Tag Archive | no trimming required

It’s time for Thyme! (Thymus)匍匐性百里香

It’s time for Thyme! (Thymus)匍匐性百里香

Creeping thyme flowering carpet. 匍匐性百里香花毯

Creeping thyme flowering carpet. 匍匐性百里香花毯

Creeping thyme flowering carpet. 匍匐性百里香花毯

Creeping thyme flowering carpet. 匍匐性百里香花毯


It's time for Thyme! (Thymus)匍匐性百里香

It’s time for Thyme! (Thymus)匍匐性百里香

Evergreen low (2 cm) ground cover, very fragrant, almost no maintenance, drought tolerant!   Better than grass, no trimming required!  So hardy and easy to grow.  Full sun.   Easy to propagate by seeds or stem cuttings.

I must say it is so fragrant and cushy to sit on it or roll on this flowering carpet, to look up the clouds, you can have a cup of tea or coffee with cookies or just sitting on it and reading a book.  With birds singing, water sound from the fountain, fragrance of the flowers carried by the breeze..  🙂

常綠非常低矮的地被植物.  非常強健,耐旱,幾乎不需要修剪和維護.  開花時香軟的花毯或躺或坐都是一種享受.  我們常坐在上面喝下午茶,有時看看書,有時躺著看著浮雲發發呆. 背景是快樂鳥鳴,噴泉水聲和微風中帶來的各種怡人花香…