Archive | 八月 2019

Cantaloupe ‘Minnesota Midget'(Cucumis melo ‘Minnesota Midget’)小果品種的洋香瓜

Cantaloupe ‘Minnesota Midget'(Cucumis melo ‘Minnesota Midget’)小果品種的洋香瓜

2019-08-26 Cantaloupe 'Minnesota Midget'(Cucumis melo 'Minnesota Midget')小果品種的洋香瓜 - Copy

Cantaloupe ‘Minnesota Midget'(Cucumis melo ‘Minnesota Midget’) seed packet and seeds.小果品種的洋香瓜種子包與種子.

2019-08-24 Cantaloupe 'Minnesota Midget'小果品種的洋香瓜 (4) - Copy

Cantaloupe ‘Minnesota Midget'(Cucumis melo ‘Minnesota Midget’) fruit is getting mature. 小果品種的洋香瓜快成熟的瓜.

2019-08-24Cantaloupe 'Minnesota Midget' 小果品種的洋香瓜(1) - Copy

Cantaloupe ‘Minnesota Midget'(Cucumis melo ‘Minnesota Midget’)小果品種的洋香瓜–Plant is very prolific, this plant has 7 large fruit and many small ones so far. 這品種生很多,光這株有7個較大的果,還有許多小的.

2019-08-24 Cantaloupe 'Minnesota Midget'小果品種的洋香瓜 (3) - Copy

–Plant is very prolific, this plant has 7 large fruit and many small ones so far. 這品種生很多,光這株有7個較大的果,還有許多小的.

Annual fruit. Easy to grow. Best in full sun location. Small yellow flowers blooming in summer to fall. Prolific. Small fuzzy green fruit mature to yellow hand sized melon with rough webbing pattern, inner orange flesh is sweet and juicy. Mature days 60-100days. I like this variety is small enough and faster to mature due to the wild animals disturbance.

Mature size:1.5′-2′(H)X 4′-6′(W). Open pollinated. Propagate by seeds.

一年生的水果. 容易栽種. 最好栽種在全日照處. 夏到秋黃色小花開不停. 多花多果. 從剛開始授粉成功結的綠色毛茸茸的小小瓜到成熟時的黃色網紋瓜,香甜的瓜肉為橘色. 種子種到結瓜為2-3個多月. 我喜歡這個品種是因為成熟期短,瓜夠小,否則野生動物的破壞搗亂會沒有成果可以吃.

成熟株高1.5-2呎,寬幅/藤長4-6呎. 可以自株受粉結果. 繁殖以種子的方式來進行.

Reference links: 參考網路資料連結:

Cantaloupe Minnesota Midget

Spinach Vine/Caucasian Mountain Spinach (Hablitzia tamnoides)多年生藤菠菜

Spinach Vine/Caucasian Mountain Spinach (Hablitzia tamnoides)多年生藤菠菜

2019-07-25 Spinach VineCaucasian Mountain Spinach (Hablitzia tamnoides)多年生藤菠菜 - Copy

Spinach Vine/Caucasian Mountain Spinach (Hablitzia tamnoides) seeds. 多年生藤菠菜的種子.

Cold hardy perennial vine. Leafy vegetable. Easy to grow. Best growing in full sun to partial shade location. USDA Zonese:5-8. Mature size:4′-8′(H)X 6″-9″(W). Propagate by seeds, cuttings or division.

耐寒強健的多年生草本爬藤. 葉菜. 容易栽種. 最好栽種在全日照到半日照處. 耐寒但不甚耐熱. 成熟株高/藤長為4到8呎,寬幅6到9吋. 繁殖方式以種子,扦插或壓條的方式來進行.

Reference links:參考網路連結:

Spinach Vine