Archive | 三月 2016

Common Asian rice (Oryza sativa)稻

Common Asian rice (Oryza sativa)稻


Common Asian rice (Oryza sativa) is flowering! Flowers is slightly fragrant. 稻子開花了! 花有著淡淡的香味.


Common Asian rice (Oryza sativa) is flowering! 稻子抽出花梗了!

2016-08-15Common Asian Rice  (Medium)

Common Asian rice plants grow very fast in summer. (Oryza sativa)稻

2016-03-24 002 (Large)

Common Asian rice (Oryza sativa) short grain rice seeds. 稻的種子,蓬萊米種子.

2016-03-28 019 (Medium)

Common Asian rice (Oryza sativa) seeds germinate quickly in moist warm soil. 稻種在溫暖的濕土中發芽的蠻快的.

2016-06-05Common Asian Rice - short grain (Medium)

Common Asian rice (Oryza sativa) seeds germinate in wet towel is the best way. 稻的種子用溼紙巾孵的效果最好.

2016-04-28 054 (Medium)

Common Asian rice (Oryza sativa) seedlings. 稻苗生長中.


Common annula crop for food.  The seeds are short grain Asian rice.  Before plants flower and growing seeds the look just like grasses.    Easy to grow in warm climate in moist rich soil.  Best growing in full sun location.  Seeds remove the fist rough coating are known as “brown rice".   Propagate by seeds.  Rice is common grain/food and it is also medicinal!

記錄一下種子是蓬萊米台南11號. 溫暖氣候區的常見一年生的經濟作物.  植株未開花結稻穗前真的和草沒太大的區別.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在溫暖的地區全日照潮濕的肥沃土壤中. 種子去稻殼後是為糙米. 繁殖以種子來進行.  米食除了是常見的穀類/食物外也具有藥用的價值.

Reference links:參考網站資料連結:                                                


Caper (Capparis spinosa) 刺山柑

Caper (Capparis spinosa) 刺山柑

2016-03-15 002 (Large)

Caper (Capparis spinosa) seeds from a seed packet. 刺山柑種子包與內容的種子.

2016-03-23 026 (Large)

Caper (Capparis spinosa) flower buds in pickled form that you can purchase in supermarket. 刺山柑的醃漬花苞各大超市都買的到.

Small tropical shrub.  Native in  Mediterranean and warm climate.     The often used parts are flower buds and fruit and often are in pickled way to preserve them.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location in well drained soil.    Pink/white flowers in  spring to fall, almost all year around.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  USDA Zones:9-11.  Mature size:1′-3′(H) X 1′-3′(W).  Propagate by seeds or cuttings.

熱帶小型灌木.  原生於地中海地區及溫暖的國家皆有分佈.  常見於將其花苞與果實醃漬保存用以食用. 容易栽種.  最好栽種於全日照及半日照處的排水佳土壤.  粉白色單瓣花幾乎是全年能盛開.  花吸引蜂蝶.  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高及寬幅為1-3呎.  繁殖方式以種子或扦插枝條方式來進行.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                                                                                               



Flaming Katy/Florist Kalanchoe(Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)長壽花

Flaming Katy/Florist Kalanchoe(Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)長壽花

2016-03-17 032 (Large)

Flaming Katy/Florist Kalanchoe(Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)長壽花

2016-03-17 030 (Large)

Flaming Katy/Florist Kalanchoe(Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)長壽花

Tropical perennial/succulent.  This is often seen for growing in small container indoors.  Very easy to grow.  Cute double flowers with deep green foliage.  Best in full sun to partial shade and tolerent light shade.  Excellent for cut flower.  Good for alpine or rock garden in warm climate.  Bloom almost all year around.  USDA Zones:9-11. Mature size:1′-1.5′(H) X 1′-1.5′(W).  Propagate by cuttings or division. Plant is toxic if ingested.

熱帶多年生草花/多肉植物.  常見於室內小盆盆植.  非常容易栽種.  重瓣可愛的小花配著深綠色肉肉的葉片.  最好栽種於全日照到半日照的環境但也能耐散光.  很適合做為切花.  適合溫暖地區的高山或岩砌花園種植.  幾乎全年開花不斷.  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高1-1.5呎,寬幅1-1.5呎.  繁殖主以扦插或分株方式來進行.  植株有毒勿食.

Kalanchoe ‘Calandiva Charming Red’       Kalanchoe ‘Calandiva White & Pink’
Reference links:參考網站資料連結:

Fragrant Double Yellow Oxalis (Oxalis pes-caprae ‘Pleniflora’) 黃花重瓣香酢

Fragrant Double Yellow Oxalis (Oxalis pes-caprae ‘Pleniflora’) 黃花重瓣香酢

2016-03-18 024 (Large)

Fragrant Double Yellow Oxalis (Oxalis pes-caprae ‘Pleniflora’) 黃花重瓣香酢

2016-03-21 031 (Large) (2)

Fragrant Double Yellow Oxalis (Oxalis pes-caprae ‘Pleniflora’) 黃花重瓣香酢

2016-03-18 026 (Large)

Fragrant Double Yellow Oxalis (Oxalis pes-caprae ‘Pleniflora’) 黃花重瓣香酢

2016-03-15 040 (Large)

Fragrant Double Yellow Oxalis (Oxalis pes-caprae ‘Pleniflora’) has lots of flower stem, each stem has multiple flowers. Now you can see the yellow flowers are multiple layered. 黃花重瓣香酢抽出好幾梗花莖,一莖多花. 現在可見黃色的花色與重瓣很多層的花苞.

2016-03-15 038 (Large)

Fragrant Double Yellow Oxalis (Oxalis pes-caprae ‘Pleniflora’) has lots of flower stem, each stem has multiple flowers. 黃花重瓣香酢抽出好幾梗花莖,一莖多花.

2016-03-15 034 (Large)

Fragrant Double Yellow Oxalis (Oxalis pes-caprae ‘Pleniflora’) has lots of flower stem, each stem has multiple flowers. The plant is quite bushy. 黃花重瓣香酢抽出好幾梗花莖,一莖多花. 植株相當茂盛.

Oxalis bulbs (yellow double) - Copy

Fragrant Double Yellow Oxalis (Oxalis pes-caprae ‘Pleniflora’) bulbs. 黃花重瓣香酢的球根.

Pretty and fragrant bulbous perennial!  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  The yellow double flowers is fragrant!!  🙂  The plant is rather bush with multiple flower stems and each stem has quite many flowers.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  Long blooming time!  USDA Zones:9-11.  Mature size:8″-1′(H) X 1′-1.5′(W).  Propagate by cuttings, bulbs, offsets or division.

美麗又有花香的多年生球根花卉!  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照的環境.  黃色重瓣的花朵有著花香!! 🙂 植株叢生生長,花梗多莖且一莖多花.  花吸引蜂蝶.  花期長!  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟植株高8吋到1呎,寬幅為1-1.5呎.  以扦插,球根,側芽或分株來繁殖.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                     

Houseleek/Hen-and-Chickens’Silverine'(Sempervivum ‘Silverine’) 長生草

Houseleek/Hen-and-Chickens’Silverine'(Sempervivum ‘Silverine’) 長生草

2016-03-15Sempervivum 'Silverine' (3) (Large)

Houseleek/Hen-and-Chickens’Silverine'(Sempervivum ‘Silverine’) plants turn deep pink in winter.  這種長生草秋冬轉時會變紅.


2016-03-15Sempervivum 'Silverine' (1) (Large)

Houseleek/Hen-and-Chickens’Silverine'(Sempervivum ‘Silverine’)長生草

Beautiful cold hardy perennial/ succulent!  Evergreen.  Green when temperature is warm and cold in deep pink/magenta with green tips.   Very easy to grow and propagate.  Best growing in full sun location for best color showing.  Excellent for alpine and rock garden.  Good for cut flower.  Small pink near white flowers in summer.  USDA Zones:5-9.  Mature size:3″-4″(H) X 6″-8″(W).  Propagate by seeds, cuttings or division.

迷人會變色又耐寒耐旱的長生草. 常綠多年生.  這種是很常用來配色的戶外多肉. 春夏溫暖時綠,秋冬轉冷時就紅,葉尖但還有著綠色,好種又容易繁殖!  最好是種在全日照處它的葉子顯色會最佳.  很適合用於小盆或岩砌花園.  很適合用於插花的花材.  夏開很小的偏白色粉色花.  耐寒也耐熱.  成熟株高僅3-4吋蠻貼地的,寬幅6-8吋不會亂長.  繁殖以種子,扦插或分株方式來進行.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina) 蛇瓜

Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina) 蛇瓜

2016-03-04 017 (Large) (Large)

Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina) has very long fruit and often are sold in sections. 蛇瓜的瓜很長,通常切段以便包裝販賣.


2016-03-08 018 (Large)

Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina) unriped seeds. 蛇瓜未熟的種子.

Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina) seed germinate in just few days. 蛇瓜種子幾天就出芽.

2016-04-26 003

Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina) seed germinate in just few days. 蛇瓜種子幾天就出芽.

2017-12-18 Snake Gourd (2) - Copy

Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina) seed germinate in just few days. 蛇瓜種子幾天就出芽.

Annual vegetable.  This easy to grow vine because its long snake like fruit, requires high sturdy structure/arbour for plant to cling on.  Best growing in full sun location.  Unique white flowers with fraying petals which attract bees and butterflies a lot.   Very long fruit hang down and they do look like snakes.  🙂    Very exotic looking vegetable.  Taste good after cooking.  Mature size:10′-12′ (L) X 4′-6′(W).  Propagate by seeds.

蛇瓜(瓜葉栝樓)是一年生的爬藤,果實為數呎長的長條形,如長蛇般的瓜.  這個植株需要結實的結構/棚架來攀爬. 最好栽種在全日照處.  白色的花瓣外圍是流蘇般的鬚邊.  花吸引蜂蝶.  長條般蛇狀的瓜料理過是很好吃的.  成熟株高10-12呎長,寬幅4-6呎.  繁殖以種子來進行.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:        


Kiwi Berries/Hardy Kiwi (Actinidia arguta ) 奇異莓/軟棗獼猴桃

Kiwi Berries/Hardy Kiwi (Actinidia arguta ) 奇異莓/軟棗獼猴桃

2016-03-04 010 (Large)

Kiwi Berries/Hardy Kiwi (Actinidia arguta ) smooth berries in wholes and in sections. 奇異莓/軟棗獼猴桃的光滑熟果整顆及切開的樣子.

2016-03-04 005 (Large)

Kiwi Berries/Hardy Kiwi (Actinidia arguta ) in small package that was purchased from supermarket. 超市買的小盒奇異莓/軟棗獼猴桃.

2016-03-04 013 (Large)

Kiwi Berries/Hardy Kiwi (Actinidia arguta ) seeds. 奇異莓/軟棗獼猴桃的種子.

2016-03-12 008 (Large)

Kiwi Berries/Hardy Kiwi (Actinidia arguta ) compare with the Kiwi in whole, in different halves section views. 奇異莓/軟棗獼猴桃與奇異果整顆與橫切面及縱切面的比較.

2016-04-10 004 (Medium)

Kiwi Berries/Hardy Kiwi (Actinidia arguta ) seedlings germinated in just few days. High germination rate. 奇異莓/軟棗獼猴桃的小實生苗,短短幾天就孵出,孵出率非常高.

2016-05-12Kiwiberry seedling (Medium)

Kiwi Berries/Hardy Kiwi (Actinidia arguta ) seedling. 奇異莓/軟棗獼猴桃的小苗.

2016-07-04 027 (Medium)

Kiwi Berries/Hardy Kiwi (Actinidia arguta ) seedling. 奇異莓/軟棗獼猴桃的小實生苗

Delicious small berries!  Native in Asia.  Its berries look like miniature Kiwi but very smooth that you can just wash the berries and pop into your mouth!    Very hardy and easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun location.   This is a cold hardy fruit vine, it has small near white very fragrant flowers in late spring to early summer and edible berries in late summer to fall.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  Edible berries attract birds and wild animals.  USDA Zones:4-8. Mature size:12′-30′(L) X 8′-10′(W).   Propagate by seeds, cuttings or grafting.

美味的小果子!  原生於亞洲地區.  它的小果子就像迷你版的奇異果,果皮光滑無毛,可以洗淨後直接入口!  非常強健易於栽種.  最好栽種在全日照處.  它是爬藤類水果,春末夏初開很香的,近於白色的單瓣小花,夏末到秋結可食性美味的莓果.  花吸引蜂蝶,美味可食的果實吸引鳥類及野生動物覓食.  喜冷不甚耐熱.  成熟藤長可達12-30呎,寬幅8-10呎.  繁殖方式以種子,枝條扦插或嫁接來進行.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                                                                                        

Paperbark Cherry/ Tibetan Cherry (Prunus serrula) 細齒櫻/藏櫻花

Paperbark Cherry/ Tibetan Cherry (Prunus serrula) 細齒櫻/藏櫻花

2016-02-21 008 (Large)

Paperbark Cherry/ Tibetan Cherry (Prunus serrula) 細齒櫻/藏櫻花

2016-02-21 005 (Large)

Paperbark Cherry/ Tibetan Cherry (Prunus serrula) 細齒櫻/藏櫻花


2016-02-21 004 (Large)

Paperbark Cherry/ Tibetan Cherry (Prunus serrula) 細齒櫻/藏櫻花

Deciduous.  This flowering cherry has coppery shinning bark, pretty in winter, too!  Cute little white single flowers in spring.  Very easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Flowers attract bees, butterflies and birds.  USDA Zones: 5-8.  Mature size: 30′(H) / (W).  Propagate by seeds, cuttings or grafting.   Excellent for cut flower!

細齒櫻/藏櫻花是落葉喬木,適合中大型花園.   有著獨特美麗的紅銅色樹皮,冬天也好看!  清新嬌美的白色單瓣小花於春天盛開.  非常容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處.  花吸引蜂蝶與鳥類.  耐寒不耐熱.  成熟株高可達30呎高/寬幅.  繁殖方式以種子,扦插或嫁接方式來進行.  很適合切花!

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結: