Archive | 二月 2015

Baboon iris (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花

Baboon iris (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花

Baboon iris (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花

Baboon iris (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花

Baboon iris (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花

Baboon iris (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花

Baboon iris bulb (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花f的球根.

Baboon iris bulb (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花f的球根.

Baboon iris bulb are growing! (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花f的球根長葉了.

Baboon iris bulb are growing! (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花f的球根長葉了.

Baboon iris (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花

Baboon iris (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花

They are small tender perennial flowering bulbs.  Easy to grow in full sun location.  Flowering in spring, good for cut flower.  Easy to propagate by seeds, bulbs or rhizome.  Mature size: 15-30 cm(H) X 7-15 cm(W).    USDA Zones: 9-12.

狒狒花 Babiana stricta 是小型球根花卉,地下具球莖跟小蒼蘭很像但它們的球莖較扁小些.外被纖維質薄膜,原產南非. 適合切花.  容易栽種在全日照到半日照處.  容易以分球或種子來繁殖.  多年生草花但不耐寒.

How to grow strawberry from seeds (Fragaria) 草莓種子孵法

How to grow strawberry from seeds (Fragaria) 草莓種子孵法

Ripe strawberry surface has lots of seeds. (Fragaria) 草莓表面有許多成熟的種子.

Ripe strawberry surface has lots of seeds. (Fragaria) 草莓表面有許多成熟的種子.

2015-01-30Strawberry seed lings germination  (Medium)

Strawberry seeds germination (Fragaria) 草莓種子孵出小苗.

Strawberry seedlings have the first leaf. (Fragaria) 草莓種苗長出第一片本葉.

Strawberry seedlings have the first leaf. (Fragaria) 草莓種苗長出第一片本葉.

It is one of the fast growing fruit!  So easy to grow in full sun location with moist but well drained soil.

草莓是生長快速的水果之一!  全日照下在濕潤但排水良好的土壤中很容易種植.

1.You can pick the seeds from a ripe strawberry surface with a pair of tweezers or buy a packet of seeds.


2.Plant your seeds in a container which better comes with a clear lid, fill with potting soil.  Moist the soil a bit but not too wet.   Sprinkle the seeds on top of soil then cover with the lid.  Place the container in warm partial shade location.

2.種子均勻灑在填土後的有蓋苗盆土表.  略澆溼土壤但不可太溼.  蓋上蓋子後悶孵.  苗盆放在溫暖的半日照處.

3.Seeds germinate in 2-3 weeks.  Open the lid to get fresh air and check the progress once a day.

3.種子約2-3週發芽.  每日開蓋一次換氣並檢查進度.

4.Transplant the seedlings when they have 6 leaves.  Keep seedlings moist in full sun location.  You may start to apply fertilizer.

4.小苗有6片本葉時可以移植.  移植後的小苗要繼續保濕並改移到全日照處種植.  可以開始施肥.

It is a very hardy perennial.  You may want to pick the variety with long blooming time, this way the plants you grow will have longer harvest season.  Growing from seeds this spring and next year you may harvest your own strawberries!  🙂

草莓植株是非常強健的多年生草花.  買種子包的話要儘可能選用花期較長的品種來種植,這樣採收期也會拉長.  如果今年冬/春天開始種子的種植,可能明年就能吃到結果的草莓!  🙂

Mistletoe cactus (Rhipsalis baccifera) 絲葦

Mistletoe cactus (Rhipsalis baccifera) 絲葦

Rhipsalis baccifera (Rhipsalis) 絲葦

Rhipsalis baccifera (Rhipsalis) 絲葦

Ripe berries of Rhipsalis baccifera (Rhipsalis) 絲葦 成熟的白色小漿果.

Ripe berries of Rhipsalis baccifera (Rhipsalis) 絲葦

Mistletoe cactus (Rhipsalis baccifera) seed germination in 2 weeks. 絲葦種子2週內會發芽.

Mistletoe cactus (Rhipsalis baccifera) seed germination in 2 weeks. 絲葦種子2週內會發芽.

Mistletoe cactus (Rhipsalis baccifera) is a rarely seen succulent, it belongs to the Cactus family but it is not prickly.  Because it is native in tropical warm regions so it must be indoor over winter if you live in a cold climate.  It prefers growing in full sun to partial shade location in moist but well drained soil or medium.  Some of this genus are more shade tolerant.  This makes a nice house plant.  It is easier and faster to propagate by cuttings.

絲葦喜溫暖,一般而言它不是那麼常見的仙人掌科植物,由於沒有刺+長速慢,很適合作成吊盆.  若你所在的氣候區較冷,要記得搬進室內過冬.  雖然也能從種子繁殖不過速度和難易度上還是以扦插方式為主.  這屬的植物的光照需求較為耐蔭,全日照到半日照的環境都可以栽種.

Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) 菊芋

Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) 菊芋


Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) flowers. 菊芋的花.

2016-10-04Jerusalem Artichoke (4)(Medium) - Copy.JPG

Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) flowers. 菊芋的花.


Only few seeds can be found in Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) seedheads. 能在謝掉的花找到的菊芋種子並不多.


Jerusalem artichoke mature plants can reach 10 feet tall.(Helianthus tuberosus) 菊芋的開花成株可達10呎高.

Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) flower buds. 菊芋花苞.

Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) flower buds. 菊芋花苞.

Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) 菊芋

Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) 菊芋

2015-02-10 007 (Medium)

Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) 菊芋新芽.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers. (Helianthus) 菊芋地下球根.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers. (Helianthus) 菊芋地下球根.


Harvested Jerusalem artichoke tubers in late fall. (Helianthus) 晚秋採收的菊芋地下球根.

The Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), although this is a misleading common name.     It is also called sunroot, sunchoke, earth apple ,native to North America.  It is also cultivated widely across the temperate zone for its tuber for root vegetable.  Best grow in full sun location.  Very easy to grow.  Yellow sunflower like flowers in late summer/early fall, attract bees and butterflies.  USDA Zones:4-9.  Mature size:8′-10′(H) x 2′-3′(W).  Because plant is tall will require support in case of strong wind or heavy rains.  Easy to propagate by seeds, cuttings, tubers/bulbs, corms and dividing the plants.

菊芋Helianthus tuberosus),是菊科向日葵屬的多年生草本植物.原生於北美. 現今世界上有許多國家都有種植做為根莖類蔬菜來食用.  是天然的減肥蔬菜.  它能調節血糖控制糖尿病. 最好是全日照種植.  非常容易栽種.  夏末秋初時開像向日葵般的黃花.  成熟植株蠻高的約8-10呎高,2-3呎寬幅,所以需要支架以防強風或暴雨折損.  容易用種子,扦插,根莖/球根,小球,分株繁殖.

I found its taste after cooking is between potato and water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis).

煮食的口感介於馬鈴薯和荸薺(Eleocharis dulcis)中間.

Adder’s-tongue fern (Ophioglossum vulgatum) 瓶爾小草/一葉草

Adder’s-tongue fern (Ophioglossum vulgatum) 瓶爾小草/一葉草

2017-06-01 Adder's-tongue fern (Ophioglossum vulgatum) 瓶爾小草一葉草 (3) - Copy

Adder’s-tongue fern (Ophioglossum vulgatum) 瓶爾小草/一葉草

It is a small native fern.  Perennial.  USDA Zones:3-8. Easy to grow. Best growing in partial shade to full shade location in moist soil.  Mature size:6″-1′(H).  Propagate by spores or division.  Medicinal. 

瓶爾小草屬(Ophioglossum)是一種喜蔭溼的陸生小型的蕨類.  北半球皆有分佈.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在半日照到全蔭處的濕潤土壤.  成熟株高6吋到1呎.   以孢子或分株方式來繁殖.   藥用.  瓶爾小草屬是染色體最多的已知生物,有高達1,260條染色體.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                                                                    

How to grow dwarf double Nasturtium from seeds (Nasturtium) 矮性重瓣金蓮花種子孵法

How to grow dwarf double Nasturtium from seeds  (Nasturtium) 矮性重瓣金蓮花種子孵法

Dwarf double Nasturtium seed packet (Nasturtium) 矮性重瓣金蓮花種子包

Dwarf double Nasturtium seed packet (Nasturtium) 矮性重瓣金蓮花種子包

Dwarf double Nasturtium seeds  (Nasturtium) 矮性重瓣金蓮花種子.

Dwarf double Nasturtium seeds (Nasturtium) 矮性重瓣金蓮花種子.

2015-02-12Dwarf Double Nasturtium (2)Seed germination (Medium)

Dwarf double Nasturtium seed germination in 10 days. (Nasturtium) 矮性重瓣金蓮花種子10天內孵出.

Dwarf double Nasturtium seed germination in 10 days then growing fast! (Nasturtium) 矮性重瓣金蓮花種子孵出後長速很快!

Dwarf double Nasturtium seed germination in 10 days then growing fast! (Nasturtium) 矮性重瓣金蓮花種子孵出後長速很快!

Dwarf double Nasturtium has some flower buds already! (Nasturtium) 矮性重瓣金蓮花種子已有花苞!

Dwarf double Nasturtium has some flower buds already! (Nasturtium) 矮性重瓣金蓮花種子已有花苞!

It is easy to grow this from seeds.  這個蠻容易孵種子的. 1. Seeds should be covered with 1cm deep soft moist soil in warm partial shade location.  Dwarf double Nasturtium seed germination in 10 days.  (Nasturtium) 1.種子需覆1公分濕潤鬆軟的盆土,放置於半日照溫暖處.    矮性重瓣金蓮花種子10天內孵出. 2.Because it is annual, it will bloom around 1.5-2 months.   Best to grow in the ground or in large pot. 2.因是一年生草花,盆植約1.5-2個月會開花.  最好地植或大盆種植.

How to grow cantaloupe from seeds (Cucumis melo) 哈密瓜種子孵法

How to grow cantaloupe from seeds  (Cucumis melo) 哈密瓜種子孵法

2015-02-09Cantaloupe seed pack (Medium)

Cantaloupe seed packet. 哈密瓜種子包.

2015-02-09Cantaloupe seeds (Medium)

Cantaloupe seeds. 哈密瓜種子.

2015-02-09Cantaloupe seedlings (1) (Medium)

Cantaloupe seedlings are growing true leaves. 哈密瓜種苗本葉長出.

Cantaloupe seedlings are growing well. 哈密瓜種苗長的不錯.

Cantaloupe seedlings are growing well. 哈密瓜種苗長的不錯.

Cantaloupe male flower. 哈密瓜的公花.

Cantaloupe male flower. 哈密瓜的公花.

2014-09-12Female flower with young fruit  (Medium)

It is very easy to grow cantaloupe from seeds.  It takes longer than 2 weeks which is a lot longer than other type of melons.   Unless your growing soil is very rich in nutrients and in very sunny location otherwise one plant only allow it to growing 3-4 fruit; one plant is better only allow one fruit growing if growing in pot.  It is an excellent project to do with kids!   🙂

哈密瓜很容易從種子種出.  孵種的時間至少2週,比其他的瓜類種子需時更久些.   因為結實很耗肥,地植一株只讓結3-4果;盆植最好一株只讓結一果,除非你有很肥沃的土壤全日照的在種植.  這個種植會是個和小朋友一起學習的很好的作物.  🙂

1.I used seeds from seed packet.   Prepare moist growing soil for the seeds to germinate.  Keep moist and warm in partial shade location.   Seeds germinate in about 2 weeks.

1.我用的是種子包的種子.  準備好苗盆和土壤,澆灌後播種.  在半日照環境中保溫保溼,約2週種子會發芽.

2.Transplant the seedlings when they have 6-8 leaves, best in ground in sunny location, the second best is in a large pot with rich soil in full sun area.  Apply organic fertilizer.   Same plant will have both male and female flowers.  Only 3-4 fruit for each plant when growing in the ground and only allow one fruit each plant when growing in pot.

2.小苗長到6-8片本葉後可以移植,最好是地植在全日照肥沃的土壤中,若無法地植,全日照盆植次之,必須用肥沃的有機土來種植.    並開始施肥.   哈密瓜是公母異花同株. 地植一株只讓結3-4果,盆植最好一株只讓結一果 一株一果為佳.

Pollinate the male to female flower for growing fruit.   The best time to do so is in the morning.


How to grow False Solomon’s Seal from seeds (Maianthemum stellatum) 假黃精種子孵法

How to grow False Solomon’s Seal from seeds (Maianthemum stellatum) 假黃精種子孵法

False Solomon's Seal(Maianthemum stellatum)fruit turn red in fall假黃精秋天果實轉紅

False Solomon’s Seal(Maianthemum stellatum)fruit turn red in fall假黃精秋天果實轉紅

False Solomon's Seal seed germination. (Maianthemum stellatum) 假黃精種子孵出

False Solomon’s Seal seed germination. (Maianthemum stellatum) 假黃精種子孵出

This is a common native plant in woods you might seen them often when you go hiking.   Its tender shoots in early spring can be cooked and eaten as asparagus and its ripe red berries in late fall are also edible.  It is also a medicinal plant.   I see they usually grow in partial shade location. Very hardy and easy to grow.

這是在健行時在林地裡常見的本土多年生草花.  初春的嫩莖可像蘆筍一樣煮食,而它秋熟的紅莓果也是可以食用的.  它同時也藥用植物.

1.Collect and clean the ripe seeds in late fall.   Use soil with organic matter in a pot.  Moist the soil then lightly cover the seeds on top.   Cover the pot with clear plastic bag for first two months.

1.於秋末採收並清洗成熟的種子.   苗盆要使用含大量腐殖質的土壤.  澆濕土壤後種下種子並覆上一層薄土.  苗盆用透明塑膠袋裝起保溼2個月.

2.Check and open daily for fresh air.   Seed usually germinate around four months.

2.每天開袋透氣並檢查種子.   種子約4個月左右會陸續孵出.

3.Pick the sprouted seeds and plant them in a small individual pot in warm, partial shade location.   Keep moist.  Transplant the seedlings in the ground or larger pot when they start to grow stem.

3.將發芽的種子揀出單獨種在小盆裡,小盆放在半日照溫暖處. 保濕. 等小苗開始長出莖梗時可以轉為地植或轉用較大盆來種.

Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica) 餘甘子

Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica) 餘甘子

Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica) 餘甘子

Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica) 餘甘子

Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica) flesh and the pit.餘甘子果肉及果核.

Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica) flesh and the pit.餘甘子果肉及果核.

Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica) seeds.餘甘子的種子.

Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica) seeds.餘甘子的種子.

Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica) seed germination in 12 days. 餘甘子種子12天孵出.

Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica) seed germination in 12 days. 餘甘子種子12天孵出.

Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica) seed germination. 餘甘子種子孵出並長出子葉.

Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica) seed germination. 餘甘子種子孵出並長出子葉.

The most unexpected taste of fruit I have ever tried!  Got 3 from supermarket today, I was thinking I have heard of this but never taste it so it will be fun experience.  Well, different for sure!! 😦   “The taste of Indian gooseberry is sour, bitter and astringent, and it is quite fibrous. In India, it is common to eat gooseberries steeped in salt water and turmeric to make the sour fruits palatable."(From Wikipedia ) I must say the quote is so true…not my kind of fruit.  Although the after taste in the mouth soon turn sweet, weird!

More info see this link:

今天超市看到有賣就買了3小顆來嚐味道.  有聽過這種水果卻沒嚐過所以就買回家試吃.  照果實的瓣紋切開後嚐了一下果肉,哇,好苦澀…可是幾秒後就回甘變的甘甜,好奇怪的水果啊!  “果實可以生食,味酸、微澀苦而甘香,食用先苦後甘,口中尚餘甘味,可生津止渴。乾葉可作枕頭填料。亦可藥用。"(維基百科: )  不過在嚐過它後,以後不會再買.


它不是我喜歡的那種水果.  😦