Archive | 二月 2021

How to propagate Elephant Ear (Colocasia esculenta)如何繁殖芋頭

Taro propagation from peel (1) - Copy - Copy

The young plants forming from taro peel when kept moist and warm. 厚切的芋頭外皮經保濕保溫後會有幼株形成.

2021-02-22 Taro propagation (2)

Small taro plant is forming from peel! 大芋頭皮上的小植株形成中!

When no plant is available for growing, you can purchase the taro from supermarket, remove the peel about 0.5 cm thick, keep the peel moist and warm, these preemies appear. Later they will be small plants.

沒有現成植株時可以由超市買來大芋頭取0.5公分厚的外皮保濕保溫,過一段時間表皮會生長出這樣的東西. 這樣的東西經過一段時間便會形成小植株.