Tag Archive | 幸運草

Small flowering bulbs 小型球根花卉

Small flowering bulbs 小型球根花卉
It is the season for something fun! These inexpensive small flowering bulbs now are selling in garden supply stores and even in dollar stores!


Triteleia  laxa  ‘Queen Fabiola’   blue fools onion

Triteleia laxa ‘Queen Fabiola’
blue fools onion

Oxalis deppei 'Iron Cross'  Lucky Clover

Oxalis deppei ‘Iron Cross’
Lucky Clover

Incarvillea delavayi  Hardy Rose Gloxinia

Incarvillea delavayi
Hardy Rose Gloxinia

Triteleia laxa ‘Queen Fabiola’ (Blue Fools Onion)紫燈花
•Native in California
•Hardy in zones 5-9
•Blooms in late spring to mid summer
•Height: 12 inches
•Best glow in full sun location, well drained soil

Oxalis deppei (a.k.a. tetraphylla) ‘Iron Cross’ (Lucky Clover)幸運草
•Native in central Mexico
•Hardy in zones 8-10
•Blooms in June to September
•Height: 10-12 inches
•Best glow in full sun location
* Can be grown as house plant

Incarvillea delavayi (Hardy Rose Gloxinia)紅花角蒿
•Native to Tibet and China. White, trumpet shaped flowers.
•Hardy in zones 5-9
•Blooms in July and August
•Height: 13 inches
•Best glow in full sun location