Tag Archive | 春天開花

Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) 紫丁香

Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) 紫丁香

Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) 紫丁香--French Lilac, double white

Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) 紫丁香–French Lilac, double white

Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) 紫丁香-- Common Lilac

Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) 紫丁香– Common Lilac

Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) 紫丁香--French Lilac, Variegated

Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) 紫丁香–French Lilac, Variegated

Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) 紫丁香--French Lilac, single white

Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) 紫丁香–French Lilac, single white

Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) 紫丁香--Bicolor French Hybrid Lilac 'Sensation'

Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) 紫丁香–Bicolor French Hybrid Lilac ‘Sensation’

You can see them everywhere in spring and you can smell their beautiful, powerful fragrance in the breeze!  It is a shrub but in nurseries you can find so called ‘standard’ (tree form) for small garden.  Best in full sun location.  Very hardy and easy to propagate from green wood cutting or seeds.

With good care, it can flower twice in a year!  Once in spring and once in fall.

春天到處可見可聞到乘風而來的芬芳花香!  它是灌木或苗圃會訓練它做成樹型,很適合小花園.  全日照為佳.  非常強健也很容易扦插新枝條或種子繁殖.  照顧的好可一年開春秋各一次花.


Prairie smoke (Geum triflorum) 一枝三花水楊梅


Prairie smoke (Geum triflorum) 一枝三花水楊梅

Prarie smoke (Geum triflorum) 一枝三花水楊梅

Prarie smoke (Geum triflorum) 一枝三花水楊梅

Its common name from unusual fuzzy, feathery seed heads that resemble smoke from distance.  Native in parts of Northern America.  Hardy perennial.  Full sun wild flowers.

水楊梅屬,北美原生的多年生草花. 一枝花莖有3朵花故名.  需全日照的原生野花.

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari ‘Latifolium’)葡萄風信子

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari ‘Latifolium’)葡萄風信子

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari 'Latifolium')葡萄風信子

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari ‘Latifolium’)葡萄風信子

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari 'Latifolium')葡萄風信子

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari ‘Latifolium’)葡萄風信子

Interesting in two tones! It is nice to go with bright yellow, orange and purple flowers. 雙色的葡萄風信子,搭配明亮的黃色,橙色或紫色花會很出色. 非常容易栽種,全日照.

Japanese Flowering Cherry (Prunus) 日本山櫻花

Japanese Flowering Cherry (Prunus) 日本山櫻花

Prunus x yedoensis cv. Izu Yoshino Someiyoshino  Prunus yamasakura (Yamazakura)

Prunus x yedoensis cv. Izu Yoshino Someiyoshino Prunus yamasakura (Yamazakura)

Prunus x yedoensis cv. Izu Yoshino Someiyoshino  Prunus yamasakura (Yamazakura)

Prunus x yedoensis cv. Izu Yoshino Someiyoshino Prunus yamasakura (Yamazakura)

Prunus x yedoensis cv. Izu Yoshino Someiyoshino  Prunus yamasakura (Yamazakura)

Prunus x yedoensis cv. Izu Yoshino Someiyoshino Prunus yamasakura (Yamazakura)

It is so pretty! 🙂 花開的真漂亮! 🙂

How to grow Rhododendron and mountain laurel from seeds 酒紅杜鵑及山月桂屬的種子種植方法

How to grow Rhododendron and mountain laurel from seeds

Rhododendron catawbiense 'Roseum Elegans' is blooming in spring.

Rhododendron catawbiense ‘Roseum Elegans’ is blooming in spring.

Rhododendron seed pods open and release seeds with the wind in fall. 種莢秋天成熟後會打開隨風散播種子.

Rhododendron seed pods open and release seeds with the wind in fall. 種莢秋天成熟後會打開隨風散播種子.

It is very easy to collect their seed pods to get seeds if you or your family have a plant in the garden. Their growth rate is slow so in garden centres or nurseries the price is high. Besides propagation of stem cuttings, propagate them from seeds you can get more. They are spring flowering shrubs, tolerant shade and evergreen through winter. They all like slightly acidic soil.

1.soil/medium must be well drained, use shallow container to sow seeds. If possible, sterilize the soil/medium first.

2.Keep soil moist but too wet. Sow seeds on the surface of soil. Do not cover the seeds. Leave the container where is partial shade. Seeds will germinate in 10-20 days. Will grow the first set of leaves in 8-10 weeks. They are easy to grow but slow, so be patient!

酒紅杜鵑(Rhododendron catawbiense ‘Roseum Elegans’)及山月桂屬的種子種植方法:

1.土用泥炭土和木屑/碎樹皮以1比1混合為播種用土. 用淺缽為苗盆.


Rhododendron seed pods and seeds.

Rhododendron seed pods and seeds.

Rhododendron seeds are sprouting.

Rhododendron seeds are sprouting.


2013-06-30 039 (Medium)

垂絲海棠Weeping Flowering Crabapple ‘Louisa’ (Malus x ‘Louisa’)

垂絲海棠Weeping Flowering Crabapple ‘Louisa’ (Malus x ‘Louisa’)


蘋果屬的海棠, 小型庭園樹種,樹高及寬幅約為7’x7′.  此種為枝垂型,柔美的花量多為淡粉紅色於初春開花,夏季結果,秋天果熟鮮紅如小櫻桃.  對應黃綠葉色令枝條輪廓顏色更深更美.

全日照,須排水良好,容易栽種. 可用種子或高壓來繁殖.

此一網站有花果等資料照片: http://www.portkellsnurseries.com/plantdb.php?id=770
2013-05-13 070 (Medium)