Columbia Guinep or Spanish Lime (Melicoccus bijugatus) 哥倫比亞青龍眼 - Copy

Columbia Guinep or Spanish Lime (Melicoccus bijugatus) fruit inner flesh and seed.哥倫比亞青龍眼果肉與種子.

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Columbia Guinep or Spanish Lime (Melicoccus bijugatus) seeds germination in about 1 month. 哥倫比亞青龍眼種子約1個月孵出.

Tropical fruit tree.  Fruit looks like small lime.  The inside flesh is silky and flavorful but not as sweet and firm just to compare with longan (Dimocarpus longan).  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Small white fragrant flowers in late winter to mid spring.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  USDA Zones:9-11. Mature size: 40′(H) X 20′-30′(W). Propagate by seeds or layering.

熱帶果樹.  果實外觀像是小顆青檸.  果肉多汁酸甜適中,口感絲滑偏軟. 與龍眼相比,龍眼較甜,果肉口感也較紮實. 容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處. 冬末到仲春開白色芳香的小花.  花頗吸引蜂蝶. 喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高40呎,寬幅20-30呎.  繁殖以種子或壓條/高壓的方式來進行.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

American lotus (Nelumbo lutea) 美洲黃荷

American lotus (Nelumbo lutea) 美洲黃荷

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American lotus (Nelumbo lutea) seedling has the first leaf above water! 美洲黃荷小實生苗長出第一片立葉!

2017-11-12 American lotus (Nelumbo lutea) 美洲黃荷

American lotus (Nelumbo lutea) day 5 seeds germination in a clean water jar. Green shoot are visible. 美洲黃荷蓮子磨硬種殼後於清水孵種的第5天. 可以看到綠芽生長出.

2017-11-07 American Lotus (Nelumbo lutea)北美黃荷 (2) - Copy

American lotus (Nelumbo lutea) seeds.美洲黃荷的種子.

It is one of the rare/endangered native plants in Ontario.  Cold hardy aquatic perennial, edible.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location in pond.  Edible fleshy tubers, leaves and seeds.  Large fragrant yellow to pale yellow flowers in summer to early fall.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  Large seed pods ripe and dried in late fall which is excellent for flower arrangement! USDA Zones:4-11.  Mature size:5′-7′(H) X as wide as the large container/pond.  Propagate by seeds, tubers, offsets or division.   Medicinal.

這物種為安大略省稀有/瀕危的原生物種之一. 耐寒強健的多年生水生植物,可食用.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處的水塘或濕地.   可以食用的部位為粗肥的地下藕節,荷葉與蓮子.  芳香的黃色/淡黃色大花於夏天開到初秋.  花頗吸引蜂蝶.  秋末的大蓮蓬成熟並乾燥很適合作為插花的花材. 耐寒也耐熱. 成熟株高(水面上)5-7呎,寬幅可以長滿池塘.  繁殖以種子,藕節,側芽,或分株的方式來進行.  藥用.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                                           

Red-Leaf Hibiscus (Hibiscus acetosella) 紅葉槿

Red-Leaf Hibiscus (Hibiscus acetosella) 紅葉槿

2017-09-08 Red-Leaf Hibiscus (Hibiscus acetosella) 紅葉槿 (1) - Copy

Red-Leaf Hibiscus (Hibiscus acetosella) seeds. 紅葉槿的種子.

2017-10-29 Cranberry Hibiscus - Copy

Red-Leaf Hibiscus (Hibiscus acetosella) seeds germination quickly. These are day5. 紅葉槿種子出芽快. 這些是播後第5天.

2017-11-25 Red-Leaf Hibiscus (Hibiscus acetosella) 紅葉槿 - Copy

Red-Leaf Hibiscus (Hibiscus acetosella) seedling is growing true leaf. 紅葉槿小實生苗長出本葉了.

2019-03-20 Cranberry Hibiscus (1) - Copy

Red-Leaf Hibiscus (Hibiscus acetosella) flower. 紅葉槿的花.

Also known as cranberry hibiscus or African rosemallow.  Tropical perennial, vegetable.   Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun location.  Deep pink/red flowers bloom repeatedly.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies. USDA Zones:8-11.  Mature size:3′-4′(H) X 4′-6′(W).   Propagate by seeds or cuttings.  The burgundy foliage are edible raw or cooked as vegetable.  Suitable for growing in container indoors.  Fast growing.

錦葵科. 熱帶多年生草花/蔬菜.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照處.  深粉紅色/紅色花開花不斷.  花頗吸引蜂蝶.  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高3-4呎,寬幅4-6呎.  繁殖以種子或扦插的方式來進行.  深紅色葉片可以當葉菜來生食或煮食.  適合室內盆植.  生長快速.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結: