Leave A Message – 留言區

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264 thoughts on “Leave A Message – 留言區

  1. 種花總是在學知識累積經驗,不敢說有多好,不過總是盡力照顧它們,也喜歡和同好交流經驗和買沒種過的來試試,要不然很難當一個好園藝設計師

    如果我在台灣你們一定會有得吃–我都分給我鄰居吃剛出爐的–鄰居告訴我:當你鄰居真有口福! 你雖然吃不到,也可以用我貼的食譜自己做囉!

    • 您好 想請教您
      可以有步道 噴水池等等 戶外休息的石桌石椅 賞心悅目的花海
      我們在加拿大北部 您可以有照片或設計圖 讓我們參考嗎??
      因為不知如何下手??? 一直在找參考資料 無意間看見您的網站 很棒
      謝謝您 非常感謝您

      Amy 目前在台灣高雄

      • 你們是要自己設計和施工嗎? 設計的話多參考園藝雜誌或是Google一些關鍵字也會有很多圖片可以參考.

        我一般接的案子以市內民宅為主. 目前的趨勢是以低維護的花園為主流. 加拿大北部是指Qubec嗎? 噴水池的話有好幾種,大型的話保養較麻煩,花費也多,最好確定你們的需要和預算,很多好東西都不便宜.


        花海是要一年生的草花嗎? 可以考慮耐冷耐旱並自行結子繁殖的草花,這樣只需大量種一次就年年有. 植物一定要用比你們居住的區還耐寒一點的,以防冬天萬一比以往的冬天冷而損失.

        另外可以參考當地的公園或一些有開放大眾參觀的花園,看看有什麼是你們喜歡的想要的元素. 太麻煩的話可以當地找專業的景觀設計師,像我們一般只接客戶介紹的新客人,我們從不打廣告.

        你們得實地丈量花園的用地以便設計用和照一些照片,蒐集你們喜歡的想要用的類似的東西,如:噴水池. 步道要用的石頭樣本等.. 這樣在編預算時有準備才不會被坑. 我做的一個設計約10年不需改變,10年後要依植物的長勢作少許調整.



  2. 好高興能夠得到您的消息!也非常謝謝您分享種植鐵線蓮的心得!不知道您在加拿大那兒購得鐵線蓮?是網路嗎?若是,不知道可否提供相關網址參考呢?看到您的回應,原來您是一位園藝設計師,未來還需多多向您請教呢!^^

  3. Jane:你好
    我是從jean liu的留言區看到你的留言。你po 的圖示你種的嗎?我不懂英文。可是我也是花跟美食愛好者。興趣很相近,希望跟你多交流。謝謝。PS我好羨慕你的職業喔。

    • Hi Monica, 這一行很辛苦喔!特別是加拿大這邊冬天很長,幾乎是工作半年休息半年,春秋兩季忙死了,老顧客好怕我哪天不幹這行所以有機會就會幫我宣傳,因為是體力活+美學設計+園藝知識,其實沒有你們想像的那麼好啦–混一口飯吃之餘還能常常實驗新品種的花就很開心了,知足常樂就好! 所貼之植物照片都是我拍攝的,絕大部分是自己種的在自己家或客戶家我種植的,有時我看到漂亮的也會拍照欣賞分享大家,畢竟土地有限,一棵樹就佔了不少地呀,不可能像是植物園種盡各種植物的…我家最爭氣的是玫瑰和鐵線蓮以及大花扶桑.

  4. Monica,

  5. 哇..太誇張了.加拿大那裡好像家家戶戶都有種花.馬路旁到處是花.身在這環境一定超舒服.你的空間利用和排列也有獨到之處設計感真好.請問你的草皮是用那一品種?感覺很匍匐又不會太密.

    • 草皮?我家沒有草皮啊?你是指地被植物吧?前院地被用的是蔓長春和葡匐性百里香,後院用的是葡匐性百里香.兩者都是耐寒耐熱耐旱又常綠,而且又會開花還可以踐踏. 不需修剪又沒有病蟲害比麻煩的草皮好上幾百倍!

  6. 不是草皮喔.鬧笑話了!匍匐性百里香?不需修剪又沒病蟲害還耐寒耐熱耐旱.我一定要找來種.把我那醜醜的草換掉.我想問你.在你(加拿大楓紅秋色)相布下第4.5張那很大顆有枝垂性的樹是什麼樹?該不會是枝垂櫻.好美~~

    • 那些是很大棵上年紀的柳樹,枝垂櫻我部落格也有介紹過,真的美呆了!有單瓣也有重瓣. 蘋果屬的垂絲海棠也蠻有韻味的而且不難種喔,秋天的葉轉黃和紅通通像櫻桃一樣的果實垂掛著還有相當可看的景致–我來拍我鄰居家種的貼上部落格你再回來討論看法. 你可以問M大葡匐性百里香的種子是否有剩. 許多好植物都沒有被好好利用發揮它們的美感和實用性…它還很香呢! 光葉子也香.真要當香料做菜用其實也可以的.

  7. 垂絲海棠花季時也是超夢幻的.你拍的這時有多種色調.尤其他那紅紅的果實搭配起來也很美.我想圍牆上緣讓他垂下來一定也加分不少.不過這顏色更讓我覺得冬天快到來了..有種寒意說

  8. 哇..還是有那麼多的美花.我的蟹爪蘭前陣子不知為何掛了.不過還好9月份有接一盆.但是要賞花要等明年了. 加拿大還沒下雪嗎.今年好像比較溫暖.

    • 還沒下雪,可是要冷+濕才會下雪啊,但每天可見結霜…現在是這週溫度較高,下週就正常一些. 氣象預報說星期天會下雪. 沒什麼花了吧? 玫瑰會殿後,最後開是12月中/末,真是發神經,不管下不下雪耶…最近各客戶的花園都準備睡覺了,還有一個客戶的前院在等橡樹掉葉子今年就可以收工.

    • I like snowman in your post, kids really enjoy making them. I found your post through wordpress.com—>find friend–>garden, then if I see something I like, I am not shy to click “like". You get to visit other nice blogs and make friends! Happy 2013 to you, too!

  9. 謝謝李大分享.我還不知道有那麼多種蜂蜜呢.在台灣不過是些龍眼蜜.百花蜜之類的.畢竟台灣不像這些土地面積那麼大的國家,一個小區域可以種同一種植物種很多,我很好奇薰衣草蜜的口感如何?有沒有很濃的花草香?而且它們是法國和紐西蘭進口的囉,不便宜吧…還有李大的手藝真好,那個巧克力餅看起來真讓人流口水~~之前也有好幾篇介紹做小點心.李大對做吃的應該還蠻有興趣的..

    • 薰衣草蜜是很香甜可口,完全巔覆你對普通蜂蜜的印象…超讚的! 法國普羅旺斯的薰衣草蜜花香比紐西蘭的濃所以香甜的更加分! 如果沒有比較的話,紐西蘭的就不錯了. 500克蜂蜜約台幣450元, 其實也還好. 但是郵寄費用就貴了…因為寄一瓶的費用可以買一瓶了(還海運的喔不是航空的!!)…


      天下好吃的東西太多了,不需量多但在努力工作外也要善待自己. 我喜歡簡單的好吃東西,容易自己做也更顯食材的原味.

  10. Hi, I shared one of your articles to my husband’s FB page “Taichung city gardeners" thank you. I am so happy to find your blog while searching for strawberry spinach . I feel comfortable to grow and eat them now:) I used to be a landscape designer for 6 years in Virginia then I moved back to Taiwan due to some family matters 6 years ago. Hope you can share more of your projects or new plants you grow. You are welcome to visit our FB page “Taichung city gardeners" to check what we grow.

  11. 說到視力我就有點頭痛..以前我的視力也都1.5或2.0,現在看遠沒問題看近就有點麻煩,而且是越來越明顯,我61年次,現在就老花是不是有點快,或許該煮妳說的龍眼紅棗枸杞茶喝,看能不能別讓他繼續惡化,不然過些日子就要配老花眼鏡了~~對了須要加糖嗎

  12. Hi – I have come across you through my blog. I am really happy to have found your blog and I can see we are growing a lot of the same things. I used to live near to Toronto as a child and have lots of happy memories of the city and my time in Canada. How I envy your hot summers and beautiful autumns! I am looking forward to keeping up with what you are doing and seeing how our growing seasons compare.


    • Thank you, Julie! For stopping by my blog and commenting! Different planting climate really make what you can grow differently! Still has lots of plants to pick from or grow more beautiful native plants!

      Glad you come by and welcome to view my more coming posts!–Jane

  13. I am so happy to have met you! I am in training to be a Tea Master and want to serve and sell teas from Taiwan! I plan to visit in the fall and just started Mandarin lessons last night! Then I see that you stopped by and you are from Taiwan! I love the blog community! Your blog is lovely…I love gardening and plants as well. I hope to stay in touch.

    • Hi Cj! You must love tea so you are going to be a tea master and selling tea for living. 🙂 As you know, the most of non-Asians like Green tea, Black tea and Woo-long tea, other kinds of tea not too much. It is because marketing. More people into those tea with fruits and flowers added as flavour as starters but once you start to try more you learn to appreciate just good tea.

      Where is your store?

  14. Hi again…I don’t have a store. I may…someday, if I can find a farmer who needs a distributor. But for now, I am still learning and want to visit China and Taiwan to keep learning!

  15. Hi and thanks for coming to read my blog and liking it – of course lungwort is pulmonaria and i have many different colours in bloom just as the moment, from palest blue to deep red as well as the traditional red/blue variety. You seem to have a pretty coloured one…they are very hardy here in the UK and beloved by bees – there is one solitary bee that has a specially long proboscis just for comfrey and lungwort…

    • Thank you too visiting and commenting my blog. I like plants easy going and behave with nasty spreading habit. There are few variety we can purchase in garden centre here in Ontario, Canada. It is easy to divide the plants or propagate from stem cuttings. I love these evergreen groundcovers!

  16. Thank you for visiting my blog. I was in Toronto for the first time last August. Loved it — and Niagara Falls, too.(pix on my blog). I’m interested in your chicken wire cage over your plants. Is that your own design? Animals eat everything from my container plants.

    • I know, those rodents…it is all because some people they feed them on regular base and increase their population… I use the pipe to form arch, cover with clear fish net (animals they are aware that and good for plants to cling on easily), both ends with chicken wire, one end is fixed but the other end is a door.

      It is just sad that we have to protect our produce this much otherwise nothing left…:(

  17. 请教问题,我家栅栏边光秃秃的,黑乎乎的栅栏不好看,想种高的月季玫瑰一类装点一下,于是开挖,发现那块地方是块涝地,是邻居浇草的水留下来的,挖的坑第二天早一看,里面积满了水,这可咋办,能种啥啊?

  18. 我是田,最近常问问题的,我的网名是小猪尾巴:)我住科罗拉多(高原地区,也是半年冬天,但冬天有太阳就比较暖和),栅栏边种了一圈树,一些是刚种的,而且栅栏也会有阴影总的来说,应该算半阴和全阴,积水只要邻居浇草就不会退。如果选不到好植物的话,不知道下一个盆进去能不能解决问题。

  19. 多谢,我也正在观察那些坑,寻找积水来源,发现其中一个积水,其他的只是非常湿润,没有达到积水的程度,所以那些树都没有受到影响,看来我是太心急了,看样子情况不是很糟糕:)

  20. Thank you for visiting my blog. I enjoyed your photos; and your subject is of deep interest to me. FWIW, I teach Asian history and teach a course on the history of Taiwan.

  21. Hello myfoodandflowers. I love your blog! Just viewing all the pictures of flowers and gardens makes my heart sing! My mother (n heaven) loved ‘Love in the mist’. She would always point it out when it bloomed in our garden. Seeing it on your site reminded me of Mum, whom I miss so much. I’m so glad you found my ‘Hanging gardens of Barbican’ picture, as your website has given me the lift I needed today. It’s a haven of beauty.

  22. Thanks for checking out my new blog! I look forward to following your blog! I look forward to your gardening tips and your recipes! Wish I lived closer so we could exchange seeds and plants, but I am in Colorado, USA. Have a wonderful weekend!!


    Nature’s Organic Life

    • Thank you Chris! Opposite season is nice, now you are enjoying spring and we have autumn. I see some trees and shrubs start to change a bit colour…

      There are so many interesting wild flowers in Australia, good for you! It seems more and more gardeners like to use native plants and organic farming. How about in your country? — Jane

      • Hi Jane,
        Yes, I think more people are going to natives, but not as many as would be good. Australia has a lot of lawns, which given the amount of water they need to thrive and how little water most of Australia has to spare, makes very little sense.
        As for organic farming…hmm, still waiting for the revolution to get into the mainstream here. We do have plenty of mins though :-)!
        All the best

      • Hi Chris,
        I believe in the future, we human being will change how we use water source because of globe drinking water decreasing every year.. That wasting on precious water to grow lawn for visual pleasure is such a silly thing! 😦

        Have a nice day!


    • No, you can not find this kind of seed pack in Taiwan but you can get seeds from those people grow this in Taiwan (they purchased overseas) and collect the seed for charity found raising. Such as: 網路花壇,花花世界,塔內植物園all these Taiwanese gardening web sites have gardeners trade/give/donate seeds/tissues/whole plant/stem cuttings/bulbs for other gardeners or for charity found raising.

      Good luck!

  23. Very good website you have here but I was curious if you knew of any message boards that cover the same topics talked about here? I’d really love to be a part of group where I can get opinions from other knowledgeable individuals that share the same interest. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thank you!

    • There are some gardening website/forum in different countries to sign in as a free member then you can join in for discussion and ask questions. It depends on what language(s) do you speak the most. Of course, some local gardening clubs will be very good since they can trade/exchange plant seeds/cuttings/tissues!

    • 加拿大街道花樹皆美又少垃圾…罕見流浪貓狗…


    • 種子雖小可是種子的出芽率有100%. 只不過有的較快,有的出了稍慢. 它和台灣的本土杜鵑的不同處除全株及葉片無毫毛外花是末稍開十幾到二十幾多花組成的一大花球! 開時絢爛奪目,很搶眼呢! 🙂

  24. Hi there,
    I really like your blog. I just made myself a follower. My name is Juan, from Palencia, Spain. Thanks for following mine. (juanmonteroblog) I´ve got a small garden and I´m really fond of it. I like to preserve local plants and insects and spend hours meditating and taking pictures. Please feel free to ask for any seed corresponding to the plants you see in my pics.
    Thanks again.

    • Thank you very much for the offer! In Europe sometimes I do hope if I can buy some plant seeds / wild flowers seeds to grow. But I am wondering how cold is it in winter in where you are? Since your climate can grow more different plants than I do here.
      For example here in Toronto city, Canada is colder in winter than where you are in Spain for sure. I saw you have plants I have and still green, how nice! Today here the temperature is now -12C! 😦 — So many plants are sleeping.

      What else you would like to grow in your garden?

      You can see my garden experiments of my posts. I am glad you like my blog. 🙂 — Jane

  25. Thanks for visiting my blog – one of my favourite things about posting online is discovering the work and worlds of others blogging in climates, landscapes and countries so different from where I am. Your winter portraits are beautiful – so delicate – and a welcome reminder of the cold which has settled in elsewhere at this moment. Here in Aus we’ve been weathering 40 degree days (Celcius) for the past week. Phew!

  26. Lovely blog. It has given me some inspiration during these winter months to plan next year’s garden. I especially like that you grow flowers up the middle of your drive – lovely idea. Look forward to seeing more of your posts.

    • 黃色辛夷花不是我家的樹,是我鄰居的前院樹. 種的好的話溫帶可春天開一次,秋天開一次,台灣的話一年最多可以開到4次但是都是春天花量最多,其它開花量會遞減. 全日照,需要施肥,其它不太需要照顧.

      我跟鄰居有要了一些種子在播種中. 去年冬天我也播了幾個. 種子不需要冰,約2個月才會伸出小白腿.

      聽花友說台灣有賣黃色辛夷的苗,也不貴. (一般市面賣的是高壓的苗木)很快就有花可以賞. 加拿大這裡賣的開花株一般也是高壓苗木. 5-6呎高一棵大約是賣100-120加幣. 最高的高度可到2層樓高.



      想挑戰孵種子的話要看你住那裡好買好寄. 這黃色的較少有在賣種子. 而粉紅色最為普遍.一般網購都有的.

      真要種子的話我還有一些. 如果你確定要花時間孵和照顧的話再問我. 我手上有黃色的和白色的.

  27. Hello lovely, genteel lady with the fragrant roses,

    I will follow your blog, because i think it is wonderful. Growing rhododendrons from seed. What a wonderful little kick back at the “home improvement" industry, you radical!

    And while we are on the topic. I am very very flattered you like my picture of the Ferris Wheel, it was a wonderful evening when the photo was taken. I don’t generally care (much) if i offend, but in your case for some reason i do … Some of my post are, and will be controversial, and many will have to do with topics “polite" people don’t talk about. So i guess what i am trying to convey is sort of an adult version of a “youth warning."

    For my part i shall just enjoy watching your roses grow, and remain,

    Truly Yours,


  28. there must be a way to comment without always having to scroll down to the bottom – anyway here I am, food and flowers, two of life’s highlights. Thanks for visiting my blog that also showcases both and liking, I appreciate it a lot! happy weekend Polianthus

  29. Thank you for visiting my blog, sweetbabyveg. I love your blog and your photographs are amazing! I especially liked the photos of the black squirrel. You even have pictures of it carrying its young. I so like what you do that I am going to follow you! -Karen.

  30. Wow! I think it takes a lot of time to post on my blog in ONE language. I cannot imagine doing it in two. Amazing! I love flowers and food too, although, I am pretty “vanilla" when it comes to my food. I have a few flower posts and a page of recipes. Thanks for looking!

  31. Thank you so much for the like of my ‘smile’ post. Food and Flowers…..you absolutely cannot go wrong with a winning combination like that. I loved your photos of the farm–wonderful pets, no?! 🙂

  32. Thanks for stopping by to introduce yourself. I will look forward to revisiting your blog. Interesting timing…earlier today was the first time I read about phlox, and then now here is your post about it. I will look into introducing this beautiful plant to my garden.

  33. Thank you for visiting my blog. I too love cooking and my own garden as well as others, though now that my children are grown I don’t cook every night. I’ll have to come back to read more of your posts 🙂

  34. Hello! Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my garden blooms post! I enjoyed browsing your posts and seeing all your beautiful flowers. So happy that you are enjoying baking and cooking too! Blessings and keep up the great blogging!

    • 它是一年生的,一般1.5個月到2個月會出現公花和母花,母花要早上八九點授粉後馬上用紗布包起來讓它長大要不然會被果實蠅叮,若被叮後整個果實會爛(果實蠅會產卵在未成熟的果實內長大),那樣就沒得吃了. 從授粉成功到可以採收約近3個月(瓜柄會變褐色+木質化)….當農夫真辛苦! 不過能吃到自己種的也是一大樂趣!

  35. Hi, I would like to say thankyou for some advice you gave me a couple months ago. you advised I save up and buy a macro lens. Well since then I have been out with the lens and take some pictures (now on my blog) I have also opened up an Etsy site where I can sell my work and get into contact with more people. please check it out and if you can help boost its popularity in anyway I would be very grateful.

  36. So nice to hear from you again. You had offered to help me identify some ‘mystery’ flowers in my garden. The garden (and life) have kept me busy this summer. I feel summer slowly slipping away, and it is only mid-August. Will you send me your email address again, I want to send you a photo of a green flowered plant I cannot identify, but I’m finding quite pretty in my garden. Thank you, susanpots@gmail.com

  37. I had some time, and was looking at so many of your posts. You grow absolutely beautiful flowers, such an inspiration. And your photos are great, too.
    Could you please email me again, I have another flower, if you could identify it for me. Thank you.

  38. I really like your photos of the trees and leaves against the sky. We are having an Indian summer here in Ireland so I have been photographing beaches and sunsets. Can’t wait to take some photos of trees and flowers now!

    • Siraitia grosvenorii (monk fruit) is a vine, fruit is medicinal and commonly used for herbal tea. I never grow it myself but I know it is easy to grow between 15-32 degree C full sun moist environment. Where do you live? It doesn’t tolerant frost at all. Some grower will graft this on a sponge gourd to keep plant hardier.

      Lots seeds of them are from China, I believe. Since almost all the herbal tea used monk fruit are exported from there. (They are sold after oven drying process.) There are several varieties of monk fruit with different shapes and skin/peel colour. I don’t know which kind are you looking for. It is a very interesting plant, its fruit is so sweet, 300 times than sugar cane. I don’t have seeds, you can purchase them on line such as ebay if you can get fresh viable seeds! 🙂

  39. I’ve never heard of Monk Fruit – it sounds so interesting. It also sounds similar to Stevia, a plant native to South America. Stevia leaves are significantly sweeter than sugar, though the taste is a touch different (I liked the taste). While in its native area, stevia grows as a perennial, I have grown it as an annual in NW USA. I harvested and dried the leaves at the end of summer & could put them in tea all winter long. It is now commercially grown and processed, and can also be used in baking.

    • Monk fruit (Siraitia grosvenorii) is similar as sweet or sweeter than Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana), both are good as sweetener substance. In some ways, Stevia is easier to grow and harvest. Monk fruit is vine, usually take longer time to grow fruit. But monk fruit is also useful as medicinal plant, that is more than as sugar substance. 🙂

  40. Last fall you were looking for some specific plant seeds. While cleaning up my flowers this spring, I noticed seed pots on a baptisia, false blue indigo, that I remember you were interested in. Do you still want some seeds? If you send your mailing address to susanpots@yahoo.com, I will mail you the few seeds I found.
    You were so thoughtful last year, to identify mystery flowers I blogged. I wrote them all down & will use their names this year. Thank you so much. Susan Roden aka susansflowers.wordpress.com

    • Thank you, Susan! I already have enough blue false indigo seeds (Baptisia australis) from local gardener, unless you have different varieties otherwise for blue false indigo seeds I will not need more, thank you so sweet for your kind offer!! 🙂

  41. Hi there,
    I am a PhD student at the University of Massachusetts Boston, USA. I love your page and the pictures. I am writing a paper where I talk about seed sets in Rhododendrons. I would be very grateful if you would share the picture of “Rhododendron seed pods and seeds." with me. I will acknowledge the photograph and will use it one time only for the purpose of the paper. I eagerly wait for your reply.
    Thank you in anticipation,

  42. 您好,我是台北市松山家商的學生,因為我們參加了「台北市第14屆中小學專題式網頁競賽」,內容是有關永春陂濕地生態公園的介紹,其中有一部份是生物的介紹,所以需要滿天星的照片,不知可否借用該網頁的這張照片嗎?──https://myfoodandflowers.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/2014-07-22-008-medium.jpg

    • 秋末果實成熟自然掉落後可以處理去掉果肉後洗淨種子來孵.

      種子多為雄性,根據觀察應是二稜的種子. 只有比例很小的種子為三稜的雌性種子. 不過對這點中國和日本有不同的看法. 當季新收的種子你可以在雜糧行買到,並不貴. 曾有花友試過是有效的種子. 不過清一色都是雄性種子. 要種植雌性的除了枝條扦插或嫁接/高壓外,就是碰運氣找了.

    • 我沒有喔,台灣有幾個玩家有在賣小苗,不過很貴,偶爾有看到賣種子的. 不過種子也不便宜,發芽率也未知. 藍色孤挺需要異株授粉才能結種子,若是想要未來結種子投資用,需要多種幾株.

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