Tag Archive | bloom in spring

Bridal Wreath Spiraea (Spiraea prunifolia) 繡線菊屬

Bridal Wreath Spiraea (Spiraea prunifolia) 繡線菊屬

Bridal Wreath Spiraea (Spiraea prunifolia) 繡線菊屬

Bridal Wreath Spiraea (Spiraea prunifolia) 繡線菊屬

It is stunning in spring!  Very hardy large flowering shrub which tolerant heavy pruning.  Best in full sun location.  Huge amount of small white flowers blooming in spring.  H:8′ X W:10′

大型強健的開花灌木,春天開量很大的小白花,耐強剪,可以當綠籬. 栽種在全日照處為佳. 成熟植株可達8呎寬幅10呎.

Wall Cress (Arabis alp. caucasica)筷子芥

Wall Cress (Arabis alp. caucasica)筷子芥

Wall Cress (Arabis alp. caucasica)筷子芥

Wall Cress (Arabis alp. caucasica)筷子芥

Nice evergreen ground cover.  Best in full sun location.  Very hardy and drought tolerant.   Bloom in spring. 多年生常綠地被植物,容易栽種,喜全日照,耐旱.  春天開花. 適合用於花壇或岩石花園.

Flowering quince ( Chaenomeles ) 木瓜梅

Flowering quince ( Chaenomeles ) 木瓜梅

Flowering quince ( Chaenomeles ) 木瓜梅

Flowering quince ( Chaenomeles ) 木瓜梅


Flowering quince ( Chaenomeles ) 木瓜梅

Flowering quince ( Chaenomeles ) 木瓜梅


Flowering quince ( Chaenomeles ) 木瓜梅

Flowering quince ( Chaenomeles ) 木瓜梅


Whit flowering quince

Whit flowering quince

White flowering quince

White flowering quince

Red Flowering quince ( Chaenomeles ) 木瓜梅

Red Flowering quince ( Chaenomeles ) 木瓜梅

Red Flowering quince ( Chaenomeles ) 木瓜梅

Red Flowering quince ( Chaenomeles ) 木瓜梅

Red Flowering quince ( Chaenomeles ) 木瓜梅

Red Flowering quince ( Chaenomeles ) 木瓜梅


Flowering quince ( Chaenomeles ) yellow ripe fruit in fall. Quite many seeds in each fruit. 木瓜梅秋熟的黃色果實. 一枚果實中的種子量還不少.

It is pretty and low maintenance especially like Japanese Dwarf Flowering Quince – Chaenomeles japonica, Zone 4, very hardy and do not over grow. Best in full sun location. The twigs of this genus have long pricks. Flower in spring and then fruit in late summer. Common flower colour are red and bright orange-red.    Ripe fruit is edible, often are used for jam or preserves.

強健易栽種的木瓜屬灌木,全日照為佳,春天開花,夏末偶有黃色的果實,有日本的矮性木瓜梅,莖幹有刺要小心. 常見花色有紅色和明亮的橘紅色. 熟果可以食用,通常用於果醬或醃製成蜜餞.

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari ‘Latifolium’)葡萄風信子

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari ‘Latifolium’)葡萄風信子

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari 'Latifolium')葡萄風信子

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari ‘Latifolium’)葡萄風信子

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari 'Latifolium')葡萄風信子

Grape Hyacinth (Muscari ‘Latifolium’)葡萄風信子

Interesting in two tones! It is nice to go with bright yellow, orange and purple flowers. 雙色的葡萄風信子,搭配明亮的黃色,橙色或紫色花會很出色. 非常容易栽種,全日照.