Archive | 一月 2014

Growing Large bloom Clematis from Seeds孵大花鐵線蓮種子

Growing Large bloom Clematis from Seeds孵大花鐵線蓮種子

Large bloom Clematis seedlings
It takes a long time to grow but they are so beautiful, definitely worth the effort…


Clematis mutation of this seedling with variegated foliage — you can see the white streak in the center of the leaf. 這株鐵線蓮的小實生苗變異成斑葉,可見葉片中央有白色紋路.

This is how I grow these, method A:

1.Remove the shell from dried seeds.
2.Keep them in a small re-sealable bag with clean water and place the bag somewhere dark and warm.
3.Wait several months for these seeds to sprout. Be patient.
4.Pick those sprouted seeds carefully and plant them individually in soil. Place seedlings in partial shade area until the plants start to climb.
5.Transplant those climbing young plants to the ground with climbing support.

Method B:

1.Get a large re-sealable bag, fill 1/4 to 1/5 of clean soil, mist the soil but when you squeeze the soil, no water come out.                                                                                                                  2.Get a small to medium live earth worm in the bag.   Add the seeds (remove the shell of each seed), seal the bag.                                                                                                                     3.Place the bag in room temperature or slightly warmer than that.   Light requirement is toward to full shade.                                                                                                                       4.Open the bag for fresh air and check the progress once a week.                                         5.Pick out the germinated seeds and plant them in small pot in moist and airy medium.  Low light.                                                                                                                                                6.Move seedlings to partial shade when plants have 6-8 leaves.                                         7.Move the seedlings to partial shade location once is long enough/climbing.  Plant the seedlings in the ground or use deeper pot planting each plant individually.   Plant young plants in partial shade or full sun location right under the structure.


3.等幾個月. 要有耐心.
4.小心撿出長根的種子出來盆植於土中直到小苗開始攀爬. 這期間要半日照.
5.移植小苗到戶外地植. 要給攀爬用的支架/網.


1.取一大夾鏈袋裝乾淨的培養土. 土量為袋子的1/4到1/5的高度.  噴濕帶中土壤到手用力擠不會出水但濕潤的程度.

2.找一條中小型活蚯蚓養在袋中. 撒入要孵的已去殼鐵線蓮種子.

3.袋子置於室溫或稍稍溫暖的地方.  光線需求為室內光線或更暗皆可.


5.種子發芽後要撿出個別用小盆種,土要保濕,介質以透氣高為主.  低光照.


7.小苗開始能爬時可以地植或單獨個別以深盆種植. 半日照或全日照處的支架下.

If you grow enough seeds and you are lucky, you might hit the jackpot finding the mutation(s)!  Like variegated foliage, evergreen or unique flower shape/color(s)! Have fun!

如果孵的種子量夠多又幸運的話,有可能長出變異的小苗,可能有著斑葉,或著植株成為不休眠的常綠,或著開花時有著不尋常的花形/花色!  有孵就有機會享受開獎的驚喜!


Common Bulrush (Typha latifolia) 長苞香蒲

Common Bulrush (Typha latifolia) 長苞香蒲

2013-12-28 034 (medium)
Typha latifolia (bulrush, common bulrush, broadleaf cattail, common cattail, great reedmace, cooper’s reed, cumbungi) or 長苞香蒲 Typha angustata Bory et Chaub.

You can find this almost everywhere near waterside. Insects, birds and other small animals like to live among these for shelter.

水邊常見的多年生草本植物,昆蟲,鳥類或其他小型動物喜歡棲息在其中. 它也是很好易燃的生火材料,花莖是很好的切花花材.

大花夏枯草 Self-heal(Prunella grandiflora ‘Freelander’)

大花夏枯草 Self-heal(Prunella grandiflora ‘Freelander’)

大花夏枯草 Self-heal(Prunella grandiflora 'Freelander')

大花夏枯草 Self-heal(Prunella grandiflora ‘Freelander’)

大花夏枯草 Self-heal(Prunella grandiflora 'Freelander')

大花夏枯草 Self-heal(Prunella grandiflora ‘Freelander’)

It is very useful short height perennial with long blooming time. Prunella grandiflora ‘Freelander’ has 3 different colors: white, rose and violet. It is one of very colorful groundcovers!

大花夏枯草 ( 學名 : Prunella grandiflora ‘Freelander’ )為 唇形科 夏枯草屬 下的一個種。共有3色,全白,粉色和藍紫色. 它好全日照是多年生的耐寒草本植物。由於低矮花期長,是地被或花壇的好材料。

Prunella grandiflora 'Freelander' (Self-heal)大花夏枯草

Prunella grandiflora ‘Freelander’

Colourful cactus 彩色仙人掌

Dessert Gem Cactus

Dessert Gem Cactus

It is an eye catching, colourful cactus. You can see it looks like colour dye was injected into the plant, like the floral industry does to white orchids and mums. The clear (white) pricks will show whatever the colour dye was for a period of time, this one is purple. Through time, the aged part near the root already shows its true colour. Still it is very interesting visually.

They have a neon rainbow colour theme: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

Train your rose bush. 調教灌木玫瑰

Train your rose bush 調教灌木玫瑰

Last year 2013, it produced over 2,500 roses!  Yes, I have counted them!

Last year it produced over 2,500 roses! Yes, I have counted them!

This year counted over 1,750 roses.

In 2011, counted over 1,750 roses.

Over1,250 roses... And yes this rose needed structure to support flowers weight.

Over1,250 roses in 2010… And yes this rose needed structure to support flowers weight.

The training is getting better-- over 550 roses in 2008!

The training is getting better in 2008– over 550 roses!

In  2006, the first training year-- you can see it was not as big and as many roses then.

First training year 2006– you can see it was not as big and as many roses then.

Rose spikes-- my 'secret weapon'!

Rose spikes– my ‘secret weapon’!

1.Plant in a sunny spot with good size area for growing bigger.

2.Apply fermented sheep/cow manure about 1″ on the ground after snow is melt around end of March/April. This stuff will be working about 4-6 weeks. This way manure will have no smell when they form buds when you sit outside to appreciate roses. 🙂

3.One month after applying manure, pound rose spikes into ground, distance is approx. 1′ away from stems, surround the plant. Rain or watering will dissolve these. It is slow release fertilizer so you do not need more fertilization after this. The reason to use this is that these spikes are quite effective and no odour.

4.Pruning. I normally prune heavily right after major blooming and before frost/snow. Keep the thick main stems but prune away the dead, weak twigs, do not over prune. This allows healthy thick twigs to bear more flower buds in late spring.

5.Add steady support structure if needed. When rose bush has way too many flowers, it gets quite heavy especially with dew or rain drops. I had to build a steady structure with re-bars and long stakes.

6.Pest control: I use praying mantis for natural pest control. I normally buy mantis egg cases and hang them among the rose twigs. When temperature is suitable, they will hatch and clean the bugs for me! If you are already seeing pest damage among your roses, you might want to keep the egg cases by the window indoors so they will hatch a bit faster…just check the egg cases every day and release them to garden as soon as they are out!




1.必須種植在全日照通風處. 最好自己一區且要預留可繼續長大長高的空間.

2.正式訓練是在2008. 初春雪融後立刻下發酵後的牛/羊糞肥約2-3公分厚在表土上,這個約在6星期會被它吸收利用…

3.下了發酵過的糞肥後約一個月要釘4根玫瑰花專用的肥料棒. 我通常將肥料棒對折後在主幹外圍約1呎處均勻釘8處釘到土裡. 澆水時這種肥料棒會慢慢化掉被它吸收利用. 這種肥料棒一包10根. 氮-磷-鉀的比例為:9-12-9

4.修剪.我通常一年大修剪2次. 1次在盛開後,1次在霜降/下雪前.

5.加支架支撐花的重量. 2010的花量達1250+你可以看到花量多重量太重了枝條都撐不住低頭了…2012的花量破2000! 加了3D井字型支架幫忙支撐.

6.害蟲防治. 我是買螳螂泡巢,掛在玫瑰枝條上,溫暖了它們就會自動孵化,清光可獵食的小昆蟲. 若蟲害發生的早,可以把泡巢帶進靠窗處孵會早點孵化. 不過要天天檢查,一旦孵化了要趕快帶到花園裡去野放.

Eryngium alpinum ‘Blue Star’ 藍刺芹

Eryngium alpinum ‘Blue Star’ 藍刺芹
Last year I have grown some plants from seeds. This winter I am going to grow some more. It is slow growing perennial. I like its special look! It blooms in summer.

Plant info see this useful website:

Growing Seeds indoors in Winter 冬天室內孵種子了!

Growing Seeds indoors in Winter 冬天室內孵種子了!
Japanese Anemone日本秋牡丹(日本銀蓮花)
Japanese Anemone seedlings

2014-01-03 010 (Medium)
Christmas Rose sprouting

Thornless Blackberry  (Medium)
Thornless Blackberry seedlings

Lupine seedlings (Medium)
Lupine seedlings

Lotus seedlings-second leaf

2013-12-09 001(Medium)
Rhododendren seedlings