Archive | 十二月 2014

Easy and delicious chocolate mousse and mango mousse. 易做好吃的巧克力慕思和芒果慕思

Easy and delicious chocolate mousse and mango mousse. 易做好吃的巧克力慕思和芒果慕思

Dark Chocolate mousse and Mango mousse.

Dark Chocolate mousse and Mango mousse.

Chocolate Mousse 巧克力慕思 (10 portions 10人份)

Ingredients and Directions: 材料與步驟:

1. 2 cups of cold whipping cream — whip to peak. 2杯半的生奶油 — 打發備用.

2. 1 can (170g ) of fresh thick cream — bring it to boil in a sauce pan 1小罐鮮奶油 — 小鍋煮到起泡沸騰.

3. 300g Dark chocolate — chopped. 300克黑巧克力 — 切成小塊備用.

4. Drop 3. to 2. Mix well until all melt.  Let it cool. 將3.倒入2.中融化,攪拌均勻後,冷卻.

5. Get a large bowl, pour 4. and 1. fold together, mix gently.  取一大碗,將4.和1.慢慢混合均勻.

6. Get nice clear slender dessert cups, piping the 5. mixture into the dessert cups.  Set in fridge for 1-2 hours.  取透明長形的甜點小杯,用漏斗將4.漏進小杯的底部填2/3小杯的容量.  冰箱冷藏1-2小時來冷卻定型.

7. Garnish the mousse with whipping cream, sliced ripe strawberry and drop a few semi-sweet chocolate chips and enjoy! 取出冷卻定型好的慕思,噴擠一小團鮮奶油後將一顆切片好的熟草莓放上去後加進幾顆半苦甜的巧克力碎片就可以享用!

Mango Mousse 芒果慕思 (15 portions 15人份)

Ingredients and Directions: 材料與步驟:

1. 3 1/2 cups of cold whipping cream — whip to peak. 3杯半的生奶油 — 打發備用.

2. 1 can (850 g) of mango pulp — open the can 1大罐芒果泥 — 開好罐備用.

3. 1/2 cup of icing sugar 半杯糖粉量好備用.

4. Pour 2. and 3. into the 1. in the mixing bowl.   Fold gently but mix well. 倒2.和3. 到1.打發的大碗裡慢慢混合均勻.

5. Get nice clear slender dessert cups, use funnel to carefully pour drip 4. into the dessert cups.  Set in fridge for 1-2 hours. 取透明長形的甜點小杯,用漏斗將4.漏進小杯的底部填2/3小杯的容量.  冰箱冷藏1-2小時來冷卻定型.

6. Garnish the mousse with whipping cream, 1/4 sliced ripe Sunkist orange and drop a few semi-sweet chocolate chips and enjoy!  取出冷卻定型好的慕思,噴擠一小團鮮奶油後將一顆切片好的香吉士柳橙小片放上去後加進幾顆半苦甜的巧克力碎片就可以享用!

How to grow Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa) from seeds 四照花種子孵法

How to grow Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa) from seeds 四照花種子孵法

Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa) flowers in early summer. 四照花初夏的花開滿枝椏.

Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa) flowers in early summer. 四照花初夏的花開滿枝椏.

Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa) flowers in early summer. 四照花初夏的花開滿枝椏.

Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa) flowers in early summer. 四照花初夏的花開滿枝椏.

Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa) red ripe fruit in late summer to early fall. 四照花夏末秋初的紅色成熟果實.

Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa) red ripe fruit in late summer to early fall. 四照花夏末秋初的紅色成熟果實.

Fall colour of  the 3rd year seedling. 實生苗第3年的紫紅秋色.

Fall colour of the 3rd year seedling. 實生苗第3年的紫紅秋色.

Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa) seeds. 四照花種子.

Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa) seeds.

Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa) seeds germination. 四照花種子孵出

Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa) seeds germination from day 34. 四照花種子第34天開始孵出

Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa) seedlings turning green. 四照花種子開始伸展及轉綠

Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa) seedlings turning green. 四照花種子開始伸展及轉綠

2015-01-23Flowering dogwood (Medium)

First set of leaves. (Cornus kousa) 第一對本葉長出.

Second set of leaves. (Cornus kousa) 第2對本葉長出.

Second set of leaves. (Cornus kousa) 第2對本葉長出.

2020-03-27 Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa)四照花 (1) - Copy

Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa) from seeds, first time having flower buds! (red circle). 實生的四照花第一次有花苞形成了!

2020-03-27 Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa)四照花 (2) - Copy

Flowering Dogwood (Cornus kousa) from seeds, first time having flower buds! (red circle). 實生的四照花第一次有花苞形成了!

This beautiful small flowering tree or large shrub is very beautiful and easy to grow in full sun to partial shade location.  Late spring pink flowered varieties usually bloom first then white flowered varieties. The four large “petals" are not really flower petals, they are actually bracts.  The pom-pom like center are many tiny flowers.

這種美麗開花的小型樹或大型灌木很容易栽種在全日照或半日照處.  春末夏初才開白花,白色的花瓣其實不是花瓣,是萼片,中間那撮小小的團狀看似花心的才是真正的花. 不過也因此有更長的賞花期.

I like the white varieties just because the most of spring flowering trees and shrubs bloom in mid to late spring, when white flowered varieties flowers to summer, I feel I have spring extended! 😉

我喜歡白色的這種,因為它晚開,當春花都開盡了它才登場,感覺就是春天因此而延續了! 1.Its fruit ripe in mid-late fall so you have to collect the fruit, remove the fruit pulp and clean seeds.

Dry seeds, put the seeds in a re-sealable bag and then store in freezer for 1-1.5 months to simulate winter.

1.這白花的成熟的果實是紅色形如小荔枝的果實,內有數個種子.  要去掉皮與果肉渣後取出種子,洗淨乾燥後放在小夾鍊袋於冰箱冷凍庫來保存"過冬"如此種子可以保存數年,要種時才取出.

2.Wake up the seeds by bath seeds in warm water for 2 days. You can use thermal bottle to do this if you have large quantities of seeds to grow.    Seeds have quite thick hard shell so it is OK.

2.將種子由冰箱取出後泡溫水2天可叫醒種子. 若孵的種子數量多可以用小保溫壺. 種殼很厚,稍熱的溫水都沒關係.

3.Scoop the seeds and plant in a pot or container.  Use moist potting soil or well drained growing medium.  I covered the container to keep seeds moist and place in warm place.


4.Check seeds once every 2 or 3 days.  Seeds usually germinate around 30-45 days according to the temperature.

4.每兩到三天檢查種子並打開透氣.  依氣溫不同通常30-45天發芽.

5.Pick up the germinated seed and plant in the individual small pot.  Place them in warm, partial shade location.   Keep moist.

5.揀出剛發芽破殼的種子個別種在小盆中,置放在半日照溫暖處生長.  注意保溼.

6.Transplant the seedlings to bigger pots or in the ground when they have 8 leaves.  Move them to full sun location and apply light fertilizer. From seed to flower is about 4-6 years according to the soil and light exposure.  It is very nice gift tree to grow for any garden! 🙂

6.小苗本葉約8片時可以移到較大盆或是地植. 改成全日照可以開始施用肥料.   根據土壤肥沃及日照程度不同,種子種到開花約4-6年.   它是很適合當禮物的庭園小型開花樹種.

Language of flower – Am I Indifferent to You?


How to grow lily-of-the-valley from seeds (Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭種子孵法

How to grow lily-of-the-valley from seeds (Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭種子孵法

Lily-of-the valley fragrant white flowers in spring. 春天鈴蘭的白色有強香的鈴狀小花.

Lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria majalis) extremely fragrant white flowers in spring. 春天鈴蘭的白色有強香的鈴狀小花.

Lily-of-the-valley roots. (Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭的地下葉芽與根狀莖.

Lily-of-the-valley bulbs and rhizomes. (Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭的地下葉芽與根狀莖.

Ripe fruit of lily-of-the valley in fall. 秋天成熟的鈴蘭漿果.

Ripe fruit of lily-of-the valley in fall. 秋天成熟的鈴蘭漿果.

Lily-of-the-valley seeds (Convallaria majalis) 鈴蘭種子.

Lily-of-the-valley seeds (Convallaria majalis) 鈴蘭種子.

Lily-of-the-valley  seeds germination.(Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭種子一個月左右孵出.

Lily-of-the-valley seeds germination.(Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭種子一個月左右孵出.

Lily-of-the-valley seedlings forming the first shoot/bulb.(Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭小苗出根後長出第一個小筍芽.

Lily-of-the-valley seedlings forming the first shoot/bulb.(Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭小苗出根後長出第一個小筍芽.

Lily-of-the-valley seedlings forming the first shoot/bulb.  Shoot is turning green. (Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭小苗出根後長出第一個小筍芽. 筍芽轉綠了.

Lily-of-the-valley seedlings forming the first shoot/bulb. Shoot is turning green. (Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭小苗出根後長出第一個小筍芽. 筍芽轉綠了.

Lily-of-the-valley seedlings forming the first shoot/bulb. Shoot is turning green. (Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭小苗出根後長出第一個小筍芽. 筍芽轉綠了.

Lily-of-the-valley seedlings forming the first shoot/bulb. Shoot is turning green. (Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭小苗出根後長出第一個小筍芽. 筍芽轉綠了.

This plant usually can be propagated by dividing plant clumps, rhizomes, bulbs or seeds.  Best time to do so is in late fall/winter and the second best time is early spring.  If growing from seeds, seeds need a cold period time in fridge at least a month to simulate winter.

播種時間點以秋播為主,初春應該會長出. 春播次之.種子要冷層積,如:冰箱冷藏個1個月.
1.In a re-sealable bag fill with some moist potting soil or water moss and current year harvest viable seeds.  Moist has to be when squeeze the soil or water moss, water will drip out slowly. Seal the bag and put the bag in the fridge where you store veggies and fruit for one month.
2.After one month, take the bag out, remove the bag and plant seeds in a pot with light soil cover on top.  Place the pot in partial shade or dapple shade location.  Any well drained soil or growing medium will do for planting.   Keep soil moist until seeds germinated, around 1 months. I tried germinating seeds directly it is around 1 month.
2.時間到後取出播於盆土,種子不喜光可蓋淺淺的土就好. 種植處須半日照或散光處. 土壤不拘但必須排水良好+保濕良好. 繼續保濕到發芽長葉為止,約孵1個月會出芽.  我試過不冰直接苗盆播,約1個月出芽.
3.After germination, keep the pot in partial shade, keep seedlings moist is the key.  When seedlings has rhizome — you will see another leaf popping out, It is time you can transplant the seedlings to the ground or a bigger pot.  It will take about 3 years to grow from seeds to flower.  (Seedlings will age faster if growing in less fertile soil.)  Apply  fertilizer with higher ratio phosphate to grow strong root system and bigger bulbs.  Its white dainty cute bell shape flowers are extremely fragrant and pleasant!  Too bad the blooming time is short, only 2-3 weeks in spring.  In fall, the fruit ripe and turn orange red.  There are off white or yellow seeds inside its berry like fruit.
3.出芽後讓小苗們在半日照處生長. 保溼很重要.  等很快會開始長出走莖(長出另一枝),即可換盆或地植. 從種子到開花約3年. (用不肥沃的田土種比培養土好.) 葉片過於肥大的話要施些磷肥. 我認為球不冰也可以,只要將盆放置在半日照陰涼處. 注意保濕不要乾死. 鈴蘭花形可愛小巧,香氣濃郁怡人很特別,春天很短的兩三週是花期. 秋天結橘紅色漿果. 漿果中有米白色或黃色種子.
Whole plant is toxic if eaten. 
整株是有毒的,雖可為藥用. 但要小心勿亂食用.
The flower language of lily-of-the-valley: Return to happiness.

How to grow passion fruit from seeds (Passiflora) 百香果種子孵法

How to grow passion fruit from seeds (Passiflora) 百香果種子孵法

Passion fruit.(Passiflora edulis) 百香果.

Passion fruit.(Passiflora edulis) 百香果.

Passiflora ligularis (Grenadilla / Sweet Grenadilla) 甜百香果

Passiflora ligularis (Grenadilla / Sweet Grenadilla) 甜百香果

Passion fruit seeds germination. -- Day 15. (Passiflora) 第10-15天百香果種子會陸續發芽.--第15天進度.

Passion fruit seeds germination.– Day 15. (Passiflora edulis) 第10-15天普通百香果的種子陸續發芽.–第15天進度.

Passion fruit seeds germination. (Passiflora edulis) 百香果小苗.

Passion fruit seeds germination. (Passiflora edulis) 百香果小苗.

Passion fruit first year seedling. 甜百香果實生苗第一年.

Passion fruit first year seedling almost year 2. (Passiflora ligularis) 甜百香果實生苗第一年快第2年.

This plant is really easy to grow!  And these grow fast!  One fruit contains so many seeds.  You can just save the seeds from the fruit you enjoyed for growing more!  The key of growing this fruit is warm and sunny.  If you are like me, growing them in winter you can find or create a suitable place for them.  I grow them in a container with lid to keep seeds moist and place container nearby the furnace register for warm air.

百香果是很容易栽種且生長快速的藤蔓.  一個果實內有為數不少的種子.  享用果實時如果好吃,你可以留些種子種植!  通常百香果多喜歡全日照溫暖的環境,水份肥份要充足還有支撐的攀架/繩索.  我孵種子是用有蓋的容器放在溫暖的地方濕悶,大概1-2週就會發芽.

Passiflora ligularis (Grenadilla / Sweet Grenadilla) is the specie likes cooler temperature.  And it will take 3 years to mature to flower and fruit.  Passiflora edulis likes warmer climate and will take a year to mature.  So better to start early or buying grafted plants from nurseries.  甜百香果這個種類喜較冷涼的地區,日夜溫差較明顯會使果實甜度較高些.  不過從種子到開花能結果約需時3年.   普通百香果則喜溫暖的氣候,從種子到開花結果約要一年才會成熟到開花結果.  沒耐心等的人可以考慮買現成嫁接好的成熟苗來種植.

If you would like to grow from seeds, you can try my method:


1.Prepare a clean container with lid, fill the container with half depth of potting soil.  Moist the soil but no standing water.  Place the clean seeds on top then keep the lid on.  Place the lid somewhere warm.

1.取有蓋的乾淨容器裝培養土約一半的深度.  澆濕但要壓擠掉多餘水份,避免泡爛種子.  將種子置於土表,不覆土.  蓋上蓋子後放在溫暖處悶孵.

2.Open the lid to check the progress and for fresh air to circulate once a day.  If the mold occurs, pick up the seeds, wash and sanitize them and plant them back.  If weather is warm, you can just open the lid under the sun for 30 minutes will do the same.   Seeds will germinate around day 10 to day 15.

2.每天開蓋檢查一次順便通風.  如果有黴菌滋生,如天候溫暖,可以開蓋後在大太陽下曬個半小時就能殺菌.  要不然就將種子撿出清洗後再種回去.  依溫度不同,一般是約10-15天發芽.

3.After seeds germinated, wait the seedlings turn green and place the container to warm, partial shade location or simply picking the sprouted seeds and planting them in individual pot with tweezers.  I prefer to plant them in individual pot to save some work.  I Keep the lid off just use clear plastic bag – place the container in a clear plastic bag and tie the opening, make sure seedlings have room to grow.  Partial shade location.

3.種子發芽後,等小苗轉綠後將苗盆移到溫暖有半日照的地方. 或者像我一樣較懶的方法是將剛發芽的種子一一用鑷子小心揀出,個別種在小盆裡/泥炭餅,這樣省移一次.  小苗可以將苗盆放入透明塑膠袋上面封口如此包覆著藉以保濕.  要預留小苗向上生長的空間.  半日照.

4.Seedlings grow faster and faster once they are in individual pot in warm and bright partial shade location.   When seedlings is one foot high or root come out from the pot, it is the time to grow them in bigger pot or the best to grow in the ground.   Add support for plants to cling on.   Apply fertilizer.  Full sun.

4.移植成一株一盆的這階段的小苗在溫暖明亮處會生長的越來越快.  小苗大約有一呎高時可以地植或用更大的花盆來栽種.  架設可攀爬的攀架或繩索令其攀爬.  可以開始施肥.   改成全日照.

How to grow Korean melon from seeds(Cucumis melo L. var. makuwa) 韓國香瓜種子孵法

How to grow Korean melon from seeds (Cucumis melo L. var. makuwa) 韓國香瓜種子孵法

2020-05-10 Korean Melon (Cucumis melo 'Makuwa')韓國甜瓜 (1) - Copy

Korean Melon (Cucumis melo ‘Makuwa’) fruit is white crispy sweet/sugary and juicy flesh and yellow peel with white stripes and small seeds. 韓國甜瓜黃皮白肉籽小,果肉甜脆多汁.

Korean melon day 4.韓國香瓜種子進度第4天.

Korean melon day 4.韓國香瓜種子進度第4天.

Korean melon day 5, turning green. 韓國香瓜種子進度第5天. 轉綠中.

Korean melon day 5, turning green.
韓國香瓜種子進度第5天. 轉綠中.

The Korean melon (Cucumis melo L. var. makuwa) or chamoe (참외) is very easy and fast to grow. 韓國香瓜花及果實請見維基百科: 這真的很容易種植且生長非常快速! 1.Get the fresh viable seed wash clean and soak in warm water over night. 1.將新鮮種子清洗後泡溫水一晚. 2.Plant the seeds in the pot on top of potting soil with clear plastic bag cover the pot to keep seeds moist.  Place the pot somewhere warm.  The 2nd or 3rd day will sprout. 2.種子撈出後種於苗盆土表,不必覆土.  用透明塑膠袋或夾鍊袋將苗盆包起以保持濕度,放在溫暖處等發芽.  大約第2或第3天就會發芽. 3.After seeds germinated, move the pot to warm with some light, seedlings will soon turn green.  Partial shade if possible. 3.種子發芽後,移到半日照或散光處,小苗很外就會轉綠. 4.Transplant the seedlings when they have 4-6 leaves.  Plant them 2 seedlings in the same big pot or the best in the ground!   (Space them well if plant in the ground.)  Apply organic fertilizer.  Keep seedlings moist.   Change to full sun location. 4.等小苗長到4-6片本葉就可以移植到大盆或最好地植.  種子很多的話,可以每2棵小苗種一起.  要間隔開種. 開始施有機肥.  注意小苗的保濕.  這階段開始要全日照. 5.Continue to apple fertilizer once in every two weeks.  It is annual so soon 1.5-2 months will flower and then growing melons.  When trailing vine branch out and grow too long, trim to shorten them to make sure better quality of melons. 5.每2週施肥一次. 這是一年生的瓜,大約1.5-2個月又會開花開始結瓜.  瓜藤蔓生分支太長的話可以修短些讓一藤不要生太多的瓜以保每個瓜的品質. It is a fun project to grow this!  🙂    When you are eating the melon, remember to remove the stem and the part close to the stem, that part is toxic but rest of the melon is delicious! 種這瓜是蠻有意思相當有成就感的! 🙂  食用此瓜時要去掉瓜蒂頭,瓜蒂有小毒會催吐. 瓜本身是外黃內白,甜而多汁,冰涼食用風味不錯!

How to grow Garden Phlox from seeds (Phlox paniculata) 多年生直立型叢生福祿考種子孵法

How to grow Garden Phlox from seeds (Phlox paniculata) 多年生直立型叢生福祿考種子孵法


Garden Phlox flowers in summer. (Phlox paniculata) 多年生直立型叢生福祿考夏天的花.

 Garden Phlox seed pods and seeds. (Phlox paniculata) 多年生直立型叢生福祿考種莢與種子.

Garden Phlox seed pods and seeds. (Phlox paniculata) 多年生直立型叢生福祿考種莢與種子.

Garden Phlox seed germination. (Phlox paniculata) 多年生直立型叢生福祿考種子孵出.

Garden Phlox seed germination. (Phlox paniculata) 多年生直立型叢生福祿考種子孵出.

Best grow in fall/winter.   The second best time to grow these from seeds is early spring.


1.Seeds soak in water for  one day.


2.Fill a pot or container half depth with potting soil, wet the soil but not saggy.  Place the pot or container in somewhere warm.  Keep soil moist.   Seeds will germinate around 5-10 days according to the temperature.

2.用小盆以培養土直播覆少許土後澆水.  苗盆放在半日照溫暖處等發芽,注意保濕.   依溫度不同,約5-10天發芽.

3.Change to full sun location once the seedlings have true leaves growing.  Transplanting seedlings to bigger pot when they are 10-15 cm tall.   Start to apply fertilizer.

3.待小苗長出本葉後可轉全日照.  等約10-15公分高時可換大盆種或地植.  這時可以開始施肥.

It will take 2-3 years from seed to flower.  Older the plant more the stems to bare flowers.  When plant has bigger clump, you can propagate garden phlox from dividing plant clump in early spring.

從種子到開花約2-3年.  根系越旺越多直立枝條也越多花.  以後可以用分株法來繁殖.

How to grow Hibiscus from seeds (Hibiscus) 大花扶桑種子孵法

How to grow Hibiscus from seeds (Hibiscus) 大花扶桑種子孵法

Huge Hibiscus flower! 超大的大花扶桑的花.

Huge Hibiscus flower! 超大的大花扶桑的花.

Hibiscus moscheutos flower. 大花扶桑的花.

Hibiscus moscheutos flower. 大花扶桑的花.

Hibiscus seedlings after transplanting. (Hibiscus) 移到個別小盆的大花扶桑實生小苗.

Hibiscus seedlings after transplanting. (Hibiscus) 移到個別小盆的大花扶桑實生小苗.

Hibiscus seeds germination in day 6. 大花扶桑種子發芽了,第6天的進度.

Hibiscus seeds germination in day 6. 大花扶桑種子發芽了,第6天的進度.

1. Direct sow — takes longer time, could be over a month.
1.直播— 要很久就是了…孵出的時間超過1個月都有.
2.Use sandpaper or nail clipper file to sand the seed a bit then soak in warm water for one day.   Prepare the pot with potting soil.  Place the seeds on the top of the pot.  If the humidity is low, cover the pot with plastic wrap and a rubber band to keep the moisture.  Place the pot in warm, partial shade location.
2.破殼(用砂紙或指甲剪的挫刀磨種子幾下)後泡溫水一天,撈起點播於苗盆.  苗盆用培養土.  如果溼度低最好用保鮮膜蓋上並用橡皮筋固定.   苗盆放半日照溫暖處等發芽.
3.Open to check once a day for air circulation.  Seeds usually germinate around 7-10 days.
3.每日打開一次檢查並透氣.  約5-10天孵出.

4.You may use tweezers to pick the sprouted seeds to plant in the small pot individually or wait seedlings grow bigger when they have 6 leaves to do so.  Partial shade.  Keep seedlings warm and moist.
4.孵出後可以用鑷子夾出剛出芽的種子種在個別的小盆或等小苗長到6片葉子後再移植.   半日照.  小苗要注意保濕和保暖.
5.When the seedlings root showing from the bottom of the small pot, it is the time to transplant them.  Transplant the young plant to larger pot or plant in the ground somewhere is full sun with well drained soil.  You may start to apply fertilizer to keep them growing fast.
5.當小苗的根系從小盆的盆底冒出時可以換大盆或地植到有排水良好的土壤,全日照的地點.  可以開始施肥讓它們飆長.

How to grow flowering crab apple from seeds 海棠種子孵法

How to grow flowering crab apple from seeds 海棠種子孵法

Weeping flowering crabapple flowers. (Malus) 枝垂型海棠春天開的花.

Weeping flowering crabapple flowers. (Malus)枝垂型海棠春天開的花.

Flowering crabapple flowers in spring. (Malus) 海棠春天的花朵.

Flowering crabapple flowers in spring. (Malus) 海棠春天的花朵.

Flowering crabapple flowers in spring. (Malus) 春天的海棠樹開花美不勝收.

Flowering crabapple flowers in spring. (Malus) 春天的海棠樹開花美不勝收.

Crabapple fruit in fall. (Malus) 海棠秋天的熟果.

Crabapple fruit in fall. (Malus) 海棠秋天的熟果.

Flowering crabapple seeds. (Malus) 海棠種子.

Flowering crabapple seeds. (Malus) 海棠種子.

Flowering crabapple fruit in winter. (Malus) 海棠冬天的果實.

Flowering crabapple fruit in winter. (Malus) 海棠冬天的果實.

If you have many seeds, it is fine to direct sow.  If you do not have many seeds to grow, you can try the method below:
種子數量多的話,直播便可. 數量少的話可以參考以下孵法:
1.Remove or scratch the shell before you grow them.  It will reduce the germination period.  Light sanding the seeds a bit will help seeds to absorb water for growing quickly.
1.破殼或完全去殼為佳. 有破殼比沒破殼快幾倍時間. 不諳破殼的人用砂紙把殼磨稍薄也勉強可以. 不可傷及種仁.
2.Prepare planting pot with potting soil with well drained medium 1:1 ratio.  Do not cover the seeds.   Move the pot to partial shade location with good air flow after watering.  Seeds should germinate around 5-12 days.  (If removed shell of seeds first before growing, it will take 3-5 days to sprout, 7-10 day to be green.)
2.準備苗盆以培養土和排水佳介質混合1:1點播,不需覆土. 澆水後置半日照通風處. 應該5-12天內發芽.  (種植前有去殼的話3-5天就會發芽,7-10天轉綠.)
3.Transplant the seedlings to individual pot when they have 4-6 leaves.  Full sun.
3.發芽後小苗要等月本葉4-6葉稍為壯碩後再移植. 移植後種植改全日照.

How to grow goji berry/wolfberry (Lycium barbarum ) from seeds 枸杞種子孵法

How to grow goji berry/wolfberry (Lycium barbarum ) from seeds 枸杞種子孵法

How to grow goji berry/wolfberry (Lycium barbarum ) from seeds 枸杞種子孵法

How to grow goji berry/wolfberry (Lycium barbarum ) from seeds 枸杞種子孵法

Goji berry seeds start to sprout from day 4 . 枸杞種子處理+種下的第4天就開始發芽.

Goji berry seeds start to sprout from day 4 . 枸杞種子處理+種下的第4天就開始發芽.

Goji berry seeds sprouting continue in day 5 . 枸杞種子處理+種下的第5天更多種子發芽.

Goji berry seeds sprouting continue in day 5 . 枸杞種子處理+種下的第5天更多種子發芽.

Goji berry/wolfberry (Lycium barbarum ) seedlings in day 7. 枸杞種子進度第7天.

Goji berry/wolfberry (Lycium barbarum ) seedlings in day 7. 枸杞種子進度第7天.

Goji berry/wolfberry (Lycium barbarum ) seedlings in day 9 all sprouted and turn green. 枸杞種子進度第9天,種子都發芽了小苗都轉綠了.

Goji berry/wolfberry (Lycium barbarum ) seedlings in day 9 all sprouted and turn green. 枸杞種子進度第9天,種子都發芽了小苗都轉綠了.

Goji berry/wolfberry (Lycium barbarum ) seedlings in day 9 all sprouted and turn green. 枸杞種子進度第9天,種子都發芽了小苗都轉綠了.

Goji berry/wolfberry (Lycium barbarum ) seedlings in day 9 all sprouted and turn green. 枸杞種子進度第9天,種子都發芽了小苗都轉綠了.

Goji berry/wolfberry (Lycium barbarum ) seedlings have true leaves. 枸杞種苗長出本葉.

Goji berry/wolfberry (Lycium barbarum ) seedlings have true leaves. 枸杞種苗長出本葉.

Goji berry/wolfberry (Lycium barbarum ) seedlings have more leaves. 枸杞種苗長出更多葉片.

Goji berry/wolfberry (Lycium barbarum ) seedlings have more leaves. 枸杞種苗長出更多葉片.

Goji berry flowers. 枸杞的花.

Goji berry flowers. 枸杞的花.

Flowers, fruit an plant image see: 花,果,葉請見維基百科: It is very hardy and easy to grow from seeds.  Its tender leaves can be used as leafy veggie and its berries can be eaten fresh or dried.   Some people use plant as hedge.  USDA Zones:4-9. 枸杞是很強健容易從種子栽種的植物.  它是小型灌木.  嫩葉可當葉菜食用其成熟的果實可以鮮食或乾燥.  有些人栽種枸杞做為綠籬.  很耐寒. 1.Get the store bought dried goji berries and pick one big berry (or many) to soak the warm water then open the berry up to show inside and wash the flesh away in the fine sieve or mesh to clean the seeds.  Plant the seeds in the pot or container, place somewhere dark, keep moist. 1.買店售的包裝枸杞果乾,取較大品質佳的果乾,泡溫水使之變軟後拆開果實,在篩網內洗去果肉取乾淨的種子種植於苗盆內.  要保溼放在暗但溫暖處等發芽. 2.Let seedlings grow in the pot or container until most of them turn green.  Partial shade. 2.大部份的種子孵出轉綠後將此苗盆或容器轉半日照. 3.Transplant them when they have 4-6 leaves to individual pot or in the ground.   Full sun and keep moist. 3.小苗有4-6片葉子時可以移到單獨的盆子種植或地植.  全日照. 注意保濕.

How to grow Linden tree from seeds (Tilia) 椴樹種子孵法

How to grow Linden tree from seeds (Tilia) 椴樹種子孵法

Linden flowers (Tilia) are quite fragrant.   椴樹開花很香.

Linden flowers (Tilia) are quite fragrant.

Linden seedling. (Tilia) 椴樹實生苗.

Linden seedling. (Tilia) 椴樹實生苗.

Linden seeds germination. (Tilia) 椴樹種子發芽.

Linden seeds germination. (Tilia) 椴樹種子發芽.

1.Clean seeds, sanitize the growing soil or medium.
2.Prepare pot or container fill with soil or medium.  Moist the soil then place the seeds on top of soil, do not cover the seeds.  Cover the pot or container with re-sealable bag or clear plastic bag and then store in the fridge.
2.準備點播用淺的苗盆,土壤用田土(沒有的話用培養土也可以)+排水佳介質+有機肥1比1比0.25點播於小苗盆上不覆土. 用夾鍊袋/塑膠袋封起後冰箱冷藏庫中冷層積,等發芽.
3.Check and open once a week for air circulation.  About 3-6 months seeds will germinate.
3.一週檢查一次順便透氣. 約3-6個月發芽.
4.Pick the seeds out to pot them individually after once they are growing.  Grow the seedlings partial shade location with good air flow and keep soil moist.
4.出芽後1個種子單獨一小盆為佳. 置於半日照通風處生長. 要保持一定濕度.
5.Apply light organic fertilizer after seedlings have 6 leaves.  Change to full sun location.
5.等本葉長出6片後小盆換中盆. 施有機薄肥,改全日照.
*Because Linden tree do not produce lots of viable seed, under 8%.  So there are not too many seedlings you can find under the tree.   Many thought their seeds require 3-5 years of germination period.

*此種樹種子雖多,有胚的有效種子卻比率相當少,低於8%. 再加上自然環境下能發芽的很少. 所以有人誤以為要3-5年才會發芽.Once they are germinated, they grow fast without any special care!  Small flowers but so many of them with strong nice fragrance.  Linden trees flower in late spring to early summer.  Great food source for bees. — My family and I have tasted Linden honey, nice flavour!但是一旦發芽後卻長得很快,容易栽種,不需怎樣特別的照顧. 花小而多有強香. 春末夏初開花,花開滿樹是很好的蜜源. –我嚐過的椴花蜜有很特別的滋味,家人都非常喜歡.