Tag Archive | tropical bulbous perennial

Albuca Frizzle Sizzle(Albuca ‘Frizzle Sizzle’) 彈簧草

Albuca Frizzle Sizzle (Albuca ‘Frizzle Sizzle’) 彈簧草

Albuca Frizzle Sizzle(Albuca 'Frizzle Sizzle') 彈簧草 (2) - Copy

Albuca Frizzle Sizzle (Albuca ‘Frizzle Sizzle’) 彈簧草


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Albuca Frizzle Sizzle (Albuca ‘Frizzle Sizzle’) flowers. 彈簧草的花.


Tropical bulbous perennial with very cute coil like foliage! Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location. Yellow flowers in spring.  Flowers attract bees and butterflies.  USDA Zones:9-11.  Mature size:6″-1′(H) X 1′(W).  Propagate by seeds, bulbs, offsets or division.  Suitable for containers.

熱帶多年生球根型草花有著可愛捲捲的葉片!  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照到半日照處.  春開黃色花, 花頗吸引蜂蝶.  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高6吋到1呎,寬幅約1呎.  繁殖以種子,球根,側芽或分株的方式來進行.  適合盆植.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

http://www.exotic-plants.de/seeds/succulents/Albuca-spiralis.php          https://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/209267/

Blue Amaryllis (Worsleya rayneri) 藍色孤挺花

Blue Amaryllis (Worsleya rayneri) 藍色孤挺花

2017-10-13 Blue Amaryllis (Worsleya rayneri) - Copy

Blue Amaryllis (Worsleya rayneri) is growing fine! 藍色孤挺花生長得還不錯!

2017-06-20 Blue Amaryllis (Worsleya rayneri) 藍色孤挺花 - Copy

Blue Amaryllis (Worsleya rayneri) 藍色孤挺花

2017-05-31 Blue Amaryllis (Worsleya rayneri) 藍色孤挺花 (1) - Copy

Blue Amaryllis (Worsleya rayneri) 1 year old sized bulb. 藍色孤挺花一歲大的球.

2017-12-22 Blue Amaryllis (Worsleya rayneri) 藍色孤挺花 seeds (2) - Copy

Blue Amaryllis (Worsleya rayneri) seeds. 藍色孤挺花的種子.

2017-12-22 Blue Amaryllis (Worsleya rayneri) 藍色孤挺花 seeds (1) - Copy

Blue Amaryllis (Worsleya rayneri) seeds are not small, black and thin.藍色孤挺花的種子不小,,黑色且薄.

2017-12-25 Blue Amaryllis - Copy

Blue Amaryllis (Worsleya rayneri) seeds can be germinated by floating on a tray of clean water. After the seeds sprout, move the seed to individual pot to grow. 藍色孤挺花可以用水漂法來孵,種子置於淺盤的清水直到出芽後再個別盆植.

This is one of many gardener’s dream plants!  Gorgeous large blue flowers in summer!!   Check the reference links to see why!  Finally able to grow one! 🙂 Tropical bulbous perennial. Unique sickle shaped of blue-green leaves.  Easy to moderate level. Best growing in full sun to partial shade location in well drain soil/medium.   USDA Zones:9-11.  Mature size:1′-1.5′(H/W). Propagate by seeds, bulbs, bulbils, offsets or division.  Suitable for containers.

這是許多愛花人的夢想植物!  夏天開超美的藍色大花!!  花照請看底下的連結就知道為什麼了.  終於得償夙願!  🙂   熱帶多年生球根花卉. 特別的鐮刀狀葉片大概是未開花植株的可辨識的特色.  種植難度簡單到中等.  最好種植在全日照到半日照處,排水良好的土壤介質中.  喜熱不耐寒.  成熟株高/寬幅1-1.5呎.  繁殖以種子,球根,子球,側芽或分株的方式來進行.  適合盆植.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worsleya                                                           https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E8%97%8D%E8%89%B2%E5%AD%A4%E6%8C%BA%E8%8A%B1         http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/151652/#b

Devil’s tongue or Konjac (Amorphophallus konjac) 蒟蒻

Devil’s tongue or Konjac (Amorphophallus konjac) 蒟蒻

Devil’s tongue or Konjac (Amorphophallus konjac) plants are flowering! 蒟蒻的花!

Also are called elephant’s yam or voodoo lily.  Tropical bulbous perennial.  Native in tropical regions. This type of plants have unique flowers, large foliage and huge fleshy roots/bulbs can be processed to made food. But it is toxic to eat straight, raw or cooked.   Easy to grow.  Best growing in partial shade to full shade location in moist soil.  USDA Zones:6-11.  Mature size:4′-6′(H) X 1.5′-2′(W).  Propagate by seeds, bulbs or cuttings/offsets, division.  Medicinal.
它是熱帶常見的多年生球根植物.  原生於較熱的國家.  它有著奇特的花,大片的葉及肉乎乎的球根–處理過後可以成為食物.   但是生吃或僅煮熟還是不夠的,仍有毒性.  容易栽種. 最好栽種於半日照到全蔭處的濕潤土壤.  喜熱也尚稱耐寒.  成熟株高4-6呎,寬幅1.5-2呎.  繁殖以種子,球根或側芽(側球)或分株的方式來進行.  有藥用價值.
Reference links:參考網站資料連結:

Pineapple Lily (Eucomis bicolor) 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭

Pineapple Lily (Eucomis bicolor) 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭

Pineapple Lily (Eucomis bicolor) 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭

Pineapple Lily (Eucomis bicolor) 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭

Pineapple Lily bulb pack.(Eucomis bicolor) 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭球根包.

Pineapple Lily bulb pack.(Eucomis bicolor) 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭球根包.

Pineapple Lily bulb.(Eucomis bicolor) 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭球根.

Pineapple Lily bulb.(Eucomis bicolor) 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭球根.

Pineapple Lily flower head is forming. (Eucomis bicolor) 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭的花序形成中.

Pineapple Lily flower head is forming. (Eucomis bicolor) 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭的花序形成中.

Pineapple Lily flower head is forming like a pineapple! (Eucomis bicolor) 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭的花序形成真如迷你鳳梨形..

Pineapple Lily flower head is forming like a pineapple! (Eucomis bicolor) 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭的花序形成真如迷你鳳梨形.

It is blooming! Pineapple Lily flower head is forming like a pineapple! (Eucomis bicolor) 開花了!  鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭的花序形成真如迷你鳳梨形.

It is blooming! Pineapple Lily flower head is forming like a pineapple! (Eucomis bicolor) 開花了! 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭的花序形成真如迷你鳳梨形.

Pineapple Lily flower head top view. (Eucomis bicolor) 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭的花序空拍圖.

Pineapple Lily flower head top view. (Eucomis bicolor) 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭的花序空拍圖.

Pineapple Lily (Eucomis bicolor) 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭

Pineapple Lily (Eucomis bicolor) 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭

Pineapple Lily growing lots of seed pods.(Eucomis bicolor) 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭結滿種莢

Pineapple Lily growing lots of seed pods.(Eucomis bicolor) 鳳梨百合/彩鳳蘭結滿種莢

Bulbous perennial native in South Africa.  It has unusual flowers and the flowers do look like small pineapple.   Not cold tolerant.  USDA Zones:8-10. Best to grow it in full sun to partial shade location.  The information on the package said it is 1′ tall but I read some other info said 1′-2′ in height.  Not sure who is right…   We’ll see.  It is summer blooming plant.   Easy to grow. Its bulb looks like some kind of Daffodil bulb.  Planting this could be nice change, since it is good for cut flower as well but I don’t think I will do that unless it multiply becomes many.  Propagation by seeds, off sets, corms/bulbs and rhizomes/tubers.

原生於南非的球根花卉.  有著像是小鳳梨似的簇生小花,有點不一樣. 不耐寒.  全日照到半日照溫暖的環境生長為佳.  種球包資料說僅高1呎. 可是查到的資料有說可到2呎的.  反正等開花就知道是多高了.  夏天開花,容易栽種. 它的球根有點像是某種水仙的球根.  種這個試看看應該不錯,做做實驗也好.  繁殖以種子,球根,塊根,側球或子球等方式.

Reference links: 參考網站連結:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eucomis_bicolor http://www.gardening.cornell.edu/homegardening/scene6896.html