Tag Archive | Double Black-eyed-Susans

重瓣黑眼金光菊 Double Black-eyed-Susans(Rudbeckia hirta ‘Maya’)

重瓣黑眼金光菊 Double Black-eyed-Susans(Rudbeckia hirta ‘Maya’)
Double Black-eyed-Susans (Rudbeckia hirta ‘Maya’). Its common name: Gloriosa Daisy.  Very hardy and drought tolerant. Because its double flower petals make the blooming time for indivisual flower last longer.  Fast growing.  The double yellow flowers bloom all summer.

全日照,成熟植株約1呎高及寬幅. 容易栽種, 耐旱. 開花性很好單朵花因重瓣很耐開.  黃色重瓣的密集花朵從春末開到夏末秋初.  可做切花.