Archive | 二月 2014

Amaryllis blooms again! 再次開花的孤挺

Amaryllis bloom again! 再次開花的孤挺

Amaryllis flowers

Amaryllis flowers

Amaryllis blooms again!

Amaryllis blooms again!

This is the second flower stem, last one was last week. I enjoy the pretty, cheerful flowers blooming indoor in this cold winter.

I did fertilize the plant for flower buds and seedpods but this plant has its own plan. 🙂

Ursinia Anethoides–trying something new試種新草花–銅錢花/非洲金盞菊

Ursinia Anethoides–trying something new試種新草花–銅錢花/非洲金盞菊

Ursinia Anethoides

Ursinia Anethoides

Ursinia Anethoides flowers in winter by window indoors. 冬天室內靠窗也能種到開花.

Ursinia Anethoides flowers in winter by window indoors. 冬天室內靠窗也能種到開花.

Ursinia Anethoides flowers.

Ursinia Anethoides flowers.

Just happened to see the seed pack available and I never grow this before.. It is native in south Africa. For full sun location. The flower size is about 2.5 inches across, plants bloom in summer and autumn. In warm climate, plants can continue to bloom in winter as well. Mature plant height is about 30-40cm. After sowing seeds for 3 days in warm area indoor, they start to sprout! 銅錢花是菊科的一年生草花,又名非洲金盞菊,原產於南非,在十八世紀後期傳入歐洲,十九世紀初成為大眾化的花卉. – See more at:沒種過看到它,所以買種子包來種. 原產於南非的一年生草花,橘色花,它的花期是夏秋季,溫暖的地區則冬天也會續開. 需全日照. 成熟植株高約30-40公分,適合盆植或直播地植.

To seed or not to seed, that is the question..孤挺花結子與否的問題

To seed or not to seed, that is the question..孤挺花結子與否的問題

Amaryllis is flowering!

Amaryllis is flowering!

Amaryllis is growing seed pods.結子中的孤挺花

Amaryllis is growing seed pods.結子中的孤挺花

The second Amaryllis flower stem is growing.長出的第二枝孤挺花花莖

The second Amaryllis flower stem is growing.長出的第二枝孤挺花花莖

Well, if I do not let it seed the second flower stem will have larger flowers. If I let it seed the flowers will be smaller.

To have both, I will need to fertilize it to keep both. And I like that! 🙂

How to grow Christmas Rose (Helleborus) from seeds聖誕玫瑰種子孵法

How to grow Christmas Rose (Helleborus) from seeds聖誕玫瑰種子孵法
2013-04-27 043
2013-04-17 046 (Medium)
2013-04-27 004 (Large)

Germinate Seeds in re-sealable plastic bag with small amount of water.小夾鍊袋少水孵到種皮裂開

Germinate Seeds in re-sealable plastic bag with small amount of water.小夾鍊袋少水孵到種皮裂開

Seedling has the first leaf.第一片本葉長出

Seedling has the first leaf.第一片本葉長出

1.Best time to grow this from seeds will be winter because it will take one to couple months to germinate.

2.Put seeds with small amount of water in a re-sealable plastic bag and keep the bag somewhere is dark and not too warm. Pick them out and plant them individually in a moss pallet or small seeding tray until they grow 4-6 true leaves. Keep seedlings in partial shade.

You also can grow them by using peat moss pallets directly. Keep the pallets moist. This will take just a bit longer.

3.Start to fertilize the young plants in small amount monthly.

4.Plant the young plants in the ground before frost or transplant them in lager pots. Use soil is well drain with compost matters.

It is fairly easy but needs some time. Be patient and you will have many of them for many years!

Train your Magnolia for more flowers and flower more than once a year.訓練木蘭花

Train your Magnolia for more flowers and flower more than once a year.訓練木蘭花

2013-05-05 268 (Medium) (1)
2013-05-05 268 (Medium) (2)
Magnolia flower each is rather large which take a lot of nutrients to grow so many. Its flowers growing on end of tips which means you only trim or prune right after flower just spent. After flowers are gone, the shoots will form flower buds and shoots for next time it flowers.

With good care, even in Canada it can flower twice. Major flowering in spring and the other time will be in fall with about half amount of flowers.
In warm climate it can bloom up to four times a year.

Here is how to care for it"
1. Give fertilizer before the plant being active. Such as right after snow melt, before the flower buds enlarged. Give fertilizer spikes for rose or for fruit trees. Apply fertilizer spikes according to the package direction.

2.Only trimming/pruning right after flowering time.
The order of pruning is:
A. the dead part
B. the weak part
C. the unbalance part

If you really don’t know how to trim or prune, just remove the dead part is fine.

These pictures were taken last early May, you can see flowers are huge and with large quantity. Colour were so bright and full.

Hope everyone remember to feed your Magnolia this early spring for lots of beautiful flowers!

For your reference here are some fragrant Magnolia varieties:

Magnolia grandiflora ‘Bracken’s Brown Beauty'(white flowers)
Magnolia kobus (white flowers)
Magnolia ‘Yellow Fever’ (pale yellow flowers)
Magnolia x wieseneri (white flowers)
Magnolia ‘Wada’s Memory’ (white flowers)
Magnolia virginiana ‘Moonglow’ (off white flowers)
Magnolia ‘Yellow Garland’ (yellow flowers)
Magnolia ‘Yellow River’ (yellow flowers)
Magnolia zenii ‘Pink Parchment’ (pale pink flowers)
Perhaps there are some fragrant ones that I missed, let me know so I can update, thanks!


Magnolia grandiflora ‘Bracken’s Brown Beauty'(大葉的葉面臘面綠而光滑,葉背是淡黃核色,花大而白很脫俗又有怡人強香,其它的都無香味.但因花大花數並沒有無香味的品種多,它的枝葉因為特別又大常用來當切花材料.)
Magnolia kobus (它也是開白花但花數多,但它的耐熱性較差些),
Magnolia ‘Yellow Fever’ (淡黃色花),
Magnolia x wieseneri (白花,有人覺得是最香的品種),
Magnolia ‘Wada’s Memory’ (花色為白色),
Magnolia virginiana ‘Moonglow'(花色是米白色),
Magnolia ‘Yellow Garland’ (花色黃色),
Magnolia ‘Yellow River’ (黃色花),
Magnolia zenii ‘Pink Parchment’ (淡粉紅色的花).

Tender perennials for indoor colour in winter.冬天室內的多年生花卉

Tender perennials for indoor colour in winter.冬天室內的多年生花卉

2014-02-06 001 (Medium)
Here is the my backyard now … through geranium you can see still all icy and snow bank pile up pretty high.

If you have space by the window, that keeping few geraniums, Dahlia and Amaryllis for winter colour indoor is pretty good idea. If you don’t have those then you could start some annual seeds indoors. It only takes 1.5 – 2 months from seed to flower!



The last picture is my backyard in last early May.

2013 Early May

2013 Early May

Amaryllis 孤挺花

Amaryllis 孤挺花

Amaryllis 孤挺花

Amaryllis 孤挺花

It is blooming nicely! And there are 2 flower stems!

When the flowers are all done and weather is warm enough, I will plant the bulb outdoor to keep the bulb growing larger then when I bring the bulb in again it will have bigger flowers.

Plant day care– more seedlings! 室內孵種子

Plant day care– more seedlings! 室內孵種子
Here are some seedlings I am growing…almost like a plant day care.

Blue Globe Thistle山防風(藍刺頭)

Blue Globe Thistle山防風(藍刺頭)

Bachelor's Button

Bachelor’s Button多年生矢車菊

Japanese Anemone Seedlings

Japanese Anemone Seedlings日本秋牡丹

Lupine Mixed seedlings羽扇豆

Lupine Mixed seedlings羽扇豆

Thornless Blackberry seedlings無刺黑莓

Thornless Blackberry seedlings無刺黑莓

Rhododendron seedlings酒紅杜鵑

Rhododendron seedlings酒紅杜鵑

Double Poppy 'Black Peony' seedlings 重瓣罌粟花'黑牡丹'

Double Poppy ‘Black Peony’ seedlings 重瓣罌粟花’黑牡丹’

Nemophilla seedlings粉蝶花

Nemophilla seedlings粉蝶花

Christmas Rose seedlings 聖誕玫瑰

Christmas Rose seedlings

Kale seedlings羽衣甘藍

Kale seedlings羽衣甘藍

Lavatera seedlings花葵

Lavatera seedlings花葵

Sea Holly 'Blue Star' seedling藍刺芹

Sea Holly ‘Blue Star’ seedling藍刺芹

Peas seedlings豌豆

Peas seedlings豌豆

Seed Pack seedlings花束混合種子包

Seed Pack seedlings花束混合種子包