Tag Archive | snow

Beautiful Winter Views in TBG 多倫多市立植物園的美麗冬景

Beautiful Winter Views美麗冬景

a black squirrel is feeding on flowering crabapple fruit

a black squirrel is feeding on flowering crabapple fruit

Flowering crabapple tree

Flowering crabapple tree

2013-12-25 122 (Medium)2013-12-25 015 (Medium)2013-12-25 078 (Medium)2013-12-25山茱萸2013-12-25 108 (Medium)2013-12-25 014 (Medium)2013-12-25 111 (Medium)2013-12-25 084 (Medium)2013-12-25 119 (Medium)2013-12-25 005 (Medium)2013-12-25紅橡-12013-12-25東部花栗鼠 (3) (Medium)2013-12-25 061 (Medium)2013-12-25 026 (Medium)2013-12-25 041 (Medium)

Winter Niagara Falls Views 尼加拉瓜大瀑布冬景

2012-12-30 012

2012-12-30 014

2012-12-30 019

2012-12-30 032

2012-12-30 033

2012-12-30 036

2012-12-30 065

2012-12-30 097

2012-12-30 098

2012-12-30 099

2012-12-30 106

2012-12-30 119

2012-12-30 126

2012-12-30 133

2012-12-30 136

2012-12-30 138

2012-12-30 144

2012-12-30 146Winter Niagara Falls Views 尼加拉瓜大瀑布冬景

Today we had a enjoyable trip to Niagara falls for pictures taking. About 145 km from Toronto city (home) to Niagara falls. It took us 1.5 hours to get to there.
今天抽空老公開車,我們到了尼加拉瓜大瀑布拍一些冬景照片. 約145公里車程單程為1個半小時.

Maybe because it was cold, today’s visitors were not so many.
I love the looks of trees were all covered with ice and snow! So pretty and special!
大概因為天冷的關係今天的遊客並不多. 因為覺得樹上的冰雪很美特別拍了一些有樹的雪景.

Enjoy the photos I took.