Tag Archive | acorns

Oak trees and acorns (Quercus) 橡樹與橡實

Oak trees and acorns (Quercus) 橡樹與橡實

Beautiful oak is changing colour! 橡樹轉秋色.

Beautiful oak is changing colour! 橡樹轉秋色.


Beautiful oak is changing colour! 橡樹轉秋色.

Beautiful oak is changing colour! 橡樹轉秋色.

Beautiful oak is changing colour! 橡樹轉秋色.

Beautiful oak is changing colour! 橡樹轉秋色.

Oaks and acorns -- how many kind of oak species you can tell from these acorns?  (Quercus) 橡樹與橡實--你能從這些橡實分辨出幾種橡樹呢?

Oaks and acorns — how many kind of oak species you can tell from these acorns? (Quercus) 橡樹與橡實–你能從這些橡實分辨出幾種橡樹呢?

It is easy to grow an oak tree from an acorn. 很容易栽種橡實成橡樹.

It is easy to grow an oak tree from an acorn. 很容易栽種橡實成橡樹.

I must said these acorns are so cute!   And they are future mighty oaks!  🙂

Oak trees are slow growing  large trees and have very useful hard wood for furniture, hard wood floor and so on; the seeds, acorns come with different appearances and sizes according to oak species.

Acorns can be food source for human and wild animals.  There are many recipes on line you can search if you are curious, such as acorn jelly/tofu.   You can easily grow an oak from an acorn in 10-30 days in moist but not saggy soil!   Acorns  are fabulous material for crafts!

I appreciate oak leaves turning beautiful colour in fall, red, orange, yellow or brown.  So beautiful! 🙂

What is your favorite oak?

橡實好可愛喔!  它們可是未來的大樹呢!  🙂


橡實除了可以栽種外還可以是人及野生動物的食物,如果你有興趣的話網上可以查詢到許多如何料理橡實的食譜,如:橡子豆腐.  你可以很容易從橡實栽種出橡樹,在濕潤不積水的土壤或介質中大約需10-30天會發芽!    橡實也是做手工藝品的極佳材料!

我欣賞橡樹的秋色,紅,橙,黃或黃褐色.  好美!  🙂



Red Oak (Quercus rubra)紅橡樹

2013-10-14 120 (Medium)2013-10-14 119 (Medium)
It is one of many native trees here. Fall foliage is brilliant red! So striking…
紅橡為北美原生樹種之一. 秋葉為美豔的紅色! 真是美極了…

秋天的橡樹Autumn Oak

秋天的橡樹Autumn Oak
2013-09-15 025 (Medium)

So many different pretty oak trees turning colour and producing acorns in autumn. Some autumn foliage will be bright red or red or orange or yellow or not changing colour so it will eventually dry out and become brown.

In some culture, acorns are used as food, eat as nuts for emergency or dried, grind into powder, get the starch with water cook in short time and can make jelly like tofu, with sauce, it is nice and special! I have tried few times.

Some countries their culture believe eating acorns are good for your health–perhaps because of the mighty oak lives strong and long?

秋天橡樹開始葉色轉變結實累累. 橡樹的葉色會轉成鮮紅,或紅,或橘色,或黃色,或不變色然後乾枯後成黃褐色.

有些文化有將橡實當成救荒的乾糧. 橡實可以去殼去皮後磨成粉,它的澱粉可和水煮成布丁一樣的"橡子豆腐",配著清淡沾醬,滋味不錯很特別,我吃過.
