Tag Archive | 西點

Jane’s Rose Shortbread Cookies 珍妮的玫瑰小西餅

Jane’s Rose Shortbread Cookies  珍妮的玫瑰小西餅

Ingredients (材料)

2 ½ Cups All-purpose Flour  ( 2杯半 中筋麵粉)

1 Cup Becel or Butter  (1杯奶油或無反式脂肪的代奶油)

¼ Cup White Sugar   (¼杯細白砂糖 )

¼ Cup Corn Starch   (¼ 杯玉米澱粉)

2 Tablespoons Rose Water   (2大匙玫瑰水)

2 Tablespoons Honey   (2大匙蜂蜜)

1 ½ Tablespoons of Rose Petals (Oven Low heat Dried and Crashed )

(1 ½ 大匙烤箱低溫烘乾揉碎的玫瑰粉)

Small amount of White Sugar to sprinkle on top of cookies



Method: (步驟)

1. Hand pick ready to bloom red roses petals only (about a handful each recipe, you can bake more and then store then in a vacuum sealed container), rinse and dry.

1. 挑將開放的新鮮玫瑰,拔取花瓣部份,沖洗,晾乾 (一次約用1把新鮮花瓣 ) 你可以一次做多些存放在密封瓶中備用.

2. Lay a layer of rose petals on the baking sheet, bake them at 200 degree F. until crispy but not burnt.  It is going to take some time to wilt and then crispy. 

2. 烤盤上放一層花瓣, 以低溫來烘焙烤乾.

3. Cool them and crash them into small powder like pieces.

3.烤好後放涼, 揉碎成粉或非常小塊.

4. Preheat oven at 350 degree F.

4. 烤箱預熱華氏350.

5. Mix all ingredients well together in a large bowl.

5. 取一大碗將所有材料混合均勻成麵團.

6. Use a long plastic wrap to place down on the table and pour the dough on it.

6. 取長一些的塑膠保鮮膜置於桌上, 把麵團放在塑膠保鮮膜上.

7. Cover the plastic warp on the dough as well and roll the dough flat evenly thickness with pin.

7. 塑膠保鮮膜上包起來後,用擀麵棍擀成均勻厚度.

8. Unveil the top of plastic warp and use desired cookie cutter to cut the shape, place the cut cookies on the baking sheet to bake.

8. 打開保鮮膜後用你喜歡的餅乾模型切割成形, 放在烤盤上備烤.

9. Bake about 8-10 minutes or until the bottom of cookies turn light brown.  Do not over bake.

9. 烤約8-10分鐘, 或餅底稍黃即可 ,不要烤過頭.

10. Turn off the heat.   Sprinkle some sugar on top of cookies when they are still hot.

10. 關火烤好餅乾後趁熱灑上一層細砂糖.

11. Let them sit inside the oven few more minutes to get firmer.  Cool them and enjoy them!

11.  烤好後置於烤箱, 用餘溫續烘幾分鐘會較硬放冷後享用.

Pecan Coconut Tarts 又簡單又比西點麵包店的好吃喔!

Pecan Coconut Tarts 胡桃仁椰絲塔

1 Box frozen mini tart shells(12-18pcs) (1盒冷凍小塔皮12-18個)

Filling:  (胡桃仁椰絲塔餡料的材料:)

1 Large Egg  (1個大的蛋)
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar (1/2杯紅糖)
1/4 Cup Corn Syrup (1/4杯玉米糖漿)
1 Tablespoon Vanilla Extract (1大匙的香草精)
1 Teaspoon Butter (1小匙的奶油)
1/3 Cup Shredded Coconut (1/3杯無糖椰絲)
3 Tablespoons Pecan Pieces (3大匙碎胡桃)
1 1/2 Tablespoons Flour(any kind) (1 1/2大匙麵粉 任何種類皆可)
18 Pieces of Pecan Halves for topping use  (1盒冷凍的小塔皮 ,通常12或18個所以需要每個塔上裝飾1片胡桃仁片,共須18片整片的)

1.Mix all ingredients together in a container except 18 Pecan Halves. (除塔皮和裝飾用胡桃仁片外,將所有材料混合好在容器中待用)

2.Oper the box of tart shells, place them one by one all on the baking tray. (把冷凍塔皮從盒中取出一個一個平放在烤盤上)

3.Spoon over the filling mixture into each tart shell evenly. (用湯匙將混合待用的材料舀入塔皮內務使每個塔杯內容物等量)

4.Place one pecan half on top of the filling.  (一個塔杯上裝飾一片胡桃仁片)

5.350 degree F.bake for 15 min. or until the edge of tarts golden. (華氏350度烤15分鐘或烤到塔皮邊緣略呈金黃即可)

Chocolate Chip Cookies 巧克力丁餅乾, 好吃喔!

Recipe: Chocolate Chip Cookies


3 cups (all purpose) flour

1 cup Becel (or other trans fat free) margarine (don’t melt into liquid)

1/2 cup white sugar

1 cup brown sugar

2 large eggs

2 teaspoons natural vanilla extract

1 teaspoon baking soda

2 teaspoons hot water (to dissolve baking soda)

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips


  1. Pre-heat oven to 375F.
  2. Combine all ingredients by hand to make the dough.
  3. Place parchment paper on the baking tray.
  4. Roll the dough into small round balls and gently press them into small round   disks, place on parchment paper (leave room to expand).
  5. Bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes or until lightly golden.

Makes 3 – 4 dozen cookies (depending on the size of the cookie)

Strawberry Freeze 草莓冰淇淋蛋糕–容易做的點心,很適合夏天吃!

Strawberry Freeze (8-10 portions)

1 1/2 Cups cushed pretzels
1/4 Cup melted butter or margarine

Step 1. Mix well and press hard onto bottom of 7″ or 9″ springform pan.
1 pkg(250g) light cream cheese, soften and cut to small pieces
3/4 Cup sugar
2 Cups fresh crushed strawberries
1 Tub(1L) light whipped Topping
Step 2.Mix and beat until smooth.

Step 3.Pour the mixture into the springform pan.  You can guard the inner pan wall with parchment paper before pouring.

Step 4. Freeze until firm.  Remove the springform pan and pill the parchment paper then cut the dessert into desired potions.  Serve it cold.