Tuberous Jerusalem Sage (Phlomis tuberosa ‘Amazone’) 塊根糙蘇

Tuberous Jerusalem Sage (Phlomis tuberosa ‘Amazone’) 塊根糙蘇

2016-06-11 027 (Medium)

Tuberous Jerusalem Sage (Phlomis tuberosa ‘Amazone’) 塊根糙蘇

2016-07-16 Phlomis tuberosa 'Amazone' (1) (Medium)

Tuberous Jerusalem Sage (Phlomis tuberosa ‘Amazone’)塊根糙蘇結子中.


Tuberous Jerusalem Sage (Phlomis tuberosa ‘Amazone’) 塊根糙蘇

Very hardy perennial.  Easy to grow.  Best growing in full sun location in dry soil.  Mauve/lilac flowers in late spring/early summer.  Flowers attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.  Good for cut flower.    Drought tolerant.  Suitable for containers. USDA Zones:4-10. Mature size:3′-4′(H) X 1.5′-2′(W). Propagate by seeds, tubers or division.

極其強健的多年生草花.  容易栽種.  最好栽種在全日照處偏乾燥的土壤中. 春末夏初開淡紫色花.  花頗吸引蜂蝶與蜂鳥.  適合切花.  也適合盆植.   耐寒耐熱也耐旱. 成熟株高3-4呎,寬幅1.5-2呎. 繁殖以種子塊根或分株方式來進行.

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9 thoughts on “Tuberous Jerusalem Sage (Phlomis tuberosa ‘Amazone’) 塊根糙蘇
