Tag Archive | drought and heat tolerant

Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) 荷荷葩

Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) 荷荷葩


Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) seeds is peanut like size. 荷荷葩的種子是花生米般大小.

Tropical evergreen shrub with grey-green foliage.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun location in well drained soil.  Pale yellow flowers in winter.  USDA Zones:9-11.  Mature size:6′-8′(H) X 3′-6′(W).   Edible nuts contain seeds which are easy to extract the “oil"(actually it is a kind of wax).  Its oil has fragrance.  Propagate by seeds, plant has long roots.  Drought tolerant once established.   Good for hedge, low maintenance.

熱帶常綠灌木,葉片為灰綠色.  容易栽種. 最好栽種在全日照處的排水良好的土壤中.  冬開淡黃色花.  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高6-8呎,寬幅3-6呎.  堅果可食用含"油"量很高容易榨取,其所含的"油"其實是一種滲透性極高的蠟,有香味.  繁殖方式以種子來進行因為其植株的根系頗深. 植株生長穩定後頗耐旱耐熱.  它作為綠籬頗為理想,低維護.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jojoba               http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/61089/#b

How to grow Dragon fruit from seeds (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果種子孵法

How to grow Dragon fruit from seeds (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果種子孵法

Dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果.

Dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果.

Dragon fruit seeds. (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果種子.

Dragon fruit seeds. (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果種子.

Dragon fruit seed germination in 3 days. (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果種子3天內孵出.

Dragon fruit seed germination in 3 days. (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果種子3天內孵出.

Dragon fruit seedlings. (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果實生種苗.

Dragon fruit seedlings. (Hylocereus undatus) 火龍果實生種苗.

Dragon fruit from seeds (Hylocereus undatus) progress.  火龍果種子孵出後的進展.

Dragon fruit from seeds (Hylocereus undatus) progress. 火龍果種子孵出後的進展.

This is more for fun because from seed to flower and fruit will take 4-7 years.  But they are nice!  I am growing here will be in pots due to cold climate here.   The reason why I grow Hylocereus undatus (White-fleshed Pitahaya) is easy to buy and the plant is self pollinate.  Although red-fleshed variety fruit is sweeter, it require pollinate with other plants to fruit.

種這個主要是好玩的.  因為實生苗要4-7年才會開花結果.  但是也很不錯!  種白肉品種的原因是取得容易將來長成會容易自花授粉.  雖說紅肉品種較甜但須異株授粉. 維基百科資料,這種的是白肉的: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hylocereus_undatus Farm growing, see:  http://ispoint.blogspot.tw/2012/11/blog-post_5824.ht 專業栽培:  http://ispoint.blogspot.tw/2012/11/blog-post_5824.ht

1.Get the seeds from ripen fruit, the seeds are black, glossy and small.  (See the seed image.) Plant the seeds in moist warm location.  Use sandy soil or well drained medium.   About 1-3 days, seeds will sprout.

1.從熟果中取出種子.  成熟的種子是黑亮小小的. (見圖) 將種子置於溼潤的土表(使用砂質土或排水良好的介質)放在溫暖的地方在1-3天就會出芽.

2.Transplant the seedlings when they are 6″ high and crowded.   Plant them in the ground or in large planters.  Keep them in moist but well drained soil in full sun location.   It will require 6′-8’concrete pole (1′-2′ into the ground) as support to grow well.   It prefers growing in warm temperature.

2.小苗長到6吋時太擠時要移植.  以地植為佳,深盆次之.  全日照並維持一定土壤溼度,另外須建攀爬用6-8呎水泥柱(柱要入土深1-2呎)架著以利快速生長.  它喜熱喜強光並需適時施肥和灌溉.