Archive | 十一月 2015

Amaryllis ‘Chico'(Hippeastrum cybister ‘Chico’)孤挺花

Amaryllis ‘Chico'(Hippeastrum cybister ‘Chico’)孤挺花

2015-11-28 003 (Medium)

Amaryllis ‘Chico'(Hippeastrum cybister ‘Chico’) bulbs. 孤挺花球根包.

This is the unusual flower form of Amaryllis.   Easy to grow indoors or outdoors in warm climate.  Beautiful fragrant flowers in thin spider like petals are very nice for cut flower!   Easy to grow!  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  USDA Zones:8-11.  Mature size:1.5′-2′(H) X 4″-9″(W).  Propagate by seeds or bulbs.  Toxic if ingested.

算是孤挺中花形不太一樣的.  在氣候溫暖區容易於室內或室外栽種.  它很美麗,有著花瓣細長如蜘蛛般的花形且有花香,適合切花!  容易栽種!  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處.  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高1.5-2呎,寬幅4-9吋.  以種子或球根來繁殖.  全株有毒勿食.

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Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) 千屈菜

Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) 千屈菜

2015-08-22 033 (Medium)

Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) 千屈菜

2015-08-22 026 (Medium)


2015-11-26 002 (Medium)

Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) dried seed pods and lots of tiny seeds.千屈菜的乾燥種莢與細小種子.

This cold hardy perennial is very easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Purple flowers in whole summer which attract bees and butterflies.  Tall flower stems are good for cut flower.  Drought tolerant once established.  It is a common wild flower.  USDA Zones:3-9.  Mature size:3′-6′(H) X 4′-6′(W).   Propagate by seeds or division.

它是極耐寒易栽種的多年生草花.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處. 紫色的花於夏季開放,頗吸引蜂蝶.  花梗長很適合做切花. 植株根系穩定後頗為耐旱. 它是常見的野花.  極耐寒也耐熱. 成熟株高3-6呎,寬幅4-6呎.  主以種子或分株方式來繁殖.

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Purpletop Vervain/Brazilian Verbena (Verbena bonariensis) 柳葉馬鞭草

Purpletop Vervain/Brazilian Verbena (Verbena bonariensis) 柳葉馬鞭草

2014-09-27 114 (Medium)

Purpletop Vervain/Brazilian Verbena (Verbena bonariensis) is bees and butterflies magnet! 柳葉馬鞭草是蜂蝶的喜愛的蜜源植物.

2014-09-27 112 (Medium)

Purpletop Vervain/Brazilian Verbena (Verbena bonariensis) is bees and butterflies magnet and excellent for cut flower! 柳葉馬鞭草是蜂蝶的喜愛的蜜源植物. 很適合做為切花花材!


2015-11-25 078 (Medium)

Purpletop Vervain/Brazilian Verbena (Verbena bonariensis) has tiny seeds.柳葉馬鞭草的種子很細小.

Native wild flower from Brazil and Argentina.  This perennial is bees and butterflies magnet and excellent for cut flower!   Easy to grow.   Best growing in full sun location.  Small purple flowers in cluster from summer to late fall.  USDA Zones:7-10.  Mature size:3′-4′(H) X 1′-2′(W).  Propagate by seeds/cuttings/division.

原生於巴西及阿根廷的野花.  它是多年生草花,為蜂蝶喜愛的蜜源植物!  它做切花花材也很不錯!  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照處.  小小的紫粉色花呈小簇頂生,整個夏與秋季都是它的花期.  喜熱但不是很耐寒.  成熟株高3-4呎,寬幅1-2呎.  以種子/扦插/分株來繁殖.

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MacaPeruvian Ginseng (Lepidium meyenii) 瑪卡/秘魯人蔘

MacaPeruvian Ginseng (Lepidium meyenii) 瑪卡/秘魯人蔘

2015-11-18 002 (Medium)

MacaPeruvian Ginseng (Lepidium meyenii) seeds. 瑪卡/秘魯人蔘種子.

Annual/biennial/perennial edible vegetable/herb.   The edible fleshy root looks like radish or turnip.  The roots are mostly used as food for human or animal or are dehydrated and grinded into powder as food supplement.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Self pollinated small white/green flowers in summer.  Growth period or mature time from seed to harvest is about 8-10 months.   Propagate by seeds.  Mature size:1′(H) X 1′(W).  Medicinal.

一年生/二年生/多年生草本可食性的蔬菜/藥草. 可食的部位為如蘿蔔類膨大的根部. 根部人和動物皆可食用或乾燥或制成粉狀用為輔助用的健康食品.  容易栽種.  最好栽種於全日照到半日照處. 夏天所開的小白偏綠色的花可以自株授粉.   從種子到成熟採收約為8-10個月.  以種子來繁殖.  植株高度約為1呎高,寬幅約為1呎.  有藥用價值.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

Blue Nasturtium (Tropaeolum azureum) 智利藍金蓮

Blue Nasturtium (Tropaeolum azureum) 智利藍金蓮

Blue Nasturtium (Tropaeolum azureum) seed packet. 智利藍金蓮種子包.

Blue Nasturtium (Tropaeolum azureum) seed packet. 智利藍金蓮種子包.

2018-11-07 Blue Nasturtium (Tropaeolum azureum) 智利藍金蓮 - Copy

Blue Nasturtium (Tropaeolum azureum) seed germination in about 3 weeks.智利藍金蓮的種子孵出,約3週.

Tropical tender perennial vine.  Native in Chile.  Easy to grow from seeds or bulbs.  This beautiful perennial is pretty with its blue/violet flowers with white center blooming from late spring to summer.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.   USDA Zones:9-11. Mature size:6′-8′(H) X 6″-1.5′(W).   Propagate by seeds, cuttings or bulbs.  This vine requires structure support to cling on or growing it as hanging basket for plants to trail down.

智利藍金蓮它是喜熱怕冷的多年生開花爬藤.  原生於智利山區. 容易以種子或球根來栽種.  這個美麗的開花爬藤從春末開到夏季有著藍/淡紫色花瓣,花心為白色.  花頗吸引蜂蝶.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處.  成熟株高6-8呎,寬幅6吋到1.5呎.  以種子/扦插/壓條/球根方式來繁殖.  它需要有支架來供其攀爬,也可種成垂吊式的吊盆.

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Blue Mini Potatoes(Solanum tuberosum ‘Adirondack Blue’)紫色馬鈴薯

Blue Mini Potatoes(Solanum tuberosum ‘Adirondack Blue’)紫色馬鈴薯


2015-11-17 001 (Medium)

Blue Mini Potatoes(Solanum tuberosum ‘Adirondack Blue’) has purple skin and flesh. 紫色馬鈴薯外皮及裡面都是紫的.

Fun colour when they are mixed with other coloured mini potatoes.  In terms of size, quantity and the price, I will say the price is still on the higher side.  But it is interesting to enjoy the different varieties of food!

紫皮紫肉的馬鈴薯和其他紅皮黃肉和白皮白肉的混合起來還蠻美麗多彩的.  含較高的花青素.  但論大小數量及價格的話是算偏於昂貴的. 但能享受有趣不同的食物品種是很有福氣的!

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:


Cucamelon/Mouse Melon (Melothria scabra) 拇指西瓜

Cucamelon/Mouse Melon (Melothria scabra) 拇指西瓜


Cucamelon/Mouse Melon (Melothria scabra) 拇指西瓜



2016-04-23 001 (Medium)

Cucamelon/Mouse Melon (Melothria scabra) plant start to grow female flowers. 拇指西瓜開雌花了.

2015-12-09 001 (Medium)

Cucamelon/Mouse Melon (Melothria scabra) seed germination in just few days. 拇指西瓜種子保溫保濕幾天就發芽了.

2015-11-18 003 (Medium)

Cucamelon/Mouse Melon (Melothria scabra) seeds. 拇指西瓜種子.

Also known as Pepquino melon.  This self pollinate annual melon its fruit has miniature watermelon like but sour cucumber and fruity taste.  It is known the smallest melon in the world so far.  Native in south and central America.  Easy to grow in full sun location.  Small yellow flowers then fruit ripe to size of a grape with watermelon look.  Hand pollinate will increase the production.  The fruit is excellent to eat straight or go with salad.  It is getting popular nowadays.   Mature size:6″-1′(H) X 6″-1.5′(W).   Plant size is not big but rather productive.  Suitable for container.  Propagate by seeds.

又稱為佩普基諾(Pepquino)或拇指西瓜. 這種能自株授粉結瓜的一年生植物,它的果實有著迷你版的西瓜長相而有著介於酸黃瓜和水果味的口味. 它是目前世上所知最小的可食性瓜類.  原生於中南美洲.  容易栽種. 最好栽種在全日照處.  小小黃花最好能人工授粉以增加產量. 瓜的大小跟大顆的葡萄差不多但是樣子像是迷你西瓜.  似乎這種瓜越來越受到歡迎.  成熟株高僅6吋到1呎高,寬幅6吋到1.5呎.  植株不大不過就數量而言產量還不少.  由於植株不大倒適合盆植.  以種子來繁殖.

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Wild Bergamot/Bee Balm (Monarda fistulosa) 擬美國薄荷

Wild Bergamot/Bee Balm (Monarda fistulosa) 擬美國薄荷

Flower image and info see link:

Wild Bergamot/Bee Balm (Monarda fistulosa) seed pods and seeds. 擬美國薄荷的種莢與種子.

Wild Bergamot/Bee Balm (Monarda fistulosa) seed pods and seeds.

This wild pink bee balm is truly a bee magnet!  Aromatic perennial.  Vey hardy and easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Pink tuberous flowers with lavender tone blooming from late spring to late summer/early fall.  Flowers attract bees/butterflies and humming birds. Medicinal.  Leaves and flowers are excellent for herbal tea.  USDA Zones:3-9.  Propagate by seeds, cuttings, runners or division.  Mature size:2.5′-3.5′(H) X 2′-3′(W).

這種野生的粉紅色花的擬美國薄荷真的是蜂類的最愛!  很香的多年生草花.  非常強健易於栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處.  粉紅色管狀花有著偏藍的色調,花期從春末夏初一直開到夏末秋初.  花是吸引蜂蝶及蜂鳥的蜜源.  可藥用.  葉與花均可泡茶. 極其耐寒也耐熱.  繁殖以種子,扦插,走莖或分株來進行. 成熟株高2.5-3.5呎,寬幅2-3呎.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:                

Blushing bride/Serruria ‘Carmen’ (Serruria florida x rosea) 新娘花

Blushing bride/Serruria ‘Carmen’ (Serruria florida x rosea) 新娘花

Blushing bride/Serruria 'Carmen' (Serruria florida x rosea) seeds. 新娘花的種子.

Blushing bride/Serruria ‘Carmen’ (Serruria florida x rosea) seeds. 新娘花的種子.

Blushing bride/Serruria 'Carmen' (Serruria florida x rosea) seed germinated! 新娘花種子發芽了!

Blushing bride/Serruria ‘Carmen’ (Serruria florida x rosea) seed germinated! 新娘花種子發芽了!

2015-12-07 016 (Medium)

Blushing bride/Serruria ‘Carmen’ (Serruria florida x rosea) seedling propress. 新娘花的發芽後的種子進展.

Flowering shrub.  Native in South Africa.  Excellent for cut flower. Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun location.  Plant is evergreen and have pink flowers in late winter to spring when growing in warm region.  USDA Zones:7-10.  Need winter protection when growing in colder climate.  Mature size:1.5′-2′(H) X 1.5′-2′(W).  Propagate by seeds.

原生於南非的矮性開花灌木.   它很適合當切花.  容易栽種,以種在全日照處為佳. 氣候溫暖區栽種的植株是全年常綠的,冬末到初春開粉紅色花.  喜熱不甚耐寒. 若種在較冷的氣候區則需要室內保溫或做戶外做防寒的保護.  成熟株高1.5-2呎,寬幅1.5-2呎.  以種子來繁殖,秋播為佳.

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Siberian Ginseng/Ci wu jia (Eleutherococcus senticosus)西伯利亞人蔘/刺五加

Siberian Ginseng/Ci wu jia (Eleutherococcus senticosus)西伯利亞人蔘/刺五加

Siberian Ginseng (2) (Medium)

Siberian Ginseng (Medium)

Siberian Ginseng/Ci wu jia (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is prickly. 西伯利亞人蔘/刺五加葉與莖皆有刺

Siberian Ginseng-1 (Medium)

Siberian Ginseng/Ci wu jia (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is growing leaves! 西伯利亞人蔘/刺五加開始長葉了!

2016-07-08傻大的刺五加 (1) (Medium)

Siberian Ginseng/Ci wu jia (Eleutherococcus senticosus) stem cutting. 西伯利亞人蔘/刺五加的扦插枝條.

2016-07-08傻大的刺五加 (3) (Medium)

This cold hardy medicinal shrub is rather prickly. Native in Northeastern of Asia.   Easy to grow. Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Small pale yellow to green flowers form like a pom-pom in early summer.  Flowers attract bees.  Dark fruit ripe sometime in fall.    USDA Zones:3-9. Mature size:2′-10′(H) X 3′-10′(W).  Propagate by seeds or cuttings.

他是很耐寒強健的藥用植物,蠻多刺的灌木.  原生於東北亞. 容易栽種.  最好栽種於全日照到半日照處.  初夏開小小淡黃色到綠色的球形花序. 花為頗吸引蜂類的蜜源植物.  秋天果實成熟由綠轉嘿.  耐寒也耐熱.  成熟植株高2-10英尺,寬幅3-10英尺.  繁殖以種子或枝條扦插來進行.

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