Tag Archive | 花

Saffron Crocus (Crocus sativus)香料番紅花

Saffron Crocus (Crocus sativus)香料番紅花

2017-10-17 Saffron Crocus (4) - Copy - Copy

Saffron Crocus flower in full bloom. (Crocus sativus) 香料番紅花單朵盛開的花容.

2017-10-16 Saffron Crocus (Crocus sativus)香料番紅花 (4) - Copy

Saffron Crocus (Crocus sativus) are flowering in fall with fragrant flowers!香料番紅花秋天開花了,花很香!


Saffron Crocus (Crocus sativus) bulbs from package. 香料番紅花球根包裡的球根.

Hardy perennial flowering bulbs/herb. Easy to grow. Best growing in full sun location. Purple flowers in late summer to early fall. Flowers attract bees and butterflies. Flowers is fragrant. Its crimson stigmata are plucked are called saffron threads which is used for culnery use to add fragrance and colour in food. The major production of saffron threads are from Iran. USDA Zones:6-10. Mature size:3″-6″(H/W). Propagate by bulbs or division.

強健多年生球根花卉/香草.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照處.  夏末秋初開紫色花.  花頗吸引蜂蝶. 花有宜人香味.  它的紅色雌蕊經由人工採收後便是食用的珍貴香料番紅花,用於料理可以增色增香.  番紅花蕊的產量主要來自伊朗. 它耐寒也相當耐熱. 成熟株高與寬幅僅3-6吋. 繁殖以球根或分株方式來進行.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saffron                                             https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%95%AA%E7%B4%85%E8%8A%B1      http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/2217/#b

Annual Poppy (Papaver somniferum ‘Danish Flag’) 虞美人/觀賞罌粟

Annual Poppy (Papaver somniferum ‘Danish Flag’) 虞美人/觀賞罌粟

2016-07-25Annual Poppy 'Danish Flag' (6) (Medium)

Stiking annual poppy! (Papaver somniferum ‘Danish Flag’)美麗的虞美人/觀賞罌粟的花朵!



2016-07-25 292 (Medium)

Annual Poppy (Papaver somniferum ‘Danish Flag’)虞美人/觀賞罌粟

2016-07-25 290 (Medium)

Back side of annual poppy (Papaver somniferum ‘Danish Flag’) 虞美人/觀賞罌粟花的背面

2016-06-15 015 (Medium)

Annual Poppy (Papaver somniferum ‘Danish Flag’) seedlings. 虞美人/觀賞罌粟小苗.

2016-02-20 035 (Large)

Annual Poppy (Papaver somniferum ‘Danish Flag’) seeds.虞美人/觀賞罌粟的種子包與種子.

Annual.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun location.  Large singe flowers in summer which are very showy with red and white.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  Propagate by seeds.   Self seed easily.

一年生草花. 容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照處.  單瓣紅白兩色的大花很顯眼頗吸引蜂蝶.  以種子來繁殖.  容易自行結籽繁殖.





Lyreleaf Sage / Cancer Weed (Salvia lyrata ‘Purple Knockout’) 紫葉琴葉鼠尾草

Lyreleaf Sage / Cancer Weed (Salvia lyrata ‘Purple Knockout’) 紫葉琴葉鼠尾草

2016-04-23 042 (Medium)

Lyreleaf Sage / Cancer Weed (Salvia lyrata ‘Purple Knockout’) has purple/reddish brown foliage. 紫葉琴葉鼠尾草有著紫色/紅褐色葉片.

Hardy perennial. Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Small purple/blue-violet flowers on flower stems in late spring to late summer.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  USDA Zones:4-11.  Mature size:1′-1.5′(H) X 1′(W). Propagate by seeds or division.   Evergreen.  Good color and texture of purple red foliage in any garden.   Drought tolerant.

強健的多年生草花.  容易栽種.  最好栽種於全日照到半日照處.  花梗上的藍紫色小花於春末開到夏末.  花頗吸引蜂蝶.  耐寒也耐熱.  成熟株高1-1.5呎左右,寬幅1呎.  繁殖以種子或分株方式來進行.  植株常綠.  葉色紫紅,葉片的質感形狀也特別.  很適合各種花園的種植使用.  耐旱性不錯.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

http://www.perennials.com/plants/salvia-lyrata-purple-knockout.html                http://www.santarosagardens.com/Salvia-p/sal-purk.htm http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/64088/      http://www.northcreeknurseries.com/plantName/Salvia-lyrata-Purple-Knockout


Chayote experiment佛手瓜種植實驗(Sechium edule)

Chayote experiment 佛手瓜種植實驗(Sechium edule)
2013-12-17 003 (Medium)

Chayote is a kind of vegetable vine. Its fruit and its tender green shoots are both good vegetables. It is very easy to grow and inexpensive to buy in grocery store/supermarket.

I am letting a chayote growing by the window, later will give soil to cover its roots. This experiment want to see how much progress will the growth be indoor. It is now clinging on the blind of window.

It can be grew this with the whole fruit 1/2 into soil /ground (with one seed inside ) or grow from plant stem cuttings. It is vine so it does require support.

佛手瓜(Sechium edule)是一種葫蘆科佛手瓜屬植物,又稱合掌瓜. 瓜和稱為龍鬚菜的嫩葉都是好蔬菜. 它非常容易栽種,在超級市場或果菜攤都有賣,也不貴. 這個實驗要看看在靠窗的室內的生長勢如何.

可以整個瓜1/2種到土中或用扦插法種植. 因為是爬藤類所以需要支撐物.

Colours from inside the window窗內的顏色

Colours from inside the window窗內的顏色
2013-11-14 007 (Medium)

These are from seed packs: Morning Glory ‘Red Picotee’ and Blue Lobelia ‘Crystal Palace’! Easy to grow in the pot but you need to grow Lobelia 1 month – 1.5 months earlier in order for them to bloom at the same time. Or you can sow seeds together but Lobelia will flower later than morning glory. Another way to sow seeds different pots, transplant them together when both are flowering. Morning glory will need support to cling on.

桃紅的朝顏/牽牛花’Red Picotee’和藍色的六倍利’Crystal Palace’都是從種子包的種子播種的. 很容易栽種但是要使它們同時開花最好是先種六倍利1-1.5個月後再播朝顏的種子. 同時播下的話也可以,只是六倍利會開的稍晚一些. 另一方法是六倍利另外種一盆,等有花後再移到同一盆種植.朝顏會需要支撐物來攀爬.

October Garden十月花園

October Garden十月花園

Luckily I still have a lot of flowers in my garden, considering some trees have already changed colour.

I am no longer seeing humming birds around. My yellow zucchini is growing slowly and small tomatoes are slow to ripe as well.

十月了,還好花園還有許多花在開,有許多樹已經有秋色了. 蜂鳥已不見芳蹤. 我的黃色夏南瓜和小蕃茄因為溫度降低而熟成大大減慢了速度.
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Toronto Botanical Garden免費的美麗多倫多市立植物園

Toronto Botanical Garden 免費的美麗多倫多市立植物園

It is free, it is beautiful!
2013-10-06 053 (Medium)2013-10-06 055 (Medium)2013-10-06 056 (Medium)2013-10-06 105 (Medium)2013-10-06 177 (Medium)2013-10-06 205 (Medium)2013-10-06 108 (Medium)2013-10-06 109 (Medium)2013-10-06 086 (Medium)2013-10-06 185 (Medium)2013-10-06 196 (Medium)2013-10-06 128  (Medium)2013-10-06 136 (Medium)

Beautiful Autumn Crocus 美麗的秋水仙

Autumn Crocus flowers盛開的秋水仙

Autumn Crocus flowers盛開的秋水仙

Autumn crocus blooming beautifully together!
秋水仙(學名:Colchicum autumnale)今天路過時看到有人種在前院就拍下來. 很漂亮!

有趣的午後花園Interesting afternoon in my garden

We were having our tea in our backyard in the afternoon, I saw a pair of praying mantis mating, a cicada flying by and making noise, a humming bird enjoy and rest on a humming bird feeder, squirrel was moving her young one by one from old nest to new warm nest back and forth. And I, I enjoyed tea and harvested some garden vegetables!
午後我們在後花園喝下午茶時,看到一對配對了的螳螂,一隻飛過吵鬧不休的知了,翩翩飛舞的鳳蝶,一隻來喝糖水並短暫歇息的蜂鳥,一隻母松鼠叼著小松鼠一趟一趟的來回搬新家. 而我,除了享受花園的下午茶外,我還採收了一些園中種植的蔬菜.

2013-09-18 0982013-09-18 128 (Medium)2013-09-18 018 (Medium)2013-09-18 253 (Medium)2013-09-18 082 (Medium)2013-09-18 101 (Medium)2013-09-18 103 (Medium)2013-09-18 100 (Medium)

蜂鳥準備南飛! Fuel up, humming bird!

蜂鳥準備南飛! Fuel up, humming bird!
Have another look this garden where I planting so many plants like bee balm to fuel you up! We enjoy your company as always when you are north with us! 🙂 Safe trip!
2013-09-18 237 (Medium)