Archive | 八月 2017

Yellow Climbing Rose (Rosa ‘Golden Showers’) 爬藤香玫’黃金雨’

Yellow Climbing Rose (Rosa ‘Golden Showers’) 爬藤香玫’黃金雨’

2017-08-25 Yellow Climbing Rose (Rosa 'Golden Showers') 爬藤香玫'黃金雨' (3) - Copy

Yellow Climbing Rose (Rosa ‘Golden Showers’) is beautiful and with nice fragrance! 爬藤香玫’黃金雨’花美又香!

Cold hardy climbing rose with bright golden yellow flowers and wonderful fragrance!  Repeat bloomer!  Flowers on new canes and old canes.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Long blooming time from late spring to early summer to fall.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  Good for cut flower.  USDA Zones: 5-9. Mature size:12′-14′(H/L).  Propagate by cuttings or grafting.  Remove spent flowers for new growth.  Fast growth.

耐寒強健的蔓玫,金黃色的花有著極芬芳好聞的香味!  續開型!  花於新枝及老枝都能來花.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處. 春末夏初開到秋天,花期很長.  花頗吸引蜂蝶.  適合切花.  耐寒也耐熱. 成熟株高12呎到14呎高/藤長. 繁殖以扦插或嫁接的方式來進行.  將謝掉的花剪除才能刺激新的花苞形成.  生長快速.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

Moth Mullein (Verbascum blattaria) 毛瓣毛蕊花

Moth Mullein (Verbascum blattaria) 毛瓣毛蕊花

2017-08-24 Moth Mullein (Verbascum blattaria) 毛瓣毛蕊花) (1) - Copy

Moth Mullein (Verbascum blattaria) in the wild. 野外生長的毛瓣毛蕊花

2017-08-24 Moth Mullein (Verbascum blattaria) 毛瓣毛蕊花 (1) - Copy

Moth Mullein (Verbascum blattaria) seed pods are mature. 毛瓣毛蕊花結的種莢成熟了.

2017-08-24 Moth Mullein (Verbascum blattaria) 毛瓣毛蕊花 (5) - Copy

Moth Mullein (Verbascum blattaria) seeds from 1 mature seed pod. 毛瓣毛蕊花的1個成熟種莢取出的種子.

Biennial wildflower.   Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Yellow or white flowers in summer to early fall.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  USDA Zones:5-9.  Mature size:3′-4′(H) X 2′-3′(W).  Propagate by seed.  Self seeded freely.  Could be invasive.  But can be controlled by deadheading or removing the unwanted seedlings.   Plant has shallow roots.   Seedlings stays evergreen through winter.

二年生草本的野花. 容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處.  黃色花或者白色花於夏天開到初秋.  花頗吸引蜂蝶. 耐寒也耐熱.  成熟株高3-4呎,寬幅2-3呎.  繁殖以種子的方式來進行.  容易自行落子繁殖,所以可能成為強勢植物.  但可以摘去謝掉的花朵不使結子,以及除去多餘不想要種植的自生小苗們藉以控制數量.   植株根系淺.  小苗冬天維持常綠.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                                                                  

Job’s Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi ‘Maxima’) 佛珠薏仁or黃金薏苡

Job’s Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi ‘Maxima’) 佛珠薏仁or黃金薏苡

2017-08-11 Job's Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi 'Maxima') 佛珠薏仁or黃金薏苡 (2) - Copy

Job’s Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi ‘Maxima’) 佛珠薏仁or黃金薏苡

2017-08-20 Job's Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi 'Maxima') 佛珠薏仁or黃金薏苡 (3) - Copy

Job’s Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi ‘Maxima’) seeds germinate in about 10 days. 佛珠薏仁or黃金薏苡種子約10天發芽.

2017-12-19 Job's Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi 'Maxima') 佛珠薏仁or黃金薏苡 - Copy

Job’s Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi ‘Maxima’) 佛珠薏仁or黃金薏苡

This variety fruit/seeds are golden to yellow pearl like shape instead of the common grey/dark tear shaped fruit/seeds.  Natural with a hole in the center for threading.   Edible grain and also good for beading for jewelry.  Tropical perennial/grass.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun location.  USDA Zones:9-10.  Mature size:3′-4′(H) X 6″-1′(W).  Propagate by seeds or division.

這個品種的果/種子為金黃色圓珠狀與平時常見的灰黑色水滴狀的種子不同.  自然成形的中間孔洞很方便穿珠成串.  種子可以食用也常見用於首飾用串珠.  熱帶多年生草本/草類.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照處.  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高3-4呎,寬幅6吋到1呎.  繁殖以種子或分株的方式來進行.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                               

Yellow Walking Iris (Trimezia martinicensis) 黃扇鳶尾

Yellow Walking Iris (Trimezia martinicensis) 黃扇鳶尾

2018-03-12 Yellow Walking Iris (Trimezia martinicensis) 黃扇鳶尾 (3) - Copy

Yellow Walking Iris (Trimezia martinicensis) 黃扇鳶尾

2018-03-01 Yellow Walking Iris (Trimezia martinicensis) 黃扇鳶尾 (9) - Copy

Yellow Walking Iris (Trimezia martinicensis) 黃扇鳶尾

2017-06-24 Yellow Walking Iris - Copy

Yellow Walking Iris (Trimezia martinicensis) 黃扇鳶尾

Hardy tropical perennial.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in partial shade to light shade location in moist soil.  Yellow flowers bloom repeatedly all year around. Flowers attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.  USDA Zones:9-11.  Mature size:1′-2′(H) X 3″-6″(W).  Propagate by dividing rhizomes/bulbs, offsets.  Suitable for growing in containers indoors.  Plant is toxic if ingested.

強健的熱帶多年生草花.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在半日照到散光處的濕潤土壤.  全年可開黃色花朵.  花頗吸引蜂蝶與蜂鳥.  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高1-2呎,寬幅3-6吋.  繁殖以分株,走莖/側芽或地下莖.  適合室內盆植.  植株有毒勿食.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:  

Lemon Catnip (Nepeta cataria ‘Citriodora’) 檸檬貓薄荷

Lemon Catnip (Nepeta cataria ‘Citriodora’) 檸檬貓薄荷

2017-08-14 Lemon Catnip (Nepeta cataria 'Citriodora') 檸檬貓薄荷 (2) - Copy

Lemon Catnip (Nepeta cataria ‘Citriodora’) flowers. 檸檬貓薄荷的花.

2017-08-14 Lemon Catnip (1) - Copy

Lemon Catnip (Nepeta cataria ‘Citriodora’) 檸檬貓薄荷

2017-08-14 Lemon Catnip (3) - Copy

Lemon Catnip (Nepeta cataria ‘Citriodora’) seeds. 檸檬貓薄荷的種子.

Biennial herb.  Lemon catnip, cats love to eat and smell the plant!  Aromatic.  This is probably the best fragrance of all catnip! Very pleasant! 🙂 Easy to grow from seeds!  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Small pale pink to white flowers in summer to fall.  Whole plant has nice lemony fragrance!  USDA Zones:3-9. Mature size:2′-4′(H) X 1′-1.5′(W). Propagate by seeds. Medicinal.  Edible for humans as well for calming.   Suitable for growing in containers.

二年生香草. 檸檬貓薄荷,貓咪很愛吃也很愛聞它的味道! 這種大概是諸多貓薄荷中是最香最好聞的了!  🙂 容易由種子來栽種!  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處.  小小的淡粉到白色的花從夏天開到秋天.  全株有著好聞的香濃檸檬味!  耐寒也耐熱.  成熟株高2-4呎,寬幅1-1.5呎. 繁殖以種子的方式來進行.  藥用.   沒錯,人也可以用不過和貓的作用相反,對人則變成有放鬆,鎮靜,助眠等作用.  適合盆植.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                                                                                

Cocoa Tree (Theobroma cacao) 可可樹

Cocoa Tree (Theobroma cacao) 可可樹

2017-07-31 Cocoa Tree (Theobroma cacao) 可可樹 - Copy

These Cocoa Tree (Theobroma cacao) seeds seems viable for sure! 這4顆可可樹種子看起來活性不錯!

2017-08-05Cocoa Tree (Theobroma cacao) 可可樹 (4) - Copy

These Cocoa Tree (Theobroma cacao) seeds are growing! 這4顆可可樹種子開始生長了!

2017-08-13 Cocoa Tree

Cocoa Tree (Theobroma cacao) seeds are growing! 這4顆可可樹種子開始生長了!

2017-08-20 Cocoa Tree (Theobroma cacao) 可可樹 (2) - Copy

Cocoa Tree (Theobroma cacao) seedlings are growing true leaves. 可可樹小實生苗長出本葉.

The main ingredient of delicious chocolate! Tropical tree.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in partial shade to light shade location.    Small white flowers bloom all year on the tree bark.  USDA Zones:9/10-11.   Mature size:15′-30′(H) X 12′-15′(W).  Propagate by seeds.  Seeds have very short viability.

巧克力的主要材料!  熱帶經濟樹種.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在半日照到散光處. 成株全年枝幹上可開小白花. 喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高15-30呎,寬幅12-15呎.  繁殖以種子的方式來進行.  種子活性很短.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                                  

Fuchsia (Fuchsia ‘Shadow Dancer Marcia’) 吊鐘花

Fuchsia (Fuchsia ‘Shadow Dancer Marcia’) 吊鐘花

2017-08-12 (27) - Copy

Fuchsia (Fuchsia ‘Shadow Dancer Marcia’) is excellent in hanging basket in shady location to add color! 吊鐘花很適合樹蔭處的吊盆種植以增添顏色!

2017-08-12 (25) - Copy

Fuchsia (Fuchsia ‘Shadow Dancer Marcia’) flower shape does like a dancing dancer. 吊鐘花的花形真的很像是位忘情跳舞的舞者.

2017-08-12 (30) - Copy

Fuchsia (Fuchsia ‘Shadow Dancer Marcia’) flower shape does like a dancing dancer. 吊鐘花的花形真的很像是位忘情跳舞的舞者.

2017-06-24 Fuschia (6) - Copy

Fuchsia (Fuchsia ‘Shadow Dancer Marcia’) ripe fruit and seeds. 吊鐘花的成熟果實與種子.

2017-06-24 Fuschia (8) - Copy

Fuchsia (Fuchsia ‘Shadow Dancer Marcia’) viable seeds. 吊鐘花的有效種子.

2017-07-22 Fuchsia (Fuchsia 'Shadow Dancer Marcia') 吊鐘花 (1)

Fuchsia (Fuchsia ‘Shadow Dancer Marcia’) seed germination in 1 month.吊鐘花的種籽一個月孵出.

Tropical perennial.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in partial shade to full shade location.  Beautiful red and purple flowers blooming in late spring to mid fall.  Flowers attract bees, butterflies and birds.  USDA Zones: 9-10.  Mature size:6″-1.5′(H/W).  This type of plants can be propagated by seeds, cuttings or division.  Excellent in hanging basket or in planters.

熱帶多年生草花.  容易栽種. 最好栽種在半日照到避曬處. 花色為紅與紫色,於春末開到中秋時節. 花頗吸引蜂蝶與鳥類.  喜熱不耐寒但是過熱或過冷也會長的不好.  成熟株高/寬幅6吋到1.5呎.  這類植物的繁殖以種子,扦插或分株的方式來進行.  很適合種在吊盆或種植在盆內/花壇裡.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:   


Four-season Orchid (Cymbidium ensifolium) 四季蘭

Four-season Orchid (Cymbidium ensifolium) 四季蘭

2017-08-10 Four-season Orchid (Cymbidium ensifolium) 四季蘭 (2) - Copy

Four-season Orchid (Cymbidium ensifolium) 四季蘭

Tropical orchid.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in partial shade to light shade location in moist medium.  Small pale yellow/white-green flowers almost all seasons.  Long blooming time.  Flowers with light fragrance!  USDA Zones:9-11. Mature size:1′-1.5′(H/W).  Propagate by bulbs, offsets, culture tissue or division.  Suitable for container indoors.

又名建蘭. 是熱帶的蘭花.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在半日照到散光處的濕潤介質.  小朵淡黃色/白色帶有綠色的花朵幾乎四季都能來花.  花期很長.  花朵有淡香!  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高/寬幅1-1.5呎.  繁殖以球根,側芽,組織培養,分株的方式來進行.  適合室內盆植.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:            

American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) 美洲柿

American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) 美洲柿

2018-11-22 American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) 美洲柿 - Copy

American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) edible ripe fruit in late fall. 美洲柿秋末的成熟果實. Fruit is small and quite seedy but sweet. 果實小且多籽但是蠻甜的.

2017-07-19 American Persimmon Seeds (2) - Copy

American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) seeds. 美洲柿的種子.

2017-08-10 American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) 美洲柿 - Copy

American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) seeds start to germinate in day 21. 美洲柿的種籽第3週開始陸續發芽.

2017-08-13 American Persimmon - Copy

American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) seedling (2nd year). 美洲柿實生小苗(第2年).

Cold hardy fruit tree.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun location.  White/green flowers in late spring to early summer.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  Plant is either male or female so will require both to produce fruit. Better grow enough to make sure able to have both male and female plants flowering at the same time.  USDA Zones:5-9.  Mature size:30′-40′(H/W).  Propagate by seeds or air-layering.  Sweet ripe fruit can be harvested around frost time in fall.

耐寒強健的果樹.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照處.  春末夏初時開白綠色的花.  花頗吸引蜂蝶.  植株是雌雄異株. 需要多種幾棵以保同時雄株與雌株能同時開花以授粉結果.  耐寒也耐熱.  成熟株高/寬幅30-40呎. 繁殖以種子或高壓的方式來進行.  秋天霜降前後果熟可以採收. 果實味甜.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:           

Brazilian Plume or Flamingo Flower (Justicia carnea) 串心花or巴西羽花

Brazilian Plume or Flamingo Flower (Justicia carnea) 串心花or巴西羽花

2017-08-06 Brazilian Plume or Flamingo Flower (Justicia carnea) 串心花or巴西羽花 (1) - Copy

Beautiful!  Tropical evergreen flowering shrub.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in partial shade to full shade location.  Pink or white flowers bloom from spring to fall.  Long blooming time.  Flowers attract bees, butterflies and birds.  USDA Zones: 8-10. Mature size:2′-3′(H) X 1′-1.5′ (W). Propagate by cuttings.  Suitable for growing in container indoors.

很美!  熱帶常綠的開花灌木.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在半日照到全蔭處.  粉紅色或白色花從春季開到秋季.  花期很長.  花頗吸引蜂蝶與鳥類.  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高2-3呎,寬幅1-1.5呎.  繁殖以扦插的方式來進行.  適合室內盆植.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結: