Archive | 十月 2012

賽靛花False Indigo (Baptisia australis)

賽靛花False Indigo (Baptisia australis)

為北美原生的多年生豆科植物,成熟植株高度為3-4呎,寬幅約為2.5-3呎.  需全日照,耐寒耐旱沒有什麼病蟲害,非常容易栽種,可用分株,走莖或種子繁殖.  壽命很長,由於根系深而密且集中,所以一般不喜歡被移植.  花像羽扇豆般成長串,可做切花,容易結籽. 但從種子到開花可能要3年時間.  有毒請勿食用. 於春末夏初開花,花色有藍,紫,白,黃等色.  花謝後結膨大豆莢般的子莢,於秋末轉黑褐色即可收成.  圖為鄰居花友的母株,最近才將受贈的種子泡溫水孵種子中,一部份直播於前院,不知道要幾天可發芽?

2012-11-12 今天發現種子已經開始出芽了,也還好,我是先用溫熱的水連泡3天,然後移種子到淺缽孵到發芽大約7個禮拜的時間,也不難孵.發芽率因為種子新鮮還蠻高的!  很期待開花的一天.

Thanks to gardener Connie for sharing her seeds from her front yard plant (see the pictures).  These pictures has been taken this June when it was blooming nicely!   I hope I can grow them next spring.   I have sown some seeds directly in the garden and soaked the rest in warm water to germinate them indoor.  I will post the progress pictures in the future — hopfully I will have some sucess!

2012-11-12 Today I have noticed the seed germination, I presoaked seed in warm water for 3 days then placed them in soil to keep moist.  Total about 7 weeks.  It is not difficult.  Looking for the day it flowers!

After 3 dayd presoaked in warm water then plant them seperatly, about 7-8weeks germination, they sprout and grow!經過連3天泡溫水再分開一顆一顆種經過7-8周就發芽並開始長子葉了!

共有6種花色可選.  詳見此網站:  See the link for other 5 different colour choices and plant info.

我種的這種藍色品種為最常見的花色.  This breed is the most common colour.

十月花園October Garden

十月花園October Garden

十月份花草仍然綻放的種類已經大大減少許多,但是你仍然會發現花期超長的植物真的是從春末開到秋末!  像是金銀花,我的兩種蔓玫,無刺玫瑰花,鐵線蓮,大理花,多年生石竹,Coreopsis,紫錐花,矮性荷包牡丹,毛地黃,天人菊,塊莖小芝麻,風鈴草,貓薄荷,矮性大葉醉魚草,管香蜂草,大花鴨跖草,大波斯菊, 多年生福祿考,金盞花,蔓長春,香堇菜, 矮牽牛…會特別讓人珍愛它們的開花性如此之好–尤其是前一陣子第一次低溫霜降後仍然不減熱情照開!

當然還有當季才新開一個月的台灣油點草, 蕕,銀蓮花,菊花和景天科的秋季花草. 不知道今年新買的花草的開花性如何? 只有來年才會知道了.

In my October garden, there are lot of less flowers still in bloom, but it makes you appreciate those plants with long blooming periods which bloom since late spring, such as: honeysuckle, climbing roses, thornless rose, Dianthus, Dahlia, Clematis, Coreopsis, purple coneflowers, dwarf bleeding heart, foxglove, blanket flower, Lamium, bellflowers, catnip, dwarf butterfly bush, bee balm, Cosmos, garden phlox, Calendula, Periwinkle, viola, petunia…especially after the first frost few days ago.

Of course, also the recent bloomed autumn sedum, toad lily, blue beard, Anemone and mums.

樺木Birch (Betula)

樺木Birch Betula

樺木屬Betula是中大型的落葉喬木. 一般常用於庭園的有兩種. 這兩種的照片我都貼了(兩家不同的鄰居種的). 它們都需全日照至少也半日照,容易栽種,生長快速,都很耐看. 秋天葉片由綠轉金黃色,煞是好看. 用種子繁殖.

There are two kinds of birch trees has been planted the most for the garden.  They are all beautiful with their interesting bark, branches, trunk and tree shape.  (These trees are from 2 different neighbores’ garden.)

One is: Betula nigra (Red Birch, River Birch).  The other one is:  Betula pendula. Also Betula verrucosa ( European birch, European white birch, Silver Birch).

茶條槭 Amur Maple(Acer ginnala)

茶條槭(Acer ginnala)是無患子科槭屬的植物,3-5米高算是小型庭園樹種. 落葉喬木,容易用種子繁殖. 全日照或半日照,容易栽種. 葉片深綠,秋天葉片轉為火紅,容易用種子繁殖. 可能因為有些街道較窄或擔心種植大樹破壞地基被罵,所以市府種植了這類較小型的樹種為路樹?

不知有沒有人種? 算是"粗勇"類的小型樹…春天開滿小黃花,它的全株秋色真的不錯看,分享一下…也可做成小品盆栽.

垂絲海棠Weeping Flowering Crabapple ‘Louisa’ (Malus x ‘Louisa’)

垂絲海棠Weeping Flowering Crabapple ‘Louisa’ (Malus x ‘Louisa’)


蘋果屬的海棠, 小型庭園樹種,樹高及寬幅約為7’x7′.  此種為枝垂型,柔美的花量多為淡粉紅色於初春開花,夏季結果,秋天果熟鮮紅如小櫻桃.  對應黃綠葉色令枝條輪廓顏色更深更美.

全日照,須排水良好,容易栽種. 可用種子或高壓來繁殖.

2013-05-13 070 (Medium)

好吃又容易做的南瓜麵包Delicious and easy making squash bread

Squash bread南瓜麵包


Delicious and easy making squash bread:




Squash with skin on 350g — washed, seed removed, cut to small pieces

清水 1 .5 杯

Water 1.5 Cups


Use a big pot cook above ingredients with medium heat then turn simmer to soften the sqush.  Turn off the heat and let it cool.  Use a fork to mash the squash.


All-purpose flour 6 Cups

蛋 1 只

1 Large Egg

1.5 茶匙鹽

1.5 Teaspoons Salt

1.5 茶匙乾酵母粉

1.5 Teaspoons Quick rise dry yeast

2 個矽膠麵包模子

2 Silica bread molds


Slowly to make the dough together, spread some flour on the clean table then put the made dough on the floured table.

將麵團倒在桌面弄平成一長方形約60公分長20寬 ,用刀子從中間切成2等份,各捲成像瑞士捲一樣開口向下. 一份一份置入矽膠麵包模子裡放入烤箱待發酵,約3小時.

Roll the dough into a 60cmx20cm rectangle shape, cut it into 2 equal pieces with knife.  Roll each piece as cake roll, with opening downwards.  Place dough in a bread mold one by one.  Keep the molds in the oven to rise about 3 hours.


Bake bread at 375 F for about 20 minuates or until the top of bread showing a bit golden.   Turn off the oven, use the leftover heat continue the baking about 5-10 minuates.

庭菖蒲Blue-Eyed Grass Sisyrinchium angustifolium ‘Lucerne’

庭菖蒲Blue-Eyed Grass Sisyrinchium angustifolium ‘Lucerne’

庭菖蒲, 鳶尾科, 為北美原生多年生草本植物,容易栽種,全日照或半日照,喜溫暖,但不耐高溫,台灣適合高冷地栽培. 葉片細長像小草.  桃園長庚分院好像已有種植. 多以分株或種子來繁殖.  因為植株新買的所以還沒有實際開花照.   成熟植株高度約25cm高x40cm寬幅.
