Tag Archive | Easy to propagate by seeds or stem cuttings.

Spiderwort (Tradescantia) 大花鴨跖草

Spiderwort (Tradescantia) 大花鴨跖草

Spiderwort (Tradescantia) 大花鴨跖草

Spiderwort (Tradescantia) 大花鴨跖草

Spiderwort (Tradescantia) 大花鴨跖草

Spiderwort (Tradescantia) 大花鴨跖草

Spiderwort (Tradescantia) 大花鴨跖草

Spiderwort (Tradescantia) 大花鴨跖草

This perennial has unique flower shape! So hardy and so easy to grow in full sun to partial shade area. Prefer moist soil. Easy to propagate by seeds, stem cuttings or dividing the plant in early spring or in fall. USDA Zones: 3-9. Summer blooming with white, pink, blue or purple flowers according to varieties. Its flowers attract butterflies.

強健好種的多年生草花,最好種在全日照或半日照處,喜略為濕潤的土壤. 容易用種子,扦插或初春或秋天分株來繁殖. 耐寒也耐旱. 夏天依品種不同開白色,粉紅色,藍色或紫色的花. 花朵吸引蝴蝶.

Hall’s Honeysuckle(Lonicera japonica)忍冬或叫金銀花

Hall’s Honeysuckle(Lonicera japonica)忍冬或叫金銀花花

Hall's Honeysuckle(Lonicera japonica)忍冬或叫金銀花

Hall’s Honeysuckle(Lonicera japonica)忍冬或叫金銀花

Hall's Honeysuckle(Lonicera japonica)忍冬或叫金銀花

Hall’s Honeysuckle(Lonicera japonica)忍冬或叫金銀花

Very hardy and very easy to grow, USDA Zones:4-9. In late spring it flowers white flowers with a strong sweet fragrance. Prefer full sun to partial shade location. Easy to propagate by stem cuttings or seeds. In Ontario, I found it is semi-evergreen throughout winter, which is great! It does need support to cling on. Fast growing woody vine, prune back in late fall or early winter. Its flower buds can be harvested for herb tea.

金銀花(即忍冬的花蕾)是可以用來泡茶喝,用以清熱解毒. 它花香濃郁,有甜香. 非常強健,容易栽種. 以栽種在全日照或半日照處為佳. 容易用扦插來繁殖. 老枝木質化後最好在秋末冬初時修剪以刺激春天開花和多分枝. 植株很耐寒,寒冬仍不太落葉.

Elderberry ‘Black Lace'(Sambucus nigra ‘Black Lace’)西洋接骨木

Elderberry ‘Black Lace'(Sambucus nigra ‘Black Lace’)西洋接骨木

Elderberry 'Black Lace'(Sambucus nigra 'Black Lace')西洋接骨木

Elderberry ‘Black Lace'(Sambucus nigra ‘Black Lace’)西洋接骨木

Elderberry 'Black Lace'(Sambucus nigra 'Black Lace')西洋接骨木

Elderberry ‘Black Lace'(Sambucus nigra ‘Black Lace’)西洋接骨木

This type is a common deciduous flowering shrub, very hardy and easy to grow. This variety ‘Black Lace’ has more interesting foliage texture. Fragrant pink flowers and fruit are good for beverage and attract birds, but rest of plant is rather toxic. 😦

Mature height is about 6′-8′, better to thin the leaves and branches after it flowered otherwise the weight will make it droopy. And because it tolerant heavy pruning so cut back low before winter.

Best in full sun to partial shade location. USDA Zones: 4-7.

Lots of recipes on line if you would like to make beverage with elderberry flowers or fruit. Have fun! 🙂

這種西洋接骨木是開花性的灌木,株高約6-8呎. 全日照或半日照,粉紅色的花有香味,果實小成熟會轉成黑色,果實和花都可用於茶飲可是其他部位的植物倒是毒性不小. 連鳥類也喜食它成熟的果實.

由於它耐強剪所以花期後最好修剪才不會看起來因枝葉的重力塌塌的. 過冬前可以強修剪. 網上可以找到一些用它的花或果制做成茶飲的食譜,有興趣的人可以試著做做看! 🙂

It’s time for Thyme! (Thymus)匍匐性百里香

It’s time for Thyme! (Thymus)匍匐性百里香

Creeping thyme flowering carpet. 匍匐性百里香花毯

Creeping thyme flowering carpet. 匍匐性百里香花毯

Creeping thyme flowering carpet. 匍匐性百里香花毯

Creeping thyme flowering carpet. 匍匐性百里香花毯


It's time for Thyme! (Thymus)匍匐性百里香

It’s time for Thyme! (Thymus)匍匐性百里香

Evergreen low (2 cm) ground cover, very fragrant, almost no maintenance, drought tolerant!   Better than grass, no trimming required!  So hardy and easy to grow.  Full sun.   Easy to propagate by seeds or stem cuttings.

I must say it is so fragrant and cushy to sit on it or roll on this flowering carpet, to look up the clouds, you can have a cup of tea or coffee with cookies or just sitting on it and reading a book.  With birds singing, water sound from the fountain, fragrance of the flowers carried by the breeze..  🙂

常綠非常低矮的地被植物.  非常強健,耐旱,幾乎不需要修剪和維護.  開花時香軟的花毯或躺或坐都是一種享受.  我們常坐在上面喝下午茶,有時看看書,有時躺著看著浮雲發發呆. 背景是快樂鳥鳴,噴泉水聲和微風中帶來的各種怡人花香…