Archive | 五月 2020

Parrot’s Beak or Lotus Vine (Lotus ‘Amazon Sunset’) 鸚鵡嘴’亞馬遜日落’

Parrot’s Beak or Lotus Vine (Lotus ‘Amazon Sunset’)鸚鵡嘴’亞馬遜日落’

2020-05-25 Parrot's Beak or Lotus Vine (Lotus 'Amazon Sunset')鸚鵡嘴'亞馬遜日落' (1) - Copy

Parrot’s Beak or Lotus Vine (Lotus ‘Amazon Sunset’)鸚鵡嘴’亞馬遜日落’ in hanging basket.

2020-05-25 Parrot's Beak or Lotus Vine (Lotus 'Amazon Sunset')鸚鵡嘴'亞馬遜日落' (3) - Copy

Parrot’s Beak or Lotus Vine (Lotus ‘Amazon Sunset’)鸚鵡嘴’亞馬遜日落’

2020-05-28 Parrot’s Beak or Lotus Vine (Lotus ‘Amazon Sunset’) 鸚鵡嘴’亞馬遜日落’ - Copy

Parrot’s Beak or Lotus Vine (Lotus ‘Amazon Sunset’) 鸚鵡嘴’亞馬遜日落’ is developing seedpod.

Tropical perennial with trailing habit. Excellent for planters or hanging basket. Long trailing branches can reach to 2′-3′ with silvery green foliage. Very showy. Best in full sun to partial shade warm location. USDA Zones:9-11. Mature size:6″-8″(H)X10″-1′-3′(W). Propagate by seeds, cuttings or division. In cold zones, often are used as annual.

百脈根屬(學名:Lotus)多年生草本,貼地蔓生的生長. 很適合種在花盆或吊盆. 貼地蔓生的枝條可達2-3呎長,枝葉呈現. 銀灰綠色. 花色為鮮紅與橙色. 以生長在全日照到半日照的溫暖環境最佳. 喜熱不耐冷. 成熟株高6-8吋,寬幅1-3呎. 繁殖以種子,扦插或分株的方式來進行. 寒冷區域多作為一年生的草花.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:百脉根属

Landscaping Project–Before and After造景前後

Landscaping Project–Before and After 造景前後


2020-05-22 (2) - Copy - Copy

Landscaping Project–Before and After造景前後.


During. 改變中.


Before. 之前.

Khasya Trichodesma (Trichodesma khasianum or Trichodesma calycosum) 假(甲)酸漿or碧果草

Khasya Trichodesma (Trichodesma khasianum or Trichodesma calycosum) 假(甲)酸漿or碧果草

2020-05-20 Khasya trichodesma (Trichodesma khasianum)甲酸漿 - Copy

Khasya Trichodesma (Trichodesma khasianum or Trichodesma calycosum) seedling with true leaves.

Khasya Trichodesma (Trichodesma khasianum or Trichodesma calycosum) 假(甲)酸漿or碧果草 (1)

Khasya Trichodesma (Trichodesma khasianum or Trichodesma calycosum) seeds. 假(甲)酸漿or碧果草的種子.

Tropical sub-shrub with large edible leaves.  Native in southeast of Asia, south China and Taiwan.  The tender leaves are edible straight or cooked (as food wrap, wrap with rice, taro and meat inside).  As leafy vegetable is good for digestion.  Stems are covered with short fine hair.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in partial shade location.  Small white/pink bell shaped flowers in clusters in late spring to early summer.  Medicinal.   USDA Zonese:9-10.  Mature size:7′-10′(H/W).  Propagate by seeds.

假酸漿產於臺灣中低海拔平野及山區,惟山區生長者葉片較大而濃綠。此植物葉片為原住民常用食材,節慶時利用其葉片包裹於蒸粿糕食品(A Bai),其含大量植物纖維有助於消化,是較特別的用法。食用時連葉片一起食用,具有淡淡清香味,此等作法與利用月桃或香蕉葉當襯底者不同,另有一番風味。"

Reference links:                                 假酸漿-紫/假酸漿.htm—l/b/boraginaceae/trichodesma/trichodesma-khasianum