Tag Archive | large tropical fruit

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) 波羅蜜

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) 波羅蜜

2016-01-23 011 (Large)

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) fruit is really large and heavy, in store sold in small sections. 波羅蜜果實大又重,店裡通常切小塊在賣.

2016-01-23 008 (Large)

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) fruit has bumpy peel like crocodile’s skin. 波羅蜜果皮粗糙如鱷魚皮

2016-01-23 012 (Large)

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) open the fruit you can see the yellow edible seed coating. OMG, its sop is really sticky! 波羅蜜切開後將黃色可食的子囊分離出來. 天啊,它的汁液超級黏手的!

2016-01-23 014 (Large)

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) yellow edible seed coating is very delicious! One seed coating contains one large seed. 波羅蜜可食的子囊真是美味啊! 一個子囊通常含有種子一枚.

2016-01-23 016 (Large)

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) fresh seeds from this section of fruit. Seeds are edible after cooked. 買來的這塊波羅蜜取出的完整種子都在這兒了. 種子煮熟後可以食用.

2016-02-05 007 (Large)

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) seeds germinate in 2 weeks! 波羅蜜種子約2週就陸續發芽了!

2016-04-10 009 (Medium)

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) seedlings. 波羅蜜的實生苗.

Tropical fruit.   Ripe Fruit is very large, fragrant, sweet and flavorful!  Yummy!  Good for eating fresh or dried/preserved, also can be canned, candied, cooked.  Very large fruit with bumpy surface, very thick peel.  The edible flesh is the seed coatings.  Raw seeds are toxic but after cooked, seeds are edible like chestnuts. Raw fruit can be cooked like a vegetable.    Easy to grow in warm climates from seeds.  Best growing in full sun to partial shade location.  It can be grew in a large pot indoors.  Plants stay evergreen in warm climate.  Bloom and fruit all year around.   Mature size:40′(H) X 12′-15′(W).  USDA Zones:9-11.  Propagate by seeds.

熱帶水果.  熟果塊頭非常大,果香濃郁,甜美好滋味!  真是好吃!  可直接食用或乾燥/醃製保存,或做成水果罐頭,或糖漬或煮食料理.  外皮粗糙有短刺,好像鱷魚皮.  切開外皮的裡面黃色子囊是可食的部份. 生的種子有毒不可食,煮後方能食用,味如栗子.  生的果實可用來料理當做蔬菜.  它是容易栽種的.  最好種在全日照到半日照的溫暖環境.  亦可室內盆植做為美麗的觀葉植物.  在熱帶這樹是經年常綠的.  花果全年可生長.  原生地的地植成熟株高40呎,寬幅12-15呎.  喜熱不耐寒.  多以種子來繁殖.

Reference links: 參考網站資料連結:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackfruit                                             https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E6%B3%A2%E7%BD%97%E8%9C%9C   http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/910/