Archive | 十月 2013

Getting the Garden Ready for Winter花園過冬前的準備工作

Getting the Garden Ready for Winter花園過冬前的準備工作

1. Dig out the tender perennials roots, wrap with old newspaper then put them in plastic bag and store them in the basement over winter. Do this for dahlias, less cold hardy geraniums…

2. Collect seeds that you can sow the following spring. The seeds of some plants, such as some annuals, are not as cold tolerant. It is also a good time for stem cuttings.

3. Prune the shrubs: some require heavy pruning, some need a light pruning. Light trimming evergreen or broad leaf shrubs. Cut back the perennials (except evergreen ground covers) to almost the ground level.

4. Clean-up leaves.

5. Do some last minute shopping, if your garden still has room for it. Garden centre and nurseries have clearance sales for trees, shrubs, perennials, vines and bulbs! You can get some great deals! Just remember to plant them before the ground freezes, and remember to water them after you plant them.

6. Give new plants or less cold hardy plants some protection. Such as giving stakes for new trees, wrap burlap or even cover with a Styrofoam cone, dig 3′ deep water proofing hole and fill with water for cold hardy water plants.

7. Bring some potted plants indoor over winter. For example, spike plants, rosemary, Christmas cactus, passion flower vine.

8. Mulch the ground. This will keep the ground tidy and give plants a bit protection. This is not recommended in an active termite area!

9. If you have lawn, give a good rake and then sprinkle some lawn fertilizer. Add some grass seed at thinner spots.

10. Remove water from irrigation system and shut off the water supply from the inside to prevent water freezing and cracking the pipes.

Late Fall Garden深秋的花園

Late Fall Garden深秋的花園
I am so blessed! There are still flowers blooming in my garden! 🙂
2013-10-20 048 (Medium)
木犀草Sweet Mignonette(Reseda odorata)
2013-10-20 045 (Medium)
金銀花 Hall’s Honeysuckle
2013-10-20 064 (Medium)
2013-10-20 063 (Medium)
2013-10-20 041 (Medium)
2013-10-20 039 (Medium)
2013-10-20 040 (Medium)
矮性醉魚草Butterfly Bush
2013-10-20 047 (Medium)
大花扶桑Winter Hardy Hibiscus(Hibiscus moscheutos)
2013-10-20 038 (Medium)
香堇菜Tricolor Viola
2013-10-20 054 (Medium)
蔓玫Climbing Rose (Rosa ‘New Dawn’)
2013-10-20 056 (Medium)
無刺玫瑰Thornless Rose (Rosa ‘Smooth Velvet’)
2013-10-20 057 (Medium)
2013-10-20 069 (Medium)
2013-10-20 060 (Medium)
2013-10-20 037 (Medium)
秋水仙Autumn Crocus
2013-10-23 002 (Medium)
牽牛花Morning Glory

French Lilac Autumn Bloom法國紫丁香秋天又盛開了!

French Lilac Autumn Bloom法國紫丁香秋天又盛開了!
French Lilac(double)
Yes, this is the second bloom, the first bloom was this spring. Quite many flowers! It is purple double flowers. I took care this client’s garden for many years now. I can tell you, pruning is very important and I sure used a lot of fertilizer!
這是今年第二次開的花,第一次是在春天,如同其它紫丁香. 還不少花呢! 它是紫色重瓣品種的花. 我照顧這客戶家的庭園已有好幾年了. 修剪真的是很重要,我可以告訴你們我可是用了不少的花肥呢!

Visit James Gardens – Toronto, Ontario 安大略省多倫多市的詹姆斯花園

Visit James Gardens – Toronto, Ontario 安大略省多倫多市的詹姆斯花園
2013-10-14 063 (Medium)2013-10-14 023 (Medium)2013-10-14 044 (Medium)2013-10-14 094 (Medium)???????????????????????????????2013-10-14 111 (Medium)2013-10-14 035 (Medium)2013-10-14 014 (Medium)2013-10-14 040 (Medium)2013-10-14 046 (Medium)2013-10-14 060 (Medium)2013-10-14 050 (Medium)2013-10-14 053 (Medium)2013-10-14 063 (Medium)2013-10-14 087 (Medium)2013-10-14 067 (Medium)2013-10-14 068 (Medium)2013-10-14 083 (Medium)
It is free. The feeling of being there is like garden, woods and trails. It is a good place to feel that you are not inside a city..
免費的. 感覺除了像花園,也像林子或登山步道. 身在其中會忘了你仍在城市的喧囂裡.

Red Oak (Quercus rubra)紅橡樹

2013-10-14 120 (Medium)2013-10-14 119 (Medium)
It is one of many native trees here. Fall foliage is brilliant red! So striking…
紅橡為北美原生樹種之一. 秋葉為美豔的紅色! 真是美極了…

Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)鳳眼藍(布袋蓮)

It is a fast growing floating aqua plant which flower in summer with hyacinth like flower, full sun. It is not cold tolerant here. It is either treated as annual or needed to bring in the house over winter. It is better not growing in open water since it is invasive. Sorry it is not a good photo because it is end of the season.
2013-10-08 014 (Medium)
它是生長快速的浮水植物,夏季開類似像風信子一樣的花,全日照. 在北美不耐寒,可當成一年生或要用容器裝水室內養著過冬. 由於生長強勢,最好不要養在開放的水域. 花快謝前勉強拍的,照的不好,請包涵.

October Garden十月花園

October Garden十月花園

Luckily I still have a lot of flowers in my garden, considering some trees have already changed colour.

I am no longer seeing humming birds around. My yellow zucchini is growing slowly and small tomatoes are slow to ripe as well.

十月了,還好花園還有許多花在開,有許多樹已經有秋色了. 蜂鳥已不見芳蹤. 我的黃色夏南瓜和小蕃茄因為溫度降低而熟成大大減慢了速度.
2013-10-05 003 (Medium)2013-10-05 005 (Medium)2013-10-05 010 (Medium)2013-10-05 012 (Medium)2013-10-05 013 (Medium)2013-10-05 014 (Medium)2013-10-05 015 (Medium)2013-10-05 020 (Medium)2013-10-05 018 (Medium)
2013-10-05 031 (Medium)2013-10-03 002 (Medium)2013-10-03 009 (Medium)2013-10-03 004 (Medium)2013-10-03 013 (Medium)2013-10-03 018 (Medium)2013-10-03 019 (Medium)2013-10-03 020 (Medium)2013-10-03 021 (Medium)2013-10-03 029 (Medium)2013-10-03 023 (Medium)2013-10-03 033 (Medium)2013-10-03 030 (Medium)2013-10-03 008 (Medium)2013-10-03 037 (Medium)2013-10-03 038 (Medium)2013-10-03 005 (Medium)2013-10-08 014 (Medium)2013-10-08 017 (Medium)2013-10-08 026 (Medium)2013-10-08 024 (Medium)

Toronto Botanical Garden免費的美麗多倫多市立植物園

Toronto Botanical Garden 免費的美麗多倫多市立植物園

It is free, it is beautiful!
2013-10-06 053 (Medium)2013-10-06 055 (Medium)2013-10-06 056 (Medium)2013-10-06 105 (Medium)2013-10-06 177 (Medium)2013-10-06 205 (Medium)2013-10-06 108 (Medium)2013-10-06 109 (Medium)2013-10-06 086 (Medium)2013-10-06 185 (Medium)2013-10-06 196 (Medium)2013-10-06 128  (Medium)2013-10-06 136 (Medium)

Beautiful Autumn Crocus 美麗的秋水仙

Autumn Crocus flowers盛開的秋水仙

Autumn Crocus flowers盛開的秋水仙

Autumn crocus blooming beautifully together!
秋水仙(學名:Colchicum autumnale)今天路過時看到有人種在前院就拍下來. 很漂亮!