Archive | 六月 2013


2013-06-30 039 (Medium)

June garden fragrances (Part One) 六月花香(上)

2013-06-09 042 (Medium)2013-06-05 004 (Medium)2013-06-05 016 (Medium)2013-06-11 029 (Medium)2013-06-11 027 (Medium)2013-06-11 067 (Medium)2013-06-15 009 (Medium)2013-06-15 015 (Medium)2013-06-15 019 (Medium)2013-06-16 002 (Medium)2013-06-16 005 (Medium)2013-06-16 006 (Medium)2013-06-16 018 (Medium)

Blue Ice Blue Star水甘草 ‘藍冰’(學名:Amsonia tabernaemontana’Blue Ice’)

Blue Ice Blue Star水甘草 ‘藍冰’(學名:Amsonia tabernaemontana’Blue Ice’)
Quite hardy, easy care. 容易栽種和照顧.
2013-06-15 006 (Medium)

Sweet rocket (Hesperis matronalis)歐亞香荊(芥)

Hesperis matronalis, this plant has many other common name, such as sweet rocket ,dame’s rocket, dame’s violet… I like its purple flowers and the evening fragrance. So easy to grow, biennial, full sun.

紫花南芥,歐亞香荊(芥) (學名Hesperis matronalis,一種芥子科植物,產于歐洲,有成簇而又芳香的紫色或白色花朵,通常是二年生草本植物,生長快速,花莖長而花多,入夜後才散出香甜花香.繁殖迅速,多為野生分佈.成熟株高90公分,寬60公分.
2013-06-10 011 (Medium)

芍藥花開Garden Peonies are in bloom!

芍藥花開Garden Peonies are in bloom! Large flowers, some are fragrant and some are not, they are all starting to bloom, nice! 大花有香味的和無香味的都開始綻放了…
2013-06-14 026 (Medium)2013-06-14 027 (Medium)2013-06-14 028 (Medium)2013-06-14 004 (Medium)2013-06-14 005 (Medium)

DIY non-toxic Solution formula for mildew. 去除黴菌引起的霉斑病配方

So much rain….humidity is causing fungal diseases of roses and some plants, it is time to make this solution and spray on the plants.多雨潮濕引起黴菌快速滋生,有些植物都害病需要噴這個除霉的配方來恢復健康.

DIY non-toxic solution formula for mildew as below: 自製無毒配方如下:

1 c.c. natural produce detergent 1 c.c. 蔬果清潔劑
10 c.c. vegetable oil 10 c.c.蔬菜油
1000 c.c.(1 L)Water 1 公升 水

Apply one day this solution and next day just water, repeat it until mildew is gone. 一天噴這個配方隔天只噴水,如此交替噴直到植物恢復健康.

First harvest! 第一次收成的菜!

First harvest! 第一次收成的菜!
They are baby pak choi, Chinese green leafy veggie, their growing time is short. Very tender, already eaten! With netting, chicken wire and praying mantis, they are pretty safe. 🙂 這些是收成期很短的小白菜,很嫩,已經炒來吃掉了. 有螳螂吃蟲和網架保護著,不用怕這些菜被莫名其妙啃食.
2013-06-11 003 (Medium)

Dutch Irises荷蘭鳶尾

These Irises are so beautiful! Great price and easy care, great to continue the bulbs after the spring tulips are all done…
這荷蘭鳶尾真美啊! 便宜又好種,剛剛好接著開完的鬱金香後開…
2013-06-11 008 (Medium)2013-06-10 012 (Medium)2013-06-11 011 (Medium)2013-06-11 012 (Medium)