Archive | 三月 2014

Praying mantis egg cases 螳螂泡巢

Praying mantis egg cases 螳螂泡巢

Praying mantis egg cases 螳螂泡巢

Praying mantis egg cases 螳螂泡巢

Praying mantises are precious beneficial insects can help in the garden and farm. These egg cases or oothecae (ootheca /oʊ.əˈθiːkə/, pl. oothecae /oʊ.əˈθiːsiː/) one is on climbing rose and the other one is on Clematis.

I hope they will hatch in late spring! Sometimes I still buy couple more just in case if they are not fertilized eggs. Natural insect control for my flowers and veggies is the safest thing to do for your garden! 🙂

Glass Gem Corn and Sweet Corn 寶石玉米和甜玉米

Glass Gem Corn and Sweet Corn 寶石玉米和甜玉米

Glass Gem Corn寶石玉米

Glass Gem Corn寶石玉米

Both in progress! 🙂

Glass Gem Corn germinate faster. 寶石玉米較快孵出. Lovely colour!

Toronto Riverdale Farm多倫多市內河谷農場

Toronto Riverdale Farm多倫多市內河谷農場

Sheep is sunbathing.曬太陽的羊.

Sheep is sunbathing.曬太陽的羊.

Farm horse農場的馬

Farm horse農場的馬

Ducks are so excited to be out! 鴨子們也等不及衝到戶外來享受陽光.

Ducks are so excited to be out! 鴨子們也等不及衝到戶外來享受陽光.

Farm cattles.農場的牛群.

Farm cattles.農場的牛群.

Farm donkey 農場的驢

Farm donkey 農場的驢

Farm hens農場下蛋的母雞們

Farm hens農場下蛋的母雞們

Wind turbine 風車

Wind turbine 風車

Still chilly but some farm animals already out to enjoy sunshine! Still have some animals that I did not take pictures, like turkeys, roosters and rabbits.. It is a fun place to visit inside the city for adults and children.
儘管還蠻冷的,農場動物已經開始享受初春和煦的陽光. 還有些動物沒有拍,如公雞,火雞,兔子等.. 這個小農場是個適合大人小孩出去走走的地方.
The website is:

Globe artichokes (Cynara scolymus)朝鮮薊

Globe artichokes (Cynara scolymus)朝鮮薊

Artichoke seed pack朝鮮薊種子包

Artichoke seed pack朝鮮薊種子包

2017-03-13 Green Globe Artichoke

Globe artichokes (Cynara scolymus) seeds germinate easily.朝鮮薊的種子很容易孵出.

Globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus) seedling朝鮮薊小苗

Globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus) seedling朝鮮薊小苗

This perennial veggie is growing for its flavorful “hearts” of flower heads/buds. It is normally hardy to Zone 6 if well mulched, and occasionally Zone 5 during mild winters. I suggest you try to protect the plants over winter because the first year buds usually small and less than the second / third year crops. You can propagate the plant from seeds or underground suckers or old stumps/dried shoots from previous year.
它是多年生的草本植物. 通常食用的部位為花苞. 它的耐寒程度還可以,溫帶Zone 5或6都可以用保護措施讓它在戶外越冬. 我覺得應該讓它越冬因為第一年種植的收成花苞較小且數量較少,所以越冬的保護工作是值得做的. 繁殖方式可用種子或側芽,或是老根枯掉的芽也可.

Remember its young tender leaves also good leafy veggie especially if you think that cooking and handling flower buds is too much work. 🙂 It likes full sun and warm location in well drained soil. It is pretty hardy and fairly low maintenance.
其嫩葉也可作為葉菜來食用不過味道不比花苞甘甜不過對於嫌吃花苞麻煩的人而言是不錯的吃法. 它喜歡全日照溫暖排水佳的環境來生長. 種植這個不太需要管理還蠻省事的.

This red artichoke is the variety you can harvest couple weeks earlier than the green ones. Some gardens said one plant in one year can grow up to 200 flower buds with good care!
這種子包的紅苞片品種的朝鮮薊它的收成期比綠色的早約2星期. 有種過朝鮮薊的人據他們的收成經驗說一株一年最高可收到200個花苞. 這樣的收成量和它的食用藥用價值又是多年生讓它很值得種植.

Usages and its flower photo see

Nemophila menziesii ‘Penny Black’ 粉蝶花

Nemophila menziesii ‘Penny Black’ 粉蝶花

 Nemophila menziesii 'Penny Black'粉蝶花

Nemophila menziesii ‘Penny Black’粉蝶花

 Nemophila menziesii 'Penny Black'粉蝶花

Nemophila menziesii ‘Penny Black’粉蝶花

Nemophila menziesii 'Penny Black' 粉蝶花

Nemophila menziesii ‘Penny Black’ 粉蝶花

Annual, very unique colour! Its flower color is deep purple almost black with white rim, very easy to grow from seeds or stem cuttings. Best growing this in sun or partial shade location. Mature size is 10cm H X 30cm W.
一年生草花,容易以種子或扦插來繁殖. 春夏開花,小巧的紫黑色帶白邊的花瓣配上厚厚的像多肉植物的小葉,植株低矮,適合生長於全日照或半日照的通風環境. 成熟株高為10公分,寬幅為30公分.

It goes well with bright colour flowers or plants with variegated foliage. This plant will self-seed. They are now growing indoor by the window. Happy spring! 🙂
這和花色鮮豔的花或斑葉的植物會很出色. 它很容易自行結子繁殖. 這些是我室內靠窗處播種到開花的. 希望你們會喜歡!

‘Buttercup’ Squash’ 奶油杯’小南瓜

‘Buttercup’ Squash’ 奶油杯’小南瓜

'Buttercup' Squash' 奶油杯'小南瓜

‘Buttercup’ Squash’ 奶油杯’小南瓜

It is so easy to grow and fast growing! I can see there are at least 3 male flower buds are on the way! Hope soon it will start to grow female flowers as well so it can fruit! 🙂 From seed to harvest squash is about 3 months or so. It is important to start some seedling early.

非常容易種又長的快! 目前已有至少3朵雄花的花苞形成了! 希望母花也很快來花才能結瓜. 從種子到結了瓜收成約要3個月左右所以早點種出健康的小苗是很重要的.

I also have 2 other ‘Buttercup’ seedlings and some cherry tomatoes, few yellow zucchini seedling and other veggie seedlings.. 🙂

除了還有兩株’奶油杯’小南瓜小苗外我還有一些小蕃茄的苗,幾株黃色的夏南瓜苗.. 🙂

Passiflora ligularis (Grenadilla / Sweet Grenadilla) 甜百香果

Passiflora ligularis (Grenadia / Sweet Grenadilla) 甜百香果

Passiflora ligularis   "Sweet Granadilla"

Passiflora ligularis
“Sweet Granadilla"

Passiflora ligularis   "Sweet Granadilla"

Passiflora ligularis
“Sweet Granadilla"

Passiflora ligularis, commonly known as Grenadilla or Sweet Grenadilla is a plant species in the Passiflora genus. See its flower from Wikipedia:

It is a fast growing climber with large leaves and it can grow to 14′. It is native to South America and has a strong but fragile, orange skin. The fruit has the shape and size of a plum. The shell is hard and shiny. The fruit contains a yellow, jelly-like pulp with a scattering of black edible seeds. The fruit has a sweet and very little sour flavour.


I like its fruit size and sweetness but I do prefer sweet fragrant juice with balanced acidic flavour. Is there any ‘perfect’ passion fruit variety? Do you know any? I would like to grow few for its pretty flowers and delicious fruit!

我想找想種完美的百香果–有美花欣賞和好吃的水果的品種. 你知道有這種品種嗎?

Almond Crisps 杏仁瓦片 (9 pieces or more if size is smaller)

Almond Crisps  杏仁瓦片

[caption id="attachment_3602" align="alignnone" width="300"]Almond Crisps  杏仁瓦片  Ready to bake! Almond Crisps 杏仁瓦片
Ready to bake!

Almond Crisps 杏仁瓦片 [/caption]

Nice crispy nutty snack! 🙂

Ingredients 材料:

1 Large egg white
1 1/3 Tablespoons Fine White Sugar
1 1/3 大匙 白細砂糖
2 Tablespoons All-purpose Flour
2 大匙 中筋麵粉
1 Tablespoons “No Salt Added" Butter or Non-Hydrogenated Margarine
1 大匙 無鹽奶油/或無反式油脂的瑪其琳

1.Mix all ingredients well in a bowl into batter, cover the bowl and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
2.Place a parchment paper on the baking tray.

Add 50g Almond Slices
加入50克 杏仁薄片

3. Mix almond slices into batter carefully not breaking the slices. Spoon a tablespoon of batter on the parchment paper so these crisp will not stick on the baking tray.
3.將杏仁薄片混入麵糊. 小心不要弄碎薄片. 用大匙舀到烘焙紙上. 一匙一片.

4. Gently flatten the batter to one almond slice thickness. (It is easier and not sticky if you dip your fingers in cold water first.)
— Make sure slices are not over lapped.

5.Bake them in the preheated oven 300 F for 10 minutes or until they are golden.

6.Let them cool to be crispy then enjoy!

If you are not eating them right away, store them in air tight container or bag to keep them crispy.若是冷卻後馬上吃會很酥脆,沒有要馬上吃的話要封好才不會受潮變不脆.

Ranunculus asiaticus (Persian buttercup) 陸蓮花

Ranunculus asiaticus (Persian buttercup) 陸蓮花
Beautiful, so fragrant and easy to grow! 🙂 They are indoor by the window. This is the first flower, more to come! 室內靠窗盆植的. 這朵先開,美麗芬芳又易栽種. 🙂 其他顏色續開中.

Ranunculus asiaticus (Persian buttercup) 陸蓮花

Ranunculus asiaticus (Persian buttercup) 陸蓮花

2014-03-12 001 (Medium)
Ranunculus asiaticus (Persian buttercup) 陸蓮花

Ranunculus asiaticus (Persian buttercup) 陸蓮花

Ranunculus asiaticus (Persian buttercup) 陸蓮花

Ranunculus asiaticus (Persian buttercup) 陸蓮花

Ranunculus asiaticus (Persian buttercup) 陸蓮花

Ranunculus asiaticus (Persian buttercup) 陸蓮花

Small flowering bulbs 小型球根花卉

Small flowering bulbs 小型球根花卉
It is the season for something fun! These inexpensive small flowering bulbs now are selling in garden supply stores and even in dollar stores!


Triteleia  laxa  ‘Queen Fabiola’   blue fools onion

Triteleia laxa ‘Queen Fabiola’
blue fools onion

Oxalis deppei 'Iron Cross'  Lucky Clover

Oxalis deppei ‘Iron Cross’
Lucky Clover

Incarvillea delavayi  Hardy Rose Gloxinia

Incarvillea delavayi
Hardy Rose Gloxinia

Triteleia laxa ‘Queen Fabiola’ (Blue Fools Onion)紫燈花
•Native in California
•Hardy in zones 5-9
•Blooms in late spring to mid summer
•Height: 12 inches
•Best glow in full sun location, well drained soil

Oxalis deppei (a.k.a. tetraphylla) ‘Iron Cross’ (Lucky Clover)幸運草
•Native in central Mexico
•Hardy in zones 8-10
•Blooms in June to September
•Height: 10-12 inches
•Best glow in full sun location
* Can be grown as house plant

Incarvillea delavayi (Hardy Rose Gloxinia)紅花角蒿
•Native to Tibet and China. White, trumpet shaped flowers.
•Hardy in zones 5-9
•Blooms in July and August
•Height: 13 inches
•Best glow in full sun location