Tag Archive | deep pink

Fern-leaf Bleedingheart (Dicentra ‘Candy Hearts’)矮性荷包牡丹

Fern-leaf Bleedingheart (Dicentra ‘Candy Hearts’)矮性荷包牡丹

Fern-leaf Bleedingheart (Dicentra ‘Candy Hearts’)矮性荷包牡丹

Fern-leaf Bleedingheart (Dicentra ‘Candy Hearts’)矮性荷包牡丹

Great value! It has really long blooming time and can cut for cut flower. Very easy to grow and hardy. Best for partial shade area. Dividing the plant in early spring to propagate it.

大花扶桑Dwarf hardy Hibiscus(Hibiscus moscheutos)

大花扶桑Dwarf hardy Hibiscus(Hibiscus moscheutos)
2013-08-28 051 (Medium)2013-08-28 029 (Medium)
Love the big blooms! This one is big, it measures over 12 inches across–although it is not the biggest one in my garden. The biggest one is 13 inches across! It is troublesome to take a picture with tape measure even with camera on timer…
我愛這種大花扶桑! 這朵雖大,經量尺丈量略超過直徑12吋–雖然不是我花園最大的一朵花. 我的最大花記錄有直徑13吋喔! 蠻難邊拿量尺邊拍它的即使相機有定時自拍的設定…