Archive | 十月 2014

Paperbark maple (Acer griseum) 血皮楓

Paperbark maple (Acer griseum) 血皮楓

Paperbark maple (Acer griseum) 血皮楓 Fall foliage is turning red.  秋色由綠轉紅.

Paperbark maple (Acer griseum) 血皮楓
Fall foliage is turning red. 秋色由綠轉紅.

Paperbark maple (Acer griseum) 血皮楓 Fall foliage is turning red.  秋色由綠轉紅.

Paperbark maple (Acer griseum) 血皮楓
Fall foliage is turning red. 秋色由綠轉紅.

Paperbark maple (Acer griseum) 血皮楓 Fall foliage is turning red. 秋色由綠轉紅.

Paperbark maple (Acer griseum) 血皮楓
Fall foliage is turning red. 秋色由綠轉紅.

Paperbark maple (Acer griseum) 血皮楓 Fall foliage is turning red. 秋色由綠轉紅.

Paperbark maple (Acer griseum) 血皮楓
Fall foliage is turning red. 秋色由綠轉紅.

Deciduous small to medium tree, mainly growing it for fall colour display.  Very hardy and easy to grow.  Best grow in full sun for best fall colour.  USDA Zones:4-8.  Mature size: 20′-30′(H) X 15′-20′(W).  It has copper red paper bark which is very interesting to look at.  Propagate by seeds, cuttings or grafting.  Suitable for small to medium garden.

血皮楓是小型到中型的落葉喬木.  秋天葉色由綠轉紅.  非常強健且容易栽種.   最好是種在全日照處這樣秋色會比較紅豔.  耐寒性佳.  成熟株高為20-30呎,寬幅為15-20呎.  樹幹的表面為紅銅色脫皮樣的樹皮紋理看起來蠻特別的.   繁殖以種子,扦插或高壓/嫁接法.  適合種在中小型花園.


Pearl-bush (Exochorda) 白鵑梅屬

Pearl-bush (Exochorda) 白鵑梅屬

Snow Day Surprise Pearlbush (Exochorda 'Snow Day Surprise')白鵑梅屬

Snow Day Surprise Pearlbush (Exochorda ‘Snow Day Surprise’)白鵑梅屬. This is pretty. Due to it is off season now, I only can show you this tag, this variety. 非花期,只能照這個品種的花牌.

Pearl-bush seed heads(Exochorda) 白鵑梅屬的種子

Pearl-bush seed heads(Exochorda) 白鵑梅屬的種子 Seed heads remind me star anise. 種子使我聯想到八角.

Pearl-bush seeds(Exochorda) 白鵑梅屬的種子

Pearl-bush seeds(Exochorda) after remove the shell. 白鵑梅屬脫殼後的種子

Pearl-bush seeds(Exochorda) 4weeks germination 白鵑梅屬的種子發芽了,約4週.

Pearl-bush seeds(Exochorda) 4weeks germination 白鵑梅屬的種子發芽了,約4週.

Pearl-bush seedlings.(Exochorda) 白鵑梅實生小苗.

Pearl-bush seedlings.(Exochorda) 白鵑梅實生小苗.

Pearl-bush seedlings are growing nicely.(Exochorda) 白鵑梅實生小苗長勢不錯.

Pearl-bush seedlings are growing nicely.(Exochorda) 白鵑梅實生小苗長勢不錯.

This small hardy mounded shrub is very easy to grow in full sun to partial shade location in well drained soil.  Large amount of small white flowers in late spring.  Flowers attract bees.  Prune it to shape after flowering.  Easy to maintain. Mature size:4′(H) X 4′(W). USDA Zones:4-9.   Propagate usually by cuttings or by seeds.   Seed germination time is about 4 weeks.

是薔薇科白鵑梅屬的小型落葉灌木.  在全日照到半日照的環境排水佳的土壤都能種植.   春末老枝開大量潔白如雪的白色小花,是吸引蜂類的蜜源.  植株枝葉密生,僅需在春天的花期過後修剪整齊並稍添加花肥即可,是低維護的開花灌木.  耐寒.  株高4呎,寬幅4呎.  繁殖多用扦插或種子,種子約秋天採收,發芽約需4週時間.

Plant List 種子交換及贈送清單列出如下

Plant List — Here are some plants I can give away or exchange with my follow gardeners.


Each portion of seed usually is 10 or 20 seeds, if seeds are fine and small, will be more of course.   This is not meant for mass planting use, more about learning and having fun so each gardener is only allowed to ask for one portion  of each kind.   Thank you!  🙂

種子一份的數量為10-20顆, 細小的話數量自然會多些.  這不是要用於大量種植用的,是以學習和娛樂為目的的分享和交換所以每人每種限一份.  謝謝!

Plants to give away (until November 15, 2014) : 可贈送的(截止日期2014年11月15日):

Allium (Allium/Flowering Onion – purple) 繡球蔥(紫) seeds

Allium tuberosum (Garlic Chives ) 韭菜 seeds

Centaurea Montana (Bachelor’s Button – blue) 多年生矢車菊(藍) seeds

Cercis Canadensis (Canadian Red Bud) 加拿大紫荊 seeds

Convallaria majalis (Lily of the valley – white) 鈴蘭(白) seeds

Cornus kousa (Chinese Flowering Dogwood – white) 四照花 seeds

Echinacea purpurea (Purple Coneflower) 紫錐花  seeds

Echinops  (Globethistle) 山防風 seeds                        

Gymnocladus dioicus (Kentucky Coffeetree) 德州咖啡樹 seeds

Lavatera trimestris ‘Mont Blanc’ (Annual Mallow) 花葵 seeds

Tetragonia tetragonioides (New Zealand Spinach) 紐西蘭菠菜/番杏

Tradescantia (Spiderwort) 大花鴨跖草

Plants I have for exchange: 我有多出要用於交換的:

Baptisia australis (False Indigo) 賽靛花 seeds   

Clematis terniflora ‘Sweet Autumn’ (Sweet Autumn Clematis) 鐵線蓮 ‘甜秋’ seeds

Clematis ‘Nelly Moser’ 大花重瓣鐵線蓮’Nelly Moser’ seeds

Cymbalaria muralis (Kenilworth Ivy)  鐃鈸花 seeds

Epipactis gigantea (Stream Orchid) 小河蘭 (seed pods)

Eryngium alpinum ‘Blue Star’ (Sea Holly ‘Blue Star’) 藍刺芹’藍星’ seeds

Fragaria vesca (Wild Strawberry/Alpine Strawberry) 野草莓/高山草莓 (young plants)

Hibiscus moscheutos (Dwarf hardy Hibiscus – pink) 大花扶桑(粉紅色) seeds

Iris sibirica ‘Silver Edge’ (Siberian Iris) 西伯利亞鳶尾 seeds

Magnolia (Yellow Magnolia) 黃色木蘭 seeds     

Paeonia suffruticosa  (Tree Peony – pink x white) 牡丹花 ‘芳紀’x’連鶴’ seeds

Passiflora ligularis (Grenadilla / Sweet Grenadilla) 甜百香果 seeds

Rosa ‘New Dawn’ (Climbing Rose ‘New Dawn’) 蔓玫 seeds

Rubus odoratus (Flowering raspberry) 紫花覆盆子 seeds

Stokesia laevis (Stoke’s Aster) 琉璃菊 seeds

Zea mays (Glass Gem Corn)寶石玉米 seeds                               

Heuchera (Coral Bells) — deep purple foliage 珊瑚鐘–深紫紅葉色                                    

Plants I would like to get: 我想要換得的:

Citrus australasica (Australian Finger Lime) 澳洲手指青檸

Geissorhiza radians (Wine Cup) 酒杯花
Oxalis enneaphylla ‘Ione Hecker’– seeds or bulbs/tubers
Physoplexis comosa(Devil’s Claw / Tufted Horned Rampion)
Quercus douglasii (Blue oak) 藍櫟
Ribes sanguineum (Red-flowering currant) 紅花醋栗
Rosa (Any thornless rose) — seeds or cuttings with roots 無刺玫瑰
Send me  an email and we can see if we can arrange something:
plants4sale [the “at" symbol]
If you have something that you have you think I might want to try, you can give me the scientific name and I will reply you soon.  Thank you!
如果你認為你有的什麼會是我有興趣的也可提出,請先告知其學名及品種名那樣我可以先查詢資料並在寄信前回覆你.  謝謝!
Happy gardening!!

Japanese Anemone (Anemone × hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’) 秋牡丹

Japanese Anemone (Anemone × hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’) 秋牡丹

Japanese Anemone (Anemone × hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’) 秋牡丹

Japanese Anemone (Anemone × hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’) 秋牡丹

Japanese Anemone (Anemone × hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’) 秋牡丹

Japanese Anemone (Anemone × hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’) 秋牡丹

Japanese Anemone (Anemone × hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’) 秋牡丹

Japanese Anemone (Anemone × hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’) 秋牡丹

This is pretty white Japanese Anemone is hardy perennial and easy to grow in full sun to partial shade location.  Beautiful white single flowers in late summer to fall.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  Flowers are good for cut flower.   USDA Zones: 5-9.  It is easy to propagate the plant from seeds or from dividing plant clump in the early spring.  Best grow this in group.

這個美麗脫俗的白色秋牡丹是強健的多年生草花並且容易栽種在全日照到半日照處. 漂亮的白色單瓣花於夏末盛開到整個秋天. 花頗吸引蜂蝶.  花是很好的切花花材.  耐寒.  容易以種子或初春時分株來繁殖.   適合區塊種植.

Sharp-lobed Hepatica (Hepatica acutiloba) 尖葉緣獐耳細辛

Sharp-lobed Hepatica (Hepatica acutiloba) 尖葉緣獐耳細辛

Sharp-lobed Hepatica (Hepatica acutiloba) 尖葉緣獐耳細辛

Sharp-lobed Hepatica (Hepatica acutiloba) 尖葉緣獐耳細辛

2017-04-10 Sharp-lobed Hepatica (Hepatica acutiloba) 尖葉緣獐耳細辛 (1)

Sharp-lobed Hepatica (Hepatica acutiloba) in early spring. 尖葉緣獐耳細辛初春時剛甦醒出土.

2017-04-15 Sharp-lobed Hepatica (Hepatica acutiloba) 尖葉緣獐耳細辛(Medium)

Sharp-lobed Hepatica (Hepatica acutiloba) 尖葉緣獐耳細辛


Sharp-lobed Hepatica (Hepatica acutiloba) 尖葉緣獐耳細辛

This very common native woodland groundcover is very hardy.  Prefers in partial shade location in moist soil.  Small white or blue/violet flowers in spring give nice colour in woods.  USDA Zones:4-7.   Mature size:15cm(H) X 15-20cm(W).   Propagate by dividing plant in fall or seeds (seeds have very short viability so they can not be stored).

尖葉緣獐耳細辛,非常強健的北美森林地被植物,多年生草花,有獨特的葉形,春天開白色或藍紫色的小花,先花後葉.  在春天的森林地表上增添美麗的春色.  繁殖方式以分株為主但是種子亦可但要新鮮因種子不耐儲存.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:         


Fall colour in Toronto — more! 多倫多秋色 — 再續!

Fall colour in Toronto — more!  多倫多秋色 — 再續!

I took  lots of shots in E. T. Seton Park and over the bridges.   Enjoy! 🙂

這次在E. T. Seton Park 和橋上面 都拍了不少照片.   好好欣賞吧!  🙂

2014-10-19 106 (Medium)

2014-10-19 119 (Medium)2014-10-19 031 (Medium)

2014-10-19 069 (Medium)

2014-10-19 063 (Medium)

2014-10-19 083 (Medium)


2014-10-19 048 (Medium)2014-10-19 053 (Medium)2014-10-19 134 (Medium)2014-10-19 057 (Medium)2014-10-19 133 (Medium)2014-10-19 093 (Medium)2014-10-19 021 (Medium)2014-10-19 038 (Medium)

2014-10-19 059 (Medium)

2014-10-19 065 (Medium)

2014-10-19 060 (Medium)

2014-10-19 062 (Medium)

2014-10-19 123 (Medium)

2014-10-19 022 (Medium)

Mid October Garden 十月中旬的花園

Mid October Garden 十月中旬的花園

These are plants still blooming in mid October.  這些是十月中旬花園裡還在開的花.

Otober sedum.

Autumn Stonecrop Sedum alboroseum ‘Mediovariegatum’ 佛甲草

 Fall Chrysanthemum  Chrysanthemum × rubellum ‘Clara Curtis’ 秋菊

Fall Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum × rubellum ‘Clara Curtis’ 秋菊

Border Pinks (Dianthus 'Firewitch') 多年生石竹

Border Pinks (Dianthus ‘Firewitch’)

Spirea.  繡線菊.

Spirea. 繡線菊.


Passion flower vine.西番蓮.

Passion flower vine.西番蓮.

Passion flower vine. 西番蓮.

Passion flower vine. 西番蓮.


Dahlia. 大理花.

Dahlia. 大理花.

Dahlia. 大理花.

Dahlia. 大理花.

Dahlia. 大理花.

Dahlia. 大理花.

Dahlia. 大理花.

Dahlia. 大理花.


Dahlia. 大理花.

Dahlia. 大理花.

Hibiscus moscheutos. 大花扶桑.

Hibiscus moscheutos. 大花扶桑.

Blanket flower. 天人菊.

Blanket flower. 天人菊.

Garden Phlox. 多年生福祿考.

Garden Phlox. 多年生福祿考.

Garden Phlox. 多年生福祿考.

Garden Phlox. 多年生福祿考.

Silene armeria 'Electra'  甜威廉捕蟲草

Silene armeria ‘Electra’ 甜威廉捕蟲草

Climbing rose. 蔓玫.

Climbing rose. 蔓玫.

Echinacea. 紫錐花.

Echinacea. 紫錐花.

Lobelia. 六倍利.

Lobelia. 六倍利.

Hydrangea. 繡球花.

Hydrangea. 繡球花.

Tricolor Viola. 香堇菜.

Tricolor Viola. 香堇菜.

Cosmos. 大波斯菊.

Cosmos. 大波斯菊.

Honeysuckle. 忍冬(金銀花).

Honeysuckle. 忍冬(金銀花).

Calendula. 金盞花.

Calendula. 金盞花.

Petunia. 矮牽牛.

Petunia. 矮牽牛.


Lamium. 塊莖小芝麻.

Lamium. 塊莖小芝麻.

Zinnia 百日草

Zinnia 百日草


Canary Creeper (Tropaeolum peregrinum) 裂葉金蓮花

Canary Creeper (Tropaeolum peregrinum) 裂葉金蓮花


Kenilworth Ivy(Cymbalaria muralis)鐃鈸花

Kenilworth Ivy(Cymbalaria muralis)鐃鈸花


English lavender. 英國薰衣草.

English lavender. 英國薰衣草.


Anise-hyssop (Agastache rugosa)藿香

Anise-hyssop (Agastache rugosa)藿香


Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’)火燄衛矛

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’)火燄衛矛

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus 'Compactus') hedge 火燄衛矛做成的綠籬秋色轉為紅豔!

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’) hedge 火燄衛矛做成的綠籬秋色轉為紅豔!

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus 'Compactus') hedge and Tartarian maples both are so red! 火燄衛矛做成的綠籬和韃靼楓秋色都轉為非常紅豔!

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’) hedge and Tartarian maples both are so red! 火燄衛矛做成的綠籬和韃靼楓秋色都轉為非常紅豔!

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus 'Compactus') hedge 火燄衛矛做成的綠籬秋色轉為紅豔!

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’) hedge 火燄衛矛做成的綠籬秋色轉為紅豔!

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus 'Compactus') leaves and fruits are turning red in fall.  Red fruits will last until early winter. 火燄衛矛的葉和果轉紅.  紅色的果實一直維持到初冬.

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’) leaves and fruits are turning red in fall. Red fruits will last until early winter. 火燄衛矛的葉和果轉紅. 紅色的果實一直維持到初冬.

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus 'Compactus') small pale yellow flowers in spring. 火燄衛矛春天的淡黃小花.

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’) small pale yellow flowers in spring. 火燄衛矛春天的淡黃小花.

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus 'Compactus') seed 火燄衛矛種子

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’) seed 火燄衛矛種子

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus 'Compactus') first year seedling. 火燄衛矛第一年實生苗的樣子.

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’) first year seedling. 火燄衛矛第一年實生苗的樣子.

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus 'Compactus') first year seedling. 火燄衛矛第一年實生苗的樣子.

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’) first year seedling. 火燄衛矛第一年實生苗的樣子.


Autumn burning bush are so gorgeous and bright!  It is hard not to notice them.  🙂  This hardy shrub is very easy to grow in full sun location for best fall colour.   Even though it is OK with shady location but never the best in terms of colour changing in time before dropping the leaves.   Small pale yellow flowers in spring and follow the orange red fruit in late summer throughout the cold winter.   Fruits attract birds but the plant is mild toxic to human.

Propagate by cuttings, grafting or seeds.   Although all burning bush seedlings growth rate is extremely slow.  Buying mature plant is worthy.   USDA Zones:4-8.  Mature size:9′-11′(H)and (W).     This shrub tolerants heavy pruning so you can keep the hedge any desire height as you want.     ‘Rudy Haag’  is 3′-5′(H)and (W) if you do not want to prune them.

火燄衛矛秋天的紅豔葉色非常亮眼很難不注意到它們.  🙂  這是很強健的小型灌木,很容易栽種在全日照處以利葉色轉為較紅.  半日照或蔭處雖也能生長,不過葉色的轉紅可能不一致並且落葉較快.  春天開淡黃色小花,隨即果實在夏末秋初時轉為橘紅色並維持到初冬,鳥類在冬天時缺乏食物會爭食其果實, 人類不可誤食.

繁殖多以扦插或高壓為主,雖也能用種子種出實生苗不過實生苗實在生長很慢並不建議.  還是買成株的容易又省時.  這種大量被使用在綠籬的小型灌木價格合理,各個花圃花店幾乎都能購得.  耐寒性佳.  成熟株高9-11呎,耐修剪.  如不想常修剪的話可以選擇較為矮性的品種叫: ‘Rudy Haag’,高與寬幅皆僅為3-5呎.


Canary Creeper (Tropaeolum peregrinum) 裂葉金蓮花

Canary Creeper (Tropaeolum peregrinum) 裂葉金蓮花

Canary Creeper (Tropaeolum peregrinum) Does the flower like a flying canary in the air?  裂葉金蓮花 -- 花形像不像一隻振翅飛翔的金絲雀呢?

Canary Creeper (Tropaeolum peregrinum) Does the flower like a flying canary in the air? 裂葉金蓮花 — 花形像不像一隻振翅飛翔的金絲雀呢?

Canary Creeper (Tropaeolum peregrinum) Does the flower like a flying canary in the air? 裂葉金蓮花 -- 花形像不像一隻振翅飛翔的金絲雀呢?

Canary Creeper (Tropaeolum peregrinum) Does the flower like a flying canary in the air? 裂葉金蓮花 — 花形像不像一隻振翅飛翔的金絲雀呢?

Canary Creeper (Tropaeolum peregrinum) Does the -- flower front view裂葉金蓮花 -- 花的正面

Canary Creeper (Tropaeolum peregrinum) Does the — flower front view裂葉金蓮花 — 花的正面


Canery Vine Foliage

Canary Creeper (Tropaeolum peregrinum) foliage 裂葉金蓮花的葉片

Canary Creeper (Tropaeolum peregrinum) seeds 裂葉金蓮花的種子

Canary Creeper (Tropaeolum peregrinum) seeds 裂葉金蓮花的種子


Its flower side view looks like a canary flying in the air!  It is interesting how nature works!  🙂  This is a vine which is same genus with Nasturtium.  Very easy to grow in full sun location from seeds, better with support .  Annual.  It is one of fun plants to grow in your garden.

是容易栽種的一年生爬藤. 金蓮花的一種, 側面黃色的花形如空中停留的金絲雀, 你覺得像嗎?   容易以種子繁殖,種在全日照處,最好有支撐物可供攀爬.  它是好栽種的有趣的花園植物之一.

Oak trees and acorns (Quercus) 橡樹與橡實

Oak trees and acorns (Quercus) 橡樹與橡實

Beautiful oak is changing colour! 橡樹轉秋色.

Beautiful oak is changing colour! 橡樹轉秋色.


Beautiful oak is changing colour! 橡樹轉秋色.

Beautiful oak is changing colour! 橡樹轉秋色.

Beautiful oak is changing colour! 橡樹轉秋色.

Beautiful oak is changing colour! 橡樹轉秋色.

Oaks and acorns -- how many kind of oak species you can tell from these acorns?  (Quercus) 橡樹與橡實--你能從這些橡實分辨出幾種橡樹呢?

Oaks and acorns — how many kind of oak species you can tell from these acorns? (Quercus) 橡樹與橡實–你能從這些橡實分辨出幾種橡樹呢?

It is easy to grow an oak tree from an acorn. 很容易栽種橡實成橡樹.

It is easy to grow an oak tree from an acorn. 很容易栽種橡實成橡樹.

I must said these acorns are so cute!   And they are future mighty oaks!  🙂

Oak trees are slow growing  large trees and have very useful hard wood for furniture, hard wood floor and so on; the seeds, acorns come with different appearances and sizes according to oak species.

Acorns can be food source for human and wild animals.  There are many recipes on line you can search if you are curious, such as acorn jelly/tofu.   You can easily grow an oak from an acorn in 10-30 days in moist but not saggy soil!   Acorns  are fabulous material for crafts!

I appreciate oak leaves turning beautiful colour in fall, red, orange, yellow or brown.  So beautiful! 🙂

What is your favorite oak?

橡實好可愛喔!  它們可是未來的大樹呢!  🙂


橡實除了可以栽種外還可以是人及野生動物的食物,如果你有興趣的話網上可以查詢到許多如何料理橡實的食譜,如:橡子豆腐.  你可以很容易從橡實栽種出橡樹,在濕潤不積水的土壤或介質中大約需10-30天會發芽!    橡實也是做手工藝品的極佳材料!

我欣賞橡樹的秋色,紅,橙,黃或黃褐色.  好美!  🙂
