Archive | 四月 2014

Striped Squill (Puschkinia scilloides ‘Libanotica’) 藍條海蔥

Striped Squill (Puschkinia scilloides ‘Libanotica’) 藍條海蔥

striped squill (Puschkinia scilloides ‘Libanotica’) 藍條海蔥

striped squill (Puschkinia scilloides ‘Libanotica’) 藍條海蔥

striped squill (Puschkinia scilloides ‘Libanotica’) 藍條海蔥

striped squill (Puschkinia scilloides ‘Libanotica’) 藍條海蔥

Saw some people’s front yard has a group of them…quite cute! This is one of small spring flowering bulbs. 路上看到有人前院種一片,很可愛! 這也是春天綻放的小型開花球根之一.

Early Spring Tulips (Tulipa)早春盛開的鬱金香

Early Spring Tulips (Tulipa)早春盛開的鬱金香

Early Spring Tulips (Tulipa) 早春盛開的鬱金香

Early Spring Tulips (Tulipa) 早春盛開的鬱金香

It is nice to see some tulips in early spring! I often cut them for the vase. 這是早春盛開的鬱金香之一,早春有花賞也是很好的. 通常我會剪下來室內瓶插.

Hen-and-chicks (Sempervivum)景天科長生草屬的多肉植物–母雞帶小雞

Hen-and-chicks (Sempervivum)景天科長生草屬的多肉植物–母雞帶小雞

Hen-and-chicks (Sempervivum)景天科長生草屬的多肉植物--母雞帶小雞

Hen-and-chicks (Sempervivum)景天科長生草屬的多肉植物–母雞帶小雞

Hen-and-chicks (Sempervivum)景天科長生草屬的多肉植物--母雞帶小雞

Hen-and-chicks (Sempervivum)景天科長生草屬的多肉植物–母雞帶小雞

Sempervivum is very hardy perennial, easy to grow. Best grows in full sun location. I like it is evergreen throughout winter.
景天科長生草屬的多肉植物–母雞帶小雞很容易栽種,多年生草花. 冬天保持常綠,尖端有紅色讓它看起來很美. 最常以分株繁殖.

Daffodil flowers(Narcissus)水仙花

Daffodil flowers(Narcissus)水仙花

Daffodil flowers(Narcissus)水仙花

Daffodil flowers(Narcissus)水仙花

Daffodil flowers(Narcissus)水仙花

Daffodil flowers(Narcissus)水仙花

Daffodil flowers(Narcissus)水仙花

Daffodil flowers(Narcissus)水仙花

Bright and cheerful Daffodil flowers! It is truly spring! 🙂

Lucky Clover (Oxalis deppei (a.k.a. tetraphylla) ‘Iron Cross’ )幸運草

Lucky Clover (Oxalis deppei (a.k.a. tetraphylla) ‘Iron Cross’ )幸運草

Lucky Clover (Oxalis deppei (a.k.a. tetraphylla) 'Iron Cross' )幸運草

Lucky Clover (Oxalis deppei (a.k.a. tetraphylla) ‘Iron Cross’ )幸運草

They soon growing leaves and flowers after I planted bulbs!

•Native in central Mexico
•Hardy in zones 8-10
•Blooms in June to September
•Height: 10-12 inches
•Best glow in full sun location
* Can be grown as house plant

Red Maple (Acer rubrum)美國紅楓

Red Maple (Acer rubrum)美國紅楓

Red Maple flowers (Acer rubrum)美國紅楓的花

Red Maple flowers (Acer rubrum)美國紅楓的花

Red Maple flowers (Acer rubrum)美國紅楓的花

Red Maple flowers (Acer rubrum)美國紅楓的花

 European Starling on red maple 紫翅椋鳥(學名:Sturnus vulgaris,又名歐洲八哥)停留在美國紅楓樹上

European Starling on red maple 紫翅椋鳥(學名:Sturnus vulgaris,又名歐洲八哥)停留在美國紅楓樹上

Acer rubrum (Red Maple, also known as Swamp, Water or Soft Maple), is one of the most common and widespread deciduous trees here in Canada. Its tiny red flowers are quite showy in spring. I love its stunning red fall colour!!
美國紅楓是槭樹科,槭樹屬,大型落葉喬木,生長速度快,所產木材為軟木,高度一般可達30米,樹形直立向上,成年樹形多為卵形或橢圓形.春季開紅花,先花後葉. 秋色綠葉轉為紅豔,非常搶眼!

Soba noodles with mat kimchi 蕎麥麵加韓式泡菜

Soba noodles with mat kimchi 蕎麥麵加韓式泡菜
Simple and delicious! 簡單又好吃! This is so easy to make in 5 minutes…5分鐘搞定…

Soba noodles with kimchi 蕎麥麵加韓式泡菜

Soba noodles with kimchi

You will need these ingredients: 食材需要:
Ingredients of Soba Noodles with kimchi 蕎麥麵加韓式泡菜的食材

Ingredients of Soba Noodles with kimchi

Soba Noodles 蕎麥麵
Soba Noodles Sauce 蕎麥麵醬汁
Mat Kimchi 韓式泡菜
Nori (cut them into stripes with scissors) 調味海苔–剪刀剪成細條
Toasted White Sesame 炒過的白芝麻少許

Here is how: 步驟:

1. Soba noodles cooked and drained. Run cold water to cool down noodles then drained them.蕎麥麵煮熟後濾掉熱水後用冷水降溫後濾掉水備用.

2. Add some soba sauce to flavor the noodles. 降溫後的蕎麥麵淋上少許醬汁來調味.

3. Get some kimchi (quantity as desired) and put some on top of the noodles. 韓式泡菜依個人喜好加到麵上.

4. Garnish thin stripes of nori and roasted white sesame. Serve right away! Enjoy!

Glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa luciliae)雪光花

Glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa luciliae)雪光花

Glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa luciliae)雪光花

Glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa luciliae)雪光花

Glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa luciliae)雪光花

Glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa luciliae)雪光花

Cute little spring bulbs are blooming. They are so easy to grow!

How to grow trumpet lily from seeds (Lilium regale)岷江百合種子孵法

How to grow trumpet lily from seeds (Lilium regale)岷江百合種子孵法

Lilium regale flowers 岷江百合開花

Lilium regale flowers 岷江百合開花

Lilium regale seed pods and seeds. 岷江百合的種莢與種子.

Lilium regale seed pods and seeds. 岷江百合的種莢與種子. (左為無效種子,右是有效種子.)

Lilium regale seeds sprouting 岷江百合種子發芽

Lilium regale seeds sprouting 岷江百合種子發芽

It is very easy to grow either from seeds or bulbs. Flowers are lovely and so fragrant! So hardy and easy to grow!

Here is how to grow them from seeds:

1. In a seed tray fill with soil (mix with well drained medium), place paper like seeds on top of the soil. 種子播於苗盆表土,用土不拘但要排水良好.

2. Keep soil moist but not soggy, place the seed tray in partial shade area for 2 months. Some varieties of lilies have fast germination period but Lilium regale is slower so be patient. 苗盆土壤保濕但不可過濕,置於半日照通風處,約2個月發芽. 有很多其它品種的百合發芽速度很快但岷江百合卻需要較長時間等待,要有耐心.

3. When seedling grow 4-6 leaves then loosen the seed tray soil, separate plants from the original seed tray and change them to a bigger tray and space them 3″ apart or plant them in 3″ pots individually. You will see the seedlings start to grow tiny bulb. 小苗4-6片葉子時可以從原苗盆將土弄鬆後間距加大,可換較大苗盆或用3吋小盆一棵棵分開種.

Place them in partial shade location for one month and then change to full sun location.

4.Fertilize seedlings with compost or diluded liquid fertilizer. 用堆肥的土施肥或施稀釋後的液肥薄肥.

Heather (Erica) 歐石楠

Heather (Erica) 歐石楠

Heather (Erica) 歐石楠


Heather (Erica) 歐石楠

Heather (Erica) 歐石楠

Heather (Erica) 歐石楠

Heather (Erica) 歐石楠

This genus is small evergreen flowering shrub. Some flower in fall/winter and some flower in spring/summer. Easy to grow.
歐石楠是常綠的小灌木. 有些品種是秋冬開花,有些則是春夏開花. 非常容易栽種.