Archive | 七月 2015

American Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum) 北美八角蓮

American Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum) 北美八角蓮

Mayapple foliage.(Podophyllum peltatum) 八角蓮的葉.

Mayapple foliage.(Podophyllum peltatum) 八角蓮的葉.

Mayapple is forming fruit.(Podophyllum peltatum) 八角蓮結果中.

Mayapple is forming fruit.(Podophyllum peltatum) 八角蓮結果中.

It is a interesting perennial.  Hardy and easy to grow.   Plants prefer partial shade to full shade location in moist soil.  Best growing for woodland garden.  Large foliage is very ornamental and its hidden medium white flowers appear in spring follow with edible fruit when they are ripe (the whole plant including unripe fruit are toxic).  Flowers attract bees, fruit attract birds.   Medicinal. USDA Zones:3-9.  Mature size:1′-2′(H) X 1′-1.5′(W).   Propagate by seeds, bulb/rhizomes/tubers, division.   Medicinal herb.

它是蠻有意思的多年生草花.  強健易栽種.  最好栽種於半日照到全日照的環境中以濕潤的土壤來種植.  以濕潤的林地為佳.  植株的葉片很大片很具觀賞價值,春開白色或紅色不算小的花隨之夏天生長的成熟果實是可以食用的(全株包括它未熟的果實是有毒的).  花吸引蜂類,果實吸引鳥類食用.  耐寒也耐熱.  成熟植株高1-2呎,寬幅1-1.5呎.  主以種子,分球/塊根或分株方式來繁殖.   它是一種藥用植物.

Chinese Spiranthes (Spiranthes sinensis) 綬草/清明草

Chinese Spiranthes (Spiranthes sinensis) 綬草/清明草

2016-03-08 014 (Large)

Chinese Spiranthes (Spiranthes sinensis) 綬草/清明草

2016-03-08 042 (Large)

Chinese Spiranthes (Spiranthes sinensis) flowers close-up view. 綬草/清明草花朵近照.

2016-01-21 042 (Large)

Chinese Spiranthes (Spiranthes sinensis) plants are growing well. 綬草/清明草小植株長的算不錯.

Chinese Spiranthes plant roots. (Spiranthes sinensis) 綬草/清明草植株的根.

Chinese Spiranthes plant roots. (Spiranthes sinensis) 綬草/清明草植株的根.

One of the famous ground orchids.  This orchid is medicinal use perennial widely in Asia.  Tiny pink or white flowers in spring blooming spirally on the flower stem in Asia.  In cold climate they flower in summer.  Often found them in the grass land or lawn.  Plant self seeds easily in early summer.  Easy to grow in full sun to partial shade location in moist soil but also tolerant light shade.  USDA Zones:6-10.  Mature size:6″-1.5′(W) X 3″-6″(W).

蠻有名的地生蘭的一種.  這種在亞洲常用於藥用為多.  很小的粉紅色或白色花於春天或夏天盛開於同一花梗上以螺旋形向上排列.  多見於野外草地. 開花後容易自行結籽繁殖.  容易栽種於全日照到半日照處於偏溼的土壤,但也能耐散光處.  耐寒度可,但很耐熱.  成熟植株高6吋到1.5呎,寬幅為3-6吋.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

Common Soapwort/Bouncing Bet (Saponaria officinalis) 高性肥皂花/石鹼草

Common Soapwort/Bouncing Bet (Saponaria officinalis) 高性肥皂花/石鹼草

Common Soapwort/Bouncing Bet (Saponaria officinalis) 高性肥皂花/石鹼草

Common Soapwort/Bouncing Bet (Saponaria officinalis) 高性肥皂花/石鹼草

This common perennial is very hardy and easy to grow and could be invasive.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Light pink flowers in mid summer to early fall.  Flowers attract bees.  Good for cut flower.  Mature size: 2′-2.5′(H) X 1′(W).  USDA Zones:5-10.  The plant can be cooked and used as soap alternative.   Self seed easily.  Seeds are toxic if ingested.  Propagate by seeds or division.  Medicinal.

肥皂草屬的多年生草花,株高約2呎-2呎半.  夏天開淡粉紅色頂生的小花,花球不小.  非常容易栽種. 全日照或半日照.  繁殖可分株或用種子. 植株開花時皂苷(Saponin)含量最高可達20%.  聽說全株搗爛煮過的水可取代肥皂水來做洗滌使用,但是我還沒有試過. 此種植物耐寒也耐熱.土壤不拘.    非常容易栽種, 多為野生分佈. 藥用連結資料 有一格友用來製成洗髮精,據她說非常好用. 我也來煮製一些試用..

Carpathian Bellflower (Campanula carpatica ‘Blue Clips’) 矮性叢生風鈴草

Carpathian Bellflower (Campanula carpatica ‘Blue Clips’) 矮性叢生風鈴草

Carpathian Bellflower (Campanula carpatica 'Blue Clips') 矮性叢生風鈴草

Carpathian Bellflower (Campanula carpatica ‘Blue Clips’) 矮性叢生風鈴草

A hardy perennial.  Easy to grow from seeds or division.  Blue (also has white variety) flowers from late spring to frost if keep dead-heading.    Plants self seed easily.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  USDA Zones:2-9.  Mature size:6″-1.5′(H) X 1′-1.5′(W).  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  Excellent for edging and rock garden.

強健易栽種的多年生草花.  容易從種子或分株來繁殖.  藍色(也有白花品種)花從夏末開到霜降,如果能一直不讓它結子的話能讓它花期延長到很長.  最好是栽種在全日照到半日照的環境.  太暗會影響到花量也容易造成植株徒長.  耐寒也耐熱.  成熟植株高6吋到1呎,寬幅為1-1.5呎.  花是吸引蜂蝶的蜜源.  很適合作種在花壇的邊緣或岩砌花園的植物.

How to growing Finger Lime (Citrus australasica) from seeds. 手指檸檬種子孵法

How to growing Finger Lime (Citrus australasica) from seeds. 手指檸檬種子孵法

How to growing Finger Lime (Citrus australasica) from seeds. 手指檸檬種子孵法 The fresh fruit and the inside contain. 手指檸檬的果實與內容的果粒.

How to growing Finger Lime (Citrus australasica) from seeds. 手指檸檬種子孵法
The fresh fruit and the inside contain. 手指檸檬的果實與內容的果粒.

How to growing Finger Lime (Citrus australasica) from seeds. 手指檸檬種子孵法 Get viable seeds to grow.  需用飽滿的優質有效種子.

How to growing Finger Lime (Citrus australasica) from seeds. 手指檸檬種子孵法
Get viable seeds to grow. 需用飽滿的優質有效種子.

How to growing Finger Lime (Citrus australasica) from seeds. 手指檸檬種子孵法 --Use good soil and well drained medium to grow the seeds.  用優質土和排水佳的介質來孵種子.

How to growing Finger Lime (Citrus australasica) from seeds. 手指檸檬種子孵法
–Use good soil and well drained medium to grow the seeds. 用優質土和排水佳的介質來孵種子.

How to growing Finger Lime (Citrus australasica) from seeds. 手指檸檬種子孵法 --The seedlings were slow to grow root then fast to grow shoots with tiny leaves first.  種子出根慢,剛開始出小芽葉時倒是很快.

How to growing Finger Lime (Citrus australasica) from seeds. 手指檸檬種子孵法
–The seedlings were slow to grow root then fast to grow shoots with tiny leaves first. 種子出根慢,剛開始出小芽葉時倒是很快.


Previous post: 之前的文章:

The mature shrub/small tree size: 6′-8′(H) and (W).  Very thorny!  USDA Zones:10-11. Best growing in warmer climate in full sun to partial shade location.  Since its mature size is not big so it is fine for potting to grow indoor sunny location.

它的成熟灌木高度或寬幅為6-8呎.  植株多刺! 耐熱不耐寒. 由於地植的植株不大所以能室內盆植. 最好種植在全日照到半日照溫暖的環境.

This is how I grow them:  我的孵法:

1.A pot with Triple Mix and well drained medium 1:1.


2.Get fresh firm seeds cleaned and lay on top of the potting mix.  Place the pot in partial shade location and keep moist the soil.  Place the pot in room temperature, partial shade location with good air flow.

2.取新鮮飽滿的優質種子,清洗後放上步驟1.的表土上.  置於室溫半日照通風處.

3.About 1 week the seed will sprout but no green leaf yet, continue to moist the soil.

3.約1週種子會出根但尚未能出小芽葉.  繼續保溼.

4.Another 1 month the seedling will grow rapidly with green shoots, you can seed few tiny leaves appear.  Place the pot in full sun to partial shade location.

4.約過再1個月出根的小種子才會加速生長突長出帶幾片小綠葉的芽.  苗盆置於全日照到半日照處.

5.Firtilize the seedlings when the cotyledon (seed leaf) is shrunk.  Use dilute balance ratio fertilizer such as 10-10-10 or 20-20-20.

5.等子葉的養份耗損縮小才開始施均衡比例的薄肥.  如氮-磷-鉀比例為10-10-10 或20-20-20.

6.When young plants grow steadly transplant each plant in their indivisual pot before the plants get too thorny.


7.When the plant stem turn woody or firm and thick, you may clip away the pricks for safety measure.


8.To stimulate plant growth and aging, grafting its own shoots will do so.


Honeysuckle Fuchsia (Fuchsia ‘Koralle’) 鞭炮吊鐘花

Honeysuckle Fuchsia (Fuchsia ‘Koralle’) 鞭炮吊鐘花

Honeysuckle Fuchsia (Fuchsia  'Koralle') 鞭炮吊鐘花

Honeysuckle Fuchsia (Fuchsia ‘Koralle’) 鞭炮吊鐘花

2015-07-23 003 (Medium)

Honeysuckle Fuchsia (Fuchsia ‘Koralle’) 鞭炮吊鐘花

This tropical perennial has cute light bright red flowers for long blooming time from spring to fall.  Flowers attract bees and humming birds.  Very easy to grow and propagate.  Not cold tolerant so will require over winter indoor if you live in cold climate.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Mature size:3′-4′(H) X 2′-3′(W).  USDA Zones:10+.  Easy to propagate by cuttings.  Leaves and flowers are edible.

它是熱帶多年生的植物,紅色管狀花很可愛,花期非常長從春到秋.  花是吸引蜂類及蜂鳥的蜜源.   非常容易栽種及繁殖.  不耐寒所以若你住在溫帶地區須搬進室內過冬.  以栽種在全日照到半日照處為佳. 成熟株高3-4呎,寬幅2-3呎.  容易扦插來繁殖.  花葉可食用.

Delicata Squash (Cucurbita pepo ‘Delicata’) 長型小南瓜

Delicata Squash (Cucurbita pepo ‘Delicata’) 長型小南瓜

Delicata Squash seed packet and seeds.(Cucurbita pepo 'Delicata') 長型小南瓜種子包及種子.

Delicata Squash seed packet and seeds.(Cucurbita pepo ‘Delicata’) 長型小南瓜種子包及種子.

Delicata Squash seedling.(Cucurbita pepo 'Delicata') 長型小南瓜的小苗.

Delicata Squash seedling.(Cucurbita pepo ‘Delicata’) 長型小南瓜的小苗.

Delicata Squash seedling. (Cucurbita pepo 'Delicata') 長型小南瓜的小苗.

Delicata Squash seedling. (Cucurbita pepo ‘Delicata’) 長型小南瓜的小苗.

A type of small long shaped squash.  Annual. Easy to grow from seeds.  Best growing in full sun location.

一種小形長橢圓形的小南瓜.  一年生.  容易從種子栽種起.  以全日照處種植為佳.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

Miracle Fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum) 神秘果

Miracle Fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum) 神秘果

IMG_6355 (Medium)

Miracle Fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum) seedling. 神秘果實生的小苗.

2015-07-28 057 (Medium)

Miracle Fruit seeds. (Synsepalum dulcificum) It will take 3-4 years to grow from seed to plant can flower and fruit. 神秘果種子. 由種子種起要3-4年才會開花結果.

2017-07-07 Mircle Fruit Seeds -1 - Copy

Miracle Fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum) seeds only viable when they are fresh, never dry or got frozen.神秘果的種子只有新鮮的沒有乾燥過沒有冷凍過的才能發芽.

Low height tropical shrub with small red berries. This plant is famous for its berries!  See the info below:

熱帶小型樹或大型灌木生長紅色小果實. 植株以它的果子聞名!  資料如下:

“When the fleshy part of the fruit is eaten, this molecule binds to the tongue’s taste buds, causing sour foods to taste sweet. At neutral pH, miraculin binds and blocks the receptors, but at low pH (resulting from ingestion of sour foods) miraculin binds protons and becomes able to activate the sweet receptors, resulting in the perception of sweet taste. This effect lasts until the protein is washed away by saliva (up to about 30 minutes)."–quote from Wikipedia.

“神秘果果實內覆一籽,食用時僅吃外部果肉,果皮富含花青素可吃入,外層果肉吃完,將保留完整的籽吐出(若不甚咬破會產生苦味,變味效果受影響)。 再來吃富含水果酸的水果,如檸檬、蘋果、番茄、鳳梨、芒果、百香果等,水果味覺會轉化至可口香甜。變味效果持續30~200分鐘(依個人味蕾差異有所不同)。欲中斷變味效果,飲溫熱水即可使味覺回復。"–摘自維基百科.

Can be grown in full sun, partial shade or light shade location.  Small white flowers all year around. USDA Zones:10-11.  Mature size:10′-12′(H).  Suitable for indoor container. One seed in one fruit. Seeds do not store well.  Sow fresh seeds as soon as possible.  Medicinal.

可以種在全日照,半日照或散光處.  白色的小花全年都會開. 耐熱不耐寒.  成熟植株高10-12呎.  室內可以栽種. 一果一籽.  種子活性不長要早早播種.  有藥用價值.

This tropical shrub is famous for its berries. Small white flowers bloom repeatedly.   Best growing in partial shade location but tolerant light shade.  It can be grown in the pot as indoor plant.  Usually propagate by seeds.  Mature size:10′-12′(H/W).  USDA Zones:10+.

熱帶灌木以它的果實聞名. 白色小花開花不斷. 最好栽種在半日照或散光處. 喜濕潤但要排水良好. 果實成熟後轉紅,其果肉很少.  可以室內盆植.  通常以種子來繁殖. 成熟植株高度可達10-12英尺,寬幅也差不多. 喜熱不耐寒.

After tasted this fruit then taste sour or bitter food will change the taste to sweet in the mouth for a short period of time.


Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:


Tree Tomato/Tamarillo (Solanum betaceum) 樹番茄

Tree Tomato/Tamarillo (Solanum betaceum) 樹番茄

Tree Tomato/Tamarillo (Solanum betaceum) 樹番茄

Tree Tomato/Tamarillo (Solanum betaceum) 樹番茄

Halved Tree Tomato/Tamarillo (Solanum betaceum) 樹番茄對半剖開.

Halved Tree Tomato/Tamarillo (Solanum betaceum) 樹番茄對半剖開.

Tree Tomato/Tamarillo seeds. (Solanum betaceum) 樹番茄種子.

Tree Tomato/Tamarillo seeds. (Solanum betaceum) 樹番茄種子.

2016-04-14 037 (Medium)

Tree Tomato/Tamarillo (Solanum betaceum) seed germination in only few days. 樹番茄種子沒播幾天就發芽了.

It is a small tree or large shrub which bares tomato like fruits.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Mature size:10′-12′(H) X 6′-8′(W).  USDA Zones:10+.  I must admit that I am not crazy about the taste of the fruit.   I actually like tomatoes better.  But it is different.  Easy to grow from seeds, cuttings or layering.  Shallow root require staking for heavy rain or strong wind.   The fruiting time could be all year long which is long.  The life span is around 12 years.

小型樹或大型灌木的木本植物能長出像番茄般可食性果實.  最好是栽種在全日照到半日照處.  成熟株高10-12呎,寬幅6-8呎.  耐熱不耐寒.  這果實不是我的菜…我還是習慣和喜歡普普的番茄.   它很容易以種子種起,最快5個月便能開花開始結果實了,但果實成熟需時比番茄久.   由於根系淺須有支架以免強風暴雨會造成的損害.  植株壽命約12年.

Longevity Spinach (Gynura procumbens) 尼基羅草/紫背天葵

Longevity Spinach (Gynura procumbens) 尼基羅草/紫背天葵

2016-06-08白鳳菜 (1) (Medium)

Longevity Spinach (Gynura procumbens) 尼基羅草/紫背天葵

Tropical perennial, leafy vegetable/medicinal herb. Easy to grow and propagate.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location but tolerant full shade.  It is common plant in the wild in tropical climate.  USDA Zones:9-11.  Mature size:8″-1.5′(H) X 1″-3′(W).  Propagate usually by cuttings or division.  Easy to root in soil or water.  Fast growing.

又名平卧菊三七/平臥土三七. 熱帶葉菜/藥用草藥.  容易栽種及繁殖.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處,但也很耐蔭,適應力非常強.  熱帶常見野生分佈.  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高8吋到1.5呎,寬幅1-3呎. 繁殖以扦插或分株方式,土插或水插都很容易發根生長.  生長快速.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結: