Archive | 四月 2015

Chinese Artichoke/Artichoke Betony (Stachys affinis) 甘露子/草石蠶

Chinese Artichoke/Artichoke Betony (Stachys affinis) 甘露子/草石蠶

Chinese Artichoke/Artichoke Betony flowers.  (Stachys affinis) 甘露子/草石蠶開的花

Chinese Artichoke/Artichoke Betony flowers. (Stachys affinis) 甘露子/草石蠶開的花

Chinese Artichoke/Artichoke Betony flowers. (Stachys affinis) 甘露子/草石蠶開的花

Chinese Artichoke/Artichoke Betony flowers. (Stachys affinis) 甘露子/草石蠶開的花

Chinese Artichoke/Artichoke Betony edible tubers. (Stachys affinis) 甘露子/草石蠶可食用的塊根.

Chinese Artichoke/Artichoke Betony edible tubers. (Stachys affinis) 甘露子/草石蠶可食用的塊根.

Chinese Artichoke/Artichoke Betony tubers turn green and grow shoots. (Stachys affinis) 甘露子/草石蠶球根轉綠後長出新芽.

Chinese Artichoke/Artichoke Betony tubers turn green and grow shoots. (Stachys affinis) 甘露子/草石蠶球根轉綠後長出新芽.

Chinese Artichoke/Artichoke Betony tubers now have leaves. (Stachys affinis) 甘露子/草石蠶球根轉綠後長出葉片.

Chinese Artichoke/Artichoke Betony tubers now have leaves. (Stachys affinis) 甘露子/草石蠶球根轉綠後長出葉片.

Very interesting vegetable!  This is an odd looking root vegetable and it is  a hardy perennial!  Yes, the edible roots/tubers/rhizomes do look like jade beads or worm like shape.  Very hardy and easy to grow.  Normally propagate by roots/rhizomes or dividing the plant clumps.  The texture and flavour is similar to Jerusalem artichoke.  But often prepared as pickle as side dish or garnish.  Small pink-purplish flowers in mid-late summer.  Best to grow it in full sun location.  USDA Zones:5-9.   Mature size: 1′-1.5′(H) x 6″(W).  Medicinal herb.

很有意思的植物!  這是有著毛蟲或螺螄或珠串形狀球根的地下根莖類蔬菜.  非常強健易於栽種.  一般是以如圖的小球根來繁殖,但也可用種子或分株來繁殖. 吃起來像是菊芋般的口感. 通常以醬菜的形式或是當作菜餚上的擺飾點綴.  夏天在直立的花串上開紫色小花.  全日照栽培為佳.  耐寒性佳.  成熟植株高1呎到1呎半,寬幅約6吋.  藥用植物.

Reference links: 參考資料網站連結:

How to grow Dragon fruit from seeds (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果種子孵法

How to grow Dragon fruit from seeds (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果種子孵法

Dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果.

Dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果.

Dragon fruit seeds. (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果種子.

Dragon fruit seeds. (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果種子.

Dragon fruit seed germination in 3 days. (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果種子3天內孵出.

Dragon fruit seed germination in 3 days. (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果種子3天內孵出.

Dragon fruit seedlings. (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果實生種苗.

Dragon fruit seedlings. (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果實生種苗.

Dragon fruit from seeds (Hylocereus undatus) progress.  火龍果種子孵出後的進展.

Dragon fruit from seeds (Hylocereus undatus) progress. 火龍果種子孵出後的進展.

This is more for fun because from seed to flower and fruit will take 4-7 years.  But they are nice!  I am growing here will be in pots due to cold climate here.   The reason why I grow Hylocereus undatus (White-fleshed Pitahaya) is easy to buy and the plant is self pollinate.  Although red-fleshed variety fruit is sweeter, it require pollinate with other plants to fruit.

種這個主要是好玩的.  因為實生苗要4-7年才會開花結果.  但是也很不錯!  種白肉品種的原因是取得容易將來長成會容易自花授粉.  雖說紅肉品種較甜但須異株授粉. 維基百科資料,這種的是白肉的: Farm growing, see: 專業栽培:

1.Get the seeds from ripen fruit, the seeds are black, glossy and small.  (See the seed image.) Plant the seeds in moist warm location.  Use sandy soil or well drained medium.   About 1-3 days, seeds will sprout.

1.從熟果中取出種子.  成熟的種子是黑亮小小的. (見圖) 將種子置於溼潤的土表(使用砂質土或排水良好的介質)放在溫暖的地方在1-3天就會出芽.

2.Transplant the seedlings when they are 6″ high and crowded.   Plant them in the ground or in large planters.  Keep them in moist but well drained soil in full sun location.   It will require 6′-8’concrete pole (1′-2′ into the ground) as support to grow well.   It prefers growing in warm temperature.

2.小苗長到6吋時太擠時要移植.  以地植為佳,深盆次之.  全日照並維持一定土壤溼度,另外須建攀爬用6-8呎水泥柱(柱要入土深1-2呎)架著以利快速生長.  它喜熱喜強光並需適時施肥和灌溉.

Chicory/Cicoria di Catalogna (Cichorium intybus ‘A Foglie Frastagliate’) 菊苣

Chicory/Cicoria di Catalogna (Cichorium intybus ‘A Foglie Frastagliate’) 菊苣

Chicory/Cicoria di Catalogna (Cichorium intybus 'A Foglie Frastagliate') 菊苣

Chicory/Cicoria di Catalogna (Cichorium intybus ‘A Foglie Frastagliate’) 菊苣

Chicory/Cicoria di Catalogna seeds. (Cichorium intybus 'A Foglie Frastagliate') 菊苣種子.

Chicory/Cicoria di Catalogna seeds. (Cichorium intybus ‘A Foglie Frastagliate’) 菊苣種子.

I think I will like it so I bought this seed packet to grow some this year!  This genus is very hardy.   We shall see the progress later on then.  Luckily recently the weather is above 0 degree C.  Some seeds can be planted!  I will keep the progress update!

我想這個是我會喜歡吃的菜所以今年就買了包種子包來種.  這一屬的植物都是很強健好種的,不太需要照顧.  最近天氣有比較穩定了,夜晚低溫已不再零下.  很多種子都可以播下了.   稍後有進度再來新增資料和照片!

Mature size:1′-2′(H) X 1′(W).

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Winged Bean/Asparagus pea(Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)翼豆/四稜豆

Winged Bean/Asparagus pea(Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)翼豆/四稜豆

Winged Bean/Asparagus pea(Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)翼豆/四稜豆

Winged Bean/Asparagus pea(Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)翼豆/四稜豆

2015-04-25 019 (Medium)

Winged Bean/Asparagus pea(Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)翼豆/四稜豆

Winged Bean/Asparagus pea(Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) seeds. 翼豆/四稜豆種子.

Winged Bean/Asparagus pea(Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) seeds. 翼豆/四稜豆種子.

Winged Bean/Asparagus pea seedling. (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)翼豆/四稜豆小苗展葉.

Winged Bean/Asparagus pea seedling. (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)翼豆/四稜豆小苗展葉.

Winged Bean/Asparagus pea(Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)翼豆/四稜豆

Winged Bean/Asparagus pea(Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)翼豆/四稜豆

A type of delicious Asian beans. Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  This perennial climber is native in New Guinea, it requires a support to cling on, likes hot and humid.  Fast growing.  Purple flowers then winged seed pods. All parts are edible!  The tender seed pods tastes like asparagus so it has other name “Asparagus pea".   Easy to grow.  Propagate by seeds.  USDA Zones:8-11.  Not cold tolerant so often be treated as annual.

亞洲品種的豆類. 喜全日照到半日照.  它是原生於新幾內亞的多年生草本爬藤,須有攀爬用的支架,喜溼熱的生長環境.  生長速度快.  開紫色花,花謝後結四稜的豆莢. 全株各部位均可以食用!   嫩豆莢口感比美蘆筍所以又名蘆筍豆.  容易栽種.  以種子來繁殖.  由於不耐寒常被當作一年生植物來栽種.

Reference links:   參考資料的連結:

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Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus ‘Painted Lady’) 香豌豆

Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus ‘Painted Lady’) 香豌豆

Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus 'Painted Lady') 香豌豆

Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus ‘Painted Lady’) 香豌豆

Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus 'Painted Lady') germination. 香豌豆孵出.

Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus ‘Painted Lady’) germination. 香豌豆孵出.

Annual Lathyrus odoratus (This variety is ‘Painted Lady’) is a highly scented heirloom sweet pea.  It is easy to grow from seeds.  Seeds are toxic if ingested.  It is a easy to grow annual flowering vine.  Excellent for cut flower and in garden to attract bees and butterflies.  Best to grow in full sun location.   Fast growth.   Easy to propagate by seeds.   It will be nice to see the flowers and smell the fragrance soon since it is annual.  I am growing these for Lorna. 這個一年生的香豌豆(這個是品種是’Painted Lady’雙色的花) 的花香味濃郁很受歡迎.  容易從種子栽種.  種子有毒勿食.  它是生長快速的一年生開花藤,很適合當切花花材,也是於園中吸引蜂蝶的蜜源植物. 最好是全日照.  容易自行結子繁殖.

European Plum/Goje Sabz (Prunus Domestica Italica) 歐洲李

Persian Green Plum/Goje Sabz  (Prunus Domestica Italica) 歐洲李

Persian Green Plum/Goje Sabz  (Prunus Domestica Italica) 歐洲李

Persian Green Plum/Goje Sabz (Prunus Domestica Italica) 歐洲李

Persian Green Plum/Goje Sabz  pits and seed.(Prunus Domestica Italica) 歐洲李果核與種子.

Persian Green Plum/Goje Sabz pits and seed.(Prunus Domestica Italica) 歐洲李果核與種子.

Goje Sabz in English is Greengage. It is the Prunus Domestica ssp. italica – gages (Greengages fruit).  The texture is crunchy, juicy and few are a bit of tangy.  I heard it is good to eat with some bit of salt.  USDA Zones:6-9.  Small white flowers in summer attract bees and butterflies.  Mature size: 12′-15′(H) x 1′(W).  Propagate by grafting though some said can be propagated by seeds.

歐洲李綠果小脆而多汁,但香味很淡,不算甜,不過不會酸澀.  聽說吃時加點鹽不錯. 我吃了覺得有加鹽沒有比較好吃.  雖然甜度和香度不足,但口感比亞洲李好吃.   成熟株高約12-15呎,寬幅僅1呎. 夏開白色小花,須疏果.  繁殖以嫁接為主,不過也有聽過可用種子來繁殖的.

Reference links:


Blue Ginger (Dichorisandra thyrsiflora) 藍薑

Blue Ginger (Dichorisandra thyrsiflora) 藍薑


Blue Ginger (Dichorisandra thyrsiflora) 藍薑



Blue Ginger (Dichorisandra thyrsiflora) 藍薑




Blue Ginger (Dichorisandra thyrsiflora) 藍薑




Blue Ginger (Dichorisandra thyrsiflora) 藍薑

IMG_0242 - Copy

Blue Ginger (Dichorisandra thyrsiflora) tip has flower head forming! 藍薑的頂生花序形成中!


Blue ginger does not set seeds easily so often propagate by cuttings. 藍薑不易結子所以是用扦插來繁殖.

Blue ginger (Dichorisandra thyrsiflora) does not set seeds easily so often propagate by cuttings. 藍薑不易結子所以是用扦插來繁殖.

Blue Ginger cuttings start to grow shoots. (Dichorisandra thyrsiflora) 藍薑枝條開始出芽了.

Blue Ginger cuttings start to grow shoots. (Dichorisandra thyrsiflora) 藍薑枝條開始出芽了.

Blue Ginger foliage even sometimes with silvery white markings. (Dichorisandra thyrsiflora) 藍薑的葉片有時還有銀白色的葉紋.

Blue Ginger foliage even sometimes with silvery white markings. (Dichorisandra thyrsiflora) 藍薑的葉片有時還有銀白色的葉紋.

Photo source/link: This beauty is a perennial native in Brazil.   USDA Zones:10-12.  Beautiful upright blue-purple flowers in clusters in mid summer to mid fall. Easy to propagate by cuttings or dividing the plant clumps.   Prefers moist soil and partial shade/dappled shade/indoor.   It is a nice indoor potted plant if you live in cold climate.  Easy to grow. Mature size:6′-8′(H)X1.5′-3′(W).

這個美麗的鴨跖草科鴛鴦草屬植物是原生於巴西的多年生草花.  耐濕熱不耐乾寒. 花是成串直立的藍紫色花串,花期從仲夏到中秋. 光線要求為半日照或散光, 所以很適合當室內盆植的觀葉/觀花植物.  繁殖容易,多以枝條扦插或分株來進行.  容易栽種.  成熟株高6-8呎,寬幅1.5-3呎.

Bloodroot flowering time! (Sanguinaria canadensis)血根草開花了!

Bloodroot flowering time! (Sanguinaria canadensis)血根草開花了!

2015-04-16 028 (Small)

Bloodroot flowering time! (Sanguinaria canadensis)血根草開花了!

2015-04-16 018 (Small)

Bloodroot flowering time! (Sanguinaria canadensis)血根草開花了!

Bloodroot flowering then growing leaves. (Sanguinaria canadensis)血根草先花後葉.

Bloodroot flowering then growing leaves. (Sanguinaria canadensis)血根草先花後葉.

Bloodroot flowering then growing leaves.  Seed pods forming among the leaves.  (Sanguinaria canadensis)血根草先花後葉.  子莢形成中.

Bloodroot flowering then growing leaves. Seed pods forming among the leaves. (Sanguinaria canadensis)血根草先花後葉. 子莢形成中.

Bloodroot seeds. (Sanguinaria canadensis)血根草種子.

Bloodroot seeds. (Sanguinaria canadensis)血根草種子.

They bloom before the leaves open.   Bloodroot is a native perennial herb to eastern North America.    In bloodroot, its juice is red and poisonous.  Very hardy, perennial, quite shade and drought tolerant.  Small white single flowers in spring.  Mature size:3″-6″(H) X 1′(W).   USDA Zones:4-9.  Propagation by dividing the plant clumps/bulbs, rhymes or seeds. 血根草先花後葉.   罌粟科血根草屬的多年生草花,原產於北美洲.  是藥草.  根狀莖破損時會流出似血的紅色汁液故稱為血根草. 有毒. 春開單瓣小白花. 非常耐寒耐蔭也耐旱. 耐熱度不差.  成熟植株3-6吋高,寬幅約1呎.  以分株,分球/塊根或種子的方式來繁殖.

Clematis lasiandra (Clematis) 小木通/毛蕊鐵線蓮

Clematis lasiandra (Clematis) 小木通 / 毛蕊鐵線蓮

Plant info and flower image see link:

Clematis lasiandra seeds.(Clematis) 小木通 / 毛蕊鐵線蓮種子.

Clematis lasiandra seeds.(Clematis) 小木通 / 毛蕊鐵線蓮種子.

Clematis lasiandra seeds germination.(Clematis) 小木通 / 毛蕊鐵線蓮種子發芽.

Clematis lasiandra seeds germination.(Clematis) 小木通 / 毛蕊鐵線蓮種子發芽.

Clematis lasiandra seedlings.(Clematis) 小木通 / 毛蕊鐵線蓮實生小苗.

Clematis lasiandra seedlings.(Clematis) 小木通 / 毛蕊鐵線蓮實生小苗.

One of medicinal Clematis.   USDA Zones:6-9.  Best in full sun to partial shade location.  Perennial, small white or deep pink flowers with 4 petals.  Average flower size diameter is 1″.  Bell-shaped flowers, curved tip of petals, flowers are nodding bloom form.  Usually blooming in early summer to midautumn.  Native in Asia.  Plant mature size:10′-20′(H).  Pruning back half in early spring or late fall/early winter.  Easy to propagate by seeds or cuttings.

它是常見的藥用鐵線蓮之一.  多年生,生長快速,喜歡生長在全日照到半日照的環境. 粉紅色的小花在春天時盛開,花向下開.  容易栽種.  以種子或扦插來繁殖.  成熟藤高/長度可達10-20呎.