Tag Archive | spring flowers

Asian Foxtail (Uraria crinita) 通天草

Asian Foxtail (Uraria crinita) 通天草


Asian Foxtail (Uraria crinita) seeds. It is needed to rub off the seed coating before planting. 通天草種子種植前要先揉去外殼.

2017-08-13 Asian Foxtail通天草 (1)

Asian Foxtail (Uraria crinita) seedling and seeds. 通天草的小苗與尚未孵出的種子.

2017-08-20 Asian Foxtail (Uraria crinita) 通天草 - Copy

Asian Foxtail (Uraria crinita) seedling is growing true leaves. 通天草的小苗長出本葉了.

2017-09-27 Asian Foxtail (Uraria crinita) 通天草 - Copy

Asian Foxtail (Uraria crinita) 通天草

2017-10-05 通天草花苞 (2) - Copy

Asian Foxtail (Uraria crinita) flower bud is forming.通天草的花苞形成了.

2017-12-08Asian Foxtail (Uraria crinita) 通天草 (1) - Copy

Asian Foxtail (Uraria crinita) is going to flower soon. 通天草快開花了.

2017-12-19 Asian Foxtail (Uraria crinita) 通天草 (1) - Copy

Asian Foxtail (Uraria crinita) has many small flowers on a flower stems.通天草的花是由許多小花組成的花序.

Tropical perennial, medicinal herb.  Seeds will need to remove the outer seed coating first then soak in water to germinate.  Normally about  7-10 days seeds will sprout.   Usually plants can be harvested about 10 months after planting from seeds.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Long slender purple and white flowers on stems, flower shape like foxtail, hence the common name.   Bloom in spring.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  USDA Zones:9-11.  Mature size:3′-5′(H) X   Propagate by seeds.  Medicinal.

又稱狗尾草.  多年生草本的草藥.   種子去殼泡水後播種.  通常約7-10天會出芽.  從種子到採收約10個月.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處.  春天開紫色與白色細長花頂生成串外型如狐尾或狗尾,故有此名.  花頗吸引蜂蝶.  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高3-5呎,寬幅呎.  繁殖以種子的方式來進行.  藥用.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

https://florafaunaweb.nparks.gov.sg/Special-Pages/plant-detail.aspx?id=2537                  http://www.tdais.gov.tw/view.php?catid=1504                         http://www.miji.org.tw/main.asp?BodySel=036              http://jmsu99.blogspot.ca/2011/06/blog-post_29.html http://kplant.biodiv.tw/%E7%8B%97%E5%B0%BE%E8%8D%89/%E7%8B%97%E5%B0%BE%E8%8D%89.htm http://rein1638.pixnet.net/blog/post/17564588-%E9%80%9A%E5%A4%A9%E8%8D%89~%E7%8B%97%E5%B0%BE%E8%8D%89~%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3%E4%BA%BA%E8%94%98~%E5%85%83%E6%B0%A3%E7%9A%84%E9%A3%9F%E6%9D%90

Higo Violet (Viola chaerophylloides ‘Benizuru’ aka ‘Crimson Crane’) 平塚堇’紅鶴’

Higo Violet (Viola chaerophylloides ‘Benizuru’ aka ‘Crimson Crane’) 平塚堇’紅鶴’

2017-11-04 Higo Violet (7) - Copy

Higo Violet (Viola chaerophylloides ‘Benizuru’ aka ‘Crimson Crane’) 平塚堇’紅鶴’

2017-10-20 Higo Violet (Viola chaerophylloides 'Crimsom Crane') 平塚堇'紅鶴' (3) - Copy

Higo Violet (Viola chaerophylloides ‘Benizuru’ aka ‘Crimson Crane’) 平塚堇’紅鶴’

2016-08-24 (30) (Medium)

Higo Violet (Viola chaerophylloides ‘Benizuru’ aka ‘Crimson Crane’) 平塚堇’紅鶴’ seeds. 平塚堇種子.

2017-03-29 Higo Violet (Viola chaerophylloides) 平塚堇 - Copy

Higo Violet (Viola chaerophylloides ‘Benizuru’) seeds germination in over 8 months with covering with light soil and moist keeping medium. 10 seeds only 5 germinated. 平塚堇種子孵10出5,室溫覆土避光保濕,歷時8個多月.

2017-05-21戟葉堇菜 - Copy

Higo Violet (Viola chaerophylloides ‘Benizuru’) has unique foliage shape. 平塚堇的葉片相當特別.

2017-07-16 Higo Violet (Viola chaerophylloides) 平塚堇 (2) - Copy

Higo Violet (Viola chaerophylloides ‘Benizuru’) seed pods. 平塚堇的種莢.

Hardy perennial.  Easy to grow and propagate.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location in moist soil.  It has unique foliage compare with the most of Violas.   This cultivation ‘Red Crane’ should be with red flowers in late spring.  Flowers have musky strong  floral fragrance. Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  USDA Zones:6-9. Mature size:3″-6″(H) X 6″-1′(W).  Propagate by seeds (I found these seeds have rather long germination period, over 8 months! ), division.

強健多年生草花.  容易栽種及繁殖.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處的濕潤土壤.  和其他堇菜類相比,這種堇菜的葉形相當特別. 原生是白花的,這個是園藝品種’紅鶴’是紅花品種,春末開花.  花有類似麝香味的強香.  花頗吸引蜂蝶. 尚為耐寒也耐熱.  成熟株高3-6吋,寬幅6″-1呎.  繁殖方式以種子(種子孵種需時蠻久的,我孵是超過8個月)或分株方式來進行.

Reference links:參考網站資料連結:

https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viola_chaerophylloides                          http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/chigusa/item/367317/ https://garden.org/plants/view/118793/Higo-Violet-Viola-chaerophylloides/                      http://www.onrockgarden.com/plant_of_the_month/2013-01          https://selina-m.ru/show.php?name_cat=6&page=123

Lewisia (Lewisia cotyledon)離子莧/露薇花

Lewisia (Lewisia cotyledon)離子莧/露薇花

2016-06-01 025 (Medium)

Lewisia(Lewisia cotyledon)離子莧/露薇花

Lewisia (Lewisia cotyledon)離子莧/露薇花

2016-04-24 026 (Medium)

Lewisia(Lewisia cotyledon)離子莧/露薇花


2016-04-13 006 (Medium)

Lewisia(Lewisia cotyleton)離子莧/露薇花

2016-06-25Lewisia seed and seedpods (Medium)

Lewisia(Lewisia cotyleton) seed(s) in the seed pod. 離子莧/露薇花種莢裡的種子.

2016-06-25Lewisia cuttings (Medium)

Lewisia(Lewisia cotyleton) can be propagated from cuttings. 離子莧/露薇花容易以扦插方式來繁殖.

Hardy perennial, succulent. Easy to grow. Best growing in full sun location in well drained soil.  Flowers in pink/peach/white/yellow bloom in late spring to early summer.  Flowers attract bees.  USDA Zones:5-9.  Drought tolerant.  Mature size:3″-1′(H) X 6″-9″(W).  Propagate by seeds, cuttings or division.  Evergreen, excellent in rock garden.  Good for growing in containers.

強健的多年生草花,多肉植物.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照排水良好的土壤.  春末夏初開粉色/桃色/白色/黃色花.  花頗吸引蜂類.  耐寒耐熱.  耐旱不耐濕. 成熟株高3吋到1呎,寬幅6吋到9吋.  繁殖方式以種子,扦插或分株方式來進行.  常綠,非常適合岩砌花園.  也很適合種在盆裡.

Red-Leaved Rose (Rosa glauca)原始玫瑰/紅葉玫

Red-Leaved Rose (Rosa glauca)原始玫瑰/紅葉玫

2016-06-08 014 (Medium)

Red-Leaved Rose (Rosa glauca)原始玫瑰/紅葉玫

Super hardy rose.  Very easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun location to partial shade or light shade location.  This rose is very shade tolerant, insect and diseases resistant!  With red/blue tone foliage, small single deep pink flowers in late spring to early summer.  Lightly fragrant flowers attract bees and butterflies.  Very low maintenance, it will even flower without any care if it is growing in desirable location.  USDA Zones:2-9.  Mature size:6′-8′(H) X 5′-7′(W).  Propagate by seeds or cuttings.

超級強健的玫瑰.  非常容易栽種. 最好栽種在全日照到半日照處,這種在散光處也能生長和開花.  這種是較能耐蔭且抗病蟲害的原始玫瑰!  葉色偏紅/藍色調,春末夏初開小朵的單瓣深粉色花.  微香的花朵頗吸引蜂蝶.  非常低維護,種對地方不用管理也能自行生長及開花.  極耐寒也耐熱.  成熟株高6-8呎,寬幅5-7呎.  以種子或扦插枝條的方式來繁殖.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosa_glauca                               http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?kempercode=a805

Winter-red Bergenia/Chinese Bergenia (Bergenia purpurascens)岩白菜

Winter-red Bergenia/Chinese Bergenia (Bergenia purpurascens)岩白菜

2016-05-19 134 - Copy (Medium)

Winter-red Bergenia/Chinese Bergenia (Bergenia purpurascens) has pretty deep pink flowers in spring and its evergreen foliage turn burgundy/purple in fall. 岩白菜春開深粉紅色花,常綠的葉於秋冬冷時轉深紅/紫色.

2016-05-31 018 (Medium)

Winter-red Bergenia/Chinese Bergenia (Bergenia purpurascens) seeds and seed pods. 岩白菜的種莢與種子.

Hardy evergreen perennial/herb.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Good for dry shade garden because it is rather drought-tolerant which suitable for xeriscaping as ground cover!  Foliage from green turns burgundy red/purple in late fall to winter.  Good for fall color!  Deep pink flowers in spring.  Flowers attract bees, butterflies and humming birds.  Flowers are good for cut flower.  USDA Zones:4-9. Mature size:1′-1.5′(H) X1′-2′(W).  Propagate by seeds, cuttings or division.   Medicinal.

強健的常綠多年生草花/藥草.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處.  適合土壤偏乾的林地花園因其耐旱的特性所以可用於節水的造景花園作為地被用! 秋冬冷時葉色會由綠轉為暗紅/紫色. 適合設計花園時用它來增添花園的秋色. 春開深粉紅色花.  花頗吸引蜂蝶與蜂鳥. 也適合用於切花的花材.  耐寒也耐熱.  成熟株高1-1.5呎,寬幅1-2呎.  以種子,扦插或分株方式來繁殖.  藥用.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

http://www.perennials.com/plants/bergenia-purpurascens.html          https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%e5%b2%a9%e7%99%bd%e8%8f%9c        http://big.hi138.com/yiyao/yaoxue/200909/131946.asp#.V05WsWv2Zok         http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/57854/                  http://garden.org/plants/view/114314/Purple-Bergenia-Bergenia-purpurascens/

Venus’s Navelwort (Omphalodes linifolia) 琉璃草

Venus’s Navelwort (Omphalodes linifolia) 琉璃草

Flower image see reference links below.

Venus's Navelwort (Omphalodes linifolia) seeds. 琉璃草種子.

Venus’s Navelwort (Omphalodes linifolia) seeds. 琉璃草種子.

2016-05-14琉璃草 (2) (Medium)

Venus’s Navelwort (Omphalodes linifolia) seedlings. 琉璃草種子蠻容易孵出的.

Delicate annual wildflower.  Native in Europe, Asia and Mexico alpine area. Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  Excellent for alpine/rock garden.  Dainty small white flowers from spring to fall.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  Plants self seed easily. Good for cut flower.  Easy to grow and propagate.

它是琉璃草紫草科琉璃草屬的一年生/二年生的野花.  原生於歐亞及墨西哥山區.  以種植在全日照到半日照處為佳.   很適合岩石山區/岩砌花園的種植環境.  嬌柔小小的白花吸引蜂蝶,花期很長由春開到秋.  容易自行結籽繁殖. 可切花.  容易栽種及繁殖. 

Reference links:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omphalodes_linifolia            https://www.anniesannuals.com/plants/view/?id=750

Red-and-green Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos manglesii) 澳洲袋鼠草

Red-and-green Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos manglesii) 澳洲袋鼠草

2016-08-24Red and Green Kangaroo Paw seedling (Medium)

Red-and-green Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos manglesii) seedling looks like Iris. 澳洲袋鼠草小苗看起 來很像鳶尾.

Red-and-green Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos manglesii) seedling is growing the second leaf. 澳洲袋鼠草小苗長出第2片葉.

Red-and-green Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos manglesii) seedling is growing the second leaf. 澳洲袋鼠草小苗長出第2片葉.

Red-and-green Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos manglesii) seedling is growing the second leaf. 澳洲袋鼠草小苗長出第2片葉.

Red-and-green Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos manglesii) seedling is growing the second leaf. 澳洲袋鼠草小苗長出第2片葉.

Red-and-green Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos manglesii) seed germination. 澳洲袋鼠草種子孵出.

Red-and-green Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos manglesii) seed germination. 澳洲袋鼠草種子孵出.

Red-and-green Kangaroo Paw seed pod and seeds.(Anigozanthos manglesii) 澳洲袋鼠草種莢與種子.

Red-and-green Kangaroo Paw seed pod and seeds.(Anigozanthos manglesii) 澳洲袋鼠草種莢與種子.

Red-and-green Kangaroo Paw seeds. (Anigozanthos manglesii) 澳洲袋鼠草種子.

Red-and-green Kangaroo Paw seeds. (Anigozanthos manglesii) 澳洲袋鼠草種子.

What a showy flower!  This easy to grow perennial is native in Western Australia.   Although you can see them more common now growing for cut flower use and as garden plants.  Red and green flowers in spring and set seeds easily.  Flowers attract bees, butterflies and birds.  Plants prefer full sun to partial shade.  Foliage looks like Iris.  USDA Zones:9-11.  Mature size:2′-3′(H) x 1′(W).  Propagation by seeds or dividing the plants.

好個紅綠搭配的花!  它是原生於西澳的多年生草花,   雖然有不少種袋鼠草可是它們的顏色對比都沒有它紅綠對比的強烈,多人工栽培用做庭園觀賞和切花用.   在原生地它是鳥媒花,庭園栽種的話最好是能人工授粉來結子繁殖.      春天開花,花吸引蜂蝶及鳥類.  喜全日照到半日照溫暖的環境. 葉片像是鳶尾科的葉.  容易栽種.  成熟株高2-3呎,寬約1呎.  以種子或分株來繁殖.

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park. (Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park. (Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park.(Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park.(Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park.(Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park.(Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park.(Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park.(Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park.(Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park.(Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park.(Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park.(Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park.(Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park.(Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park.(Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park.(Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park.(Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park.(Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park.(Malus) 漫步海棠林

Stunning Flowering Crabapple trees in the park.(Malus) 漫步海棠林

This seasonal beautiful scenes just make people go “wow"…


漫步海棠林… 春樹賞花去!

How to grow flowering crab apple from seeds 海棠種子孵法

How to grow flowering crab apple from seeds 海棠種子孵法

Weeping flowering crabapple flowers. (Malus) 枝垂型海棠春天開的花.

Weeping flowering crabapple flowers. (Malus)枝垂型海棠春天開的花.

Flowering crabapple flowers in spring. (Malus) 海棠春天的花朵.

Flowering crabapple flowers in spring. (Malus) 海棠春天的花朵.

Flowering crabapple flowers in spring. (Malus) 春天的海棠樹開花美不勝收.

Flowering crabapple flowers in spring. (Malus) 春天的海棠樹開花美不勝收.

Crabapple fruit in fall. (Malus) 海棠秋天的熟果.

Crabapple fruit in fall. (Malus) 海棠秋天的熟果.

Flowering crabapple seeds. (Malus) 海棠種子.

Flowering crabapple seeds. (Malus) 海棠種子.

Flowering crabapple fruit in winter. (Malus) 海棠冬天的果實.

Flowering crabapple fruit in winter. (Malus) 海棠冬天的果實.

If you have many seeds, it is fine to direct sow.  If you do not have many seeds to grow, you can try the method below:
種子數量多的話,直播便可. 數量少的話可以參考以下孵法:
1.Remove or scratch the shell before you grow them.  It will reduce the germination period.  Light sanding the seeds a bit will help seeds to absorb water for growing quickly.
1.破殼或完全去殼為佳. 有破殼比沒破殼快幾倍時間. 不諳破殼的人用砂紙把殼磨稍薄也勉強可以. 不可傷及種仁.
2.Prepare planting pot with potting soil with well drained medium 1:1 ratio.  Do not cover the seeds.   Move the pot to partial shade location with good air flow after watering.  Seeds should germinate around 5-12 days.  (If removed shell of seeds first before growing, it will take 3-5 days to sprout, 7-10 day to be green.)
2.準備苗盆以培養土和排水佳介質混合1:1點播,不需覆土. 澆水後置半日照通風處. 應該5-12天內發芽.  (種植前有去殼的話3-5天就會發芽,7-10天轉綠.)
3.Transplant the seedlings to individual pot when they have 4-6 leaves.  Full sun.
3.發芽後小苗要等月本葉4-6葉稍為壯碩後再移植. 移植後種植改全日照.

Spring visit in TBG 春訪多倫多市立植物園

Spring visit in TBG 春訪多倫多市立植物園

So beautiful and so many people…


2014-05-19 043 (Medium)

double daffodil (Narcissus Delnashaugh)

2014-05-19 070 (Medium)

barrenwort (Epimedium × youngianum ‘Roseum’)

2014-05-19 061 (Medium)

Anemone blanda

2014-05-19 059 (Medium)

Tulips and Fothergilla

2014-05-19 073 (Medium)

Lenten rose (Hellebores)

2014-05-19 064 (Medium)

Lenten rose (Hellebores)

2014-05-19 075 (Medium)


2014-05-19 074 (Medium)

bleeding-heart (Dicentra)

2014-05-19 054 (Medium)

donkey tail spurge (Euphorbia myrsinites)

2014-05-19 049 (Medium)2014-05-19 053 (Medium)2014-05-19 039 (Medium)2014-05-19 040 (Medium)2014-05-19 067 (Medium)2014-05-19 078 (Medium)

Weeping redbud

Weeping redbud (Cercis canadensis)

2014-05-19 090 (Medium)


2014-05-19 086 (Medium)

Eastern redbud

2014-05-19 094 - Copy (Medium)

Spring snowflake (Leucojum)

2014-05-19 083 (Medium)

weeping redbud flowers (Cercis)

2014-05-19 088 (Medium)2014-05-19 091 (Medium)

Common bluebell

Common bluebell

2014-05-19 111 (Medium)


2014-05-19 118 (Large)


2014-05-19 116 (Medium)

purple beech (Fagus sylvatica ‘Purpurea’)

prarie smoke(Geum triflorum)

prarie smoke(Geum triflorum)

2014-05-19 102 (Medium)

Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana)

2014-05-19 097 (Medium)2014-05-19 098 (Medium)2014-05-19 100 (Medium)2014-05-19 101 (Medium)2014-05-19 104 (Medium)2014-05-19 120 (Medium)2014-05-19 125 (Large)

2014-05-19 109 (Medium)