Archive | 四月 2012

觀賞梨 Callery Pear (Pyrus calleryana)


The Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana) is a species of pear tree, native to China and  Vietnam, in the rose family, Callery pears are deciduous trees growing to 15 to 20 m (45 to 70 ft) tall, often with a conic to rounded crown.

木蘭 /辛夷花Magnolia (Magnolia)


黃色的木蘭目前有2種品種:’Elizabeth’10米高 x 6-8米寬,花色淡黃,無香味;另一品種為’Yellow Bird’10-15米高 x 8-10米寬,花色純黃,有香味–圖示為’Yellow Bird’.

跟此鄰居要了結的紅色成熟的種子莢,剝開硬硬的種莢和橘色的皮後–大小跟顏色像M&M(有很濃的香氣和精油)後共取得一些黑色種子,數量真是不多!  僅自留2顆孵孵其他送出,睡了2個月後終於有1顆伸出小白腿!

Thanks my neighboor shared her seed pods from this yellow magnolia.

After 2 months in moist seeding tray, one of the 2 planted seeds sprouts!


日本重瓣垂枝櫻花 Japanese Weeping Cherry-Double (Prunus)

 這一種垂枝櫻枝條較密,重瓣粉紅色的花於春天綻放,樹型小,容易照顧,可惜花期不長. 很適合小花園栽種.此一品種為不結果的’Kiku-Shidare’

This variety is ‘Kiku-Shidare’. No fruit.Max. height is 2.5 meters.

野生蘋果 Crab Apple (Malus)

為一種野生蘋果,有許多品種,春天開滿小花全樹都是花色從白色,淡粉紅,深粉紅或紅色品種! 為北美常用庭園樹種之一,果實可食但是不好吃,野生鳥類及小動物會偶爾食用,葉片為綠色帶有紫褐色,容易自行落籽繁殖.

藍色森林地福祿考Woodland Phlox (Phlox divaricata)


Phlox divaricata (Wild Blue Phlox, Woodland Phlox,  Wild Sweet William) is a  herbaceous perennial plant.  It  tolerants acid soil and shady spot.  It is native to forests and fields in eastern North America. It flowers in spring, with several flower stems with lavender-blue flowers, quite fragrant. Good for growing in group under big trees.

紫葉矮櫻Purple Leaf Sand Cherry (Prunus x cistena)


黃花醋栗Yellow Flowering Currant (Ribes aureum)

醋栗科醋栗屬,主要分布在北溫帶地區和南美西部溫帶地區。中國約45種,主要分布在西部和東北。落葉灌木,春天開黃花,有強香,吸引蜂鳥採蜜,花謝後會結黃色轉黑色好吃的果實,秋天葉色會由綠轉紅, 植株強健耐修剪,很適合作為綠籬,株高可達6呎, 耐陰

Yellow Flowering Currant, is a medium size shrub with fragrant yellow flowers in spring (April-May)followed by black berries in late summer. Green summer foliage turns scarlet-red in the fall.  Yellow Flowering Currant has yellow flowers that are popular with hummingbirds. It has yellow berries that turn black as they ripen and are quite tasty. This plant tolerates shade and soil types and can be used on difficult sites, but make sure they have good drainage. These drought tolerant plants don’t want wet feet. It grows 6 feet in height and width and makes a neat clean bush.

連翹(Forsythia suspensa)Forsythia


銀斑藤 Yellow Archangel, Silver Nettle Vine (Lamium galeobdolon)


為常綠的地被植物, 黃色的脣形花, 葉有銀班, 非常容易種植 (簡直像雜草), 光線不拘, 土壤不拘, 可種植作為吊盆, 讓莖葉垂下很長, 有觀賞價值