Archive | 七月 2013

Landscaping Before and After (Use Cedar)造景設計(用料為香杉木)

Landscaping Before and After (Use Cedar)造景設計(用料為香杉木)

Here is another my design, I hope you will like it as well!

Before: 之前:
1.both sides need fences 1.兩邊需要新籬笆
2.need to increase sitting area 2.需要增加戶外休憩空間
3.need lane way privacy and security 3.屋後通巷需要隱私屏帳和安全措施
4.need storage shed for bikes and garden tools4.需要儲物小屋放自行車和園藝工具
5.need to increase planting area 5.需要增擴可種植範圍
After: 之後:
1.built cedar fences 1.兩邊建香杉木籬笆
2.built cedar deck with dead bolt lock 2.建香杉木露臺
3.built cedar sliding gate 3.建香杉木可內外鎖的大型懸吊式拉門
4.built cedar shed with green roof 4.建有屋頂可種花的香杉木儲物小屋可鎖自行車和工具
5.built a planting area with natural stone and colorful and hardy perennials 5.用天然石材砌建花台種植多彩耐命的多年生花卉

I have been told by my client that they really enjoyed the new backyard!

Landscaping project: Before and After造景前後

Just finished this landscaping project, I hope you will like my design! The design goal is: low maintenance, simple, comfortable and beautiful.
最近完成的庭園造景之一,希望你會喜歡我的設計. 這個設計是以簡單舒服美觀和低維護為主.

2013-07-21 005 (Medium)2013-04-30 022 (Medium)2013-07-21 001 (Medium)2013-04-30 028 (Medium)2013-07-21 004 (Medium)2013-04-30 016 (Medium)

Broad-leaved Helleborine(Epipactis helleborine)小河蘭

Broad-leaved Helleborine(Epipactis helleborine)小河蘭
This is one of the common native orchids in Ontario, Canada. I see them free flowering in July/August under big trees. No fragrance, flower size is small about 1cm (3/8″) across on a flower stem, seed pods usually mature around October, self seeded. Mature plant height is almost 60 cm (24″), they prefer shade.
北美原生的小河蘭,成熟植株約達2呎高,夏天7月/8月開花,十月種子達成熟會爆開,種子粉狀細小,容易生長繁殖,喜生長在陰暗的大樹下. 花無香味,有逐漸城市化的趨勢.
2013-07-21 013 (Medium)

Result of Yellow Zucchini Experiment黃色夏南瓜授粉實驗結果

Result of Yellow Zucchini Experiment黃色夏南瓜授粉實驗結果
I checked the result this morning, flower is wilt and growing zucchini! Great! I am amazed that pollen were still active!
今早檢查做實驗包覆的雌花,已經成熟脫落並且結瓜中! 真厲害! 沒想到過了這麼久的雄花花粉還這麼活躍!2013-07-20 020 (Medium)

Purple crown vetch (Coronilla varia)多變小冠花

2013-07-18 003 (Medium)

Purple crown vetch (Coronilla varia),pea family, fast growing,invasive plants, likes full sun, toxic wild flower.– Weed it!
多變小冠花(Coronilla varia)是一種豆科多年生草本植物,地上莖可能達到 0.6~2公尺。它能容忍乾旱,暴雨,高溫和寒冷,但它不耐遮蔭。根系深廣可做為斜岥的水土保持,但具有侵略性。–請清除此類雜草!

Yellow Zucchini Experiment 黃色夏南瓜授粉實驗

2013-07-18 016 (Medium)
Yellow Zucchini Experiment 黃色夏南瓜授粉實驗
Purpose of this experiment: Can I save male flower pollen when I don’t have female flower ready yet?

As picture shown: 5/29 + 6/10 same plant male flower pollen, use Q-tip to swab and store in small re-sealable bag then store in freezer. This morning pollinated a same plant female flower and then cover female flower with clear plastic bag. In three days, this female flower will wilt and come off then we will know the result.


There are so many different kinds of them… I love them all! 它們太多種了…我都很愛!2013-07-13 015 (Medium)2013-07-13 004 (Medium)2013-07-13 023 (Medium)