Archive | 四月 2016

Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia suaveolens)大花曼陀羅

Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia suaveolens)大花曼陀羅

2016-02-20 012 (Large)

Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia suaveolens) has so many varieties. 大花曼陀羅的品種繁多.

2016-02-18 008 (Large)

Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia suaveolens) seeds. 大花曼陀羅的種子.

Tropical tender perennial.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Very fragrant large downwards trumpet like flowers in summer to early fall.  Flowers could be white, pink, yellow, peach, cream.., foliage can be green or variegated according to the varieties.   Flowers attract bees, butterflies and birds.  Plant is toxic if ingested.  USDA Zones:8-11.  Mature size:8′-10′(H) X 6′-8′(W).   Propagate by seeds or cuttings.  Suitable for containers.

熱帶多年生花卉.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處.  大朵向下開放如喇叭狀的花非常香,花期很長能開夏到秋.  花色有白,粉,黃,粉橘色,淡黃色,葉色有普通綠色或斑葉都要看品種.  花為頗吸引蜂蝶與鳥類的蜜源.  植株有毒勿食.  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高8-10呎,寬幅6-8呎.  主以種子或扦插方式來繁殖.  適合盆植.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

Indian Warrior (Pedicularis densiflora) 密花馬先蒿

Indian Warrior (Pedicularis densiflora) 密花馬先蒿

2016-04-28 015 (Medium)

Indian Warrior (Pedicularis densiflora) seeds. 密花馬先蒿的種子.


Unique perennial, it is a root parasitic plant, often found host on oak trees, heath family…and yet it can survive on its own when there is no opportunity to host on other plant. It is a hemiparasitic plant. Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Seeds will germinate better after they are smoked.  Red flowers on flower stems appear in spring.   Good for cut flower.   USDA Zones:6-9.  Mature size:6″-1′(H) X 6″-9″(W).  Medicinal.  Propagate by seeds.  Suitable for growing in containers indoors.

它是很獨特的多年生草花,一種半寄生植物. 當有機會寄生時會寄生,偏愛橡樹或熊果屬植物,當沒有機會寄生時它也能"自立自強"靠自己.  這樣在植物界裡算是蠻進化的植物!  種子燻過後比較容易發芽.  容易栽種.  最好栽種於全日照到半日照處.  春開紅色小花於紅色花莖上,花頗吸引蜂蝶,花期不長. 適合切花. 喜熱不甚耐寒.  成熟株高僅6吋到1呎,寬幅6吋到9吋.   以種子來繁殖.  它是藥用植物.  它也適合室內盆植.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                                                                               

Lyreleaf Sage / Cancer Weed (Salvia lyrata ‘Purple Knockout’) 紫葉琴葉鼠尾草

Lyreleaf Sage / Cancer Weed (Salvia lyrata ‘Purple Knockout’) 紫葉琴葉鼠尾草

2016-04-23 042 (Medium)

Lyreleaf Sage / Cancer Weed (Salvia lyrata ‘Purple Knockout’) has purple/reddish brown foliage. 紫葉琴葉鼠尾草有著紫色/紅褐色葉片.

Hardy perennial. Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Small purple/blue-violet flowers on flower stems in late spring to late summer.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  USDA Zones:4-11.  Mature size:1′-1.5′(H) X 1′(W). Propagate by seeds or division.   Evergreen.  Good color and texture of purple red foliage in any garden.   Drought tolerant.

強健的多年生草花.  容易栽種.  最好栽種於全日照到半日照處.  花梗上的藍紫色小花於春末開到夏末.  花頗吸引蜂蝶.  耐寒也耐熱.  成熟株高1-1.5呎左右,寬幅1呎.  繁殖以種子或分株方式來進行.  植株常綠.  葉色紫紅,葉片的質感形狀也特別.  很適合各種花園的種植使用.  耐旱性不錯.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:      


Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris) 歐洲白頭翁

Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris) 歐洲白頭翁

2016-04-22 027 (Medium)

Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris) 歐洲白頭翁

2016-04-22 029 (Medium)

Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris) 歐洲白頭翁

2016-04-22 028 (Medium)

Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris) 歐洲白頭翁

Hardy perennial. Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun location. Plants are cover with a layer of white fine hair.  Blue/violet/pink/white single flowers in group appear in early spring.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  USDA Zones:4-9. Mature size:6″-1′(H) X 9″-1′(W). Propagate by seeds or division.

強健多年生草花.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照處.   植株全株披覆有白色細軟絨毛,先花後葉.  藍紫色單瓣的花朵於春季盛開.  花頗吸引蜂蝶.  耐寒也耐熱.  成熟株高6吋到1呎高,寬幅9吋到1呎.  繁殖方式以種子或分株方式來進行.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

Panda Face Ginger/Shell Shocked Panda Wild Ginger (Asarum maximum ‘Shell Shocked’) 大葉馬蹄香

Panda Face Ginger/Shell Shocked Panda Wild Ginger (Asarum maximum ‘Shell Shocked’) 大葉馬蹄香

2016-04-16 021 (Medium)

Panda Face Ginger/Shell Shocked Panda Wild Ginger (Asarum maximum ‘Shell Shocked’) it has unique flowers with velvet texture.大葉馬蹄香的花型獨特,瓣面有絲絨般的手感.

2016-04-16 018 (Medium)

Panda Face Ginger/Shell Shocked Panda Wild Ginger (Asarum maximum ‘Shell Shocked’) it has unique flowers with velvet texture. Flower sizes are not small.大葉馬蹄香的花型獨特,瓣面有絲絨般的手感. 花徑不算小.

2016-04-16 020 (Medium)

Panda Face Ginger/Shell Shocked Panda Wild Ginger (Asarum maximum ‘Shell Shocked’) it has unique flowers with velvet texture.大葉馬蹄香的花型獨特,瓣面有絲絨般的手感.

2016-04-16 017 (Medium)

Panda Face Ginger/Shell Shocked Panda Wild Ginger (Asarum maximum ‘Shell Shocked’) it has unique flowers with velvet texture. Flowers locate just under the glossy dark green leaves. 大葉馬蹄香的花型獨特,瓣面有絲絨般的手感. 花朵開在深綠色亮面的葉片下面.

2016-06-25'Panda Face' Ginger (2) (Medium)

Panda Face Ginger/Shell Shocked Panda Wild Ginger (Asarum maximum ‘Shell Shocked’) flower is wilt and turning brown. 大葉馬蹄香花謝轉乾褐.

2016-06-25'Panda Face' Ginger (4) (Medium)

Panda Face Ginger/Shell Shocked Panda Wild Ginger (Asarum maximum ‘Shell Shocked’) seed pod and seeds. 大葉馬蹄香成熟的種莢與種子.

2016-06-25'Panda Face' Ginger (7) (Medium)

Panda Face Ginger/Shell Shocked Panda Wild Ginger (Asarum maximum ‘Shell Shocked’) seeds from seedpods, really not so many. 大葉馬蹄香種莢成熟後取出的種子,並不多產.

2016-06-25'Panda Face' Ginger (5) (Medium)

Panda Face Ginger/Shell Shocked Panda Wild Ginger (Asarum maximum ‘Shell Shocked’) the look of a viable seed. 大葉馬蹄香有效種子的近照. To compare with my finger tip. 種子大小跟我手指頭作比較.

2017-07-01 Panda Face Ginger cuttings - Copy

Panda Face Ginger/Shell Shocked Panda Wild Ginger (Asarum maximum ‘Shell Shocked’) is easier to propagate the plant from cuttings. 大葉馬蹄香用扦插繁殖還是比較容易.

This perennial has glossy smooth, dark green foliage.  This low ground cover is evergreen in south warmer region.  Unique black and white patterned flowers appear in mid to late spring.  Flowers smell like mushrooms. Easy to grow.   Best growing in partial shade to full shade location in moist but well drained soil.  Do not over water.  Good for woodland garden.  Propagate by seeds, dividing the plant clumps.  Slow growth.  USDA Zones:6-9.  Mature size:4″-6″(H) X 8″-1′(W).

這個多年生常綠草花有著深綠油亮的葉片.  它是低矮的地被在稍微溫暖的地帶為常綠的植物.  黑白紋路的花色很獨特,花徑也不算小.  花聞起來像是容易栽種. 最好種在半日照到全蔭處. 不可積水過溼.  以種子或分株來繁殖.  生長速度緩慢.  不甚耐寒但耐熱性尚可.  成熟株高4-6吋,寬幅8吋到1呎.

Reference links: 參考網站連結:

Jade Vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys) 碧玉藤

Jade Vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys) 碧玉藤

2016-04-17 033 (Medium)

Jade Vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys) 碧玉藤

2016-04-17 023 (Medium)

Jade Vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys) 碧玉藤

2016-04-17 019 (Medium)

Jade Vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys) 碧玉藤

2016-04-17 022 (Medium)

Jade Vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys) 碧玉藤

2016-04-17 020 (Medium)

Jade Vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys) 碧玉藤

2016-04-17 032 (Medium)

Jade Vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys) 碧玉藤

2016-04-17 034 (Medium)

Jade Vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys) foliage. 碧玉藤的葉.

I took these photos of flowers in Allan Gardens Conservatory today.    ( )
This is a tropical flowering vine.  It is so unique and beautiful!   It is originally from Philippine rainforest.  Plants bloom in late winter early spring.  It has long flowers dangling down with turquoise green flowers.   Best growing in full sun, warm and moist but well drained soil.  USDA Zone:10-11.  Mature size:40′(H)/(L) X 12′-15′(W).   Its natural pollinators are bats.  Propagate by seeds or cuttings.  It has large seeds.
今天在市立植物園的溫室拍的.  有機會去賞賞花,它可真稀有不多見呢!   這裡是免費參觀的,這地方的官方網站連結: ( )
它是熱帶多年生開花藤.  非常獨特美麗!  原生於菲律賓雨林區.  冬末春初時開出垂下的長長花串有著綠松石花色(藍綠色)的豆科形的花朵.  最好栽種於全日照處,濕熱但排水良好的土壤中.  成熟株高:40呎高/長,寬幅12-15呎.  其自然授粉者為蝙蝠.  以種子或扦插來繁殖.  種子還蠻大顆的.
Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

Honeywort ‘Kiwi Blue (Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’) 藍蠟花

Honeywort ‘Kiwi Blue (Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’) 藍蠟花

2016-04-16 029 (Medium)

Honeywort ‘Kiwi Blue (Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’) seed packet and seeds. 藍蠟花種子包及內含的種子.

2016-05-14Honeywort (Medium)

Honeywort ‘Kiwi Blue (Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’) seedling. 藍蠟花種子蠻快就孵出的小苗.

2016-08-24 Honeywort (Medium)

Honeywort ‘Kiwi Blue (Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’) seedlings. 藍蠟花小苗.

Annual.  Usually growing for its unique flowers.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun location.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  Mature size:1.5′-2′(H) X 9″-1′(W).   Propagate by seeds.

一年生草花.  通常是因為它的花形奇特些才種它的.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照處.  花為頗吸引蜂蝶的蜜源. 成熟株高1.5-2呎,寬幅9吋到1呎.  以種子來繁殖.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:       –cerinthe-/Kiwi-Blue.htm


Crocuses are here! 番紅花來了!

Crocuses are here! 番紅花來了!

Aren’t they beautiful? 是不是開的很精彩呢?

2016-04-15 014 (Medium)

Crocuses are here! 番紅花來了!

2016-04-15 015 (Medium)

Crocuses are here! 番紅花來了!

2016-04-15 010 (Medium) (2)

Crocuses are here! 番紅花來了!

2015-04-03 032 (Medium)2015-04-16 005 (Small)2015-04-16 009 (Medium)2015-04-16 010 (Medium)2015-04-16 011 (Medium)

2015-04-17 002 (Medium)

2016-03-30 049 (Medium)

2016-04-09 070 (Medium)

Squirrel is eating the crocus…can’t you eat something else instead? 松鼠正把番紅花當食物吃…難道你不能吃些別的嗎?


Multi-colored Dahlia (Dahlia ‘Twyning’s Smartie’) 多色大理花

Multi-colored Dahlia (Dahlia ‘Twyning’s Smartie’) 多色大理花

2016-04-14 052 (Medium)

Multi-colored Dahlia (Dahlia ‘Twyning’s Smartie’) bulb pack. 多色大理花的球根包.

2016-04-14 053 (Medium)

Multi-colored Dahlia (Dahlia ‘Twyning’s Smartie’) tubers.多色大理花的球根.

Love this variety!  So cute and unique.  This tuberous tender perennial is very easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Single flowers with different colored petals of white, purple, wine red and violet, flowers bloom repeatedly from late spring to frost.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies and flowers are excellent for cuttings!  Mature size:4′-6′(H) X 2′-3′(W).  Easy to propagate by cuttings, tubers or division.  Even though it is suitable for growing in containers but it really is better in the ground for more flowers.

好喜歡這品種!  有獨特的可愛花色.  這塊根類不耐寒多年生草花真的很容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處.  單瓣的花朵同朵有不花色的花瓣. 或紫或紅或白或酒紅色或藍紫色.  花期極長,能從春末開到霜降.  花是吸引蜂蝶的蜜源,更是極佳的切花花材!  成熟株高4-6呎,寬幅2-3呎. 容易以扦插或分株/芽法來繁殖.  雖也適盆植但還是地植為佳,較能有數量高的花量.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:  


Clematis integrifolia(Clematis integrifolia ‘Mongolian Bells’)全緣鐵線蓮

Clematis integrifolia(Clematis integrifolia ‘Mongolian Bells’)全緣鐵線蓮

2016-04-09 029 (Medium)

Clematis integrifolia(Clematis integrifolia ‘Mongolian Bells’) seeds. 全緣鐵線蓮的種子.

Perennial non climber, often are grown for ground cover. Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location. Small single flowers in blue/mauve/pink/white from spring to fall.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  USDA Zones:3-9. Very cold hardy.  Mature size:1′(H) X 1′(W). Propagate by seeds, cuttings or division. Excellent for rock garden.

它是矮性非爬藤類的鐵線蓮,多年生草花,常作為地被植物來種植. 容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處. 單瓣小花的花色為藍/淺紫/粉紅/白色,花期長從春到秋. 花頗吸引蜂蝶.  極耐寒也頗耐熱. 成熟株高及寬幅約1呎. 繁殖方式以種子,扦插或分株的方式來進行.  很適合種在岩砌花園.
Reference links:參考網站資料連結: