Tag Archive | white flowers in spring ripe red berries in summer

Bunchberry/Darf Dogwood (Cornus canadensis) 草茱萸

Bunchberry/Darf Dogwood (Cornus canadensis) 草茱萸

2016-04-16 022 (Medium)

Bunchberry/Darf Dogwood (Cornus canadensis) 草茱萸


Bunchberry/Darf Dogwood (Cornus canadensis) in fall. 草茱萸的秋色.

Usually this is classified as perennial.  Low ground cover.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in partial shade to full shade location in moist soil.  White single flowers in spring and ripe red edible fruit in summer. Fruit has fine hair on the surface will need to be removed before eating.  Fall foliage is red or purple.  USDA Zones:2-7.  Mature size:4″-8″(H) X 1′-1.5′(W).  Propagate by seeds, cuttings or division.  Medicinal.

通常它被歸類為多年稱草花.  它算是低矮的地被植物.  容易栽種.  最好栽種於半日照到全蔭處的濕潤土壤.  春開白色單瓣小花,夏天果熟轉為紅色.  果實表面有細毛需處理後才能食用.  秋天葉片由綠轉紫紅色後落葉後休眠.  極耐寒,耐熱性不佳.  成熟株高4-8吋,蔓生寬幅1-1.5呎.   繁殖以種子,扦插或分株方式來進行.  有藥用價值.

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