Tag Archive | Yucca filamentosa seeds 絲蘭種子.

This is how to grow Yucca filamentosa from seeds. 絲蘭種子孵法

This is how to grow Yucca filamentosa from seeds. 絲蘭種子孵法

Yucca flowering.絲蘭開花.

Yucca filamentosa is flowering in summer.絲蘭夏天開花.

Yucca filamentosa seedpods 絲蘭種莢.

Yucca filamentosa seedpods 絲蘭種莢.

Variegated Yucca.  斑葉品種絲蘭.

Variegated Yucca, before flowering. 斑葉品種絲蘭未開花前的樣子.

Yucca seeds 絲蘭種子.

Yucca filamentosa seeds 絲蘭種子.

Yucca filamentosa seeds sprouting start at 8th days. 絲蘭種子種下後第8天開始陸續出芽.

Yucca filamentosa seeds sprouting start at 8th days. 絲蘭種子種下後第8天開始陸續出芽.

Day 18, the first leave of seedlings are growing!第18天進度,早發芽的開始長出第一片葉片!

Day 18, the first leave of seedlings are growing!第18天進度,早發芽的開始長出第一片葉片!

The first leave of seedlings are growing strong! 小苗們的第一片葉片伸展出來了!

The first leave of seedlings are growing strong! 小苗們的第一片葉片伸展出來了!

The 2nd leaf of Yucca seedlings are growing strong! 絲蘭小苗的第二片葉片伸展出來.

The 2nd leaf of Yucca seedlings are growing strong! 絲蘭小苗的第二片葉片伸展出來.

Yucca filamentosa seedling has 5 leaves now. 絲蘭種苗,長出第5葉.

Yucca filamentosa seedling has 5 leaves now. 絲蘭種苗,長出第5葉.

Best time to grow them is fall to winter.  Direct sow in late fall.

最佳孵絲蘭的時間為秋到冬季.  室內盆植或直播於秋末戶外全日照處.

1. Soak fresh seeds for 2 days.


2.Use potting soil in a container with lid, moist the soil and lay down the seeds.  Keep the lid on.   Place the container in warm and sunny location.  The key is humid + warm environment.

2.苗盆使用吊盆用土,土壤濕潤後放上種子. 不覆土.   蓋上蓋子悶.  苗盆放在全日照溫暖處.  孵這種子的重點是濕+熱.

3.Check twice a week to let the fresh air in, if mold occurs open the lid under direct sunlight for 2 hours to kill mold.

3.每星期開蓋檢查兩次以透氣. 若有黴菌生長,只要開蓋在直射的陽光下曬2小時就能殺菌了.

4.The seeds should germinate from 8 days to 2 weeks.


5.When seeds start to spout, either move the seeds to individual small pot or wait for seedlings grow 6-8 leaves than move to ground or to individual pots.   Full sun but keep seedlings moist not dry out.
