Tag Archive | tender perennal

Double Amaryllis ‘White Peacock’ (Amaryllis) 重瓣孤挺花

Double Amaryllis ‘White Peacock’ (Amaryllis) 重瓣孤挺花

Double Amaryllis 'White Peacock' (Amaryllis) 重瓣孤挺花

Double Amaryllis ‘White Peacock’ (Amaryllis) 重瓣孤挺花

Double Amaryllis 'White Peacock' (Amaryllis) flower size is 22cm in diameter!   重瓣孤挺花花徑有22公分.

Double Amaryllis ‘White Peacock’ (Amaryllis) flower size is 22cm in diameter!

2015-01-30 024 (Medium)

Double Amaryllis ‘White Peacock’ (Amaryllis) 重瓣孤挺花

This double Amaryllis is tender perennial flowering bulb.  USDA Zones: 9-11.  It is very easy to grow indoor from large bulb, its triple petaled flower has luxury look.  Sometimes flower forms even many layers of petals.   Excellent for cut flower!
重瓣的孤挺花並不耐寒,但是它是很容易栽種的多年生球根花卉.  三倍體的花朵有時花瓣會更多層,很華麗璀璨!  是上選的切花花材!

After flowering the plant will grow wide, slender leaves.  You can propagate the plant by slicing the bulb as an orange, just remember to sanitize the sharp knife and make sure each slice with a bit of root base.   When weather is warm you should plant the bulb outdoors for bulbs to grow larger. 花謝後剪去花莖,它會長出長長寬寬的綠葉.
可以像切柳橙一樣的方式來繁殖球根.  不過利刃要消毒,要確定每塊都帶有能長根的根部. 陰乾傷口就能種植.  天氣溫暖時可以將植株地植或戶外栽種在大盆中,讓球根可以長大.  最好是全日照或半日照處,排水良好的土壤.

Amaryllis 孤挺花

Amaryllis 孤挺花

Amaryllis 孤挺花

Amaryllis 孤挺花

It is blooming nicely! And there are 2 flower stems!

When the flowers are all done and weather is warm enough, I will plant the bulb outdoor to keep the bulb growing larger then when I bring the bulb in again it will have bigger flowers.