Tag Archive | 小型球根花卉

Baboon iris (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花

Baboon iris (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花

Baboon iris (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花

Baboon iris (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花

Baboon iris (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花

Baboon iris (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花

Baboon iris bulb (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花f的球根.

Baboon iris bulb (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花f的球根.

Baboon iris bulb are growing! (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花f的球根長葉了.

Baboon iris bulb are growing! (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花f的球根長葉了.

Baboon iris (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花

Baboon iris (Babiana stricta) 狒狒花

They are small tender perennial flowering bulbs.  Easy to grow in full sun location.  Flowering in spring, good for cut flower.  Easy to propagate by seeds, bulbs or rhizome.  Mature size: 15-30 cm(H) X 7-15 cm(W).    USDA Zones: 9-12.

狒狒花 Babiana stricta 是小型球根花卉,地下具球莖跟小蒼蘭很像但它們的球莖較扁小些.外被纖維質薄膜,原產南非. 適合切花.  容易栽種在全日照到半日照處.  容易以分球或種子來繁殖.  多年生草花但不耐寒.

How to grow lily-of-the-valley from seeds (Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭種子孵法

How to grow lily-of-the-valley from seeds (Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭種子孵法

Lily-of-the valley fragrant white flowers in spring. 春天鈴蘭的白色有強香的鈴狀小花.

Lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria majalis) extremely fragrant white flowers in spring. 春天鈴蘭的白色有強香的鈴狀小花.

Lily-of-the-valley roots. (Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭的地下葉芽與根狀莖.

Lily-of-the-valley bulbs and rhizomes. (Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭的地下葉芽與根狀莖.

Ripe fruit of lily-of-the valley in fall. 秋天成熟的鈴蘭漿果.

Ripe fruit of lily-of-the valley in fall. 秋天成熟的鈴蘭漿果.

Lily-of-the-valley seeds (Convallaria majalis) 鈴蘭種子.

Lily-of-the-valley seeds (Convallaria majalis) 鈴蘭種子.

Lily-of-the-valley  seeds germination.(Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭種子一個月左右孵出.

Lily-of-the-valley seeds germination.(Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭種子一個月左右孵出.

Lily-of-the-valley seedlings forming the first shoot/bulb.(Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭小苗出根後長出第一個小筍芽.

Lily-of-the-valley seedlings forming the first shoot/bulb.(Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭小苗出根後長出第一個小筍芽.

Lily-of-the-valley seedlings forming the first shoot/bulb.  Shoot is turning green. (Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭小苗出根後長出第一個小筍芽. 筍芽轉綠了.

Lily-of-the-valley seedlings forming the first shoot/bulb. Shoot is turning green. (Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭小苗出根後長出第一個小筍芽. 筍芽轉綠了.

Lily-of-the-valley seedlings forming the first shoot/bulb. Shoot is turning green. (Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭小苗出根後長出第一個小筍芽. 筍芽轉綠了.

Lily-of-the-valley seedlings forming the first shoot/bulb. Shoot is turning green. (Convallaria majalis)鈴蘭小苗出根後長出第一個小筍芽. 筍芽轉綠了.

This plant usually can be propagated by dividing plant clumps, rhizomes, bulbs or seeds.  Best time to do so is in late fall/winter and the second best time is early spring.  If growing from seeds, seeds need a cold period time in fridge at least a month to simulate winter.

播種時間點以秋播為主,初春應該會長出. 春播次之.種子要冷層積,如:冰箱冷藏個1個月.
1.In a re-sealable bag fill with some moist potting soil or water moss and current year harvest viable seeds.  Moist has to be when squeeze the soil or water moss, water will drip out slowly. Seal the bag and put the bag in the fridge where you store veggies and fruit for one month.
2.After one month, take the bag out, remove the bag and plant seeds in a pot with light soil cover on top.  Place the pot in partial shade or dapple shade location.  Any well drained soil or growing medium will do for planting.   Keep soil moist until seeds germinated, around 1 months. I tried germinating seeds directly it is around 1 month.
2.時間到後取出播於盆土,種子不喜光可蓋淺淺的土就好. 種植處須半日照或散光處. 土壤不拘但必須排水良好+保濕良好. 繼續保濕到發芽長葉為止,約孵1個月會出芽.  我試過不冰直接苗盆播,約1個月出芽.
3.After germination, keep the pot in partial shade, keep seedlings moist is the key.  When seedlings has rhizome — you will see another leaf popping out, It is time you can transplant the seedlings to the ground or a bigger pot.  It will take about 3 years to grow from seeds to flower.  (Seedlings will age faster if growing in less fertile soil.)  Apply  fertilizer with higher ratio phosphate to grow strong root system and bigger bulbs.  Its white dainty cute bell shape flowers are extremely fragrant and pleasant!  Too bad the blooming time is short, only 2-3 weeks in spring.  In fall, the fruit ripe and turn orange red.  There are off white or yellow seeds inside its berry like fruit.
3.出芽後讓小苗們在半日照處生長. 保溼很重要.  等很快會開始長出走莖(長出另一枝),即可換盆或地植. 從種子到開花約3年. (用不肥沃的田土種比培養土好.) 葉片過於肥大的話要施些磷肥. 我認為球不冰也可以,只要將盆放置在半日照陰涼處. 注意保濕不要乾死. 鈴蘭花形可愛小巧,香氣濃郁怡人很特別,春天很短的兩三週是花期. 秋天結橘紅色漿果. 漿果中有米白色或黃色種子.
Whole plant is toxic if eaten. 
整株是有毒的,雖可為藥用. 但要小心勿亂食用.
The flower language of lily-of-the-valley: Return to happiness.

Double Grape Hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum ‘Blue Spike’)重瓣葡萄風信子

Double Grape Hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum ‘Blue Spike’)重瓣葡萄風信子

Double Grape Hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum 'Blue Spike')重瓣葡萄風信子

Double Grape Hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum ‘Blue Spike’)重瓣葡萄風信子

Double Grape Hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum 'Blue Spike')重瓣葡萄風信子

Double Grape Hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum ‘Blue Spike’)重瓣葡萄風信子

Double Grape Hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum 'Blue Spike')重瓣葡萄風信子

Double Grape Hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum ‘Blue Spike’)重瓣葡萄風信子

Double Grape Hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum 'Blue Spike')重瓣葡萄風信子

Double Grape Hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum ‘Blue Spike’)重瓣葡萄風信子

Interesting double grape hyacinth flowers. It seems has a bit longer blooming time. Full sun, easy to grow. 較不常見的重瓣品種,花期和單瓣品種相比有稍為長一些. 全日照,容易栽種.

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari ‘Latifolium’)葡萄風信子

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari ‘Latifolium’)葡萄風信子

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari 'Latifolium')葡萄風信子

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari ‘Latifolium’)葡萄風信子

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari 'Latifolium')葡萄風信子

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari ‘Latifolium’)葡萄風信子

Interesting in two tones! It is nice to go with bright yellow, orange and purple flowers. 雙色的葡萄風信子,搭配明亮的黃色,橙色或紫色花會很出色. 非常容易栽種,全日照.

Glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa luciliae)雪光花

Glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa luciliae)雪光花

Glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa luciliae)雪光花

Glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa luciliae)雪光花

Glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa luciliae)雪光花

Glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa luciliae)雪光花

Cute little spring bulbs are blooming. They are so easy to grow!

Winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis)冬菟葵

Winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis)冬菟葵

winter aconite(Eranthus hyemalis)

winter aconite(Eranthus hyemalis)冬菟葵

One of cute early spring blooming flowers. It is very short with yellow flowers, prefer in partial shade or shade location.
毛茛科菟葵屬的冬菟葵(又叫做冬附子花),初春開花的小球根花卉之一. 植株低矮開黃色花,喜半日照或較暗的環境.

Snowdrop (Galanthus) 雪花蓮

Snowdrop (Galanthus) 雪花蓮
Pretty in woods! 林地裡野生一片很美!

Snowdrop (Galanthus) 雪花蓮

Snowdrop (Galanthus) 雪花蓮

Snowdrop (Galanthus) 雪花蓮

Snowdrop (Galanthus) 雪花蓮

Snowdrop (Galanthus) 雪花蓮

Snowdrop (Galanthus) 雪花蓮

Small flowering bulbs 小型球根花卉

Small flowering bulbs 小型球根花卉
It is the season for something fun! These inexpensive small flowering bulbs now are selling in garden supply stores and even in dollar stores!


Triteleia  laxa  ‘Queen Fabiola’   blue fools onion

Triteleia laxa ‘Queen Fabiola’
blue fools onion

Oxalis deppei 'Iron Cross'  Lucky Clover

Oxalis deppei ‘Iron Cross’
Lucky Clover

Incarvillea delavayi  Hardy Rose Gloxinia

Incarvillea delavayi
Hardy Rose Gloxinia

Triteleia laxa ‘Queen Fabiola’ (Blue Fools Onion)紫燈花
•Native in California
•Hardy in zones 5-9
•Blooms in late spring to mid summer
•Height: 12 inches
•Best glow in full sun location, well drained soil

Oxalis deppei (a.k.a. tetraphylla) ‘Iron Cross’ (Lucky Clover)幸運草
•Native in central Mexico
•Hardy in zones 8-10
•Blooms in June to September
•Height: 10-12 inches
•Best glow in full sun location
* Can be grown as house plant

Incarvillea delavayi (Hardy Rose Gloxinia)紅花角蒿
•Native to Tibet and China. White, trumpet shaped flowers.
•Hardy in zones 5-9
•Blooms in July and August
•Height: 13 inches
•Best glow in full sun location